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    « Ответ #30 : Октябрь 24, 2008, 10:42:38 »

    В июле 2009 выйдет роман Джулии Куин "What Happens in London" и ее же "Olivia Bevelstoke's Story", кажется эта книга продолжении "Дневников Миранды Чивер"

    Гм, не уверена, что "Olivia Bevelstoke's Story" - это название. Я чуть выше уже написала, что эта книга выходит, но названия на сайте самой Куин не нашла. Лена, ты так и видела, это было написано в кавычках? А где?

    Если идти туда, не знаю куда, то только туда, потому что больше некуда. (с)

    Леди Осень

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    моя душа как зачарованная лодка....

    « Ответ #31 : Октябрь 24, 2008, 13:30:26 »

    а я по поводу Джудит Макнот "CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF OF YOU" поплачу. Ещё больше чем полгода... Ох уж эта дама книги свои "цедит" просто.
    Написания книги и ее выход откладываются из-за смерти ее матери.
    Ужас, остаётся посочувствовать.

    Говорю то, что думаю.
    А вы можете позволить себе такую роскошь?
    Lady Primavera y Fiebre

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    Кавайный элемент

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  • « Ответ #32 : Октябрь 24, 2008, 16:05:13 »

    В июле 2009 выйдет роман Джулии Куин "What Happens in London" и ее же "Olivia Bevelstoke's Story", кажется эта книга продолжении "Дневников Миранды Чивер"

    Гм, не уверена, что "Olivia Bevelstoke's Story" - это название. Я чуть выше уже написала, что эта книга выходит, но названия на сайте самой Куин не нашла. Лена, ты так и видела, это было написано в кавычках? А где?

    Ксю, допускаю, что могла ошибиться! Просто на сайте Куин увидела эту формулироку и с чего-то решила, что это и есть название!

    И счастье я могу постигнуть на земле,
    И в небесах я вижу Бога...
    « Ответ #33 : Октябрь 24, 2008, 23:35:24 »

    В 2009 и в 2010 году выйдет тетралогия Норы Робертс про четверых подругах занимающихся свадебным бизнесом.Первая называется "Vision in White".Вот аннотация:
    "Childhood friends Mackensie, Parker, Laurel and Emmeline have formed a very successful wedding planning business together but, despite helping thousands of happy couples to organise the biggest day of their lives, all four women are unlucky in love. Photographer Mackensie Elliott has suffered a tough childhood and has a bad relationship with her mother, which makes her wary of commitment. But when she meets Carter Macguire, she can't stop herself falling for him, although his ex girlfriend is prepared to play dirty to keep him. Mackensie soon realises she has to put her past demons to rest in order to find lasting love..."
    Вторая называется "Bed Of Roses",третья пока без названия,а четвертая "Happy Ever After".
    « Последнее редактирование: Октябрь 25, 2008, 13:37:54 от Жени » Записан
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    Toto,I've a feeling we're not in Cansas anymore!

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  • « Ответ #34 : Октябрь 25, 2008, 00:26:57 »

    гыгы. а хотите, я прямо сразу содержание расскажу,всех этих книжек?
    одна героиня будет сногсшибательная красотка, роковая женщина, наверное, вот эта первая, маккензи, с ее fear of commitment.
    вторая будет не очень женственная, с какой ндь мужской профессией (например, в их агенстве она может быть грузчиком, или вышибалой).
    третья будет нежный цветок, фиалка, которую наверняка кто-ндь бил, или сексуальная жизнь была неудачная.
    ну, а четвертая, соответственно,будет наверняка мать с ребенком. или с маленьким братом/сестрой. зуб даю.
    но прочитаю, тем не менее, с удовольствием : )) робертс -рулит : ))

    Looks like I 've picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue... (c)
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    Toto,I've a feeling we're not in Cansas anymore!

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  • « Ответ #35 : Октябрь 26, 2008, 23:22:26 »

    еще новости от робертс. новая ева! гип гип ура : ))))

    Dear Readers,


    So far the fall of 2008 has been a whirlwind!  I just returned from our annual family trip to New York City where the weather was perfect. We were able to pack some shows, shopping and fun family time into seven lovely days.  I even got a huge chunk of my holiday shopping finished.  Time well spent indeed.


    Now it's time to prepare for the fall releases.   Salvation in Death and Suite 606, featuring "Ritual in Death," will both be in stores on November 4.  (Maybe you can make them a reward for voting that day!)  Some eagle-eyed readers have noted the simultaneous releases and have asked if there is a specific order to reading the books.  I really think it's a matter of personal choice as to whether you prefer to read the full-length book first or the novella because the stories don't really play off each other.


    As Salvation in Death opens, the priest at a Catholic funeral mass brings the chalice to his lips--and falls over dead.  Eve is determined to solve the murder of Father Miguel Flores, despite her discomfort with her surroundings. It's not the bodegas and pawnshops of East Harlem that bother her, it's all that holiness flying around at St. Christobal's that makes her uneasy.

    The autopsy reveals that the priest may not have been the man his parishioners had thought. As Eve pieces together clues that hint at gang connections and a deeply personal act of revenge, she believes she's making progress on the case. Until a second murder--in front of an even larger crowd of worshippers--knocks the whole investigation sideways. And Eve is left to figure out who committed these unholy acts--and why.


    "Ritual in Death" for Suite 606 was a great deal of fun to write because I worked again with my good pals Ruth Ryan Langan, Mary Blayney and Mary Kay McComas.  In this case, as with the ones in "Haunted in Death" and "Eternity in Death," pragmatic, practical Eve brushes up against the supernatural.  This time she must pull together what appear to be some very disparate threads in the aftermath of a ritualistic murder.


    On November 1, we'll all be at Turn the Page for their fall event from 1-3 pm to sign copies of Suite 606.  Joining us will be Mary Burton, Donna Kauffman, Michelle Monkou and columnist Tim Rowland.  Hope you can stop by!


    In other news, the books chosen for the next set of Lifetime movies are Tribute, High Noon, Northern Lights and Midnight Bayou.  Casting has started and updates on the movies will be posted on my website as they come in. 


    And for everyone who wants to know how the Sign of Seven trilogy ends, The Pagan Stone will be in stores on November 25.  Details will follow in my next newsletter.


    Happy reading!



    Looks like I 've picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue... (c)
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    Я - мечтательница!

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    « Ответ #36 : Октябрь 29, 2008, 18:14:05 »

    Можно слюной захлебнуться... а если учесть, что большую часть этого мы на русском не увидим... так этой слюной плеваться хочеться в сторону издателей.

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  • « Ответ #37 : Октябрь 31, 2008, 09:23:49 »

    Дамы, вопрос. В ноябре выходит книга Highland Captive by   Hannah Howell . Что-то я не нашла на оф сайте ничего по этому поводу. Это переиздание?

       New York Times bestselling author Hannah Howell breathes life into the enchanting beauty of the Scottish Highlands in this epic romance between a strong-willed captor and the striking young woman he both confines and protects...
    The windswept Scottish Highlands hold great beauty, but also great danger. So when Aimil Mengue is abducted by a feuding clan, she is right to fear for her life—and her virtue. For Aimil’s keeper is the infamous warrior Parlan MacGuin. Aimil sets out to hate him, but Parlan is more honorable—and infinitely more alluring—than expected. Though betrothed to another, Aimil cannot deny her startling desire for the man who holds her captive...

    Parlan MacGuin knows well his reputation as a fierce warrior; he uses it to claim land and lovers. But beautiful Aimil is a different type of conquest. Now Parlan feels an unfamiliar longing for the woman he keeps at ransom as their forbidden passion threatens to spark an unstoppable blood feud—or forever fill their hearts…


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  • « Ответ #38 : Ноябрь 08, 2008, 22:15:58 »

    Gertruda, спасибо!

    В феврале 2009 выходит книга С.Э.Филлипс


    It's not easy being famous when your life is falling apart... Georgie York has been dumped by her movie star husband, her own film career is tanking, and her public image as a spunky romantic heroine is taking a serious beating.

    What should a down-on-her-luck actress do? NOT go to Vegas...NOT run into her detestable former co-star—dreamboat-from-hell Bramwell Shepard...and NOT get caught up in a ridiculous incident that leads to a calamitous elopement. Before she knows it, Georgie has a fake marriage, fake husband, and maybe (or not) a fake sex life.

    It's a paparazzi free-for-all, and Georgie's non-supporting cast doesn't help. There's Bram's punk-nightmare housekeeper; Georgie's pushy parent; a suck-up agent; an icy studio head; and her ex-husband's new wife, an international do-gooder who just might win the stupid Nobel Peace Prize!

    As for Georgie's leading man... Bram, with his angel blue eyes and twisted black heart, has never cared about anyone but himself. Still, he's giving the performance of his life as man in love—thanks to the half a million dollars she's paying him. It was official. She'd married the devil. Or had she?

    Two enemies find themselves working without a script in a town where the spotlight shines bright...and where the strongest emotions can wear startling disguises.

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    Toto,I've a feeling we're not in Cansas anymore!

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  • « Ответ #39 : Ноябрь 09, 2008, 13:56:16 »

    оооо хочеццццца!!!!!!

    Looks like I 've picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue... (c)
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    Toto,I've a feeling we're not in Cansas anymore!

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  • « Ответ #40 : Ноябрь 11, 2008, 03:02:11 »

    о ла ла новости от элоизы джемс и целый кусочек из нового романа, экслюзивно по почте
    извините, что длинно - не умею убирать "под кат".

     When The Duke Returns
    Available November 25th!
    Avon - ISBN 0061245577

     Hello everybody!

    The new Extra Chapter for Duchess by Night is up on my website! Did you wonder when exactly Jem knew that Harry Cope was really a Harriet? Readers on the Bulletin Board voted for that scene, told from Jem's point-of-view. Here's a fun little tidbit:

    Jem waited, restlessly cataloguing all the reasons why he should have known from the beginning that Harry Cope was a dark lecher. No matter how young, his brows shouldn't arch like that. And his eyelashes were absurdly thick for a boy. And his fingers were so delicate that sometimes...

    Those eyes were growing wider and wider. "You couldn't –" Harry spat.

    Jem blinked. Harry's voice was – was it always that high?

    Just follow the link to my Readers' Pages and read the whole chapter! I do hope you enjoy it – I had a great time revisiting Jem and Harriet, two of my very favorite characters.

    Another of my favorite characters, Isidore, will have a book of her own in just a few days: When the Duke Returns will be published on November 25! Surely you remember Isidore's husband – the one who took off for exotic parts years ago and married his wife by proxy? But once home, her duke takes one look at his wife and proposes an annulment. A furious Isidore decides to seduce Simeon, forcing him to keep her as wife. But she faces a little problem when it turns out that the duke is a virgin!

    Simeon is such a great hero -- a fierce powerful man who has fought off alligators and desert tribesmen. The embroidered coats and debauched ways of the Georgian gentleman don't suit him. For one thing, he believes that a man should never succumb to a base emotion, like lust. Never.

    This may be one battle that he loses...

    Harper Collins is offering a truly wonderful glimpse into When the Duke Returns – the whole first seven chapters! Do jump over there and fall in love with my tempestuous, passionate couple.

    And since Harper Collins generously gave you the first seven chapters, I wanted to give readers of my newsletter to have a special treat. So, just for you, I'm posting here (below) a peek at the end of the book!

    Over the years, I've fallen in the habit of ending these emails with a snippet about my children. Well, I'm a great believer in genetic control of everything from hair color to hysteria. For example, last week my nine-year-old daughter came into my study after school and threw herself into a chair, mouth down and eyes miserable.

    "What's the matter, honey?" I asked.

    She picked up a red plastic circle that must have fallen off a toy. "Do you see this?" she demanded.

    I admitted that I did see it. "This is my heart!" she announced. And then she snapped it in two. "Broken in half!" There was a pause while I tried desperately not to giggle. "He smiled at Noelle today," she added with tragic emphasis, "and then I knew he was lost to me."

    Life is so tough. Especially if you happen to have the kind of dramatic imagination that can a) believe than a nine-year-old boy cares about any girl, and b) express itself in the sort of language that might well result in a career as a novelist!

    I'll be writing you back soon, as I'll send out another newsletter after When the Duke Returns pubs. Until then, I hope you and everyone else in your family is healthy, happy, and heart-whole.


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


    The Peregrine
    Yacht to His Royal Highness, George III
    March 26th, 1784

    Isidore knew it was a silent, defiant gesture. Her solicitor assured her that the king himself intended to speak to her that very evening about the dissolution of her marriage; she chose to wear the dress in which she first met her husband. She had a strong feeling that the majority of men on the royal yacht would not react to her presence by querying whether her taste ran to the unorthodox.

    "Lord," Jemma said, coming up behind her. "You look astonishing, Isidore."

    "It's something of a debutante ball for me," Isidore said, smiling at her in the mirror. "I intend to impress all available men with my attributes."

    "No debutante could wear that gown," Jemma said, "given your meager bodice and less-than-meager curves. The design is so beautiful: I love the way the blue watered silk underneath the silver. Gorgeous! Especially with the diamonds sewn all over it... You look like a fairy."

    "I think of fairies as small green creatures with transparent wings," Isidore said dubiously.

    "A fairy queen," Jemma amended. "One look at you and mortals lose their wits, forever wandering in the depths of the forest."

    "You are rather odd, Jemma, do you know that?"

    "I accept that about myself. And I'm not the one with diamonds pasted everywhere from her bottom to her shoes."

    "I just want to make it clear to everyone that I'm – it is ridiculous, isn't it?"

    "Everyone knows how much you're worth, darling," Jemma said soothingly. "I like the glittering look. It's a public service. You'll reflect the candlelight so no one falls overboard. You know, last time the king had a gathering on his yacht, Lord Piddle tripped over his own feet and somersaulted into the water."

    "Did he come back up again?"

    "Naturally," Jemma said. "He floated like a cork."

    "If I fell overboard," Isidore said, "I would sink like a stone. These stones are quite small but put together, they're quite heavy."

    "I suggest you sit in a throne to receive the admiring hoards."

    Isidore bit her lip.

    "Villiers went to fetch him," Jemma said, guessing exactly what she was thinking.

    "What if Villiers can't convince him?" Isidore said, fear welling up in her heart. "What if Simeon is happy without me, and has decided I'm just too much trouble?"

    "Then we'll auction your dress in the marketplace and you can buy yourself a new husband."

    By ten in the evening, Isidore was beginning to accept that even the Duke of Villiers couldn't work miracles. King George III had come and gone, giving him her assurances that the bill for divorce her solicitor had submitted would be approved speedily. It should have warmed Isidore's heart to realize that even a happily married monarch found her bosom appealing, but it didn't.

    Why didn't he come? She stood up listlessly and put her hand into the hand of some gentleman. She couldn't even remember his name. There had been so many suitors that she'd taken to describing them to Jemma by their clothes. This one wore a turquoise coat with green buttons. Not a good combination. She managed to find a smile for him.

    The fête had almost drawn to a close when there was a sudden thump and the entire yacht bounded in the water, as if a giant's hand had thrown it in the air an inch or two.

    "Peculiar," her partner remarked. "I wonder what that was about. I suppose we could go look at the water." The musicians produced one screeching discord, and then settled back into the measure.

    Isidore shrugged and accepted the Turquoise Coat's arm. Some people continued to dance but most drifted toward the doors that opened onto the deck. She could hear a few shouts from outside. Jemma appeared at her shoulder, her eyes sparkling. "I think another boat has hit us," she cried, over the noise. "I'm looking for Beaumont!" And she was gone.

    Isidore just kept walking with the Turquoise Coat, because really, what else was there to do? He had started a running complaint. Drunken river boat captains presented a hazard to everyone on the river... Isidore had a head ache, and it wasn't getting any better listening to prognostications about the righteous punishment that would be meted out to the drunk captain who struck the king's own yacht.

    "If you'll forgive me, my lord," she said, "I must retire to the lady's salon for a moment."

    "I doubt if that is entirely safe," the Turquoise Coat said. "What if the boat has suffered some damage? We should make our way outside."

    "If the boat were damaged, we would be listing," she pointed out.

    "I do hear some shouting and such."

    Isidore slipped her hand out of his arm. "It has been a pleasure, my lord."

    He said something, and she turned about. "Excuse me?"

    "I'm not a lord," he said, looking distinctly put upon.

    She turned away without answering, which made her feel guilty all the way back across the now empty ballroom floor. The boat was still rocking slightly. Her guess would be that it had burst free of its moorings and was drifting in the Thames. Which meant that it would strike one or the other bank in a matter of five minutes. Hardly anything to worry about.

    The only problem with her diamond-encrusted shoes was the heels. She teetered across the polished floor and finally made her way into the ladies' salon.

    The maids had all deserted their posts, naturally. She sat down on a fainting couch and stared at the opposite wall.

    She loved him, and she'd lost him. She'd lost him by being a preemptory dragon. "Arrogant," she muttered to herself. "Fool." She'd dropped her handkerchief somewhere so she ended up pulling up her jewel-encrusted skirts and wiping her eyes on her chemise.

    "Lost your way?"

    She hadn't heard the door open. She hadn't heard any footsteps, or sensed eyes watching her. She hadn't planned anything to say, which was almost the worst of it.

    He looked like any other duke of the realm, dressed in a gorgeous coat of satin, embroidered with pomegranates.

    "That's not your coat," she said.

    "It belongs to Villiers." He didn't take his eyes of her.

    "You look like a duke," she said, sniffing a little.

    Being Simeon, he didn't bother with flummery about clothing. "You are free to choose a husband, or so they tell me," he stated.

    She swallowed. Her heart was beating so fast that she could hear it in her ears. "Yes."

    "I could offer myself as part of the hoard that Villiers assures me are sniffing about you."

    A tiny tendril of hope sprang up in her heart.

    "You could," she said, nodding. "You're wearing breeches. I'm sure that was one of my requirements."

    "And powder," he said, "for meeting royalty. But –"

    "But?" she whispered.

    "I'm not offering myself."

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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    Toto,I've a feeling we're not in Cansas anymore!

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  • « Ответ #41 : Ноябрь 26, 2008, 15:21:02 »

    и снова новости от элоизы джеймс:
    Hi everyone!

    I’m so happy to report that When the Duke Returns is waiting for you in stores!  As you can tell from the title, Isidore’s husband Simeon finally returns from his travels to meet the wife he married by proxy.  Since the proxy marriage took place years ago, Isidore is tired of being half-married, tired of being a virgin, and tired of being alone.  The novel combines two of my favorite plots: a marriage in which the spouses are strangers, and a male virgin.  Because that’s Simeon’s situation (at least when the novel opens!)

    The story of how Simeon and Isidore come to know each other – in all senses of that word – turned into one of my funniest, sexiest, and most poignant novels.  The world is going through a difficult time at the moment:  my sincere advice is that you ignore the bad news and curl up with Isidore, her diamond-covered dress, and the alpha explorer husband whom she’s never met.

    Simeon defines the stubborn male – so I wrote a Barnes & Noble column on that very subject.  Please come by this coming Monday, read the column, and then hop to the Romantic Reads book club to chat about your favorite stubborn hero (real life spouses are eligible!).  My column goes up the first Monday of every month, so anytime you’re looking for some great new reads, please check it out.

    After you read When the Duke Returns, please don’t forget to visit the Bulletin Board to vote for the chapter you wish I’d included.  We’ll keep the vote up for a month, and I’ll let you know when I post the winning chapter in the Readers' Pages.  Talking of my website, please stop by and enjoy the gorgeous new design in those pages!   The “extra” chapter from Duchess by Night is waiting for you, if you haven’t seen it, as well as a link to a new article on male costume (linkable from the main Readers' page -- you may have to refresh a few times to see the gorgeous fabric image on the right side), and a load of other goodies.

    If you have a moment in the next few days, please join me as I race around the web during a blog tour, not to mention appearing on Romance Radio and RomanceNovel TV.  Stop by, say hi, tell me what you think or ask a question.  Both RN TV and Avon will be running little videos of me.  And there are free books given away at every stop, so give yourself a present and leave a comment so you win a signed book!

    We all need a dash of romance and a laugh during these tough economic times.  The other day I was driving the children back from school, and my daughter was excitedly telling me about a new project in her class:  the school has paired each third grader with a kindergarten buddy. “My buddy is love with a boy called Martin,” my daughter told me excitedly.  “They’re going to get married and they already know where they’re going on their honeymoon.  Far, far away.  Paris…or Long Island!”

    I hope that this holiday season brings you much love, terrific presents, and (for those of you who aren’t right next door to Long Island the way we are), an exotic trip to Paris with a dark-eyed charmer.


    как там у нас в пиринге, не пахнет еще изадориной историей?

    Looks like I 've picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue... (c)

    Карма 13
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    я - девушка-праздник... грустный такой праздник...

    « Ответ #42 : Ноябрь 26, 2008, 16:04:37 »

    На выходных еще не было.

    - И почему женщины всегда оставляют нас в дураках?
    - А потому что мужчины держат нас за дур!
    « Ответ #43 : Ноябрь 28, 2008, 12:33:50 »

    Летом 2009 г. выйдет новая книга Линды Ховард "Burn".
    Lady Primavera y Fiebre

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    Кавайный элемент

  • "Аниме" (аватарка), 2 место

  • « Ответ #44 : Ноябрь 28, 2008, 12:46:39 »

    у Джоанны Линдсей летом 2009 тоже выйдет новая книга A Rogue of My Own, о чем/ком книга не знаю...

    Об этом уже написано выше.
    « Последнее редактирование: Ноябрь 28, 2008, 12:59:00 от Жени » Записан

    И счастье я могу постигнуть на земле,
    И в небесах я вижу Бога...
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