
Светланин уголок => Клуб читающих на иностранных языках => Тема начата: Ксю от Сентябрь 26, 2009, 00:00:12

Название: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Сентябрь 26, 2009, 00:00:12
Продолжаем нести благие вести. :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Октябрь 26, 2009, 00:54:16
От Мэри Бэлоу:

In January, 2010 Vanguard Press will be publishing a hardcover volume containing a long novella of mine, A Matter of Class. They believe there is a market for such books and invited me to contribute. There is more information and an excerpt on Home Page. Then, as mentioned above, there will be Con's story, A Secret Affair, at the end of June, 2010. In October, 2010, there will be a Harlequin anthology, Bespelling Jane, with four paranormal novellas based on Jane Austen stories. My novella, "Almost Persuaded" is based on Persuasion and is a story of reincarnation (no vampires or werewolves for me!) The other contributors are Susan Krinard, Colleen Gleason, and Janet Mullany.

In 2011 and 2012 there will be two new novels, probably both in June and both in hardcover with the paperback coming the following year. I know the heroines of each book but nothing else yet. One heroine will be Gwen, Lady Muir, who appeared in One Night for Love and A Summer to Remember as well as other books but is really in need of a story of her own. The other heroine is Angeline, Lady Heyward. She appeared as the sister of the heroes of More Than a Mistress and No Man's Mistress and is married in both books. The story of her courtship and marriage needs to be told, though, in a prequel to the abovementioned books.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Октябрь 26, 2009, 01:07:28
(http://www.stephanielaurens.com/Images/BlackCobraCovers/01TheUntamedBride.jpg)   (http://www.stephanielaurens.com/Images/BlackCobraCovers/02TheElusiveBride.jpg)     Стефани Лоуренс начинает новую тетралогию "Черная кобра"
(Black Cobra Quartet ).

#1 - The Untamed Bride - выходит 27 октября.

#2 - The Elusive Bride - выйдет в феврале 2010 года.

#3 - The Brazen Bride - выйдет в июле 2010 года.

#4 - The Reckless Bride - выйдет в конце 2010 года.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Октябрь 26, 2009, 01:23:23
Новая книга Джулии Куин будет называться "Ten Things I Love About You" и планируется к выходу в начале лета 2010 года.

Новая книга Гэлен Фоули "My Dangerous Duke" (#2 в серии "Клуб Инферно") выйдет ориентировочно в июле 2010 года.

Новая книга Джо Беверли "The Secret Duke" (#3 в серии "Rakish") выйдет в апреле 2010 года.

Новая книга Элизабет Бойл "How I Met My Countess" (#3 в серии "Семья Лэнгли") выйдет 29 декабря.

Новая книга Саманты Джеймс "The Sins of Viscount Sutherland" (#1 в новой серии "Лорды с Шеффилд-сквер" (The Lords of Sheffield Square)) выйдет весной 2010 года.

Новая книга Джейн Энн Кренц "Fired Up" (#7 в серии "Arcane Society") выйдет 29 декабря и станет началом новой трилогии "Dreamlight".

Новые книги Кэт Мартин "Reese's Bride" и "Rule's Bride" (#2 и #3 в серии "Bride Trilogy") выйдут в январе и мае 2010 года.
(http://www.katbooks.com/images1/Reese-l.jpg)   (http://www.katbooks.com/images1/Rule-l.jpg)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Inna от Октябрь 26, 2009, 06:31:00
Ух ты! Очень Бэлоу хочется....

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ninon от Октябрь 26, 2009, 08:38:35
Хочу прочитать Джейн Энн Кренц и новую серию Стефани Лоуренс. :reader:

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Valentina от Октябрь 26, 2009, 11:07:03
Ну вот... одно расстройство заходить в эту тему тем, кто не читает на английском.  :'( Столько новых книг у любимых авторов: Кренц, Лоуренс, Куин, Беверли. А у нас еще старые книги не все изданы :veryangry:

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: margarita от Октябрь 27, 2009, 03:49:10
я не могу поверить, что мы дождемся таки книги про гвен муир! :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: alenakara от Октябрь 27, 2009, 19:32:58
Новости с сайта Лизы клейпас:FAQ
What are you working on right now?
I am writing "Married By Morning," a Hathaway book featuring Leo, Lord Ramsay, and after that, Beatrix's story, "Love In The Afternon."  After that, I'm going to plot out a new contemporary series called the "Friday Harbor" series, set in San Juan Island, off the Washington coast.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: margarita от Октябрь 27, 2009, 21:32:23
да!!! начало было просто жуть какое интригующее : ))

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Велька от Октябрь 27, 2009, 23:00:56
Вот Бэлоу - редиска!!! Такие две героини, а она им по повести((( Нет, что ей полноценных романов жалко?!

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Tessa от Октябрь 29, 2009, 20:29:18
Девочки, а я что-то не могу вспомнить, что это за такие героини у Бэлоу? А повести это я люблю, это я не так, чтобы расстроилась). И пусть уже про Розалин Огден напишет((( что-ли

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Valentina от Октябрь 29, 2009, 21:18:03
Девочки, а я что-то не могу вспомнить, что это за такие героини у Бэлоу? А повести это я люблю, это я не так, чтобы расстроилась). И пусть уже про Розалин Огден напишет((( что-ли

Героиня второй повести: Гвен Мьюир - родная сестра главного героя из "Ночь для любви" и кузина главной героини из "Необыкновенное лето". Вдова. Когда-то упала с лошади, кажется потеряла ребенка и вдобавок осталась хромой.

А в первой повести я не поняла, как имя героини звучит на русском. Если кто-то подскажет, то я попробую вспомнить откуда героиня ;)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Полина от Октябрь 29, 2009, 21:32:13
О! Это о сестре Дадли из "Больше, чем любовница" и "Искусная в любви"! Angeline, Lady Heyward.
Приквелл, так сказать. ;D

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Tessa от Октябрь 29, 2009, 21:48:35
 Девочки спасибо, стара стала - забывчива... Про Гвен прониклась, люблю таких героинь и сюжеты, и буду все так же плакать про Розалин и Альберта. Раз приквелл пишет, то пусть и про них напишет.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: suisen от Октябрь 29, 2009, 22:17:52
Вау! О сестре Дадли?! А я уже и не мечтала! :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: margarita от Октябрь 30, 2009, 03:43:06
девочки, я только не поняла - почему вы решили, что про них повести? там написано -novels=романы. а повести - одна по мотивам "доводов рассудка", вторая -паронормальная.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Велька от Ноябрь 02, 2009, 22:55:17
Рит, это я такая внимательная)))) Дезинформирую всех  ::)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Софи от Ноябрь 14, 2009, 00:07:17
Вау! О сестре Дадли?! А я уже и не мечтала! :)
Да муженёк у неё конечно, почище Вулфрика. Но самые привлекательные черты В. у него отсутствуют. И часть истории мы знаем.
Но ведь всё равно интересно. :)
И, кстати, что мне нравится в Вулфрике; он её никогда не цепляет на людях. Как делают это некоторые герои во вторых книгах серии. Он же сто процентный джентльмен.

Поддерживаю Tess, хочу про Розали.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Полина от Ноябрь 15, 2009, 17:44:58
29 декабря


Julie Garwood "Sizzle" Косвенно связан с семейством Бьюкенен.

Lyra Prescott, a Los Angeles film student, is closing in on graduation and facing important decisions about her future. She's already been offered a job at her hometown TV station, an opportunity that could ultimately launch her dream career as a film editor. But heading back home would also mean dealing with her overprotective brothers, social-climbing mother, and eccentric grandmother. Unsure of her future, Lyra dives into work on her final school assignment: a documentary transformed by a twist of fate into a real-life horror film.

After she unwittingly captures a shocking crime on camera, a rash of mysterious, treacherous incidents convince Lyra that she's trapped in a sinister scenario headed for a violent ending. Running scared, she turns to her best friend, Sidney Buchanan, whose connections bring dauntless and devilishly handsome FBI agent Sam Kincaid into Lyra's life. As the noose of deadly intrigue tightens and the feelings between them deepen, Lyra and Sam must place their faith in each other's hands—and stand together against the malevolent forces about to break loose.
No one mixes life-and-death suspense with feverish desire better than Julie Garwood. In Sizzle she burns hotter and brighter than ever, keeping the action and passion blazing till the incredible, unforgettable end.

В июле 2010 выйдет новая книга Норы Робертс The Search

Декабрь 2009


In 1766 Scotland, the laird of the clan, Angus McTern, has everything he wants in life. Although his grandfather lost the family's land and castle in a card game when Angus was just a boy, Angus takes his duties seriously and is respected by all the men and adored by the women. That is, until Edilean Talbot shows up.

Breathtakingly beautiful and born of privilege, Edilean represents everything Angus despises. Still he is as dazzled by her as everyone else is, and he can keep his feelings hidden from her for only so long. When she rejects him he is deeply wounded and, worse, humiliated before his clan. But then the day comes when Edilean needs Angus's help, to reclaim the gold she inherited from her father, which is on its way to America. At first Angus refuses, but her beauty -- and her tears -- so haunt him that he puts aside his pride and decides to aid the heiress. However, when Angus tries to intervene, he's accused of kidnapping and theft. To avoid being prosecuted, he's forced to leave behind all that he knows and loves and escape with Edilean to America. There they will overcome almost insurmountable obstacles as they are pursued endlessly by the man who claims the gold for his own. Despite all that tries to keep them apart, Angus and Edilean also find a love as wild and free as the land itself.

The second book in the multigenerational Edilean Series that began with Lavender Morning, Days of Gold is filled with passion, humor, exquisite detail, and pulse-pounding adventure. Stirring and masterfully rendered, this is Jude Deveraux at her best.

И пока все.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительни&#
Отправлено: suisen от Ноябрь 16, 2009, 21:34:08
Вау! О сестре Дадли?! А я уже и не мечтала! :)
Да муженёк у неё конечно, почище Вулфрика. Но самые привлекательные черты В. у него отсутствуют. И часть истории мы знаем.
Но ведь всё равно интересно. :)
И, кстати, что мне нравится в Вулфрике; он её никогда не цепляет на людях. Как делают это некоторые герои во вторых книгах серии. Он же сто процентный джентльмен.
Не спорю, что джентльмен. :) 
А Ангелину муж подкалывал на людях? Я этого не помню просто. Зато саму Ангелину помню. Такая безбашенная сумасбродка! :)  Мне кажется, про нее должна получится очень зажигательная история.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Полина от Ноябрь 17, 2009, 16:28:42
Продолжаю о любимой Норе Робертс

26 января 2010

Hot Rocks


When her notorious past catches up with Laine Tavish, proprietor of the antique shop Remember When, it's up to her and an enigmatic stranger named Max Gannon to find out who's chasing her-and why. The answer lies in a hidden fortune that will change Laine's life...

27 апреля 2010

Savor the Moment

Пока без аннотации.

J.D. Robb

23 февраля 2010

Big Jack

In New York City in 2059, someone is pursuing missing gems from a decades-old heist...someone who's willing to kill for them. Sharp-witted and sexy, NYPSD Lieutenant Eve Dallas is used to travelling in the shadowy corners outside the law. And in a future where crime meets cutting-edge technology, she will attempt to track down the diamonds once and for all-and stop the danger and death that have surrounded them for years.

24 ноября сборник

The Lost


J. D. Robb's Missing in Death investigates a female tourist's disappearance during a ferry ride. Detective Eve Dallas wonders...if she didn't jump, and she's not on board, then where in the world is she?

In Patricia Gaffney's The Dog Days of Laurie Summer, a woman awakens to a familiar yet unsettling world.

In Mary Blayney's Lost in Paradise, a man locked in an island fortress finds hope for freedom in an enigmatic nurse.

And Ruth Ryan Langan's Legacy belongs to a young woman who unearths a family secret buried on the grounds of a magnificent but imposing Irish castle.

23 февраля 2010

Fantasy in Death


Bart Minnock, founder of the computer-gaming giant U-Play, enters his private playroom, and eagerly can't wait to lose himself in an imaginary world, to play the role of a sword-wielding warrior king, in his company's latest top-secret project, Fantastical.

The next morning, he is found in the same locked room, in a pool of blood, his head separated from his body. It is the most puzzling case Eve Dallas has ever faced, and it is not a game. . . .

NYPSD Lieutenant Eve Dallas is having as much trouble figuring out how Bart Minnock was murdered as who did the murdering. The victim's girlfriend seems sincerely grief-stricken, and his quirky-but-brilliant partners at U-Play appear equally shocked. No one seemed to have a problem with the enthusiastic, high-spirited millionaire. Of course, success can attract jealousy, and gaming, like any business, has its fierce rivalries and dirty tricks-as Eve's husband, Roarke, one of U- Play's competitors, knows well. But Minnock was not naive, and quite capable of fighting back in the real world as well as the virtual one.

Eve and her team are about to enter the next level of police work, in a world where fantasy is the ultimate seduction-and the price of defeat is death. . .

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Полина от Ноябрь 17, 2009, 17:09:30
Далее последует подборка книг, которые выйдут в декабре 2009-феврале 2010. Заранее приношу извинения, если повторяюсь.

Fired Up: Book One of the Dreamlight Trilogy (Arcane Society Dreamlight Trilogy)


More than three centuries ago, Nicholas Winters irrevocably altered his genetic makeup in an obsessionfueled competition with alchemist and Arcane Society founder Sylvester Jones. Driven to control their psychic abilities, each man's decision has reverberated throughout the family line, rewarding some with powers beyond their wildest dreams, and cursing others to a life filled with madness and hallucinations.

Jack Winters, descendant of Nicholas, has been experiencing nightmares and blackouts-just the beginning, he believes-of the manifestation of the Winters family curse. The legend says that he must find the Burning Lamp or risk turning into a monster. But he can't do it alone; he needs the help of a woman with the gift to read the lamp's dreamlight.

Jack is convinced that private investigator Chloe Harper is that woman. Her talents for finding objects and accessing dream energy are what will save him, but their sudden and powerful sexual pull threatens to overwhelm them both. Danger surrounds them, and it doesn't take long for Chloe to pick up the trail of the missing lamp. And as they draw closer to the lamp, the raw power that dwells within it threatens to sweep them into a hurricane of psychic force.

Night of the Wolves

Early Dawn

Jo Beverley,  Mary Jo Putney, Karen Harbaugh and Barbara Samuel       Chalice of Roses


How I Met My Countess


Street Game


Years ago, GhostWalkers Mack McKinley and Jaimie Fielding were lovers. Now they've been reunited on the violent streets by a ruthless common enemy who could destroy them both.

Bitten By Cupid

With their very lives at stake, love was the last thing on their minds. But then they were Bitten by Cupid . . .

A daring vampire thinks she can conquer anything, but when she's paired with a mortal detective, she'll find her life—and her heart—in grave danger . . .

An innocent woman falls into the arms of a mysterious man when she can't get a killer's terrifying thoughts out of her head . . .

A stunning beauty should be thrilled when her lost love finally returns, but instead she fears for their immortal lives . . .

On Valentine's Day, some women want roses. But some just want to make it through the day alive. In Bitten By Cupid, New York Times bestselling author Lynsay Sands and newcomers Pamela Palmer and Jaime Rush present three tales of dangerous desire, where giving in to temptation could turn deadly, and even immortality won‘t keep you safe from Cupid's bow.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Полина от Ноябрь 17, 2009, 17:22:22
Golden Season by Connie Brockway

Wealthy, orphaned Lady Lydia Eastlake reigns over Regency England as the ton's most celebrated beauty. But she must face losing the only life she's ever known when her fortune suddenly disappears-and the only solution is to find a wealthy husband. Enter Captain Ned Lockton, a rich and dashing war hero who sends Lydia's pulse racing. Little does she know that the enigmatic captain's family estate is secretly on the selling block-and he's on the hunt for a rich bride who will rescue his family from poverty...

The Bridal Conquest

Pleasure of a Dark Prince by Kresley Cole

Back in Black by Lori Foster

Gillian is a PR expert hired to smooth out the rough edges on hot- headed sports club president Drew Black. He's rough, raw and ready for any challenge Gillian throws his way. But which one's going to end up on top?

Viking in Love by Sandra Hill


Blood Ties: A Bishop/Special Crimes Unit Novel (Bishop/Special Crimes Unit: Blood Trilogy) by Kay Hooper

To Tame a Dangerous Lord by Nicole Jordan

angerously sexy nobleman and former spymaster Rayne Kenyon, Earl of Haviland, has no interest in love. He merely desires an heir to carry on his title and therefore must have a wife. Rayne makes a surprising choice of brides by settling on the plain spinster daughter of a fellow spy who once saved his life. But the spirited and witty Madeline Ellis proves much more than Rayne bargained for.

Dazed by Rayne’s smoldering kisses, Madeline knows that she’s at last found love—with a man determined to avoid it. Once wedded, she decides to take fate into her own hands. Maybe, just maybe, she can kindle the fires in Rayne’s heart by turning her plain, ordinary self into a dazzling temptress. With a little help from the Loring sisters, the earl’s artless new wife becomes a beautiful, bold seductress in their marriage bed. But who could imagine that a simple marriage of convenience can suddenly be flooded with danger, desire, and unexpected love?

Lessons in French by Laura Kinsale

Steampunk Romance by Katie MacAlister

When one of Jack Fletcher's nanoelectromechanical system experiments is jostled in his lab, the resulting explosion sends him into the world of his favorite novel-a seemingly Victorian-era world of steampower, aether guns, corsets, and goggles. A world where the lovely and intrepid Octavia Pye captains her airship straight into his heart...

Moon Craving (A Children of the Moon Novel) by Lucy Monroe

When Talorc-laird of the Sinclair clan and leader of his werewolf pack- must wed an Englishwoman, he's shocked to find that she is his mate. Deaf since childhood, Abigail hopes to keep her affliction from Talorc as long as possible, just as he has no intention of telling her that he's a werewolf. But when Abigail learns that the husband she's begun to love has deceived her, it will take all his warrior's strength-and his wolf's cunning-to win his wife back.

Taming the Highland Bride by Lynsay Sands

Отдохните - это еще не все

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Полина от Ноябрь 17, 2009, 17:35:51
The Secret Duke by Jo Beverley  апрель 2010

The Truth About Lord Stoneville (Hellions of Halstead Hall) by Sabrina Jeffries

In the two decades since a tragic "accident" took the lives of his parents, Oliver Sharpe, the Marquess of Stoneville, has survived the scandal surrounding that fateful night by living as an unrepentant rakehell. And with his grandmother vowing to disinherit him if he doesn't settle down and wed, he plans to fulfill the bargain in true Sharpe style -- by bringing home a fake fiancée from a brothel! But his scheme is derailed when he rescues an American beauty in a dire predicament instead. Maria Butterfield came to London to track down her groom-to-be, who's gone missing, but her engagement won't stop Oliver from getting what he wants: her, in his bed. His rebellious masquerade may call his grandmother's bluff , but it's soon made all too real -- by a love that tempts him to be a hellion no more.

The Elusive Bride by Stephanie Laurens

A Matter of Class by Mary Balogh Это не переиздание???
Reginald Mason is wealthy, refined, and, by all accounts, a gentleman. However, he is not a gentleman by title, a factor that pains him and his father within the Regency society that upholds station over all else. That is, until an opportunity for social advancement arises, namely, Lady Annabelle Ashton. Daughter of the Earl of Havercroft, a neighbor and enemy of the Mason family, Annabelle finds herself disgraced by a scandal, one that has left her branded as damaged goods. Besmirched by shame, the earl is only too happy to marry Annabelle off to anyone willing to have her.

Though Reginald Mason, Senior, wishes to use Annabelle to propel his family up the social ladder, his son does not wish to marry her, preferring instead to live the wild, single life he is accustomed to. With this, Reginald Senior serves his son an ultimatum: marry Annabelle, or make do without family funds. Having no choice, Reginald consents, and enters into a hostile engagement in which the prospective bride and groom are openly antagonistic, each one resenting the other for their current state of affairs while their respective fathers revel in their suffering.

So begins an intoxicating tale rife with dark secrets, deception, and the trials of love—a story in which very little is as it seems.

Infinity: Chronicles of Nick by Sherrilyn Kenyon июнь 2010


At fourteen, Nick Gautier thinks he knows everything about the world around him, until the night when his best friends try to kill him. Saved by a mysterious warrior who has more fighting skills than Chuck Norris, Nick is sucked into the realm of the Dark-Hunters: immortal vampire slayers who risk everything to save humanity. Nick quickly learns that the human world is only a veil for a much larger and more dangerous one. A world where the captain of the football team is a werewolf and the girl he has a crush on goes out at night to stake the undead. But before he can even learn the rules of this new world, his fellow students are turning into flesh eating zombies. And he's next on the menu. Like starting high school isn't hard enough. Now Nick has to hide his new friends from his mom, hide his chainsaw from the principal, and keep the zombies and the demon Simi from eating his brains, all without getting grounded or suspended! How in the world is he supposed to do that?
Silent Truth by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Heart of Darkness: The Darkest Angel\Love Me to Death\Lady of the Nile by Gena Showalter

The Darkest Angel by Gena Showalter

A Lords of the Underworld tale

An iron-willed demon assassin, the angel Lysander has never known lust—until he meets Bianka. Spawned from the bloodline of Lucifer, the beautiful but deadly Harpy is determined to lead the pure-hearted Lysander into temptation….

Love Me to Death by Maggie Shayne

Twenty-two years ago four teenage boys were convicted of a young girl's murder. Now, in the form of a beautiful woman, the "victim" is seeking vengeance. And only one man dares to dig into the past to uncover its secrets… and set her free.

Lady of the Nile by Susan Krinard

Lady Tameri believes herself to be the reincarnation of an ancient Egyptian princess, and Leo Erskine has set out to prove her wrong…never dreaming that the two of them are about to discover a prophecy that will bind them together forever.

The Hellion and the Highlander by Lynsay Sands

In Bed with the Duke by Christina Dodd
Lady's companion Emma Chegwidden avoids defying society's rules-until she runs right into the arms of the seductive Reaper...a mystery man whose goal is justice. Or is it vengeance? Only one thing is certain: he's far too dangerous for the demure Emma. But some challenges are too tempting to resist...

Darkness Within (The Lords of Avalon) by Kinley MacGregor

Пока все

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Софи от Ноябрь 17, 2009, 20:56:44
А Ангелину муж подкалывал на людях? Я этого не помню просто. Зато саму Ангелину помню. Такая безбашенная сумасбродка! :)  Мне кажется, про нее должна получится очень зажигательная история.
Может и не было такого, просто у меня почему-то такое впечатление осталось. А так он вроде ей всё позволял.  :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Анжелика от Ноябрь 17, 2009, 22:58:33
Lessons in French by Laura Kinsale!!!
Урррраа, Лаура Кинсейл опять стала писать книжки!!!  :hooray: :hooray: :hooray:

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительни&#
Отправлено: margarita от Ноябрь 25, 2009, 18:18:03
девочки, я что-то туплю: не было ли инфы, когда примерно ждать новую клейпас про мисс маркс и лео?

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Нюрочек от Ноябрь 25, 2009, 18:33:13
Маргарита, лето 2010. Кажется, выйдут одновременно и книга про Лео, и про Беатрикс.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Полина от Ноябрь 26, 2009, 17:40:32
Следующая инфа о будущих книгах. К сожалению, нет обложек.
May 11, 2010 A Lady's Guide to Improper Behavior by Suzanne Enoch

The Rules:

A lady should always make polite conversation . . .

Theresa Weller understands the rules of decorum, and is appalled when Colonel Bartholomew James disrupts a perfectly civilized dinner. This rude, insensitive man is the complete opposite of everything a gentleman should be - but with one searing kiss, Tess can think of no one else.

A lady should never lose her temper . . .

Aggravated beyond bearing by a man who speaks his mind, Tess wishes there was a guide to men like Bartholomew. Surely, with such an assortment of handsome, polite suitors to choose from, Tess should not ache for him.

And a lady should never pursue a gentleman.

She invites him on carriage rides and dares him to dance, and almost makes him want to return to Society. Bartholomew knows Tess wants to be seen as a proper miss, but deep down, he knows she is precisely the sort to spark his desire . . . A most improper lady.

May 25, 2010 Ten Things I Love About You by Julia Quinn

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n67/n335133.jpg)     (http://www.juliaquinn.com/images/covers/ten/ten_350.jpg)

July 27, 2010 Water Bound by Christine Feehan

(http://www.christinefeehan.com/water_bound/cover.jpg)    Christine Feehan’s #1 New York Times bestselling Hidden Currents may have closed the Drake Sisters saga--which “brought paranormal romance to a new high”*--but it has now opened the door to an all-new series of startling magic and mystery, and the soul-stirring elements of nature…

For Sid, the last thing he remembered was being enlisted to protect a vulnerable young woman in the coastal town of Sea Haven . Then, as if in some nightmare, the mysteriously sexy bodyguard was lost in the swirling currents of the ocean, and sucked deeper into the nothingness of a freezing black eddy. Just as quickly, just as miraculously, he was saved--pulled ashore by a beautiful stranger.

Her name is Rikki, a sea-urchin diver in Sea Haven. She always felt an affinity for the ocean, and the seductive pull of the tides. And now, for the enigmatic man she rescued. But soon they will be bound by something even stronger--each other’s tantalizing secrets which will engulf them both in a whirlpool of dizzying passion and inescapable danger.

March 23, 2010 Shattered by Karen Robards

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51EJ6mxIb2L._SL500_AA240_.jpg)     Secret, betrayal, and a mysterious family history plague the heroine in the latest novel from New York Times-bestselling author Karen Robards.

The past is never over. It just gets dusty.

Lisa Shewmaker was a rising star in a prestigious law firm in Lexington, Kentucky; that is, until the firm went bankrupt and she lost her job. With an ailing mother to care for, Lisa takes the first position she can find: research assistant to District Attorney Scott Buchanan. Scott is as disagreeable as he is sexy, and Lisa suspects the only reason she got the job is because of her privileged upbringing as the daughter of a wealthy federal judge.

While reviewing cold cases in the Fayette County courthouse, a particularly thick manila envelope draws Lisa's attention. The details of the case are engrossing: An entire family-father, mother, and two children-disappeared more than twenty-eight years ago. Except that's not all: The mother in the photo could have been Lisa's twin, and the toddler in the picture bears an uncanny resemblance to Lisa herself. Before Lisa can learn more about her past, a series of catastrophes strike close to home. Lisa confides in Scott, and their relationship develops into something completely different. Together Lisa and Scott unravel a terrifying web of criminal connections that could destroy the very fabric of Lisa's life-if she lives long enough, that is.

April 27, 2010 Blood Born by Linda Howard
August 10, 2010 Veil of Night: A Novel by Linda Howard

June 15, 2010.Whiplash (An FBI Thriller) by Catherine Coulter (#14 in the FBI Thriller series)

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n67/n336191.jpg)    Yale professor Dr. Edward Kender's father is undergoing chemotherapy when the supply of a critical accompanying drug suddenly runs out. Unwilling to accept the drug company's disingenuous excuse of production line problems, Dr. Kender hires private investigator Erin Pulask to prove there is something more sinister going on at Schiffer Engel's manufacturing facility in Indiana.
Pulaski uncovers a bombshell - Schiffer Engel's intentional shortage is bringing in a windfall profit in excess of two billion dollars.
When a top Schiffer Engel employee shows up viciously murdered behind the U.S. headquarters, Sherlock and Savich are called in to lend a hand. The murder of a foreign national on federal land can only mean the German drug company has a secret of epic proportions.

June 8, 2010 Death Echo by Elizabeth Lowell
Emma Cross left the CIA because she wanted to lead a "normal" life. A quiet one, investigating things that weren't life or death. St. Kilda Consulting put her to work investigating the theft of a yacht. What could be less urgent than the loss of a rich man's toy?

MacKenzie Durand walked away from a career in the military after bad intel cost the life of everyone on his special ops team except himself. He was tired of life or death situations where death won. Now his biggest worry is taking yachts from Seattle to a boat dealer in Rosario, Washington.

Then Emma and Mac find themselves neck deep in mirror-image yachts, international gangsters, and things worse than simple murder. Before they know it, they are back in the world they thought they left behind, fighting for their lives.

April 27, 2010 Savor the Moment by Nora Roberts (Bride Quartet, book 3)

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n63/n319503.jpg)    Childhood friends Mackensie, Parker, Laurel and Emmaline have formed a very successful wedding-planning business together but, despite helping thousands of happy couples organise the biggest day of their lives, all four women are unlucky in love. Chef Laurel McBane has worked hard all her life to secure her dream ? to be an award-winning baker. Now, her wedding cakes are as close as anyone can get to edible perfection ? stunning creations that complement Mac's beautiful photographs and Emmaline's floral bouquets. Because Laurel has worked so hard to overcome her tough upbringing, she is wary about letting anything, or anyone, get in the way of her work. But a slowly simmering chemistry with Parker's brother Del has suddenly become too hot to ignore ...

April 20, 2010 Burning Lamp (An Arcane Society Novel) by Amanda Quick

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n66/n334491.jpg)    The Arcane Society was born in turmoil when the friendship of its two founders evolved into a fierce rivalry. Sylvester Jones and Nicholas Winters each sought to enhance their individual psychic talents. Winters' efforts led to the creation of a device of unknown powers called the Burning Lamp. Each generation the Winters man who inherits it is destined to develop multiple talents - and the curse of madness.

Plagued by hallucinations and nightmares, notorious crime lord Griffin Winters is convinced he has been struck with the Winters Curse. And the instincts that have helped him survive the streets and rise to power are now drawing him toward Adelaide Pyne, the bothersome social reformer. But even as he arranges a meeting with the mysterious woman, he has no idea how closely their fates are bound, for Adelaide holds the Burning Lamp in her possession.

A dreamlight reader, Adelaide should be able to manipulate the Lamp's light to save both Griffin's sanity and his life. But their dangerous psychical experiment makes them the target of forces both inside and outside of the Arcane Society. And though desire strengthens their power their different lives will keep them apart - if death doesn't take them together.

March 16, 2010 Wild Ride by Jennifer Crusie

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n62/n312385.jpg)   When Mary Alice Brannigan comes home to Ohio to restore the Dreamland amusement park, she doesn't expect to fall in love with a clown. Nor does she expect to find that she's the newest recruit in the Guardia, an elite team of demon fighters formed centuries before to guard the five Untouchables, the most powerful demons in the history of the world, now imprisoned right there in Dreamland. That would be bad enough, but there's that clown she's falling hard for, and there's something about him that's not quite right...

Then there's Ethan Wayne, a former Green Beret who's come home to Dreamland to die. Ethan has his own problems including a bullet in his chest inching closer to his heart, a true love who shoots him on sight, and a mother who drags him into the Guardia after he's possessed by a crazed killer mermaid demon. Between ducking his mother's attempts to reform him and dodging the bullets of a secret government agent he's pretty sure is his soulmate, Ethan really doesn't have time for demons, touchable or not.

But rocky romances and demented demons aren't Mab and Ethan's only problems, and they're about to find out what everybody who's ever been to an amusement park knows: the end of the ride is the wildest.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Декабрь 04, 2009, 02:29:59
(http://www.karenhawkins.com/images/lois_lane_L.jpg)   Карен ХОКИНС "Lois Lane Tells All" (серия "Talk of the Town", #2) - 30 марта 2010 года

New York Times bestselling author Karen Hawkins returns to Glory, North Carolina with LOIS LANE TELLS ALL, another delightful story of love and laughter, spiced with just the right amount of mayhem and mystery!

She thinks she’s Lois Lane. . .
Susan Collins wants to be a hard-hitting reporter, but there’s never been much call for her talents in sleepy Glory, North Carolina. But when the Murder Mystery Club—a trio of bored but enterprising octogenarians—decide to open their own CSI lab at the assisted living center, and strange ‘accidents’ begin to happen around town, Susan senses she might have discovered the news story of her dreams.

He doesn’t want to be her Superman. . .
Mark Tremayne has agreed to come back to Glory and to take over as CFO of The Glory Examiner. His job is to keep the newspaper profitable, which means covering the annual Baptist Bake-Off and selling ads for the county fair, not allowing his main and too-sexy-for-her(and his)-own-good reporter to hare off after a wild story that seems to have brought out the worst in one of Glory’s many colorful residents.

But together . . . they’re Kryptonite.
Mark’s and Susan’s viewpoints on how to run a paper are from different planets, but their mutual attraction is in total alignment. Despite their arguments, the indomitable redhead and the hot accountant are a sexual explosion waiting to happen.

And when it does, Glory had better watch out!

Мэдлин ХАНТЕР "Ravishing in Red" (серия "The Rarest Blooms", #1) - 26 января 2010 года

Armed with her cousin’s pistol, Audrianna travels to a coaching inn, to meet with a man who may have information that will clear her dead father’s name. She does not realize that the handsome man of commanding sensuality who shows up is not the person she expected, but instead Lord Sebastian Summerhays, one of her father’s persecutors, lured to the inn by the same advertisement that brought her there.

When the pistol accidentally fires, the situation becomes mortifyingly public, and thoroughly misunderstood. Audrianna is prepared to live with the scandal. Lord Sebastian has other ideas. . . .

Карен РЭННИ "A Highland Duchess" - 27 июля 2010 года

Тереза МЕДЕЙРОС "The Devil Wears Plaid" - 31 августа 2010 года

(http://www.brendajoyce.com/images/covers/historical/dewarenne/attraction_250.jpg)   Бренда ДЖОЙС "An Impossible Attraction" (серия "Семья де Варенн", #12(?)) - март 2010 года

With her mother’s passing, Alexandra Bolton gave up on love to take care of her family. Now, with the Bolton name in disgrace due to her father’s profligate ways, marrying an elderly squire might be the only way to save her family from absolute ruin. But when she meets the infamous Duke of Clarewood, old dreams—and old passions—are awakened as never before. Yet she cannot accept his shocking proposition!

He is the wealthiest, most powerful peer in the realm, and having witnessed the cold horror of marriage as a child, he has vowed never to wed. But Alexandra Bolton inflames him as no woman has ever done, and she also serves him his first rejection! Now Clarewood—who always gets what he wants—will choose which rules to play by. But when passion finally brings them together, a terrible secret threatens to tear them apart....

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: margarita от Декабрь 05, 2009, 06:34:31
ааааа хантер!!! наконец-то!!! :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Jolie от Декабрь 06, 2009, 22:45:13
девочки, я что-то туплю: не было ли инфы, когда примерно ждать новую клейпас про мисс маркс и лео?

На fantasticfiction дата выхода книги 25 мая 2010 года.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: margarita от Декабрь 07, 2009, 00:03:43
дооооолго так ; (((

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: LadiDi от Декабрь 08, 2009, 15:25:49
Случайно нашла очень интересный сайт для всех тех, кто следит за новинками. Думаю, что кому-нибудь, да и пригодится:

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Полина от Декабрь 08, 2009, 18:39:35
25 МАЯ 2010 Г.

Mary Balogh
A Secret Affair


Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Январь 25, 2010, 01:24:38
(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51LYASuwC7L.jpg)Июль 2010 г.

The Search

Talented search and rescue dog trainer Fiona Bristow escaped the clutches of a serial killer several years before, but not before he murdered her fiance and her beloved dog. She has retreated to a cabin in the wilderness and is wary of forming bonds with anyone, but handsome newcomer and talented carpenter Simon has an unruly puppy to train and soon man and dog charm their way into Fiona's life. But just when she starts to relax, it becomes clear a copycat murderer is on the loose, and making his way closer and closer towards her with unfinished business on his mind ...

Декабрь 2010 г.

Happy Ever After

#4 в серии "Bride Quartet Series"
(http://www.jennifersromances.com/sitedesign/PrideMatestiny.jpg)    Февраль 2010 г.

Pride Mates
(#1 в серии Shifters Unbound)

Twenty years ago, shape shifters of all kinds banded together and announced themselves to the world, only to be shunted to areas no human wanted ("Shiftertowns"). They are forced to wear Collars that control their hunting and fighting instincts (referred to by Shifters as "Taking the Collar").

Liam Morrissey is currently liaison between the Shifters of Austin, TX, and the humans of the city. Kim Fraser, attorney, finds herself in the unique position of having to defend a Shifter on a murder charge.

She ventures to Shiftertown to seek out Liam's help, and there stumbles across too many secrets the Shifters want kept secret. The un-mated Liam is forced to protect Kim against the wrath of his clan leader and his own father, and to his surprise he discovers a powerful attraction to the sassy, sexy lady.
(http://www.jennifersromances.com/images/bookcover/LadyIsabellaweb.jpg)    Июль 2010 г.

Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage (#2 в серии Mackenzies)

Six years ago, eighteen-year-old Lady Isabella Scranton scandalized all of London by eloping the night of her come-out ball with the notorious rake, Lord Mac Mackenzie. After three turbulent years of marriage, she scandalized London once again--this time by leaving him.

Now the reformed Mac has returned, and he wants one thing: Isabella back in his life, his house, his bed. He'll do anything he has to, play any game, as long as he gets her back. Isabella resists, but when she agrees to pose for erotic paintings he's been working on, she realizes her body has never stopped craving her husband’s very skilled touch. Mac is determined to show Isabella that he's a changed man, but three years without her has only increased his hunger for her.

When an ingenious forger with designs on Mac's paintings, and Isabella herself, comes dangerously near, Mac sets himself up as Isabella’s protector and vows to never leave her side, whether his independent and proud lady likes it or not.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Serenis от Февраль 18, 2010, 16:23:45
У Линдсей 15 июня, выйдет 10 книга о Мэллори...

Nine years ago Richard Allen fled England when his avaricious father, the Earl of Manford, betrothed him to Julia Miller, the young daughter of London's wealthiest merchant. Having seen how his father's ambition ruined his older brother's prospects for happiness with an arranged marriage, free-spirited Richard takes to the sea determined to live his own life. In the Caribbean, he joins a band of treasure-hunting pirates and adopts the persona of a Frenchman named Jean Paul. When he dares to slip back into England to carry out an urgent task for his captain, Richard falls in love with a married woman, Georgina Malory. Despite Georgina's indifference to him and her husband James Malory's threats to harm him, Richard is smitten. His next attempt to woo Georgina at a masked ball turns out to be a terrible mistake because it brings him face to face with another beautiful woman.

Grown-up and sophisticated, Julia Miller, a friend of Georgina's, is charmed by the masked Frenchman Jean Paul until she discovers he's really her detested fiancé! Julia has hired solicitors to have Richard declared dead so she can free herself from their betrothal and move on with her life. But when the Earl of Manford learns his son has returned and can fulfill the marriage contract, he sets in motion a chain of events that places Julia on the high seas with her fiancé who is not merely an irresponsible nobleman but a seductive, adventure-loving pirate!

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Февраль 18, 2010, 16:47:56
Какая хорошая новость! Линдсей форева! :)

Добавила в сообщение #30 (http://everdream.ru/forum/index.php?topic=7339.msg200439#msg200439) варианты обложек к роману Джулии Куин "Ten Things I Love About You".

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Февраль 25, 2010, 00:58:13
Кое-какая информация о новых книгах Лизы Клейпас про семейство Хэтэуэй.


#4. Выход: 25 мая 2010 г.

#5. Выход: 29 июня 2010 г.
Leo Hathaway must marry and produce an heir within a year to save his family home. Catherine Marks is intriguing and infernally tempting but hides a secret that could utterly destroy her. Can two wary lovers find a way to banish the shadows and give in to their desires?Captain Christopher Phelan has been corresponding with the beautiful golden-haired Prudence Mercer while he was away fighting in the Crimean War. What he doesn't know, however, is that the woman who wrote to him is actually Prudence's best friend, Beatrix Hathaway.

Upon his return home to Hampshire, it becomes clear that Christopher's experiences in war have changed him.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: alenakara от Февраль 25, 2010, 19:05:17
Клейпас как всегда жду с нетерпением, наверное больше хочется почитать только чем там все у Монинг в лихорадке закончится. А что, новая серия Хантер достойная, стоит начинать?

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Полина от Март 19, 2010, 19:55:33
Добавила пару обложек в  сообщение 30.


Lady Elizabeth Banning, the youngest and most headstrong of the three Banning sisters, is a shameless, hardened flirt with a reputation for jilting fiancés. Perhaps she is reluctant to marry because of her father's appalling treatment of his wives and daughters, or perhaps because she's headstrong and likes to do as she pleases. When a mysterious man helps extricate Beth from a potentially scandalous situation that arises after she throws over another fiancé, Beth doesn't realize she has become a weapon that government-sanctioned assassin Neil Severin can use against her brother-in-law Hugh, the Duke of Richmond.

When Neil attempts to abduct Beth in order to force a confrontation with Hugh, one of her angry former fiancés beats him to it. As Neil rescues Beth from a medieval fortress on the Scottish border, he and Beth escape harrowing dangers and fall in love. And clever Beth comes up with a way to protect Neil from the official death sentence against him - she marries him.

апрель 2010

Fade To Midnight (The seventh book in the McCloud Brothers series)
Shannon McKenna
май 2010

Wild Fire (The fourth book in the Leopard People series)

Christine Feehan
апрель 2010

Conner Vega, physically and emotionally scarred by his past, has returned to the lush, exotic landscape of the Panama rainforest - his birthplace, and hopefully an escape from the guilt that consumes him. Free to roam at last, the leopard in him longs to take control, but knowing how dangerous that would be, Connor must resist. However, there are more serious issues to deal with. Connor's been brought back for a specific purpose: to help save his people from an evil threatening their existence, and to avenge his mother's brutal murder. And this time he means to take care of business.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Полина от Март 26, 2010, 20:05:00

A Lady Never Tells (The first book in the Willowmere series) (2010)
Candace Camp

Mary Bascombe comes to England in search of her noble relatives, but discovers both danger and a dangerously handsome suitor.


A Gentleman Always Remembers (The second book in the Willowmere series) (2010)
Candace Camp

 New York Times bestselling author Candace Camp's delectable Willowmere series continues with the story of the accomplished and pretty widow who takes on the American Bascombe sisters for their London debut - only to discover that, when it comes to love, she is the one who is unprepared.Married young to a charming but improvident army officer, Eve Hawthorne was widowed with little left except for a few extravagant trifles. Desperate to avoid her domineering stepmother, she accepts employment as chaperone to the Earl of Stewkesbury's American cousins. Who better than a levelheaded widow to remind these young girls that they no longer live on a frontier? But when she flirts with a handsome stranger who turns out to be the earl's brother Fitz, Eve worries she's given the wrong impression. Trying to prove herself responsible - with Fitz challenging her at every turn - is hard enough, but a blackmailer with an interest in Eve's prior marriage proves far more troubling. With the earl away, Eve can turn only to Fitz for help. But dare she confide in him, when getting too close to this confirmed bachelor might risk her heart to his alluring ways?

Desires of a Perfect Lady

Victoria Alexander

 A secret list of the desires of Lady Olivia Rathbourne:

Disregard convention
Follow my heart
Bed the Earl of Wyldewood

A decade ago, Olivia had expected to marry the Earl of Wyldewood, only to have happiness stolen from her before his ring could be placed upon her finger. Now he stands before her, as proud and arrogant and handsome as ever, vowing to rescue her. Well, he's got some nerve urning up after all these years. Where was he when she needed him?

As for the earl, scandal has never touched him nor has impropriety ever besmirched his name. But his penchant for doing the expected does have his family calling him, well, dull. Isn't it time to flaunt society's conventions and do what he's always wanted? And first on his list: Olivia in his bed - with or without a wedding.


Without Mercy

Lisa Jackson


Julia 'Jules' Farentino knows that her teenaged half-sister, Shaylee, has been having problems lately. But when she learns of her mother's plan to send Shay to an elite boarding school in southern Oregon, she's skeptical. The Academy is a remote, secluded institution with a reputation for turning wayward kids around. With its emphasis on structure, discipline, and building self-reliance, it claims to succeed where other schools fail. But one of its students went missing six months ago and has never surfaced. And the further Jules digs into the school's history, the more concerned she becomes.

On impulse, Jules applies for a teaching job at the Academy, and once there, her suspicions grow. Another student disappears, and two more commit suicide in strange circumstances - or were they murdered? Something sinister is lurking beneath the Academy's serene façade. And uncovering the truth will mean confronting a powerful force of evil that's willing to kill, again and again.

Gripping, fast-paced, and with a shocking twist that will leave listeners gaping, Without Mercy is Lisa Jackson at her brilliant best.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Полина от Март 26, 2010, 20:15:56

Lover Mine (The eighth book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series)
(2010)27 Apr 2010

J R Ward

In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, there's a deadly war raging between vampires and their slayers. And there exists a secret band of brothers like no other - vampire warriors, defenders of their race...John Matthew has been through his vampire transition and taken to the life of the Brotherhood with a vengeance, but he still can't shake the nightmare of his past and is unsure of his future as a warrior hero. He's made a promise to honour the Brotherhood and their fight with the slayers at all costs, until the love of his life is kidnapped and he is forced to make a choice that could change his life and the Brotherhood's forever...

That Perfect Someone
(The tenth book in the Malory Family series)
(2010)June 2010
Johanna Lindsey

Nine years ago Richard Allen fled England when his avaricious father, the Earl of Manford, betrothed him to Julia Miller, the young daughter of London's wealthiest merchant. Having seen how his father's ambition ruined his older brother's prospects for happiness with an arranged marriage, free-spirited Richard takes to the sea determined to live his own life. In the Caribbean, he joins a band of treasure-hunting pirates and adopts the persona of a Frenchman named Jean Paul. When he dares to slip back into England to carry out an urgent task for his captain, Richard falls in love with a married woman, Georgina Malory. Despite Georgina's indifference to him and her husband James Malory's threats to harm him, Richard is smitten. His next attempt to woo Georgina at a masked ball turns out to be a terrible mistake because it brings him face to face with another beautiful woman.

Grown-up and sophisticated, Julia Miller, a friend of Georgina's, is charmed by the masked Frenchman Jean Paul until she discovers he's really her detested fiancé! Julia has hired solicitors to have Richard declared dead so she can free herself from their betrothal and move on with her life. But when the Earl of Manford learns his son has returned and can fulfill the marriage contract, he sets in motion a chain of events that places Julia on the high seas with her fiancé who is not merely an irresponsible nobleman but a seductive, adventure-loving pirate!


Out of Body
(The first book in the Court of Angels series)
(2010)March 2010

Stella Cameron

Born of an ancient family of clairvoyants, Marley Millet finds that her psychic gift is both unsettling and incredibly dangerous. She never wants to "travel" again - but the choice is not hers to make.

After glimpsing the fates of two missing New Orleans jazz singers, Marley knows she has no choice and must speak up before more women disappear. Flinty cop-turned-writer Gray Fisher, who interviewed both chanteuses before they vanished, takes a special interest in Marley's incredible story - and in Marley.

Scouring the wild clubs of the French Quarter, Marley and Gray make an unlikely and uneasy team. But their determination is matched only by the heat between them.and the evil they have uncovered.


Out of Mind
(The second book in the Court of Angels series)
(2010)March 2010

Stella Cameron

Willow Millet longs to deny her family's exceptional gifts - paranormal talents known to few, shared by even fewer. Benedict Fortune is one such - a connection that should have strengthened the undeniable bond between him and Willow. But her self-doubt has driven them apart.

Married instead to her business, Willow's concierge we-can-do-anything service is thriving until it is hit by a string of bizarre and fatal accidents - every victim a client. Now her livelihood depends on two enigmatic socialites and their notoriously decadent parties. In this anything-goes atmosphere, Willow and Ben are thrown together again and their need for each other is as strong as ever, but they are challenged at every turn..

For dark forces are stalking Willow - coveting her gift as a means of cheating death.and ruling New Orleans forever.

Out of Sight
(The third book in the Court of Angels series)
(2010)April 2010
A novel by
Stella Cameron

Dark Peril
(Book 21 in the Dark series)
(2010)August 2010
A novel by
Christine Feehan

'Carpathians are an immortal race of beings with animal instincts and the ability to shape shift. Every Carpathian male is drawn to a life mate: a woman - Carpathian or human - able to provide the light to his darkness. Without her, the beast within slowly consumes the man until turning into a vampire is the only option.' In Feehan's latest, lose yourself in one man's gripping battle to save himself and his search for the one woman who will answer all his prayers...as well as satisfy his desire.

No Mercy
(Book 27 in the Dark-Hunter series)
(2010)August 2010
A novel by
Sherrilyn Kenyon

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Отправлено: Полина от Март 26, 2010, 20:25:24

The Secret Duke (Paperback)  Jo Beverley (Author)

When Arabella Barstowe is kidnapped, she believes her life and virtue are forfeit-until she's rescued by the notorious rogue Captain Rose. Bella never expects to see him again. But years later she learns the wicked truth behind her abduction, and she seeks out the only man who can help her take revenge.

What she doesn't know is that Captain Rose is just a disguise for the formidable Duke of Ithorne, who is intrigued to hear from the mysterious woman from his past. Their lives are soon entangled by danger and a growing forbidden passion.

All the Queen's Players (Paperback) Jane Feather (Author)

At Queen Elizabeth’s palace, intrigue abounds. And when a naive girl with a gift for keen observation enters the court, she can hardly imagine the role she will play in bringing England—indeed, the whole of Europe—to the brink of war. Nor can she foresee her own journey to the brink of ecstasy and beyond. . . .

When she becomes a junior lady of Queen Elizabeth’s bedchamber, Rosamund is instructed by her cousin, the brilliant and devious secretary of state Sir Francis Walsingham, to record everything she observes. Her promised reward: a chance at a good marriage. But through her brother Thomas, Rosamund finds herself drawn to the forbidden, rough-and-tumble world of theatre, and to Thomas’s friend, the dramatic, impetuous playwright Christopher Marlowe. And then Rosamund meets Will Creighton—a persuasive courtier, poet, and would-be playwright who is the embodiment of an unsuitable match.


The unsanctioned relationship between Rosamund and Will draws the wrath of Elizabeth, who prides herself on being the Virgin Queen. Rosamund is sent in disgrace to a remote castle that holds Elizabeth’s cousin Mary Stuart, the imprisoned Queen of Scots. Here, Walsingham expects Rosamund to uncover proof of a plot against Elizabeth. But surely, nothing good can come of putting an artless girl in such close proximity to so many seductive players and deceptive games. Unless, of course, Rosamund can discover an affinity for passion and intrigue herself. . . .

A Kiss at Midnight (Mass Market Paperback) Eloisa James (Author) July 27, 2010.


Never Less Than A Lady (Lost Lords) (Paperback)  Mary Jo Putney (Author)April 27, 2010.

As the sole remaining heir to the Earl of Daventry, Alexander Randall knows his duty: find a wife and sire a son of his own. The perfect bride for a man in his position would be a biddable young girl of good breeding. But the woman who haunts his imagination is Julia Bancroft--a village midwife with a dark secret that thrusts her into Randall's protection.

Within the space of a day, Julia has been abducted by her first husband's cronies, rescued, and proposed to by a man she scarcely knows. Stranger still is her urge to say yes. A union with Alexander Randall could benefit them both, but Julia doubts she can ever trust her heart again, or the fervent desire Randall ignites. Yet perhaps only a Lost Lord can show a woman like Julia everything a true marriage can be. . .


In Pursuit of a Scandalous Lady (Mass Market Paperback) Gayle Callen (Author)

April 27, 2010

Veteran historical romance writer Callen (Never Marry a Stranger) begins this 1840s romance with a painting depicting two items of interest to Julian Delane, earl of Parkhurst: a gorgeous naked woman, rumored to be one of the ton, and her diamond necklace, stolen from Julian's father a decade earlier. Demure debutante Rebecca Leland was recently seen sporting the diamond, but when Julian catches her and her sister and cousin trying to steal the painting, all three young ladies claim to be the model. Threats from another gem seeker send Rebecca off on a wild journey across the countryside; lustful, curious Julian soon catches up, and they're quick to take advantage of their unchaperoned solitude. Though the tale sports only the thinnest veneer of historical verisimilitude, the hero and heroine are engaging, making this a pleasantly spicy early beach read.


My Dangerous Duke (Mass Market Paperback) Gaelen Foley (Author)June 29, 2010
The formidable, rugged, Rohan Kilburn, Duke of Warrington is a top assassin for the Order. Known for his superstitious streak, he has made a point of keeping his heart immune to love, despite his many conquests. But on one cold winter's night when he returns to his broody seaside castle, he finds that his errant tenants have provided him with a beautiful young woman as a bed-warmer. But Kate Madsen is no harlot. She is the innocent victim of a kidnapping plot, shy but independent, with intelligent, beguiling eyes. As Rohan and Kate work together to unravel the truth surrounding an ancient curse that could destroy them both, their budding attraction begins to ignite. But when the unthinkable happens, it's up to Kate to shatter the curse that could prevent her Dangerous Duke from becoming her ideal husband.


Seven Secrets of Seduction (Mass Market Paperback)  Anne Mallory (Author)May 25, 2010


One Enchanted Evening (Paperback) Lynn Kurland (Author)April 27, 2010.

Time-travel romances have made Lynn Kurland a bestseller in the here-and-now.

A duty-bound knight has taken on the task of rebuilding the most dilapidated castle in all of England.

A costume designer gets her chance to shine by showcasing her fairy- tale designs at an upscale party in an authentic medieval castle.

And the magic that whispers along the castle's hallways is about to orchestrate an improbable happily-ever-after.


Wicked Intentions (Maiden Lane) (Mass Market Paperback) Elizabeth Hoyt (Author)August 1, 2010


Infamous for his wild, sensual needs, Lazarus Huntington, Lord Caire, is searching for a savage killer in St. Giles, London's most notorious slum. Widowed Temperance Dews knows St. Giles like the back of her hand-she's spent a lifetime caring for its inhabitants at the foundling home her family established. Now that home is at risk . . .


Caire makes a simple offer-in return for Temperance's help navigating the perilous alleys of St. Giles, he will introduce her to London's high society so that she can find a benefactor for the home. But Temperance may not be the innocent she seems, and what begins as cold calculation soon falls prey to a passion that neither can control-one that may well destroy them both.


A Hellion in Her Bed (Hellions of Halstead Hall) (Mass Market Paperback) Sabrina Jeffries (Author)September 21, 2010[/img]

Last Night's Scandal (Mass Market Paperback)  Loretta Chase (Author)July 27, 2010


Rogue In My Arms: The Runaway Brides (Mass Market Paperback) Celeste Bradley (Author)
March 30, 2010.

When Sir Colin Lambert learns that the little girl left on the steps of his gentleman’s club belongs to one of its members, he’s filled with hope. Could Melody be the daughter of the beautiful, impulsive actress who broke his heart? Colin is determined to find out with the help of his lost love’s former seamstress, Miss Prudence Filby. But soon, Pru’s disarming manner and seductive voice are stirring all manner of doubts in his mind—as well as some delicious fantasies…

Pru’s only motivation in helping Colin is to reclaim the wages she’s owed. Or at least, it was, before days and nights traveling together draw them into a heated, thrilling intimacy. But as soon as Pru discovers his noble status, she suspects she’s been a fool. To a man of his standing, she can hardly be more than a dalliance, even if their scorching passion makes her long to take center stage in his life—and in his arms…


Rushed to the Altar (Mass Market Paperback) Jane Feather (Author)June 22, 2010)

From New York Times bestselling author Jane Feather comes the first of a wonderful new trilogy, The Blackwater Brides, set in the sensually im-proper Georgian period, in which three noble brothers discover they will be forced to find brides under highly unusual circumstances.

Jasper Sullivan, Earl of Blackwater, needs a prostitute. Not in the usual way, however. His wealthy uncle’s will promises to divide his huge fortune among his nephews if each rescues a fallen woman . . . by marrying her! And since Jasper’s estates were already mortgaged to the hilt before he inherited them, when he catches a pretty young prostitute trying to pick his pocket, he immediately makes his proposal.

Clarissa Astley is not at all what Jasper believes. The orphaned daughter of a prosperous merchant, she is searching the seedier districts of London for her young brother, abducted by their evil guardian, who wants the little boy’s inheritance. But she needs powerful help, and the darkly handsome Earl of Blackwater is certainly that. So she pretends to be exactly what he assumed— a risky charade for an innocent virgin. But when passion flares between Jasper and Clarissa, the deception becomes even more difficult to handle. . . .

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Отправлено: Полина от Март 26, 2010, 22:20:56

Play Dead   Meryl Sawyer May 1, 2010


Into the Dark: The Darkest Fire\The Amazon's Curse\The Darkest Prison  Gena Showalter
April 27, 2010.

The Darkest Passion  Gena Showalter
 May 25, 2010.


Infamous ~ Suzanne Brockmann
 July 27, 2010.

Back in the days of cowboys and outlaws, a now-infamous shootout went down in the tiny mining town of Jubilation, Arizona. National hero U.S. Marshall Silas Quinn saved the city from the notorious Kelly gang, only to have his wife kidnapped and murdered by the ultimate lowlife, Jamie “the Kid” Gallagher. Or so the story goes…One-hundred years later, historian Alison Carter has made her way to the scene of the crime to assist in a movie production of the upcoming film Quinn. Little does she know that waiting there for her is “the Kid’s” supposed great-grandson, A.J. Gallagher, looking to put a stop to production and the defaming of his relative

Silent Scream ~ Karen Rose June 1, 2010

When a teenage girl dies in a suspicious fire, Detective Olivia Sutherland is assigned to track down the arsonist. Then she discovers something more sinister: a vicious blackmailer who preys on young people and murders without hesitation. Making her work even harder is sexy firefighter David Hunter. He's not only sharing the case but sparking memories of their long-ago night of passion, when feelings were left unspoken and hearts were broken.

David has his own ghosts, and a million regrets. But while he and Olivia try to face the wall of pain between them, a diabolical puppet master is pulling strings to make a group of twentysomethings do his bidding. Soon Olivia and David are scouring the city for a calculating criminal who seems tantalizingly close--and is moving in for the kill.


Nothing But Trouble ~ Rachel Gibson
 April 27, 2010.

Running Scared ~ Lisa Jackson  July 27, 2010.

Fifteen years ago in Boston, Kate Summers made a bargain: she became the mother of a perfect, beautiful newborn baby, and she promised she would never breathe a word about the adoption to anyone. Now Kate has built a good life for herself and her son, Jon, in a small town in Oregon. She has almost forgotten her fear that he will somehow be taken away. Then Daegan O'Rourke arrives in town and strikes up a friendship with her and Jon. Daegan has his own past to hide -- one with shocking ties to hers. Someone is searching for Kate and her son and is willing to go to any lengths to claim him. And the one man Kate is tempted to trust has dangerous secrets that could change her world forever. Soon, the past Kate thought she could outrun will explode, unearthing a legacy of lies and treachery and a fury powerful enough to kill


Blown Away ~ Sharon Sala
 May 25, 2010.

Swept Aside ~ Sharon Sala
August 1, 2010

Torn Apart~ Sharon Sala
July 1, 2010

Lord of Devil Isle ~ Connie Mason
(April 27, 2010)

If He's Wild ~ Hannah Howell
 May 25, 2010.
Lady Alethea Vaughn Channing is haunted by a vision of a man in danger - the same man who she has seen in dreams time and time again. She doesn't even know his name, and yet she feels the connection between them, knows she is the only one standing between him and disaster. But rakish Lord Hartley Greville is capable of protecting himself, as he has proven more than once in his perilous work as a spy for the crown. If he's to carry out his duty, he'll need to put aside the achingly beautiful woman with the strange gift. And yet, when Alethea's visions reveal a plot that could endanger children, Hartley will not be able to ignore the destiny that binds them together - or resist the passion burning between them.

Love in the Time of Dragons: A Novel of the Light Dragons ~ Katie MacAlister
 May 4, 2010.

A Mother's Touch: The Way Home\The Paternity Test\A Stranger's Son ~ Linda Howard , Sherryl Woods , Emilie Richards  April 27, 2010.

Three Times a Bride ~ Catherine Anderson , Loretta Chase , Samantha James
 May 11, 2010.

Last Night's Scandal ~ Loretta Chase
 July 27, 2010.

Eight Days to Live: An Eve Duncan Forensics Thriller ~ Iris Johansen
 April 20, 2010.

Although billed as an Eve Duncan Forensics Thriller, neither Eve nor forensics plays a big part in Johansen’s latest. Instead the focus is on Eve’s adopted daughter, Jane MacGuire, who has a successful art show at a Parisian gallery. But a painting titled Guilt has drawn some unwanted attention: the religious cult Sang Noir wants Jane dead. When the cult starts going after those closest to Jane, she turns to two strong, dangerous men: Jock, a trained assassin, and Seth, a hunter with psychic powers. Friction ensues between these two strapping guys as they fight to protect the globe-trotting Jane while she travels from Paris to Switzerland to Jerusalem in an attempt to find out why Sang Noir is so determined to kill her. She’s fighting an intense attraction to Caleb, even as she disapproves of his methods of extracting information, and when Eve’s life hangs in the balance, Jane finds herself crossing lines she never thought she would. Readers interested in hard forensic science will want to look elsewhere, but those receptive to paranormal abilities and religious mysteries will find much to enjoy in this page-turner.

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Отправлено: Полина от Апрель 10, 2010, 08:42:05
Июнь 2010
Shana Abe The Time Weaver
From the highly acclaimed author of The Treasure Keeper and Queen of Dragons comes this mesmerizing new novel of the drákon, a supersensual race of shapeshifters whose world exists side by side with our own. In The Time Weaver, a young drákon woman discovers she possesses a unique gift, one that brings her closer to her destined love—at the cost of their very lives.
Honor Carlisle may have been born into the drákon clan but she’s always felt like a stranger to her kin. It’s an intuition that proves true when she receives a mysterious letter—a letter sent by her future self. Honor learns she is a Time Weaver: a creature with the extraordinary ability to transport herself into the past or future.

But the letter contains a dire warning. If Honor remains in her home at Darkfrith, she is certain to be killed. Fleeing for sanctuary among old friends in Spain, she practices her Weaving and unknowingly draws closer to an even more immediate danger. For on one of her Weaves into the future, Honor encounters the very man she should most avoid: the prince of a rival tribe of drákon.

Drawn to Prince Alexandru of Zaharen, Honor is unable to resist the temptation of Weaving to him again and again across time. As they surrender to a desire that brings the present and future ever closer, they realize they are true soulmates. But they also risk fulfilling a terrible prophecy—for their union is destined to wreak havoc. Now Honor and Sandu must place their trust—and their lives—in each other’s hands, and their faith in a magical love that could restore order to the drákon universe—or destroy it forever.

Joanna Bourne The Forbidden Rose  

Hannah Howell

If He's Wild
Lady Alethea Vaughn Channing is haunted by a vision of a man in danger - the same man who she has seen in dreams time and time again. She doesn't even know his name, and yet she feels the connection between them, knows she is the only one standing between him and disaster. But rakish Lord Hartley Greville is capable of protecting himself, as he has proven more than once in his perilous work as a spy for the crown. If he's to carry out his duty, he'll need to put aside the achingly beautiful woman with the strange gift. And yet, when Alethea's visions reveal a plot that could endanger children, Hartley will not be able to ignore the destiny that binds them together - or resist the passion burning between them.

Kentucky Bride
In town to hunt for a wife, prosperous businessman Ballard MacGregor finds a willing one in Clover Sherwood, who, left penniless after her father's death, is eager to rescue her family from destitution

Cupid Cats

From New York Times bestselling authors Katie Macalister, Vicki Lewis Thompson and National bestselling author Connie Brockway:

Stories full of magic, love-and cats.

This one-of-a-kind-all-original anthology features stories by three bestselling superstar authors starring the mysterious, mischievous, and magical matchmaking felines of the Cupid Cats Animal Shelter, who assist their owners in finding romance and true love.
Shirlee Busbee Passion Becomes Her

Gena Showalter The Darkest Lie
In this riveting new installment of "The Lords of the Underworld Series", Gideon, keeper of the Demon of Lies, fights to uncover the truth. Forced to his knees in agony whenever he speaks the truth, Gideon can recognize any lie - until he captures Scarlet, a demon-possessed immortal who claims to be his long-lost wife. He doesn't remember the beautiful female, much less wedding - or bedding - her. But he wants to...almost as much as he wants her. But Scarlet is keeper of Nightmares, too dangerous to roam free. A future with her might mean ultimate ruin. Especially as Gideon's enemies draw closer - and the truth threatens to destroy all he's come to love.

Melody Thomas Claimed By a Scottish Lord 

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Отправлено: Полина от Апрель 17, 2010, 21:34:40
Июль 2010

Renegade by Elaine Barbieri

Chains of Ice by Christina Dodd
As a wildlife observer in the untamed mountains, Genny Valente had no idea that a beast more fearsome than any leopard lurked in the forest-a man, one of the Chosen Ones, betrayed by his gift and tormented by his memories. John Powell fled his fate and his duty, yet in Genny he sees his one chance for redemption. He will stalk her, kidnap her, and love her as only a savage can.

The Darkest Lie by Gena Showalter
In this riveting new installment of "The Lords of the Underworld Series", Gideon, keeper of the Demon of Lies, fights to uncover the truth. Forced to his knees in agony whenever he speaks the truth, Gideon can recognize any lie - until he captures Scarlet, a demon-possessed immortal who claims to be his long-lost wife. He doesn't remember the beautiful female, much less wedding - or bedding - her. But he wants to...almost as much as he wants her. But Scarlet is keeper of Nightmares, too dangerous to roam free. A future with her might mean ultimate ruin. Especially as Gideon's enemies draw closer - and the truth threatens to destroy all he's come to love

Bonds of Justice by Nalini Singh
Max Shannon is a good cop, one of the best in New York Enforcement. Born with a natural shield that protects him against Psy mental invasions, he knows he has little chance of advancement within the Psy- dominated power structure. The last case he expects to be assigned to is that of a murderer targeting a Psy Councilor's closest advisors. And the last woman he expects to compel him in the most sensual of ways is a Psy on the verge of catastrophic mental fracture.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Полина от Апрель 18, 2010, 20:12:36
В ноябре 2010 у Норы Робертс
выходят новые книги
(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51ZHnT8ScAL._SL500_AA300_.jpg)  и сборник The Other Side  J.D. Robb , Mary Blayney , Patricia Gaffney , Ruth Ryan Langan , Mary Kay McComas .

Дай ей Бог здоровья! :h-wow2:

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: margarita от Апрель 19, 2010, 01:29:40
это точно! пусть творит нам на радость : ))
я вот только не поняла, а у joanna burne когда все-таки дата выхода?

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Апрель 19, 2010, 02:43:36
Так в июне, Ритуль, даты пока нет. :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: margarita от Апрель 19, 2010, 22:32:59
поняла, спасибо! жду не дождусь!!! :))

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Serenis от Апрель 19, 2010, 22:44:47
Амазон утверждает, что Борн выйдет 1 июня ;)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: svetico от Апрель 22, 2010, 09:34:44
Только что получила сообщение:

Срок выхода книги Infinity: Chronicles of Nick by Sherrilyn Kenyon передвинулся с 8 июня на 25 мая :) Ждем-с

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Апрель 22, 2010, 10:39:15
Во-от! Все бы так выходили! :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Полина от Май 15, 2010, 18:39:13

The Brazen Bride (Black Cobra Quartet) by Stephanie Laurens

Lewis Monteith's mission got off to a shaky start. Wounded in battle, he jumped from his ship rather than risk losing evidence that would bring down a traitor. But as he recuperates in a tiny village, his luck takes a roundabout turn as his fascination with his rescuer, the beautiful Linnet Trevission, grows. Linnet's strength and wisdom have made her a respected leader at home. That's why she knows she'll be invaluable to Lewis - if only he'll let her in. Linnet has no doubt that Lewis is the man for her. Her only battle now is in convincing him that the connection they feel is real and everlasting and that her offer of help can save him - before it's too late.


A Secret Affair (Huxtable Series) by Mary Balogh

Hannah Reid, born a commoner, has been Duchess of Dunbarton since she was nineteen years old, the wife of an elderly Royal to whom she is rumoured to be consistently and flagrantly unfaithful. Now the old Duke is dead and, more womanly and beautiful than ever at thirty, Hannah has her freedom at last. And she knows just what she wants to do with it. To the shock of a conventional friend, she announces her intention to take a lover - and not just any lover, but the most dangerous and delicious man in all of upper class England: Constantine Huxtable. Constantine's illegitimacy has denied him the title of Earl, but otherwise he denies himself nothing. Lounging in a country house he populates with trollops, vagabonds and thieves, drinking deep from the goblet of his own carnal lust, he always chooses recent widows for his short-lived affairs. Hannah will fit the bill nicely. But once these two passionate and scandalous figures find each other, they discover it isn't so easy to extricate oneself from the fires of desire - without getting singed.

Еще обложечка к Клейпас

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51MLIktzTYL._SL500_AA300_.jpg) (http://www.krentz-quick.com/images/9780515148367_med.jpg)
Midnight Crystal: Harmony Series, Book 7 by Jayne Castle

Adam Winters has enough responsibility as the new head of the local ghost hunters' guild without being saddled with the family curse. He's convinced his recent nightmares and hallucinations will lead to him becoming a psychic rogue - unless he can find a stolen relic and a woman who can read dreamlight. Marlowe Jones rides into his life on a motorcycle and, though a descendent of the rival Arcane family, she's just what Adam needs: a psychic private investigator and dreamlight reader extraordinaire. Together, amid the glowing catacombs and steamy underground jungles of Harmony, Adam and Marlowe must break the curse, save the entire underworld - and fight a passion that could destroy them both.

Last Night's Scandal by Loretta Chase

A Highland Duchess by Karen Ranney

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Май 26, 2010, 23:44:34
Elizabeth Boyle - Mad About the Duke (Bachelor Chronicles 7)
29 сентября 2010 г.

Elinor thought it would very simple to marry a duke, until she found them in short supply

Elinor Sterling is the second Standon widow ready to make the leap back into matrimony--but for her it is a different situation. Forcing her hand is her step-father who is threatening to take away her younger sister, and so it is up to Elinor to find a powerful husband to send this troublemaker packing--in other words, she needs a duke.

But what she discovers is that dukes are in very short supply so she hires solicitor James St. Maur to track down the most likely candidate. But the man she's hired isn't quite what he appears to be, and all too soon Elinor finds herself mad about the most unlikeliest of heroes.


Sabrina Jeffries - A Hellion in Her Bed (Hellions of Halstead Hall 2)
21 сентября 2010 г.

Furious at grandmother’s ultimatum to marry or lose his inheritance, Lord Jarret Sharpe wagers his luck—and his heart—at the card table against a most unlikely opponent.

Mired in scandal after his parents’ mysterious deaths, notorious gambler Lord Jarret Sharpe agrees to tamely run the family’s brewery for a year if his Machiavellian grandmother rescinds her ultimatum that he marry. But the gambler in him can’t resist when beguiling Annabel Lake proposes a wager. If she wins their card game, he must help save her family’s foundering brewery. But if he wins, she must spend a night in his bed. The outcome sets off a chain of events that threatens to destroy all his plans…and unveils the secret Annabel has held for so long. When Jarret discovers the darker reason behind her wager, he forces her into another one—and this time he intends to win not just her body, but her heart.

Married 'Til Midnight
 (Hellions of Halstead Hall 3)
Январь 2011 г.


Liz Carlyle - One Touch of Scandal (Fraternitas Aurea Crucis 1)
28 сентября 2010 г.

Against the glamorous backdrop of Victorian high society, Liz Carlyle paints a dramatic tale of danger, deceit and endless desire, the first in her sizzling new trilogy.   Welcome to the world of the Fraternitas Aurea Crucis, an ancient society so secret, few believe it ever really existed . . .

Desperation drove her into the arms of a devil…

Grace Gauthier had taken a position as governess hoping to find security and peace in a life that had very little of either. She’s always yearned for a good marriage, a family, and a home, but it was not to be.  And when the brutal murder of her employer leaves her unprotected and alone—as Scotland Yard’s prime suspect—she has no one to turn to except the mysterious and reclusive Lord Ruthveyn.

A dark-eyed Lucifer, Ruthveyn guards his secrets carefully. His shadowed past as the Queen’s most trusted agent in India is the stuff of whispered rumor, as is his mixed ancestry.  Deeply moved by her plight—and haunted by her beauty—Ruthveyn is determined to save Grace by unmasking a killer. But his growing passion for her soon places his own heart at risk and threatens to expose his dark gifts—and his dark society—to the world . . .


Lynsay Sands - Born to Bite (Argeneau 14)
21 августа 2010 г.

Eshe d’Aureus is sent to Armand Argeneau under the auspice that she needs a safe place to hide from a rogue out for revenge, but Eshe is really on the job. She's been saddled with the task of finding out why Armand's wives keep dying, and what it has to do with his son Nicholas and the murder Nicholas is accused of committing 50 years ago. She's Nicholas's only hope of avoiding being executed for a murder he may or may not have committed. Eshe's agreed to take on the task, but that was before she realized she couldn't read Armand and he is the life mate she's been waiting for.

Armand Argeneau’s first sight of Eshe was her roaring up on a motorcycle that appeared to be aflame. That was inconspicuous?! She had the grace of a panther, the attitude of a pit bull and openly enjoyed thwarting Lucian’s orders whenever possible . . . all of which delighted him immensely . . . until he realized he couldn't read the woman and she might be a life mate. Having already lost a life mate and two wives to suspicious circumstances, Armand isn't willing to risk losing another. Unfortunately, sending her away was pretty difficult when he couldn't keep his thoughts, not to mention his hands, off her. It seems it's time to once again try to get to the bottom of the deaths of his first three wives. While Armand's tried before, he's also failed, but this time he could lose his son as well as his life mate.

Hungry For You (Argeneau 15)
30 ноября 2010 г.


Lori Foster, Jules Bennett, Heidi Betts, Ann Christopher, Lisa Cooke, Paige Cuccaro, Gia Dawn, HelenKay Dimon - The Gift of Love

1 июня 2010 г.

Families come in many configurations, and every one is unique, made up of the personalities of each member. But the love that connects families is universal. Whether it is the love of parents for their children, the love between a husband and wife, the love between siblings, a love that transcends generations, or even the love for a family member never met, the family ties that bind us are the strongest and deepest emotional connections we experience. Families influence a person's development, how they treat others, and how they view life. In The Gift of Love, eight exceptional writers offer a variety of unique perspectives on what family love means and how it impacts our lives in ways profound and often surprising.

All author and agent proceeds from the sale of the book will go to benefit The Conductive Learning Center, a special school for children with spina bifida and cerebral palsy.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Полина от Июнь 06, 2010, 21:33:15
Demon from the Dark by Kresley Cole август 2010


Chains of Fire: The Chosen Ones by Christina Dodd август 2010
Samuel Faa is a Gypsy lawyer with the power to control minds. Isabelle Mason is wealthy, privileged, and refined, and has the gift for healing. Two of the Chosen Ones, they share a past filled with love and betrayal, and a future denied by fate-until the day they're trapped underground. No way out. No way to deny the passion that still burns beneath the surface. And when danger threatens, Isabelle has only one choice: to place her trust in the power of the one man she could never forgive...or forget.

Happy Ever After by Nora Roberts ноябрь 2010

Scarlet Nights by Jude Deveraux август 2010

The Reckless Bride by Stephanie Laurens октябрь 2010
He races to complete their mission against escalating odds--his task made more perilous when he loses his heart.
She's determined to defy convention and live a solitary life--until she tastes the reckless pleasure found only in his arms.
Drawn together by fate, united by fiery passion, they pursue their shared destiny...one they'll live to see only if they unmask the Black Cobra.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Lady от Июнь 14, 2010, 21:29:32

Last Night's Scandal by Loretta Chase

Прочитала интервью Лоретты Чейз (http://www.likesbooks.com/blog/?p=4643) как раз о выходе этой книги. Оказалось, что это долгожданная книга о Оливии и Перегрине, тех самых очаровательных и остроумных детях из книги "Lord Perfect"!!

The  wonderful (really) Last Night’s Scandal hits shelves on July 27th.  For those who haven’t heard the news, it is, indeed the story of Peregrine and Olivia and, though my review is still to come, I’ll tip my hat here and say that I loved it.  A lot.

Теперь жду и предвкушаю концовку июля!

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Полина от Июнь 21, 2010, 23:25:32
Crave: A Novel of the Fallen Angels
J.R. Ward
October 5, 2010


Seven deadly sins. Seven souls that must be saved. One more no-holds- barred battle between a fallen angel with a hardened heart and a demon with everything to lose.

Isaac Rothe is a black ops soldier with a dark past and a grim future. The target of an assassin, he finds himself behind bars, his fate in the hands of his gorgeous public defender Grier Childe. His hot attraction to her can only lead to trouble-and that's before Jim Heron tells him his soul is in danger. Caught up in a wicked game with the demon who shadows Jim, Isaac must decide whether the soldier in him can believe that true love is the ultimate weapon against evil.

Sea Storm
Christine Feehan

November 2, 2010
This two-in-one package from the #1 New York Times bestselling Drake Sisters series includes:

Magic in the Wind
Ever since Damon Wilder sought refuge in Sea Haven, he's heard the same breathless rumor so suggestive that it carries him to Sarah's cliff-top home. But Damon has not arrived alone. Two men have tracked him to Sea Haven, and into the shadows of Drake House, where Sarah hides her own secrets. And danger is just a whisper away.

Oceans of Fire
A gifted daughter in a magical bloodline, Abigail was born with a mystical affinity for water, and possesses a strong bond with dolphins, swimming among them in the waters off Sea Haven. Until she witnesses a murder on shore, and flees for her life-right into the arms of the Interpol agent who once broke her heart.

In Other Worlds
Sherrilyn Kenyon


July 6, 2010
together for the first time in one volume...

Three dazzling stories of magic, fantasy, and romance from the #1 New York Times bestselling author.

Three of the author's most thrilling stories in one fabulous volume...

Fire and Ice
On the run, a beautiful virgin crosses paths with a sexy ex-assassin.

Knightly Dreams
The dashing hero of a novel comes to life.

A woman must help a shape-shifting dragon trapped between two worlds.

Darkness Within (The Lords of Avalon)
Kinley MacGregor

October 26, 2010

Gena Showalter
August 31, 2010.

Undead and Unfinished (Queen Betsy, Book 9)
MaryJanice Davidson


 July 6, 2010.
Vampire Queen Betsy Taylor is having a tough time getting through the Book of the Dead-until the Devil strikes a bargain. She offers Betsy a chance to finish the cursed (literally!) thing, and finally discover all its mysteries. There's just one catch...

Betsy and her half-sister Laura have to go to Hell long enough for Laura to embrace her dark heritage (after a rebellious youth of charity work) and finally make nice with her mother, aka Lucifer. That means interacting with their family's past. In doing so, they're impacting the future in ways they never anticipated. Of course that's what Mother wanted all along. Damn her.

Don't Cry
Beverly Barton

August 31, 2010

Nowhere To Run
The crime scenes are horrifying: the victims arranged with deliberate care, posed to appear alive despite their agonized last moments and the shocking nature of their deaths.
No Place To Hide
Chattanooga grief counselor Audrey Sherrod moonlights for the local police. It-s clear to her, and to Special Agent J.D. Cass, that the murders are the work of a deranged serial killer. At first, the only link is the victims- similar physical appearance. But then another connection emerges, tying them to a long-ago series of horrifying crimes Audrey hoped would never resurface-crimes that hit all too close to home
No Time To Cry
Each grisly new discovery proves the past has not been forgotten, and the worst is yet to come. Audrey went looking for the truth and she-s about to find it-and it will be more twisted and more terrifying than she ever imagined.

Maybe This Time
Jennifer Crusie

August 31, 2010.
Andie Miller is ready to move on in life. She wants to marry her fiance and leave behind everything in her past, especially her ex-husband, North Archer. But when Andie tries to gain closure with him, he asks one final favor of her before they go their separate ways forever. A very distant cousin of his has died and left North as the guardian of two orphans who have driven out three nannies already, and things are getting worse. He needs a very special person to take care of the situation and he knows Andie can handle anything…
When Andie meets the two children she quickly realizes things are much worse than she feared. The place is a mess, the children, Carter and Alice, aren’t your average delinquents, and the creepy old house where they live is being run by the worst housekeeper since Mrs. Danvers. What’s worse, Andie’s fiance thinks this is all a plan by North to get Andie back, and he may be right. Andie’s dreams have been haunted by North since she arrived at the old house. And that’s not the only haunting…
What follows is a hilarious adventure in exorcism, including a self-doubting parapsychologist, an annoyed medium, her Tarot-card reading mother, an avenging ex-mother-in-law, and, of course, her jealous fiance. And just when she thinks things couldn’t get more complicated, North shows up on the doorstep making her wonder if maybe this time things could be different between them.
If Andie can just get rid of all the guests and ghosts, she’s pretty sure she can save the kids, and herself, from the past. But fate might just have another thing in mind…

Tough Customer: A Novel
Sandra Brown

August 10, 2010.
Colleagues, friends, and lovers know Dodge Hanley as a private investigator who doesn’t let rules get in his way—in his private life as well as his professional one. If he breaks a heart, or bends the law in order to catch a criminal, he does so without hesitation or apology.That’s why he’s the first person Caroline King—who after a thirty-year separation continues to haunt his dreams—asks for help when a deranged stalker attempts to murder their daughter . . . the daughter Dodge has never met. He has a whole bagful of grudging excuses for wishing to ignore Caroline’s call, and one compelling reason to drop everything and fly down to Texas: guilt.Dodge’s mind may be a haze of disturbing memories and bad decisions, but he arrives in Houston knowing with perfect clarity that his daughter, Berry, is in danger. She has become the object of desire of a co-worker, a madman and genius with a penchant for puzzles and games who has spent the past year making Berry’s life hell, and who now has vowed to kill her.Dodge joins forces with local deputy sheriff Ski Nyland, but the alarming situation goes from bad to worse when the stalker begins to claim other victims and leaves an ominous trail of clues as he lethally works his way toward Berry. Sensing the killer drawing nearer, Dodge, who’s survived vicious criminals and his own self-destructive impulses, realizes that this time he’s in for the fight of his life.

Shadow Zone
Iris Johansen , Roy Johansen


July 20, 2010.
This disappointing sequel to the Johansens' Silent Thunder (2008) centers on the ancient city of Marinth, submerged in a massive tsunami 4,000 years ago and lying a quarter mile beneath the Atlantic Ocean. The secret that doomed Marinth's civilization to decline before the killer wave is still present and could in the wrong hands be a threat to hundreds of millions of people. As malevolent armsmerchant Vincent Gadiare and his femme-fatale lover, Anna Devareau, maneuver to get their hands on Marinth's secret, Hannah Bryson, world-class submarine designer, gathers her own legion of experts, including her love interest, enigmatic assassin Nicholas Kirov. Entertaining action scenes compensate in part for two-dimensional characters and trite romances. Informed readers may have trouble with the book's lack of verisimilitude. Submarines behave suspiciously similar to aircraft, and photosynthetic plants thrive in the water well below the photic zone.

Dark Peril (Carpathian)
Christine Feehan

August 31, 2010
Dominic of the Dragonseeker Carpathians is on a desperate mission, in the very heart of enemy territory. Solange Sangria is one of the last of the jaguar people. She has long been fighting to save women who are able to shift from the hands of the man who slaughtered her family and everyone she loved-her own father. They are two warriors who have lived their lives alone. Now, a the end of their time, they find each other, a complication neither saw coming.

The Viking Takes a Knight
Sandra Hill

August 31, 2010.

Yours For Eternity
Hannah Howell , Kaitlin O'Riley , Alexandra Ivy

August 31, 2010
"Highland Blood" by Hannah Howell - When Adeline Dunbar finds an abandoned baby on her doorstep, she sets out to find his clan. Attacked by a group of demon hunters, Adeline tries to flee her rescuer, vampire Lachann MacNachton. But escaping Lachann proves useless - as does denying the primal hunger he stirs deep within her..."Taken by Darkness" by Alexandra Ivy - The daughter of a witch, Juliet Lawrence has inherited magical powers - powers that could be quite useful to Victor, Marquess DeRosa, London's most powerful vampire. But that's not all Victor desires of Juliet. He wants the unpredictable beauty in his bed - and he is accustomed to getting what he wants..."Immortal Dreams" by Kaitlin O'Riley - Beautiful widow Grace Sutton is haunted by recurring dreams of a past life and a mysterious, handsome stranger. When Grace meets Stuart Phillips, Lord Radcliffe - the vampire who has been searching for her for over a century - her sensual dreams soon come true in the most unforgettable way...

A Time for Love
Lynn Kurland

September 7, 2010.
Two of the New York Times bestselling author's most dazzling paranormal romances, together for the first time.

In Another Chance to Dream, Rhys, a knight with neither land nor title, cannot win the hand of Gwennelyn of Segrave, but he will always have her heart. Then Gwen is betrothed to another man, and Rhys fears he will lose her forever. Until a surprise offer comes his way-bringing Rhys and Gwen a second chance.

In If I Had You, Robin de Piaget returns to Artane- and to Anne of Fenwyck, a bewitching young woman who leaves him breathless with longing. But there's treachery that endangers them. And as the past threatens their future, Anne and Robin realize they want nothing more than to have each other-for eternity.

The Devil Wears Plaid
Teresa Medeiros

August 24, 2010
Passion sparks in USA Today and New York Times bestselling author Teresa Medeiros’s irresistibly tempting new romance after a sexy  Highlander kidnaps his rival’s spirited English bride Emmaline Marlowe is about to wed the extremely powerful laird of the Hepburn clan to save her father from debtor’s prison when ruffian Jamie Sinclair bursts into the abbey on a magnificent black horse and abducts her in one strong swoop. Though he is Hepburn’s sworn enemy, Emma’s mysterious captor is everything her bridegroom is not—handsome, virile, dangerous . . . and a perilous temptation for her yearning heart.  Jamie expects Emma to be some milksop English miss, not a fiery, defiant beauty whose irresistible charms will tempt him at every turn. But he cannot allow either one of them to forget he is her enemy and she his pawn in the deadly Highland feud between the clans. So why does he still want her so badly for himself? Stealing his enemy’s bride was simple, but can he claim her innocence without losing his heart?

The Unclaimed Duchess
Jenna Petersen

August 31, 2010

The Accidental Wedding
Anne Gracie

October 5, 2010.
When Nash Renfrew wakes in the bed of lovely Maddy Woodford, he thinks he's dreaming. Then he learns of his accident and the loss of his memory. But when it returns, Nash has no desire to leave Maddy's side and continues pretending he has amnesia. With each passing day, Nash's attraction to Maddy grows. But he's a diplomat and she's just a country girl. How can he even entertain thoughts of seducing her?

Sinful in Satin
Madeline Hunter

september 28, 2010.

Celia's quiet life ends when her mother, a famed London courtesan, dies, leaving her a small house in town-and a darkly handsome, reputedly dangerous tenant.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: alenakara от Июль 17, 2010, 17:51:09
Новая Монинг в продаже с 18 января 2011 года! Наконец то  с датой определились. :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Serenis от Июль 17, 2010, 18:46:53
они уже третий раз определяются.... :(

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Полина от Июль 26, 2010, 19:27:02
Сначала о Монинг


Shadowfever (Mackayla Lane) by Karen Marie Moning
January 18, 2011.

А теперь о книгах октября

Blood Trinity: Book 1 in the Belador Series by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Supernatural warriors bound by an extraordinary code of honor face an ultimate test of loyalty in the exciting new paranormal thriller from New York Times bestselling authors Sherrilyn Kenyon and Dianna Love.Atlanta has become the battlefield between human and demon. All her life, Evalle Kincaid has walked the line between the two. Her origins unknown, she’s on a quest to learn more about her past . . . and her future.When a demon claims a young woman in a terrifying attack and there’s no one else to blame, Evalle comes under suspicion. Now she’s on a deadly quest for her own survival. Through the sordid underground of an alternate Atlanta where nothing is as it seems to the front lines of the city, where her former allies have joined forces to hunt her, Evalle must prove her innocence or pay the ultimate price.But saving herself is the least of her problems if she doesn’t stop the coming apocalypse. The clock is ticking and Atlanta is about to catch fire. . . .

Breathless by Anne Stuart

Deadly Promises by Sherrilyn Kenyon

THESE HEROES ARE 100 PERCENT RAW, DANGEROUS, AND . . . UNDENIABLY SEXY.New York Times bestselling authors Sherrilyn Kenyon, Dianna Love, and Cindy Gerard and rising romance star Laura Griffin mix seduction and suspense in three irresistible romantic adventures. From sultry international jungles to the rugged terrain of the American Southwest, join the larger-than-life, scorching-hot alpha heroes of the Bureau of American Defense, Black Ops, Inc., and the U.S. Navy SEALs for all the pulse-pounding, heart-racing, toe-curling excitement. They’re cool under pressure, steamy under the sheets, and when the enemy strikes, there’s not a lethal mission these gorgeous men can’t handle. . . . Just Bad Enough

Dark Viking by Sandra Hill

After a sea operation gone wrong, Navy SEAL Rita Sawyer awakens to find herself still clad in her wetsuit and in a cage with a bunch of Vikings staring at her, including one very tempting warlord.

Steven of Norstead has been in a cold, dark mood for many weeks. But perhaps this unusual woman, with her sharp tongue and irksome ways, could be the one to light his fire.

Bespelling Jane Austen: Almost Persuaded\Northanger Castle\Blood and Prejudice\Little to Hex Her by Mary Balogh

И в ноябре

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Сентябрь 25, 2010, 02:06:54
Практически на подходе, 28 сентября 2010 г.

(http://www.elizabethboyle.com/images/covers/mad/mad_350.jpg)     Never judge a duke by his cover…

Level-headed Lady Elinor Standon will not allow her greedy stepfather to wed her younger sister to the highest bidder! The only way to stop this evil plan is for Elinor to to gain control of her sister’s guardianship, but to do that she needs to get married. Convinced that nothing less than a duke will do, she hires Mr. St. Maur, Esq. to help her land her lofty lord… However her plans go awry as she discovers that beneath her solicitor’s rumpled coat and haughty demeanor is a man all-too-desirable to ignore and she finds herself falling for more than his unconventional legal advice.
James Tremont, the ninth Duke of Parkerton, is astonished by the freedom and anonymity he’s gained simply by donning his brother’s ill-fitting jacket, especially when an exquisite, peer-hunting beauty mistakes him for a solicitor... Now he finds himself tangled up by more than her legal woes. For until he can undo the straight-laced yet delectable Elinor, his identity must remain a mystery—because by not having revealed it immediately, this dedicated bachelor may have already sabotaged his one chance for the madness of finding his one true love.

Роман про вторую из трех вдовствующих маркиз Стэндон, доставшихся по наследству оставшихся на попечении и содержании герцога Холлиндрейка.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Октябрь 04, 2010, 00:01:04
Очень красивая обложка к новой книге Л. Клейпас:


Ждем 26 октября. :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Октябрь 04, 2010, 00:04:42
КОУЛТЕР Кэтрин - The Valcourt Heiress (выходит 5 октября).
Из серии "Песня".


Twenty-four year old Lord Garron of Kersey is on his way home to succeed his late brother, Arthur, as the Earl of Wareham. But on arrival, Garron discovers his home, Wareham Castle, has been nearly destroyed by The Black Demon and his band of bad bad soldiers looking for Arthur's cache of silver coins which remain hidden. The handful of servants who've survived includes a young girl named Merry, supposedly the castle priest's bastard, who is as clever and enterprising as Garron.

Garron is told this Black Demon destroyed Wareham because no one would tell him where Arthur had hidden stolen silver coins. Equally puzzling is the too-smart bastard Merry -- as well bred, literate and brave as any man he's ever known. Indeed, she galvanizes his people to action before he can even ask her assistance. She's a natural leader and a skilled healer, but Merry has secrets of her own...secrets that could endanger Garron and his people. He knows she's hiding something, knows she could bring more bad things down on his head, but he likes her and her fast mind and her ready wit. But can he survive the truth?

This engaging journey into medieval-land is loaded with intrigue, a witch who could turn you into a toad, and rich historical detail. As always, Coulter wraps it all up in a nail-biting ending. Well-defined characters, fascinating situations, blooming love, and a super big surprise are in store. Enjoy!

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Октябрь 04, 2010, 00:17:03
The Lady Most Likely... (выходит 28 декабря)
Роман в 3 частях от Д. Куин, Э. Джеймс, К. Брокуэй


Летом 2011 г. выходит первый роман Джулии КУИН из тетралогии о девушках из семейства Смайт-Смит, известного в романах Куин своими невыносимыми музыкальными вечерами.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Октябрь 04, 2010, 00:29:41
ЛЭНДОН Джулия - The Year of Living Scandalously (выходит 19 октября)


In 1792, the village of Hadley Green executed a man for stealing the Countess of Ashwood’s historic jewels. Fifteen years later, questions still linger. Was it a crime of greed—or of passion?

When Declan O’Connor, Earl of Donnelly, arrives at Hadley Green to meet with Lily Boudine, the new countess of Ashwood, he immediately recognizes the lovely woman who welcomes him. Pretending to be her cousin Lily in an attempt to avoid an unwanted marriage, Keira Hannigan is staying at the estate while Lily is abroad. When Declan threatens to expose her, Keira convinces him to guard her secret, then enlists him in her investigation of the missing jewels, for she now believes an innocent man was hanged.

Unable to deny the beautiful, exasperating Keira—or their simmering passion—Declan reluctantly agrees. But neither is prepared for the dangerous stranger who threatens to reveal Keira’s lies . . . and Declan knows he must protect Keira at all costs, for she is the woman who now owns his heart.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Октябрь 04, 2010, 00:40:57
МАРТИН Кэт - Against the Wind (выходит в январе 2011)


Unable to resist trouble the "no account Raines boy", Jackson Raines finds himself entangled with the high school beauty who humiliated him so many years ago. Enemies of her dead husband bring trouble. And despite their history, Jackson is the one man who can save her and her daughter ...
Secrets don’t stay buried long in cattle country. Sarah Allen,the beautiful girl who humiliated Jackson Raines in high school, is back in town. Not so long ago, she couldn’t wait to leave Wind Canyon, Wyoming, in her dust. But recently widowed, she has nowhere else to go and finds herself on Jackson’s ranch.
Despite everything, Jackson is reluctant to get rid of her. He can’t resist trouble, and Sarah brings her own special kind. Enemies of her dead husband show up on the ranch making threats, thinking she has something they’re owed. They’re not taking no for an answer, but what they will take is the one thing she has left—her daughter—and Jackson may be the only hope she has of getting little Holly home alive.

МАРТИН Кэт - Against the Fire (выходит в феврале 2011)


Once one of the “no-account Raines boys,” Gabriel Raines has pulled himself out of poverty by his bootstraps to become a successful businessman—one who has become the target of revenge…
You can’t fight what you can’t see. And Gabriel Raines can’t be sure just who’s setting the fires in his new real-estate development. When two fires hit back-to-back, he knows it’s personal, but any number of competitors or ex-employees could be the arsonist.
The police suspect Angel Ramirez, a local teen who’s been in trouble before. But Mattie Baker, a volunteer at the Family Abuse center, just can’t believe the kid she’s been working with would go back to his delinquent ways.
Determined to convince Gabe that she’s right, Mattie must get close to him and find out who’s putting their neighborhood in jeopardy. And just as the arsonist’s flames continue to burn, they find a heat developing between them. It might just turn into a full-fledged fire…if they can survive long enough.

МАРТИН Кэт - Against the Law (выходит в марте 2011)


The most unsettled of the “no-account Raines boys,” Devlin Raines has long been protecting his heart from injury. But his latest case—and client—forces him to lay everything on the line…
At thirty-two Dev is “mostly retired” from Raines Investigations, content to run operations from his sprawling Arizona home. But Dev has never been able to say no to a beautiful woman, so when Lark Delaney comes to him for help, the former U.S. Army Ranger from Wind Canyon gets back in the game.
Lark is sexy, successful and dedicated to tracking down the baby girl her sister gave up for adoption. It should be a straightforward case, but it’s not long before Dev uncovers a shady adoption ring and worse—the child’s parents have been murdered and the little girl has been taken.
As the case grows dangerous and Lark needs him more than ever, Dev can’t ignore his growing attraction for her. He also can’t trust his judgment with women or the emotions he’s long since buried. But there’s a chance, if he gets this right and saves Lark’s niece, that he’ll end up saving himself, too.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Октябрь 04, 2010, 00:54:41
РЭННИ Карен - A Borrowed Scot (выходит 28 марта 2011)

An American discovers that nothing is quite as he expected: neither the estate he inherited in Scotland nor the woman he was forced, by circumstance, to marry.

СЭНДС Линси - Hungry For You (выходит 30 ноября)
Семья Аржено

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n70/n352021.jpg)   As a chef and restauranteur, Alex Willan had enjoyed so much success she allowed herself to be talked into opening a second restaurant. It’s a decision she’s come to regret. Calamity after calamity have slowed the opening and driven her to the edge of bankruptcy. But things go from bad to worse when a competitor lures away the chef at her original restaurant leaving her torn between the choice to keep the original restaurant running, or getting the second restaurant going. With so much happening, Alex simply doesn’t have time for her sister Sam’s attempts at matchmaking, so when Sam calls with yet another man she “just has to meet” Alex tells her that if the man doesn’t cook, don’t even bother. Imagine her surprise when Sam says he’s a chef from Europe. He appears to be the answer to her prayers.

Cale Argeneau was finding himself somewhat world weary and bored so when his Aunt Marguerite suggested a visit to Canada to spend some time with his cousins, he thought “why not?” What he didn’t realize was that the intrepid Marguerite Argeneau thought she might have a match for him. Once he finds out, he’s less than excited. He’s waited centuries for a life mate and finds it hard to believe this Alex woman his Aunt keeps going on about could be the one. It was the shock of his life when he met Alex and found she was indeed a possible life mate. But that wasn’t nearly as shocking as the realization that the only way he was going to get anywhere near the woman was if he claimed to be a world class chef. Cale couldn’t even boil water, but he was about to take a crash course in cooking. He was also going to have to find out who was behind the calamities that were plaguing this new restaurant endeavor before someone got hurt. He’d do that and more to be near the woman who had reawakened his appetites, because it wasn’t just food he now found himself hungry for, but also Alex herself and the life he could have with her.

СЭНДС Линси - The Countess (выходит 25 января 2011)
Madison Sisters 1

The fairy tale courtship did not turn into a happily ever after…
Not until her husband dropped dead, that is. He had been horrible enough to Christiana during their short marriage, and she was not going to allow the traditional period of mourning to ruin her sisters’ debuts as well. So Christiana decides to put him on ice and go on as if nothing’s happened…
Until the real earl appears. Richard Fairgrave had every intention of confronting his villainous twin who robbed him of his name and title…only to discover that he’d died. Quietly assuming his identity, Richard must now deal with a maddening desire for his ravishing inherited “wife”—certainly a gold digger and possibly a murderess. And Christiana must deal with an unwanted new “husband”…and they both must figure out what to do before the ice melts!

СЭНДС Линси - The Heiress (выходит 22 февраля 2011)
Madison Sisters 2

Desperately seeking a husband…
Suzette is not like other heiresses; she wants a poor husband. A gentleman who will be so grateful for her dowry that he will allow her access to her dowry so she can help pay off her father’s gambling debts. When this alluring beauty encounters Daniel Woodward—handsome, titled, single…and even more impoverished than she could have hoped for—it seems Suzette’s wildest dream has come true.
But Daniel has not been truthful. Tired of being accosted by an endless stream of vapid coquettes and their fortune-hunting mothers, Daniel has decided to plead poverty to stop them in their tracks. Yet here is a most refreshing and delectable lady who claims to be thrilled by his penury. Now all Daniel has to do to find true happiness is to keep a little white lie alive…while avoiding a dastardly villain who’s determined to prevent this union by any means necessary.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Октябрь 04, 2010, 01:01:10
ФИХАН Кристин - Ruthless Game (выходит 28 декабря)


A woman on the run, with more to live for than she imagined, collides with a danger more lethal than she feared in the all-new Ghostwalker scorcher by #1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan…
Ghostwalker Kane Cannon is pure male—animalistic, sexual, protective, instinctive—and his past missions have prepared him for anything. But his newest assignment, to rescue hostages in Mexico , plunges him into a hot zone he never anticipated: the hiding place of Rose Patterson—fugitive, ex-lover, a fellow Ghostwalker pregnant with his child.
Rose is in flight from the insidious experiments that still live in her dreams, and from the madman who’d do anything to take her child. Of all the Ghostwalkers enlisted to hunt her down, Kane is the only one she can trust. But as their passion reignites, the stakes are raised. Because Kane is now a wanted man as well. And together they’re about to face the most desperate challenge of all: staying together and staying alive.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Октябрь 04, 2010, 01:18:53
ХОКИНС Карен - One Night In Scotland (выходит 23 ноября)
Hurst Amulet 1


Branded a thief and held prisoner in a Scottish castle high upon a cliff by the dark and forbidding Earl of Erroll, Mary Hurst must find a way to free herself and gain possession of a mysterious artifact that can help her beloved brother regain his freedom.
Fortunately, Mary is no simple, schoolroom miss and the handsome earl is about to discover that spirited women do not take kindly to being imprisoned. Forced to deal with his recalcitrant (and he’s certain, devious) guest, Erroll finds himself reluctantly admitting that if he weren’t so sure she was a thief, he might be interested in the intrepid Mary. Might be, he reminds himself after he kisses her yet one more time . . .
Before Mary’s done, the earl will wish he’d never turned the key upon her door . . . and wonder if perhaps she really is a thief, and has stolen his heart!

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Октябрь 04, 2010, 01:34:24
ЭНОК Сюзанна - Rules of an Engagement (выходит 26 октября)
Клуб путешественников 3

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n70/n352627.jpg) (http://www.suzanneenoch.com/images/rules-2.png)

For proper young ladies, good behavior has always been the rule.

Captain Bradshaw Carroway loves the seafaring life - though he'd rather be battling brigands than his current assignment of ferrying a boatload of spoiled aristocrats. One passenger, however, has caught his eye: a bewitching young minx who definitely distracts him from the rules of shipboard decorum . . .
Some rules, of course, are meant to be broken.
Miss Zephyr Ponsley has traveled the world, but she's completely innocent in the ways of love. She's never learned to dance or flirt. But scientific observation has taught her that the laws of attraction have no rules, and that no adventure, on land or sea, is more dangerous - or delicious - than passion!

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Оля от Октябрь 31, 2010, 18:49:37
Susan Elizabeth Phillips "Call me irresistible" появится 18 января 2011 года.


Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Нюрочек от Октябрь 31, 2010, 22:50:05
У Лауры Ли Гурк новая, трехкнижная серия "Брошенные у алтаря". Первая книга выходит в конце декабря 2010 г., вторая - в конце января 2011 г.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: margarita от Ноябрь 04, 2010, 03:17:11
ура филипс и гурк! : ))

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Полина от Ноябрь 06, 2010, 21:43:31
A Most Scandalous Engagement  by Gayle Callen  30 ноября 2010г.
Could she be the brazen lady who posed for the scandalous portrait?

Lady Elizabeth Cabot is no longer the reckless girl she once was. Now the darling of the ton, she is determined to put her past behind her. But who would have imagined that one immodest act could throw her entire world into chaos . . . and force her toward a loveless marriage? In desperation, she approaches her childhood friend, Peter Derby, with a daring plan.

Peter still remembers the wild and spirited girl who had stolen his heart. But could the rumors be true: is she the model for the scandalous painting hanging in London's most exclusive gentlemen's club? If Peter agrees to pose as her fiancÉ, Elizabeth has promised to reveal the whole truth.

But Peter has his own ideas about this sham "engagement" to the exquisite beauty who's always been just out of his reach—and he's willing to incite yet another scandal to make her heart truly his.

Marry Me  by  Jo Goodman  7 дек.2010г.
The delightful denizens of Reidsville, Colorado, last seen in Goodman’s Never Love a Lawman (2009), are back, more feisty and charming than ever. Added to the frontier town’s mix of eclectic characters are Doctor Coleridge Monroe and his teenage sister Whitley. Cole, visiting the outlying population with deputy Will Beatty, gingerly approaches the cabin of local curmudgeon Judah Abbot, who lives with his remaining son, Ryan, nicknamed Runt. As Cole introduces himself to Judah, Will discovers that Runt is bleeding. Cole not only realizes that the person known as a young man to others is really a woman but also that she is miscarrying. So begins a tale of deceit and malice leavened by the healing power of love, told like many westerns, in a good-hearted, ambling manner. As Rhyne (once Ryan) struggles to reconcile herself as a woman with Cole and Whitley’s help, Goodman adeptly explores the parameters of parental and romantic love while giving readers the gritty feel of life in the Rocky Mountains during the 1880s.

Highland Protector (The Murrays) by Hannah Howell 30 ноября 2010.
Someone would see Ilsabeth Murray Armstrong hang for murder. When her dagger is found in the body of one of the king's men, there is little room for doubt - the perpetrator must pay with her life. But Ilsabeth is no killer, and only one person can help clear her name: Sir Simon Innes, a man so steely and cool that no danger can rattle him...And no woman in distress can sway his heart. Until now. Simon has spent his life searching for truth in a world fraught with deception. But the hauntingly beautiful fugitive seeking his aid affects him so deeply, he wonders if he can trust the flawless judgement he has always relied on, For all signs point to Ilsabeth's guilt, except one - the unparalleled desire he feels at her slightest touch...

How to Wed a Baron by Kasey Michaels 1 дек 2010г.

A Duke's Temptation: The Bridal Pleasures Series by Jillian Hunter 9 ноября 2010

The Duke of Gravenhurst, the notorious author of dark romances, is accused of corrupting the morals of the public. But among his most devoted fans is the well-born Lily Boscastle, who seeks employment as the duke's personal housekeeper. Only then does she discover scandalous secrets about the man that she never could have imagined.

How to Woo a Reluctant Lady by Sabrina Jeffries 18 янв 2011г.
Lady Minerva Sharpe has the perfect plan to thwart her grandmother’s demands: become engaged to a rogue! Surely Gran would rather release her inheritance than see her wed a scoundrel. And who better to play the part of Minerva’s would-be husband than wild barrister Giles Masters, the very inspiration for the handsome spy in the popular Gothic novels she writes? The memory of his passionate kiss on her nineteenth birthday has lingered in Minerva’s imagination, though she has no intention of really falling for such a rakehell, much less marrying him. Little does she know, he really is a covert government operative. When they team up to investigate the mystery behind her parents’ deaths, their fake betrothal leads to red-hot desire. Then Minerva discovers Giles’s secret double life, and he must use all the cunning tricks of his trade to find his way back into her heart.

In Too Deep: Book One of the Looking Glass Trilogy 28 дек 2010
Scargill Cove is the perfect place for Fallon Jones, confirmed recluse and investigator of the paranormal. It's a hot spot, a convergence point for unusually strong currents of energy, which might explain why the town attracts misfits and drifters like moths to a flame. Now someone else has been drawn to the Cove-Isabella Valdez, on the run from some very dangerous men.

When she starts work as Fallon's assistant, Isabella impresses him by organizing his pathologically chaotic office-and doesn't bat an eye at the psychic aspect of his job. She's a kindred spirit, a sanctuary from a world that considers his talents a form of madness. But after a routine case unearths an antique clock infused with dark energy, Fallon and Isabella are dragged into the secret history of Scargill Cove and forced to fight for their lives, as they unravel a cutthroat conspiracy with roots in the Jones family business . . . and Isabella's family tree.

The Other Side by J.D. Robb 30 ноября 2010
J.D. Robb: Lieutenant Eve Dallas has always sought justice for the dead, but now, a victim will seek her own vengeance-through Eve.

Mary Blayney: An earl and his countess struggle to understand one another, until they spend a day in each other's shoes-and bodies.

Patricia Gaffney: To prove her ancestral home is haunted, a woman hires a spirit investigator, but they end up debunking the mystery of love.

Ruth Ryan Langan: A couple who dies in a car accident struggler to stay in their daughter's life to save her from the wrong man.

Mary Kay McComas: A practical woman is faced with the most impractical ghosts, who can't rest in peace until they find what they have lost.

Treachery in Death by J.D. Robb 22 февр 2011
Detective Eve Dallas and her partner, Peabody, are following up on a senseless crime-an elderly grocery owner killed by three stoned punks for nothing more than kicks and snacks. This is Peabody's first case as primary detective-good thing she learned from the master.

But Peabody soon stumbles upon a trickier situation. After a hard workout, she's all alone in the locker room when the gym door clatters open; and-while hiding inside a shower stall trying not to make a sound-she overhears two fellow officers, Garnet and Oberman, arguing. It doesn't take long to realize they're both crooked-guilty not just of corruption but of murder. Now Peabody, Eve, and Eve's husband, Roarke, are trying to get the hard evidence they need to bring the dirty cops down-knowing all the while that the two are willing to kill to keep their secret.

Possession in Death by J.D. Robb 30 ноября 2010

“The devil killed my body. I cannot fight, I cannot find. I cannot free her. You must. You are the one. We speak to the dead.”

Immediately after hearing these words, uttered to her by an old Romanian woman bleeding to death in the street, detective Eve Dallas begins to notice that her latest case has come with a number of interesting side-effects: visions of the deceased, instant familiarity with rooms she’s never seen before, and fluency in Russian. Likewise, there appears to be a force inside of her, a spirit other than her own, that won’t let her rest until she’s found Beata, the old woman’s great-granddaughter, whose disappearance two months prior remains a mystery. Desperate to be free of her new “gifts”, Eve pursues the facts until she discovers a link between Beata’s disappearance and the disappearance of eight other young women, all of whom attended the same dance classes, none of whom were ever heard from again.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Полина от Ноябрь 06, 2010, 21:55:27
Twice Dead by Catherine Coulter 1 февр 2011

In Riptide, trouble follows an intrepid reporter to the quiet coastal Maine community, and Savich and Sherlock must face down a KGB agent to find the truth.

In Hemlock Bay, the two travel to Maryland to take down the satanic child-killing Tuttle twins.

Eve (Eve Duncan) by Iris Johansen 19 апреля 2011
Eve Duncan’s mission in life is to bring closure to the families who have experienced the agony of a missing child. As a forensic sculptor, she is able to piece together bones, create a face, and bring an identity to a child who would have otherwise gone unidentified…maybe forever. Eve is brilliant, and driven, and tormented--because her own daughter, Bonnie, was taken from her years ago. And Eve has never discovered what happened to her. But now a name from the past resurfaces, thanks to CIA agent Catherine Ling who knows all too well what it’s like to lose a child.
After teaming up with Agent Ling to find her missing son, Eve and Catherine share a bond forged by their mutual pain. Now, Catherine challenges Eve with a name: John Gallo. A man from Eve’s past. A man, seemingly raised from the dead, whose whereabouts are unknown. Could Gallo be the missing piece to the puzzle that has haunted Eve for years? Why was he in Atlanta just before Bonnie’s disappearance? With a brilliant narrative that goes back to Eve Duncan’s early life, exploring her history and motivations like no other novel before, Eve reveals long-guarded secrets and is guaranteed to leave Johansen fans panting for more—soon to come in Quinn (October 2011).

Always by Iris Johansen 22 марта 2011

The Scent of Jasmine by Jude Deveraux 28 дек 2010
Charleston, 1799: A daughter of Southern gentility and a gifted painter, Catherine Edilean Harcourt has no lack of suitors at home in Virginia, waiting to fulfill her dream of marriage and family. But Cay’s adventurous spirit, fostered by growing up with her three brothers, is piqued while visiting her godfather in South Carolina. Bedridden with a broken leg, he asks Cay to fill in for him on an urgent task: on her way to a fancy dress ball, she must deliver a packed horse to an old friend’s son—who also happens to be an escaped convict charged with murdering his wife! Cay agrees to the plan, which doesn’t go at all as planned . . . whereupon she finds herself fleeing Alexander McDowell’s captors, riding blind into the night with the fugitive Scotsman. Though she should fear him, Cay finds herself overwhelmingly attracted to Alex, and drawn into his tale of misguided justice and his innocence as they seek refuge in the steamy Florida everglades. Will trusting him be the worst mistake of her life? Or will falling in love be the salvation both of them have been looking for?

Invincible: The Chronicles of Nick by Sherrilyn Kenyon 22 марта 2011

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Оля от Ноябрь 06, 2010, 22:28:28
ура филипс! : ))

О, да! Долгожданный роман о Теде Бодине, который я его очень давно жду. (http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/light_skin/spiteful.gif)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Serenis от Ноябрь 06, 2010, 22:52:06
ура филипс! : ))

О, да! Долгожданный роман о Теде Бодине, который я его очень давно жду. (http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/light_skin/spiteful.gif)

Аналогично) Эх, какой ожидаемый день, 18 января))) И Филичка, и Моничка)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Kitzune от Ноябрь 06, 2010, 22:57:16
Сколько много всего. Ожидаемые новинки.
Вот еще выйдет через несколько месяцев ждем.  ::)
Приверно в марте. River Marked (2011)
(The sixth book in the Mercedes Thompson series)
A novel by Patricia Briggs

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Serenis от Ноябрь 06, 2010, 23:06:42
Ай какая Мерси тут....))))

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Christina от Ноябрь 15, 2010, 01:52:40
Judith McNaught  "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You" (The fifth book in the Westmoreland series) - январь 2012.

(http://i028.radikal.ru/1011/36/0d788807b275.jpg) (http://www.radikal.ru) (http://s49.radikal.ru/i123/1011/41/280e362f10ba.jpg) (http://www.radikal.ru)

Starring a brand new Westmoreland hero!
And Holly Braxton, the veterinarian from Every Breath You Take.
Featuring characters we've met in the past....
Maid of Honor at her sister's wedding, Chicago veterinarian Holly Braxton must face best man Clay Westmoreland, NFL star quarterback, 10 years after the disastrous youthful encounter with him that forever changed Holly's life.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Декабрь 08, 2010, 00:13:54
21 декабря Элоиза Джеймс выпускает новую новеллу, связанную героями с ее последней книгой "A Kiss at Midnight". Новелла выйдет в виде электронной книги.


Not every fairy tale begins with a prince or a princess…

When Miss Philippa Damson runs away from home to Pomeroy Castle, she is far from a princess…she’s an extraordinary beauty with ordinary dreams — to live a quiet life as a nursemaid.
Jonas Berwick, rakish son of a grand duke, has vowed never to wed. He offers Philippa everything—but his hand in marriage.
Philippa has stormed the castle, but now she faces an impossible Challenge: To win the love of a prince, she may have to risk everything that makes her a lady.

Will the sacrifice of her honor be too high a price to pay?

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Январь 10, 2011, 23:56:43
Анонсирована новая книга Э. Бойл про очередную маркизу Стэндон (Холостяцкие хроники, #8).
24 мая 2011 г.

Lord Langley is Back in Town

Minerva Sterling swore she'd never marry again. So why is she suddenly engaged to the most notorious rake in London?

A diplomat and a spy, the dashing Lord Langley is happy to be home after years spent abroad, though less so to discover the ladies he so callously loved and left have been anxiously awaiting his return. Hoping to put his checkered past - and his persistent ex-lovers - behind him, he proposes to staid, serious Minerva Sterling . . . and maneuvers her into a compromising position to ensure her assent.

At the brazen rake's mercy - since anything less than a wedding and her reputation is destroyed - Minerva agrees, but only under strict conditions: no more attempted seductions, no kisses or scandalous behavior. But Langley's a man ruled by passion - especially when he realizes how fiercely he burns for his reluctant intended . . . and how willing he is to risk life itself to truly win her heart.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Январь 11, 2011, 00:56:26
(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n73/n366230.jpg)     25 января 2011 г.

The Perfect Mistress

A dazzling new romance in which one otherwise proper lady discovers the passion that is her legacy…

Lady Hermione Middlebury considered herself the perfect mistress. Now, long after her death, her scandalous memoirs are for sale. And while Hermione might be gone, she still has a lot to say...

Widowed Julia, Lady Winterset, has inherited a book—a very shocking book—that every gentleman in London seems to want. For a charismatic businessman, it’s a chance to build an empire. For a dashing novelist, it could guarantee fame. But to a proud, domineering earl, it means everything…

Harrison Landingham, Earl of Mountdale, can’t let the obstinate Julia release the shameless memoir that could ruin his family’s name. But the only way to stop her may be equally sordid—if far more pleasurable. For his rivals are intent on seducing the captivating woman to acquire the book. And Harrison isn’t the sort to back away from a competition with the stakes this high. Now the winner will claim both the scandalous memoirs and the heart of their lovely owner…

Трейлер (http://www.youtube.com/user/KensingtonPublishing#p/u/19/NGq09seRJxo)

(http://www.candicehern.com/images/bookcovers/anthology_ihos/anthology_ihos276.jpg)     29 марта 2011 г.

It Happened One Season (сборник)

(http://www.eloisajames.com/images/covers/beauty/beauty_350.jpg)    25 января 2011 г.

When Beauty Tamed the Beast

Piers Yelverton, Earl of Marchant, lives in a castle in Wales where, it is rumored, his bad temper flays everyone he crosses. He's a Beast. Miss Linnet Thynne is one of the most exquisite young ladies ever to grace London's ballrooms. She's a Beauty. But wait—there's more! Piers is a doctor: brilliant, lame, and impossible to get along with. There's a version of him on Fox TV, named after a habitation. Linnet has been involved in a scandalous flirtation with a prince, and everyone in the ton thinks she's carrying a royal child: she needs a husband.

Linnet estimates it will take two weeks—at the outside—to bring the earl to his knees. Piers knows that he will never fall in love, and definitely never marry.

I love writing novels, but this novel was a particularly joyful experience. I've never had so much fun—and not just because I'm a House, M.D. fan either. I hope you love the second entry in my "Happily Ever Afters" just as much as I do.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n74/n372811.jpg)    Июль 2011 г.

The Secret Mistress
Mistress, #0

The Secret Mistress, the all-new prequel to the series, will be out in hardcover in July, 2011. It is the story of Lady Angeline Dudley, Tresham and Lord Ferdinand's sister, and of Edward Ailsbury, Earl of Heyward. The two of them are already married in the other two books, but readers have asked for their love story, and here it is.

(http://www.juliaquinn.com/images/covers/_foreign/heaven/heaven_uk_276.jpg)    31 мая 2011 г.

Just Like Heaven
Smythe-Smith Quartet, #1

The Smythe-Smith girls finally get their heroes.

(http://www.julialondon.com/images/stories/julia/lawecoverthumb.gif)    22 февраля 2011 г.

A Light at Winter's End

Whose baby is he?

Hannah has always done everything right:  getting married, having a baby, caring of her mother in her final days, all the while performing impeccably in a high-level job.  Her sister Holly is the college dropout, the one who works at a coffee shop and wants to be a songwriter.  Then one day perfect Hannah suddenly--without explanation--leaves her baby with Holly and disappears.  What Holly knows about babies is laughable, but she takes little Mason to the empty family homestead, where she meets Wyatt Clark, a close-mouthed, handsome cowboy who is mysteriously good with babies.  And then, just as Holly can no longer imagine her life without either Mason or Wyatt, Hannah returns for her son...

In an emotional new novel that is also a tender love story, New York Times bestselling author Julia London brings back a sexy hero from Summer of Two Wishes while posing the toughest question about the meaning of family:  How do you make a heartbreaking choice about someone you whom you love more than yourself?

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Январь 11, 2011, 01:45:02
(http://www.juliannemaclean.com/files/image/Captured%202.jpg)    31 марта 2011 г.

Captured by the Highlander
The Highlander Trilogy, #1

Lady Amelia Templeton would rather die than surrender to a man like Duncan MacLean. He is the fiercest warrior of his clan—her people’s sworn enemy—and tonight he is standing over her bed. Eyes blazing, muscles taut, and battle axe gleaming, MacLean has come to kill Amelia’s fiancé. But once he sees the lovely, innocent Amelia, he decides to take her instead…

Stealing the young bride-to-be is the perfect revenge against the man who murdered Duncan’s one true love. But Lady Amelia turns out to be more than a pawn of vengeance and war. This brave, beautiful woman touches something deep in Duncan’s soul that is even more powerful than a warrior’s fury. But when Amelia begins to fall in love with her captor—and surrenders in his arms—the real battle begins…

(http://www.juliannemaclean.com/files/image/Claimed%20by%20the%20highlander%203.jpg)    29 марта 2011 г.

Claimed by the Highlander
The Highlander Trilogy, #2

With his tawny mane, battle-hewn brawn, and ferocious roar, Angus “The Lion” MacDonald is the most fearsome warrior Lady Gwendolen has ever seen—and she is his most glorious conquest. Captured in a surprise attack on her father’s castle, Gwendolen is now forced to share her bed with the man who defeated her clan. But, in spite of Angus’s overpowering charms, she refuses to surrender her innocence without a fight…

With her stunning beauty, bold defiance, and brazen smile, Gwendolen is the most infuriating woman Angus has ever known—and the most intoxicating. Forcing her to become his bride will unite their two clans as one. But conquering Gwendolen’s heart will take all his skills as a lover. Night after night, his touch sets her on fire. Kiss after kiss, his hunger fuels her passion. But, as Gwendolen’s body betrays her growing love for Angus, a secret enemy plots to betray them both…

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n72/n362011.jpg)    1 марта 2011 г.

One Night Is Never Enough
Secrets, #2

From the first glimpse he knew he must have her-even if only for a single night…

Powerful, ruthless, seductive-the lord of London’s underworld-Roman Merrick gets anything he wants…and he burns for Charlotte Chatsworth, a polished jewel in the glittering ton. So he engages her debt-ridden gambler father in a game of chance, wagering ten thousand pounds against one night with the man’s exquisite daughter. And Roman Merrick never loses.

But one night is never enough…

Charlotte is devastated to learn that her reprobate father has lost her in a card game to the most dangerous man she’s ever met. With the threat of ruin behind every corner, Charlotte embarks upon a perilous path with the man she can not forget. But in truth, it’s Roman who has everything to lose-for a game undertaken for pleasure alone soon has him gambling his heart. And love and passion unleashed could bring his great, dark empire tumbling down…

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n72/n362004.jpg)    29 марта 2011 г.

A Borrowed Scot
Tulloch Sgàthán, #3


(http://www.lynsaysands.net/books/covers/countess_mm_200.jpg)    25 января 2011 г.

The Countess

The fairy tale courtship did not turn into a happily ever after…

Not until her husband dropped dead, that is. He had been horrible enough to Christiana during their short marriage, and she was not going to allow the traditional period of mourning to ruin her sisters’ debuts as well. So Christiana decides to put him on ice and go on as if nothing’s happened…

Until the real earl appears. Richard Fairgrave had every intention of confronting his villainous twin who robbed him of his name and title…only to discover that he’d died. Quietly assuming his identity, Richard must now deal with a maddening desire for his ravishing inherited “wife”—certainly a gold digger and possibly a murderess. And Christiana must deal with an unwanted new “husband”…and they both must figure out what to do before the ice melts!

(http://www.madelinehunter.com/9780515149340_lg.jpg)    26 апреля 2011 г.

Dangerous in Diamonds
The Rarest Blooms, #4

The Duke of Castleford has been so bad for so long that scandal can’t be bothered to rise up around him anymore. To alleviate the boredom of his privileged life, he occupies himself with drinking and whoring, not to mention the occasional duel. When something piques his interest, however, he has been known to emerge from his ennui and employ his considerable mental faculties to finding answers to the questions that fascinate him.

When Daphne Joyes rejects this notorious hedonist’s seduction, she assumes that he will forget about her and continue on his path to hell. Instead her beauty, grace and formidable composure captivate him, and she becomes one of those fascinations to him. That he intends to have her, and soon, is actually the least of the dangers that his pursuit of her presents. More troublesome is his interest in her past and her history, and the way he keeps poking his nose into the secrets behind the distant relative’s bequest that gave him ownership of the property where she lives.

P.S. O, да! Дафне достался герцог Каслфорд. "Как я рад! Как я рад!" (c)

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n75/n376608.jpg)    4 октября 2011 г.

A Beginner's Guide to Rakes
На обложке написано, что серия "Scandalous Brides". А я так надеялась, что это продолжение "Клуба путешественников"...

All of London is abuzz with the return of the utterly alluring, recently widowed Diane Benchley. Will she remarry? What will she do with her late husband's fortune? Sociey is shocked by her announcement - at the Grand Ball, of all places! - that she plans to open an exclusive gentleman's gaming club in the family mansion. But no one is more stunned than the Marquis of Haybury, Oliver Warren.

Years ago, Oliver and Diane shared a private indiscretion. Now Diane threatens to reveal Oliver's most ungentlemanly secrets.unless he agrees to help her. A notorious gambler - and rake - Oliver is overqualified to educate Diane in the ways and means of running her establishment. But striking a deal with Diane might just be the biggest risk Oliver has ever taken. This time, the only thing he has to lose is his heart.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Октябрь 01, 2011, 16:54:54
(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n77/n389026.jpg)     27 марта 2012 года

Seducing an Impossible Rogue
The Scandalous Brides, #2

Продолжение серии про скандальных невест.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n75/n379552.jpg)     27 сентября 2011 года

In Pursuit of Miss Eliza Cynster
Cynster Sisters, #2

Arguably Regency England's most scandalous family of misbehaving rogues and ladies, the Cynsters are back! New York Times bestselling author Stephanie Laurens continues her delectable new historical romance series with In Pursuit of Eliza Cynster, focusing on the first of three Cynster sisters, each on a determined quest to find a hero who's her match in every way possible. When Eliza is kidnapped from her sister's engagement ball, the plucky miss refuses to be daunted - and her escape leads her straight into the arms of a most unlikely champion. Devoted Laurens and Cynster fans, as well as readers of the acclaimed romance fiction of Lisa Kleypas, will find pursuing Eliza Cynster to be an exceptional delight!

(http://i024.radikal.ru/1110/33/01fe4c6e867d.jpg)     31 января 2012 года

The Capture of the Earl of Glencrae
Cynster Sisters, #3

Three heros, three rescues, three weddings.

We joyfully request your attendance at the wedding of Miss Angelica Cynster

...but not until she and her hero confront a devious enemy and lay to rest an ancient grudge in the Scottish Highlands!

Headstrong Angelica Cynster is certain she'll recognize her fated husband at first sight. And when her eyes meet those of a mysterious nobleman across a candlelit ballroom, she knows beyond doubt that he's the one. But her heart is soon pounding for an entirely different reason--when he hero abducts her!

The eighth Earl of Glencrae has no choice but to kidnap Angelica, the one Cynster sister with whom he hadn't wanted to tangle. But to save his castle and his clan, he must persuade her to assist him--and he's prepared to offer marriage to seal the deal.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n77/n388159.jpg)     27 декабря 2011 года

My Ruthless Prince
Inferno Club, #4

(http://www.eloisajames.com/images/covers/duke-mine/duke-mine_333.jpg)     27 декабря 2011 года

The Duke Is Mine
Сказочные сюжеты / Fairy Tales (Happily Ever After), #4

Don't miss The Duke Is Mine, Eloisa's new version of The Princess & the Pea, asking an age-old question: What is a perfect princess?

He is a duke in search of a perfect bride.
She is a lady—but a long way from perfect.

Tarquin, the powerful Duke of Sconce, knows perfectly well that the decorous and fashionably slender Georgiana Lytton will make him a proper duchess. So why can’t he stop thinking about her twin sister, the curvy, headstrong, and altogether unconventional Olivia? Not only is Olivia betrothed to another man, but their improper, albeit intoxicating, flirtation makes her unsuitability all the more clear.
click me!

Determined to make a perfect match, he methodically cuts Olivia from his thoughts, allowing logic and duty to triumph over passion…Until, in his darkest hour, Tarquin begins to question whether perfection has anything to do with love.

To win Olivia's hand he would have to give up all the beliefs he holds most dear, and surrender heart, body and soul…

Unless it’s already too late.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Март 10, 2012, 16:27:59
(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/isbnthumbs/074/995/0749958731.jpg)Stephanie Laurens - The Lady Risks All (25 сентября 2012)

Neville Roscoe, notorious and enigmatic, lives resolutely outside society, bound only by his own code of honor - until challenged by his desire for the one woman he cannot have.
Miranda Clifford is a lady imprisoned by rigid respectability - until tempted by a passion beyond her power to deny.
Flung together in peril, through danger and intrigue, they discover a love impossible to ignore ... or keep.

Сборник Rules of Engagement (17 апреля 2012)
(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/isbnthumbs/037/377/0373776659.jpg) From New York Times bestselling author Stephanie Laurens and beloved bestselling historical authors Kasey Michaels and Delilah Marvelle come three delightful tales of the rules of engagement, Regency-style....

Everyone loves a wedding. The quiet country girl. The sophisticated member of the ton. A graceful duchess. Follow these charming ladies and their handsome suitors on their journeys down the aisles of England's grand cathedrals and castles as they make-and break-society's most sacred rules.

Rules of Engagement

A lady shall never be caught unchaperoned with a stranger.
A gentleman shall never flirt with a lady below his social standing.
A lady shall never waltz with a man to whom she is not promised.
And above all, an engagement shall not be consummated before the marriage ceremony!

(http://www.gaelenfoley.com/uploads/6/2/1/2/6212084/8373144.jpg)Gaelen Foley - My Scandalous Viscount (25 сентября 2012)
(Inferno Club series, #5)

Sebastian, Viscount Beauchamp lives by a code of honor, and now honor dictates he must marry Miss Carissa Portland. He has no regrets over stealing a kiss from the adorable little busybody—a fitting punishment for putting her delectable nose where it didn’t belong. But now, caught in a compromising situation, he knows he must make her his bride. He’s faced danger before—but nothing like this!
Carissa is not a gossip—she’s a "lady of information." And all she was trying to do was warn the rakehell Beauchamp away from an irate husband. But even she can’t flaunt Society, and while her head tells her that Beau’s a notorious scoundrel, her heart–and her body–are captivated by his dangerous charm. But when Carissa next goes snooping, the secrets she uncovers about the Inferno Club may prove even more hazardous than falling in love with your own husband!

Gaelen Foley (as E.G.Foley) - The Lost Heir
(Лето 2012)
Historical Fantasy Adventures (with a hint of Steampunk!)
(http://www.egfoley.com/uploads/6/2/1/2/6212084/4056128.jpg?297)Jake is a scrappy orphaned pickpocket living by his wits on the streets of Victorian London. Weird things have been happening to him lately. He's started seeing ghosts, and can move solid objects with his mind! He has no idea why. Next thing he knows, a Sinister Gentleman and his minions come hunting him, and Jake is plunged headlong into a mysterious world of magic and deadly peril. A world that holds the secret to who he really is: the long-lost heir of an aristocratic family—with magical powers!

But with treacherous enemies closing in, it will take all of his wily street instincts and the help of his friends—both human and magical--to solve the mystery of what happened to his parents, and defeat the foes who never wanted the Lost Heir of Griffon to be found . . .

Madeline Hunter - The Conquest of Lady Cassandra
(25 сентября 2012)
(The Fairbourne Quartet, #2)
(http://madelinehunter.com/9780515151114_lg.jpg)As headstrong as she is beautiful, Lady Cassandra Vernham defied convention when she refused to marry the man who had compromised her. Now, estranged from her family, Cassandra struggles to make ends meet. A recent auction of her jewels has brought her a modicum of relief, but one of the most valuable lots was never paid for by the highest bidder: handsome, rakish Viscount Ambury. Cassandra needs that money badly, and not to buy a new hat.

Ambury has only to look at Cassandra to begin imagining her in his bed.. He has not settled that outstanding debt for a reason. He suspects that the expensive baubles were stolen, perhaps even by Cassandra. Erotic fantasies about her notwithstanding, the vixen is not to be trusted, for she already has destroyed his good friend—the man she refused to marry, and who later lost his life in a duel that Ambury suspects was fought over Cassandra.

(http://www.christinefeehan.com/dark_storm/cover_sm.jpg)Christine Feehan - Dark Storm (4 cентября 2012)
(Dark Series, #23)

Awakening after all this time in a world of absolute darkness and oppressive heat, Dax wonders in how many ways the world above must have changed. But it is how he has changed that fills him with dread and loathing. Buried alive for hundreds of years in a volcano in the Carpathian Mountains, Dax fears that he has become the full-fledged abomination that every Carpathian male fears, a victim of the insidious evil that has crept relentlessly into his mind and body over the centuries.
But there are some things that never change.
His name is Mitro, the vampire Dax had hunted all these long centuries. Second in command to the prince of the Carpathian people he is the epitome of everything malevolent, and perpetrator of one of the most shocking killing sprees known to man - and beast. Even his friends and family weren't safe from Mitro's bloodlust. Neither was Mitro's lifemate, Arabejila, an extraordinary woman with extraordinary gifts.
But now that Dax has re-emerged, so too has Mitro. The ultimate battle between good and evil has been re-engaged. Between Dax and Mitro, a violent game has begun - one that has marked Riley Parker, the last descendent of Arabejila, as the reward.

Сборник Born to Bite (1 сентября 2012)
(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/isbnthumbs/075/827/0758273436.jpg)Hannah Howell, Erica Ridley, Diana Cosby

Darkly handsome and dangerously sexy, these voracious vampires are out for blood--and bound for eternal love. . .

Dark Secret by Hannah Howell
Alone in the world, Murdina Dunbar sets out in search of the only family she has left--and finds an ally in the mysterious Sir Gillanders Baldwin. Something about her sexy protector stirs her blood. Soon, not even the whispers that he's a dangerous demon can keep her from his bed. . ..

Never Been Bitten by Erica Ridley

Rumored to be a vampire, the rakish Mr. Macane is ravishing all the ladies of the ton! Yet, Miss Elspeth Ramsay cannot bring herself to tremble in his presence. But once Ellie feels the touch of his teeth at her throat, she finds herself biting him back! Surely this sudden bloodlust can only mean danger for her family--and her heart. . ..

Highland Vampire by Diana Cosby
As King of the Highland Coven, vampire Aedan MacGregor knows that falling for the fey Rowan Campbell could destroy her. But one taste of her healing blood and he craves her like no other. Dare claim her as his own, knowing he might lose her forever?

Сборник Highland Hunger (1 сентября 2012)
(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/isbnthumbs/B00/5CR/B005CRY7X2.jpg)Hannah Howell, Jackie Ivie, Michele Sinclair

Hidden in the shadowy caves and caverns of the Scottish Highlands, secret vampire clans wage dark battles both deadly and passionate . . .

'Dark Embrace' by Hannah Howell

While searching for his clan's demon Lost Ones, Raibeart MacNachton encounters an ethereal beauty running for her life. The decision to play hero is easy; fighting the urge to ravish the enchanting Una Dunn is more difficult-especially when Raibeart learns they share a powerful connection.

'The Guardian' by Michele Sinclair

The immortal Dorian vows never to fall in love with a mere human-until he meets the beguiling, arousing, Moirae Deincourt. She stirs a longing in Dorian that he dares not quench. But when Moirae's life is put in danger, her true nature is revealed-and the lust that rages between them can no longer be controlled . . .

'A Knight Beyond Black' by Jackie Ivie

Vampire Iain Duncan MacAvee has stepped forward to claim the woman he betrothed years ago-only to learn that the tempting Lady Tira knows nothing of the engagement. Though Tira feigns disinterest, the Duke's animal-like charisma has unleashed her most carnal desires-a hunger only Iain can satisfy . . .

(http://www.eloisajames.com/images/covers/ugly/ugly_350.jpg)Eloisa James - The Ugly Duchess (28 августа 2012)
(Fairy Tales, #6)

The Ugly Duchess is based on the Hans Christian Andersen story entitled The Ugly Duckling. If you remember the story, it’s about a duckling who is teased and pecked by everyone in the barnyard because he is ugly…until he transforms into a swan and then everyone says he’s the most elegant and beautiful bird in the world.

The challenge for me in rewriting the fairy tale was dealing with the duckling’s transformation into a swan. I knew I didn’t want a physical transformation (for example, a heroine who loses weight, thereby conforming to society ideals). It had to be a different kind of transformation. All I’ll say now is that the novel was huge fun to write, and my gorgeous swan takes London society by storm!

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Джинджер от Март 31, 2012, 23:33:38
Судя по Амазону, Judith McNaught  "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You" (The fifth book in the Westmoreland series) в январе 2012 так и не вышла?

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Polin от Апрель 01, 2012, 00:25:25
According to Amazon:
Can't Take My Eyes Off of You [Hardcover] by Judith McNaught
Hardcover: 352 pages
Publisher: Ballantine Books (May 27, 2014)

According to Wikipedia:
"Someone Like You (formerly entitled: Can't Take My Eyes Off of You)"
is scheduled to be published May 27, 2014.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Джинджер от Апрель 01, 2012, 14:33:13
According to Amazon:
Can't Take My Eyes Off of You [Hardcover] by Judith McNaught
Hardcover: 352 pages
Publisher: Ballantine Books (May 27, 2014)
сначала хотела порадоваться, что до мая, мол, недалеко...Но ещё раз посмотрев на год... :o

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Jolie от Апрель 01, 2012, 23:20:45
According to Amazon:
Can't Take My Eyes Off of You [Hardcover] by Judith McNaught
Hardcover: 352 pages
Publisher: Ballantine Books (May 27, 2014)
сначала хотела порадоваться, что до мая, мол, недалеко...Но ещё раз посмотрев на год... :o

Сомневаюсь, что она когда-то выйдет. Дату переносили уже столько раз!

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Апрель 03, 2012, 04:15:05
Elizabeth Boyle - Along Came A Duke (29 мая 2012)
(Lord Langley Is Back in Town, #2)

The Duke of Preston is about to take a Bride . . . or so he thinks

The Duke of Preston has ruined more young ladies than Society can tolerate and turns their collective back to him and his family. In order to retake their place in Society, his aunt insists he take a bride to regain their respectability.

What Preston never imagines is that he will fall in love with the most unlikely of ladies--Miss Tabitha Timmons, a vicar's daughter who is cursed in love and vowed never to marry. Now it is up to the notorious duke to change her mind and teach her lesson in love--before the infamous Kempton curse catches up with them.

(http://www.candicehern.com/images/bookcovers/climber/climber276.jpg)Candice Hern - The Social Climber (сроков выхода не нашла)
(Season Planners, #1)

Candice is hard at work on her next book, The Social Climber. Subscribe to her newsletter to be alerted to its eventual release. In the meantime, here is a teaser...

...in which the herone, Miss Jane Denby, and the hero, Mr. Harry Finmore, meet for the first time. Jane is the daughter of a simple merchant and has unexpectedly come into a large fortune. She dreams of being a real lady, and has employed Lady Davenport and Mrs. Mulberry, widowed sisters with financial difficulties, to introduce her into Society. And they have engaged their nephew, George Kendrick, a famous arbiter of fashion, to help them turn a vulgar sow's ear into a silk purse. Jane has just been thoroughly humiliated to learn that all the expensive finery she so proudly wears is are all wrong...

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/isbnthumbs/006/206/0062069128.jpg)Rachel Gibson - Resque Me (июль 2012)
(Chinooks Hockey Team, #7)

She's 33, unmarried, and stuffed into a Bubble Yum pink bridesmaid dress. And the whole town wants to fix her up with anyone with a dental plan...

Who's going to rescue Sadie Hollowell now? Everyone in Lovett, Texas knows Sadie has always been a 'notional' kind of gal. She's got a notion to leave town asap , and never visit her daddy (bless his heart). Now, she's back and got the notion to invite a good-looking, hard-muscled, total stranger to her cousin's wedding. Better a stranger than some of the losers she's dated. Vince Haven got his muscles the hard way--as a Navy SEAL in Afghanistan. He's staying in Lovett to visit his crazy aunt--the proprietor of the local Gas N Go. Before he can get the heck back out of the small town, his aunt makes him an offer he can't refuse. Maybe he'll stick around Lovett for a while. Maybe he'll make a 'go' of the Gas N Go. Maybe he'll rescue Sadie out of that pink dress!

(http://www.ameliagrey.com/AGentlemanSaysIDo.gif)Amelia Grey - A Gentleman Says "I Do" (1 мая 2012)
(Rogues' Dynasty, #5)

Burgeoning author Catalina Crisp completes a parody involving twins Iverson and Matson Brentwood's scandalous arrival in London and publishes it under her father's name. When the writing hits the town, it's not long before a darkly handsome man--Lord Iverson Brentwood himself--is at her door, looking for her father with blood in his eyes. Dallying with the dashing rogue seems like the perfect escape...and it should calm him down enough to leave her father alone. But Catalina does the exact opposite--she heats him up like no other woman ever has...

(http://www.irisjohansen.com/images/books/images/92.jpg)Iris Johansen - What Doesn't Kill You (17 апреля 2012)
(Catherine Ling, #2)

Catherine Ling was abandoned on the streets of Hong Kong at age four.  Schooled in the art of survival, she traded in the only commodity she had: information.  As a teenager, she came under the tutelage of a mysterious man known only as Hu Chang—a skilled assassin and master poisoner.  As a young woman, she was recruited by the CIA and now, she is known as one of their most effective operatives.  Having lived life in the shadows, Catherine is aware of the wobbly moral compass of her existence and even more aware of just how expendable she is to those she deals with. When her old friend Hu Chang creates something so deadly, and completely untraceable, the chase is on to be the first to get it.  With rogue operative John Gallo also on the hunt, Catherine finds herself pitted against a group so villainous and a man so evil that she may not survive the quest to protect those she cares about.  Iris Johansen is at her page-turning best in this novel that takes you from the corridors of Langley to the alleyways of Hong Kong, and the darkest places of the human soul.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/isbnthumbs/031/265/0312651244.jpg)Iris Johansen - Sleep No More (16 октября 2012)
(Eve Duncan, #12)

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author comes a new thriller that will have Eve Duncan questioning everything she thought she knew about her family and her past

A mysterious dream.
A chase through the woods.
A cry for help . . .
Forensic sculptor Eve Duncan knows what it's like to be haunted by the past. But now, she can't shake the feeling that there is someone close to her who needs her more than ever. When her mother, Sandra, asks for help in finding a missing woman named Beth Avery, Eve senses there is more to Sandra's story than she's saying. Beth has disappeared from a mental hospital where she has been incarcerated for years. But why is Sandra so concerned about this missing woman? Finally Sandra reveals the shocking truth.
Beth is Sandra's daughter.
Eve's half-sister.
And all of them could be in very grave danger.
It's a race against time as Eve enlists the help of rogue FBI profiler Kendra Michaels to try and find Beth. Being lost isn't Beth's only problem. As her awareness returns after so many years being locked up and drugged, a sinister plot with deep family roots comes to the surface threatening to destroy her and everyone around her.

(http://christinadodd.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/betrayel.jpg)Christina Dodd - Betrayal (3 апреля 2012)
(Bella Terra Deception, #3)

During one hot summer, they came together in the sweetness of first love...until his past reared its ugly head and Noah walked away from her without a word.

Nine years later, Penelope returns, never imagining she'd see Noah or that one glance would wake their fiery passion. But even as she fights the impulse to love him again, their secrets betray them. As peril builds around them, Penelope has one choice: to survive, she must once again trust the man who betrayed her.

Even with terror stalking through Bella Terra's streets, love may be the most dangerous choice of all.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/isbnthumbs/045/141/0451413245.jpg)Christina Dodd - Wilder (7 августа 2012)
(Chosen Ones, #5)

As a young man, Aleksandr Wilder abandoned his duty--and for that lapse, he was tortured, tormented ... and transformed. Now he prowls the tunnels beneath the city, fighting on the frontline against the forces of hell, never daring to dream that he can live as a man again.After seven years fighting the world's ultimate evil, Chosen One Charisma Fangorn has become a tough, strong warrior without illusions or joy...even her gift of hearing the earthsong has faded. Deaf to her own instincts, she never suspects that a monster lurks in the dark underneath the streets.When Aleksandr finds Charisma under attack, he rescues and cares for her, and hope stirs once more in his heart...and in the world. But in the secret recesses of his soul, he knows the truth. A woman so exceptional woman never love a beast... could she?

(http://www.lisakleypas.com/images/books/DreamLake.jpg)Lisa Kleypas - Dream Lake (7 августа 2012)
(Friday Harbor, #3)

Dream Lake takes readers once again to the exquisite setting of Friday Harbor, and tells the story of Zoe Hoffman, an innkeeper who has all but given up on love. She's a gentle, romantic soul, but has been so hurt in the past that she dare not trust her heart with anyone. Especially not Alex Nolan. Alex is the most haunted of all the Nolan brothers. He drinks to keep his demons at bay and not only has he given up on love, he has never, ever believed in it. Zoe and Alex are oil and water, fire and ice, sunshine and shadow. But sometimes, it takes only a glimmer of light to chase away the dark. Dream Lake is classic Lisa Kleypas: romantic, powerful, emotional, and magical.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/isbnthumbs/125/001/1250011752.jpg)Lisa Kleypas - Crystal Cove (февраль 2013)
(Friday Harbor, #4)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Апрель 03, 2012, 05:13:36
(http://www.catherinecoulter.com/sites/default/files/images/books/backfire-front.jpg)Catherine Coulter - Split Second (10 июля 2012)
(FBI Thriller, #16)

San Francisco Judge Ramsey Hunt, longtime friend to FBI agents Lacey Sherlock and Dillon Savich, is presiding over the trial of Clive and Cindy Cahill - accused in a string of murders - when the proceedings take a radical turn. Federal prosecutor Mickey O'Rourke, known for his relentless style, becomes suddenly tentative in his opening statement, leading Hunt to suspect he's been threatened - suspicions that are all but confirmed when Hunt is shot in the back. Savich and Sherlock receive news of the attack as an ominous note is sent to Savich at the Hoover Building: You deserve this for what you did. Security tapes fail to reveal who delivered the note. Who is behind the shooting of Judge Ramsey Hunt? Who sent the note to Savich? And what does it all mean? Savich and Sherlock race to San Francisco to find out. . . watching their backs all the while.

(http://www.jayneannkrentz.com/crystalgardens-3d.png)Amanda Quick - Crystal Gardens (24 апреля 2012)
(A Ladies of Lantern Street Novel, #1)

Evangeline Ames has rented a country cottage far from the London streets where she was recently attacked. Fascinated by the paranormal energy of nearby Crystal Gardens, she finds pleasure in sneaking past the wall to explore the grounds. And when her life is threatened again, she instinctively goes to the gardens for safety.

Lucas Sebastian has never been one to ignore a lady in danger, even if she is trespassing on his property. Quickly disposing of her would-be assassin, he insists they keep the matter private. There are rumors enough already, about treasure buried under his garden, and occult botanical experiments performed by his uncle — who died of mysterious causes.

With Evangeline’s skill for detection, and Lucas’s sense of the criminal mind, they soon discover that they have a common enemy. And as the energy emanating from Crystal Gardens intensifies, they realize that to survive they must unearth what has been buried for too long...

(http://www.juliaquinn.com/images/covers/night/night_350.jpg)Julia Quinn - A Night Like This (29 мая 2012)
(Smythe-Smith Quartet, #2)

Anne Wynter might not be who she says she is...

But she's managing quite well as a governess to three highborn young ladies. Her job can be a challenge— in a single week she finds herself hiding in a closet full of tubas, playing an evil queen in a play that might be a tragedy (or might be a comedy— no one is sure), and tending to the wounds of the oh-so-dashing Earl of Winstead. After years of dodging unwanted advances, he's the first man who has truly tempted her, and it's getting harder and harder to remind herself that a governess has no business flirting with a nobleman.

Daniel Smythe-Smith Might be in mortal danger...

But that's not going to stop the young earl from falling in love. And when he spies a mysterious woman at his family's annual musicale, he vows to pursue her, even if that means spending his days with a ten-year-old who thinks she's a unicorn. But Daniel has an enemy, one who has vowed to see him dead. And when Anne is thrown into peril, he will stop at nothing to ensure their happy ending...

(http://www.maryjoputney.com/images/NoLongerAGentleman150.jpg)Mary Jo Putney - No Longer A Gentleman (24 апреля 2012)
(Lost Lords, #4)

Grey Sommers, Lord Wyndham, never met a predicament he couldn’t charm his way out of. Then a tryst with a government official’s wife during a bit of casual espionage in France condemns him a decade in a dungeon, leaving him a shadow of his former self. Yet his greatest challenge may be the enigmatic spy sent to free his body—the only woman who might heal his soul.

Half English and half French, Cassie Fox lost everything in the chaos of revolution, leaving only a determination to help destroy Napoleon’s empire through her perilous calling. Rescuing Grey is merely one more mission.  She hadn’t counted on a man with the stark beauty of a ravaged angel, whose desperate courage and vulnerability touch her frozen heart as no one ever has.  With Grey, she can become the passionate woman she has long denied.  But a spy and a lord are divided by an impassable gulf even if they manage to survive one last, terrifying mission….

(http://www.noraroberts.com/images/covers/TheWitness250.png)Nora Roberts - The Witness (14 апреля 2012)

THE WITNESS is Nora's 200th book.

Daughter of a controlling mother, Elizabeth finally let loose one night, drinking at a nightclub and allowing a strange man's seductive Russian accent lure her to a house on Lake Shore Drive. The events that followed changed her life forever.

Twelve years later, the woman known as Abigail Lowery lives on the outskirts of a small town in the Ozarks. A freelance programmer, she designs sophisticated security systems - and supplements her own security with a fierce dog and an assortment of firearms. She keeps to herself, saying little, revealing nothing. But Abigail's reserve only intrigues police chief Brooks Gleason. Her logical mind, her secretive nature, and her unromantic viewpoints leave him fascinated but frustrated. He suspects that Abigail needs protection from something - and that her elaborate defenses hide a story that must be revealed.

With a quirky, unforgettable heroine and a pulse-pounding plotline, Nora Roberts presents a riveting new read that cements her place as today's most reliably entertaining thriller author - and will leave people hungering for more.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/isbnthumbs/006/202/0062027794.jpg)Karen Ranney - A Scandalous Scot (26 июня 2012)

A Scandalous Scot is a scandalously entertaining tale of love and passion in the Scottish highlands from the queen of the Scottish historical romance novel, Karen Ranney.

New York Times bestseller Ranney tells the tantalizing story of a handsome, haunted Scotsman returning in disgrace to his castle in Scotland after scandal ruined his reputation...only to court further damage to his name by falling in love with his maid, a feisty and outspoken beauty who hides some very shocking secrets of her own. Fans of Karen Hawkins and other bestselling historical romance writers who make the breathtaking highlands their preferred milieu will be swept away by this Scandalous Scot and his romantic trials, tribulations, and triumphs.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/isbnthumbs/006/220/0062203886.jpg)Susan Elizabeth Phillips - The Great Escape (10 июля 2012)
(American's Lady, #6)

Meet the mysteriously sinister man named...Panda.

He had too long black hair that curled past his collar, cold blue eyes set above high cheekbones, and sadistic lips. After so many years of Secret Service protection, Lucy had grown used to taking her safety for granted, but she didn't feel safe now, and the fact that she dimly recognized the biker as a guest at last night's rehearsal dinner--one of Ted's odd assortment of friends--didn't exactly reassure her. Even semi-cleaned up in a dark suit that didn't fit well, a rumpled white shirt open at the collar, and motorcycle boots that appeared to have received nothing more than a dusting, he didn't look like anybody she wanted to meet in an alley. Exactly where she happened to be...

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/isbnthumbs/143/917/1439175950.jpg)Karen Hawkins - The Taming of a Scottish Princess (22 мая 2012)
(Hurst Amulet, #4)

Renowned Egyptologist Michael Hurst and his intrepid assistant, Miss Jane Smythe-Haughton, are on a hunt to unravel the mystery that has consumed his life-to find the long-lost Hurst Amulet. But when the chase takes them to Jane's birthplace, a place she'd sworn never to return, Michael realizes there's more than one mystery at play-especially when everyone treats Jane like a long-lost princess. They must put all secrets aside and work together to not only find the Hurst family treasure, but also stop the threats from Jane's past catching up to her once and for all.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n79/n399765.jpg)Karen Hawkins - How to Capture a Countess (18 сентября 2012)
Duchess Diaries, #1

Urged by her favorite nephew, the intimidating Duchess of Roxburghe agrees to transform a thorny Scottish rose into a lovely bloom. But even she isn't prepared for fiery Rose Balfour.
At seventeen, Rose fell wildly in love with Lord Alton Sinclair, known as Lord Sin for his wicked ways. Stung by his indifference, the starry-eyed girl tried to win an illicit kiss, but then panicked and pushed the notorious rakehell into a fountain. Leaving Lord Sin floating among the lily pads to the mocking laughter of his peers, Rose escaped back to the obscurity of the Scottish countryside.
Six years later, Sin convinces his aunt, the Duchess of Roxburghe, to invite Rose to her annual house party, where he plans to get revenge by making Rose the laughingstock of polite society. To his astonishment, he finds she has become an alluring woman who threatens to turn the tables on his nefarious plans. Thus Sin and Rose begin an epic battle of the sexes that becomes more passionate at every turn. Eventually, one will have to surrender . . . but to vengeance? Or to love's deepest passion?

(http://www.lorettachase.com/images/covers/ScandalWearsSatin.jpg)Loretta Chase - Scandal Wears Satin (26 июня 2012)
(Dressmakers, #2)

A blue-eyed innocent on the outside and a shark on the inside, dressmaker Sophy Noirot could sell sand to Bedouins. Selling Maison Noirot's beautiful designs to aristocratic ladies is a little harder, especially since a recent family scandal has made an enemy of one of society's fashion leaders. Turning scandal to the shop's advantage requires every iota of Sophy's manipulative skills, leaving her little patience for a big, reckless rakes like the Earl of Longmore. The gorgeous lummox can't keep more than one idea in his head at a time, and his idea is taking off all of Sophy's clothes.

But when Longmore's sister, Noirot's wealthiest, favorite customer, runs away, Sophy can't let him bumble after her on his own. In hot pursuit with the one man who tempts her beyond reason, she finds desire has never slipped on so smoothly . . .

(http://www.suzanneenoch.com/images/book_info3.jpg)Suzanne Enoch - Rules to Catch a Devilish Duke (25 сентября 2012)
(Scandalous Brides, #3)


Sophia White knows she will never marry into polite society. The illegitimate daughter of a nobleman, she works at the Tantalus Club, a discreet establishment for gentlemen—and her only suitor is a pastor who wants to save her soul. So when Sophia is invited to spend the holidays at the estate of Adam Baswich, the devilishly handsome Duke of Greaves, she is delighted—and determined to enjoy her last nights of freedom before surrendering her hand…


Inviting Sophia for Christmas is a daring courtesy on Adam’s part, but he soon finds the pleasure is all his. Sophia is beautiful, courageous, and stubbornly self-sufficient despite her scandalous circumstances—and not at all the kind of woman he could possibly marry. Adam knows he must find a wife by his thirtieth birthday or he will lose his fortune. But can he defy convention—and convince Sophia—to risk it all in the name of true love?

(http://)Suzanne Enoch - The Handbook to Handling His Lordship (весна 2013)
(Scandalous Brides, #4)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Serenis от Апрель 10, 2012, 18:53:22
(http://savepic.su/1680096.jpg)Rachel Gibson - Crazy On You (май 2012)

Return to Lovett, Texas, the setting of Daisy's Back in Town, in this smart and sexy new story from Rachel Gibson, the New York Times bestselling author of Rescue Me and the Seattle Chinooks books.
Lily Darlington's been called crazy in her day-and, yeah, driving her car into her ex-husband's living room probably wasn't the smartest move ever made-but the louse deserved it. Now Lily is happily single, and she's turned it all around. She knows she's a good mom, a homeowner, and a businesswoman, all wrapped up in one good-looking package.
A package that police officer Tucker Matthews is dying to unwrap. This ex-military man sure doesn't need another woman in his life. His last girlfriend left him with nothing but memories and a cat named Pinky! But living next door to Lily has been driving him nuts. He dreams about her long blonde hair and even longer legs. And maybe it's time to go a little crazy . . . and fall in love.

Рассказ будет доступен лишь в электронном виде, если судить по месту действия имеет отношение к Rescue Me и Daisy's Back In Town.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Анжелика от Апрель 10, 2012, 21:06:04
Ооо, Сьюзен Элизабет Филлипс про Люси!!!  :happy:

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Serenis от Апрель 28, 2012, 21:43:35
(http://savepic.su/1680096.jpg)Rachel Gibson - Crazy On You (май 2012)

Return to Lovett, Texas, the setting of Daisy's Back in Town, in this smart and sexy new story from Rachel Gibson, the New York Times bestselling author of Rescue Me and the Seattle Chinooks books.
Lily Darlington's been called crazy in her day-and, yeah, driving her car into her ex-husband's living room probably wasn't the smartest move ever made-but the louse deserved it. Now Lily is happily single, and she's turned it all around. She knows she's a good mom, a homeowner, and a businesswoman, all wrapped up in one good-looking package.
A package that police officer Tucker Matthews is dying to unwrap. This ex-military man sure doesn't need another woman in his life. His last girlfriend left him with nothing but memories and a cat named Pinky! But living next door to Lily has been driving him nuts. He dreams about her long blonde hair and even longer legs. And maybe it's time to go a little crazy . . . and fall in love.

Рассказ будет доступен лишь в электронном виде, если судить по месту действия имеет отношение к Rescue Me и Daisy's Back In Town.

Можно судить не только по месту действия) Эта Лили сестра Дейзи из "Daisy's Back In Town")

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Июнь 17, 2012, 15:42:27
(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n78/n394808.jpg)     Victoria Alexander - What Happens at Christmas (16 октября 2012)

Camille, Lady Lydingham, knows what she wants for Christmas - an official engagement to a handsome prince. The prince insists on getting her family's approval first, which leaves the lovely widow with a problem. The last thing Camille wants is for him to meet her unconventional relatives. But with the aid of a troupe of actors, Camille can pull off a Christmas deception of massive proportions. At least until Grayson Elliot shows up. A dozen years ago, their romance ended at her mother's insistence. Now he's back, playing absolute havoc with her scheme - and with her heart. Because for Grayson, losing Camille once was quite bad enough. Losing her twice? Unthinkable. And he'll find a way to show her they belong together - this season, and every Christmas yet to come.

(http://www.elizabethboyle.com/images/covers/ranaway_276.jpg)     Elizabeth Boyle - And the Miss Ran Away With the Rake (26 февраля 2013)
Rhymes With Love, #2

Daphne Dale never could have imagined that when she answered an advertisement in the newspaper that she would find true love. Now she has the opportunity to meet her unknown suitor but it means traveling to Tabitha’s wedding, and into the heart of her family’s sworn enemies. Everyone knows the Seldons are terrible rakes and bounders, but Daphne will risk anything to gain the happiness she is certain is right around the corner.
Lord Henry Seldon is aghast at the latest addition to the house party guest list—one would think after the unforgettable scandal Daphne Dale caused at the duke’s engagement ball, she wouldn’t dare show her face at the duke’s wedding. But here she is, poking her nose where she shouldn’t and driving Henry mad . . . with an unforgettable passion that will turn enemies into lovers.

(http://www.jogoodman.com/images/lastren.jpg)     Jo Goodman - The Last Renegade (4 сентября 2012)

As the owner of the Pennyroyal Saloon and Hotel, Lorraine Berry is privy to almost everything that goes on in Bitter Springs, Wyoming—including the bloodshed plaguing its citizens. With all of the good men dying at the hands of a local rancher and his three sons, Raine hires a shootist to be the town's protector. But her handsome new employee is more than a hired hand; he's a man that keeps his guns close and his secrets closer.
After a chance encounter on a train, Kellen Coltrane travels to the Pennyroyal to carry out a dying man's last wish. But once he meets the hotel's fiery-haired proprietor, Coltrane finds himself assuming the role of the shootist's accomplice and agrees to protect Bitter Springs. And as he learns more about Raine's own tragedy, Coltrane can't deny his growing desire for the courageous widow, or the urge to protect her from the threat that draws near…

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/isbnthumbs/077/831/0778313492.jpg)     Heather Graham - The Unholy (26 июня 2012)
Krewe of Hunters, #6

A Hollywood shrine hides unholy deeds
The 1940s: Hard-boiled detectives and femmes fatale are box-office gold. In one iconic scene, set in a deserted museum, the private eye arrives too late, and the buxom beauty is throttled by an ominous Egyptian priest.
Now: The Black Box Cinema immortalizes Hollywood's Golden Age in its gallery of film noir tributes. But the mannequin of that Egyptian priest is hardly lifeless. He walks-and a young starlet dies a terrifying death.
Movie mogul Eddie Archer's son is charged with the grisly murder. Eddie calls agent Sean Cameron, who specializes in...irregular investigations. As part of an FBI paranormal forensics team, Cameron knows that nightmares aren't limited to the silver screen.
Working with special-effects artist Madison Darvil-who has her own otherworldly gifts-Cameron delves into the malevolent force animating more than one movie monster....

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/isbnthumbs/077/831/0778313611.jpg)     Heather Graham - The Unspoken (31 июля 2012)
Krewe of Hunters, #7

1898: Bound for Chicago, the freighter Jerry McGuen goes down in Lake Michigan, taking with it every man aboard. But what other fate could befall a vessel carrying the ill-gotten sarcophagus of an Egyptian sorcerer? Because a curse unspoken is no less deadly.
Now: A veteran diver and "ghost ship" expert is exploring the legendary wreck for a documentary. He dies inexplicably inside the freighter's main saloon. Then another diver is killed and panicked rumors rise like bubbles from the lake: ancient demons have awakened below!
The expedition's beleaguered financier calls paranormal investigator Katya Sokolov to Chicago to save the film -and perhaps some innocent lives. Along with media forensics guru Will Chan, Kat plumbs the depths of an evil that may date back to the time of the Pharaohs. But some secrets are best drowned in the seas of the past....

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/isbnthumbs/145/586/1455863327.jpg)     Heather Graham - The Uninvited (28 августа 2012)
Krewe of Hunters, #8

Philadelphia mansion plays host to uninvited death
1777: In the throes of the Revolutionary War, Landon Mansion is commandeered by British Lord "Butcher" Bedford. He stabs Lucy Tarleton-who spurned his king and his love-leaving her to die in her father's arms.
Now: After the day's final tour, docent Allison Leigh makes her rounds while locking up...and finds a colleague slumped over Bedford's desk, impaled on his own replica bayonet.
Resident ghosts may be the stock-in-trade of stately Philadelphia homes, but Allison-a noted historian-is indignant at the prospect of "ghost hunters" investigating this apparent murder.
Agent Tyler Montague knows his hauntings and his history. But while Allison is skeptical of the newcomer, a second mysterious murder occurs. Has "Butcher" Bedford resurfaced? Or is there another malevolent force at work in Landon Mansion? Wary, yet deeply attracted, Allison has to trust in Tyler and work with him to discover just what uninvited guest-dead or alive-has taken over the house.Or their lives could become history!

(http://www.lizcarlyle.com/images/brideworepearls.jpg)     Liz Carlyle - The Bride Wore Pearls (31 июля 2012)
Fraternitas Aureae Crucis, #3

Beneath the elegant façade of Victorian high society, the mysterious men of the St James Society play only by rules of danger and desire...
Rance Welham, the Earl of Lazonby, has survived scandal and disgrace, even evading the Queen's justice at the end of a hangman’s rope. Now he’s about to gamble everything on something far more dangerous—pure, unquenchable desire.
An exotic and elegant beauty, Lady Anisha Stafford fled her native India after her husband’s death to seek refuge within London’s secretive St James Society. But accepting protection from a man society's whispers call a cold-blooded killer is a double-edged sword . . . especially when he’s the most captivating and irresistible man Anisha has laid eyes on since leaving Calcutta.
In a world where treachery abounds, no one can be trusted—and no true passion can be denied. Together, these two tempestuous souls will risk their lives for a love that could redeem them both…or destroy everything they hold dear.

(http://www.andreakane.com/images/theline.jpg)     Andrea Kane - The Line Between Here and Gone (26 июня 2012)
Forensic Instincts, #2

Each day is a struggle for Amanda Gleason's newborn son as he battles a rare immune deficiency. Justin's best chance for a cure lies with his father, who was brutally murdered before Amanda even realized she carried his child.
Or was he?
One emailed photo changes everything, planting a seed of doubt that Amanda latches onto for dear life: a recent photo of a man who looks exactly like Paul. Could Justin's father be alive? The mother in her is desperate to find out. But tracking down a ghost when every second counts is not for amateurs.
Forensic Instincts is the one team up for the challenge.
A behaviorist. A former Navy SEAL. A techno-wizard. An intuitive. A retired FBI agent. A human scent evidence dog. Together, they achieve the impossible, pushing ethical and legal boundaries whenever the ends justify the means.
The manhunt is on for the elusive father. Yet the further the team digs into Paul's past, the more questions are raised about whether the man Amanda fell in love with ever really existed at all.
Dark secrets. Carefully crafted lies. From the Congressional halls of Washington D.C. to exclusive Hamptons manors, there are ruthless people who would stop at nothing to make Forensic Instincts forget about the man Amanda desperately needs to find.
Little do they realize that once Forensic Instincts takes the case, nothing will stop them from uncovering the shocking truth that transcends The Line Between Here and Gone.

(http://www.juliaquinn.com/images/covers/bridgertons/bridgertons_350.jpg)     Julia Quinn - The Bridgertons: Happily Ever After (e-book, 26 ноября 2012)
The Bridgerton Series

All eight Bridgerton 2nd Epilogues have finally been gathered together in one volume, including the long-awaited 2nd Epilogues for The Duke and I and On the Way to the Wedding. And as a special bonus: "Violet in Bloom," a short story in which we finally meet Edmund Bridgerton.
A paperback edition of this collection will be available April 2, 2013.

(http://juliaquinn.com/images/covers/_foreign/willing/willing_uk_276.jpg) (http://www.juliaquinn.com/images/covers/willing/willing_350.jpg)     Julia Quinn, Eloisa James, Connie Brockway - The Lady Most Willing (26 декабря 2012)
A Novel in Three Parts

In another captivating collaboration, Julia Quinn, Eloisa James, and Connie Brockway bring back The Lady Most Likely's Duke of Bretton, and this time they're headed to Scotland!

Who is The Lady Most Willing?

When Laird Taran Ferguson's nephews refuse to wed and secure his birthright, he takes matters into his own hands, raiding a ball and kidnapping four likely brides—a bonny lass, an heiress with a slight reputation problem, a rich English beauty, and a maiden without a name or a fortune. But which one is ready to fall in love with the Scottish lord? Add a very angry duke, a decrepit castle, and a fierce Highland storm that is holding all of Taran's "guests" captive to the mix, and readers will find themselves transported to a world of temptation, passion, and new and unexpected love. This historical romance novel in three parts—a single story with three compelling voices—is one that will not soon be forgotten.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Июнь 17, 2012, 17:46:19
(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/h4/h24542.jpg)     Karen Marie Moning - Fever Moon: The Fear Dorcha (графическая новелла, 10 июля 2012)
Fever, #*

In Fever Moon, we meet the most ancient and deadly Unseelie ever created, the Fear Dorcha. For eons, he's traveled worlds with the Unseelie king, leaving behind him a path of mutilation and destruction. Now he's hunting Dublin, and no one Mac loves is safe.
Dublin is a war zone. The walls between humans and Fae are down. A third of the world's population is dead and chaos reigns. Imprisoned over half a million years ago, the Unseelie are free and each one Mac meets is worse than the last. Human weapons don't stand a chance against them.
With a blood moon hanging low over the city, something dark and sinister begins to hunt the streets of Temple Bar, choosing its victims by targeting those closest to Mac. Armed only with the Spear of Destiny and Jericho Barrons, she must face her most terrifying enemy yet.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n79/n398297.jpg)     ]Karen Marie Moning - Iced (30 октября 2012)
Dani O'Malley, #1

The shockingly suspenseful first book in Moning's new trilogy, Iced catapults us back to the frenetic world of the Fever series, picking up immediately where Shadowfever ended. At its center is Dani O'Malley, the powerful, tough-talking teen sidhe seer who has stolen readers' hearts. As Dublin is overrun by dark forces, and the sidhe seer's abbey reels from the influence of the dark Fae imprisoned there, Dani must find and capture the elusive new Fae creature that's on a murderous rampage. Featuring beloved characters from the Fever series - including Christian MacKeltar, Ryodan, Mac and Barrons and others.

(http://www.christinefeehan.com/leopards_prey/cover.jpg)   Christine Feehan - Leopard's Prey (декабрь 2012)
Люди-леопарды, #6

From a tough stint in the armed forces to stalking the unknown as a bayou cop, leopard-shifter Remy Boudreux has been served well by his uncanny gifts. And right now, New Orleans could use a homicide detective like Remy.
A serial killer is loose, snatching victims from the French Quarter with pitiless rage and unnatural efficiency. But something else is drawing Remy into the twilight -- a beautiful jazz singer bathed night after night in a flood of blood-red neon.
Sultry, mysterious, and as seductive as her songs, she’s luring Remy deeper into the shadows than he ever imagined. And as their passions swell, his keen instinct for survival will be challenged like never before. By a killer -- and by a woman.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n80/n400294.jpg)   Lori Foster - Run the Risk (25 сентября 2012)
Love Undercover, #1

When Detective Logan Riske goes undercover to find Pepper Yates, a potential link to his best friend’s unsolved murder, he vows to gain her cooperation by any means necessary. But the elusive beauty is more suspicious—and in far more danger—than he expected. And the last thing Logan needs is to start caring for her...
Pepper has spent years dodging the corrupt club owner who will stop at nothing to keep her silenced. She can trust no one, not even the handsome new “construction worker” who’s moved in next door. The heat between them is undeniable. But will surrendering to passion bring her the safety she so desires—or will her feelings for Logan draw them both into a killer’s crosshairs?

(http://www.sandrahill.net/images/KissOfSurrender200.jpg)     Sandra Hill - Kiss of Surrender (27 ноября 2012)
Deadly Angels, #2

It’s not easy being a Vampire Angel
No one knows that better than Trond Sigurdsson. In the centuries since he last went out drinking and wenching with his Viking buds, Trond has been a gladiator, a cowboy, a ditch digger...even a sheik. But now he’s the baddest of them all: a kick-butt Navy SEAL kicking butts of terrorist immortals with the help of his hotter-than-Hades female partner, police officer-turned-Special Forces operative Nicole Tasso—whom Trond dearly hopes to “partner” with very shortly in a whole different way.

It’s not easy being a Vangel’s lover
The “cop” part of Nicole tells her there’s something bizarre about her gorgeous godlike teammate. But her “all-woman” side can’t help wondering how great it would be to have a virile Viking in her bed. Trond has secrets galore, but Nicole feels certain she can dig them out—and really get to the heart of this powerful, unnerving stranger whom she may be risking her soul to love.

(http://www.stephanielaurens.com/Images/Novellas/RoyalBridesmaids.jpg)     Stephanie Laurens, Gaelen Foley and Loretta Chase - Royal Bridesmaids (17 июля 2012)

Thanks to Pippa Middleton, we are more fascinated than ever by bridesmaids…especially the ones in Royal Weddings.

Stephanie Laurens: RETURN ENGAGEMENT: Lady Nell Daughtry has her hands full getting her sister safely married to the Prince of Lautenberg. And things aren't made easier when she discovers she's paired with Robert Knightley…her would-be husband who walked away.

Gaelen Foley: THE IMPOSTER BRIDE: To secure peace for her country, Lady Minerva must ensure its princess is wed to handsome Prince Tor of Rydalburg. But when the bride bolts, Minerva decides on a daring deception and bridesmaid becomes-bride!

Loretta Chase: LORD LOVEDON'S DUEL: Chloe Sharp will to anything to show the world her sister's marriage to a prince is a success. So when she hears the handsome Earl of Lovedon insinuating it was a match made in money, she challenges him to a duel - only to learn that what's really at stake isn't honor, but her own heart.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Июнь 17, 2012, 17:55:00
According to Amazon:
Can't Take My Eyes Off of You [Hardcover] by Judith McNaught
Hardcover: 352 pages
Publisher: Ballantine Books (May 27, 2014)

According to Wikipedia:
"Someone Like You (formerly entitled: Can't Take My Eyes Off of You)"
is scheduled to be published May 27, 2014.

Кстати, на сайте, посвященном творчеству Макнот, написано, что название Someone Like You ей не нра, поэтому книгу в очередной раз переименуют:

Despite the information you have now, I have every reason to believe this book will be out between December and February. It will not be called SOMEONE LIKE YOU, though. I've never been satisfied with that TITLE.

Планируемой датой выхода указан февраль 2013 г., кстати.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Ноябрь 13, 2012, 17:12:47
(http://www.victoriaalexander.com/wp-content/themes/whatcheer/images/content/booklist/large/lord-stillwells-excellent-engagements.png)          Victoria Alexander - Lord Stilwell's Excellent Engagements (26 ноября)

We first met Winfield Elliott, Lord Stillwell, in What Happens at Christmas.
His lordship is looking for the perfect bride. And indeed, he truly believes he has found her. Each and every time.
Now learn the real story behind…

(http://www.ameliagrey.com/TheRogueStealsABride.gif)          Amelia Grey - The Rogue Steals A Bride (2 июля 2013 г.)
The Rogues’ Dynasty, #6
 Matson Brentwood has finally met the woman of his dreams. The lovely, red-haired Sophia Hart heats his blood like no other lady. Her alluring countenance has stopped him dead in his tracks. But no matter how attracted he is to her, he can’t give into his desire to possess her in every way because she is the ward of the man he’s sworn to hate.

Newly arrived in London, Miss Sophia Hart is in need of a husband, but not for herself. She has twin, spinster aunts and one of them has decided she wants a man. Sophia agrees to help her aunt by allowing older gentlemen to call on her and then make sure Auntie spends more time in the gentleman’s company than Sophia does. But when Sophia meets the darkly handsome and intriguing Mr. Matson Brentwood, she knows that for the first time, she in danger of losing her heart.

But there’s more than just an adversarial guardian and a long list of beaus standing between Sophia and Matson. Sophia promised her dying father she would honor his lifelong plan for her as an heiress and marry a titled gentleman. Matson isn’t titled so she must deny her love for him and make up to her father for costing him the love of his life.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n81/n407160.jpg)          Heather Graham - Keeper of the Night (18 декабря)
Keepers, #2

(http://www.brendajoyce.com/images/temp_page/surrender_150.jpg)          Brenda Joyce - Surrender (20 ноября)
Spymaster's Men, #3

Once a penniless orphan, Evelyn D’Orsay became a countess and a bride at the tender age of sixteen.  Recently widowed and without any means, Evelyn knows she must retrieve the family fortune from France so she can raise her daughter in Cornwall—but only one man can help her… the smuggler she cannot forget.


Jack Greystone has been smuggling since he was a small boy—and he has been spying since the wars began.  An outlaw with a bounty on his head, he is in hiding when he becomes aware of the Countess’s inquiries about him.  He is reluctant to come to her aid yet again, for he has never been able to forget her and he wants to avoid her intrigues.  But he soon realizes he’ll surrender anything to be with the woman he loves.

(http://www.sherrilynkenyon.com/wp-content/themes/sherrilynkenyon/_includes/timthumb.php?src=http://www.sherrilynkenyon.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/cloak-and-silenceforsite.jpg&w=181&h=292&zc=1&q=75)          Sherrilyn Kenyon - Cloak & Silence (10 июля 2013 г.)
Лига, #7
One of the fiercest soldiers the Phrixians have ever produced, Maris Sulle has been an outsider the whole of his life. He grew up with a secret that cost him everything- His birthright, his family and his military career. In all his life, he’s only had one love and he has sacrificed his own happiness to see his best friend reunited with the woman he loves. But now that his good deed is done, he feels lost and adrift. Even though they do their best to include him in their new family, he’s once again on the outside looking in.

Ture has spent his life hiding from everyone around him while trying desperately to fit in. His family, the world, you name it. Badly hurt by everyone he’s ever known, he trusts no one except his own best friend. And honestly, he can’t understand why he trusts her. Nor can he believe her when she describes a loyalty between friends the likes of which he’s never seen.

But when he is in his darkest hour, he’s saved by a hero he thought only existed in novels. A man who is every bit as scarred and mistrusting as he is. One who has no interest in being dragged into another relationship with anyone.

Having spent his life as a living study of doomed relationships, Maris is well aware of the courtship and fiasco that invariably follows. Still, there is something about Ture he can’t resist. Something that won’t let him walk away when he knows he should.

But when old enemies return to threaten them both, they either have to stand together or die alone.

(http://www.sherrilynkenyon.com/wp-content/themes/sherrilynkenyon/_includes/timthumb.php?src=http://www.sherrilynkenyon.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/BORN-OF-FURY.jpg&w=181&h=292&zc=1&q=75)          Sherrilyn Kenyon - Born of Fury (1 апреля 2013 г.)
Лига, #8
he war is on…

Counted among the fiercest Andarion warriors ever born, Hauk is one of the five founding members of the Sentella- an organization that has declared war on the League that rules the Ichidian universe with an iron fist and terrifies it with an army of well-trained assassins. Hauk’s enemies are legion, but he fears nothing and no one. He will do whatever it takes to survive and protect his Sentella brethren.

Sumi Antaxas is one of the best assassins the League has ever trained. In her world, failure is not an option and she has never met a target she couldn’t execute. So when she’s assigned Hauk, she believes it’ll be a quick and easy mission.

But nothing is ever as simple as it seems, and Hauk is far better trained and skilled than his dossier shows. More than that, as she pursues him, she stumbles upon the key that will bring down not only Hauk, but the entire Sentella organization.

In the race to report her information, she is overtaken by enemies out to end her as effectively as she intends to end Hauk. Now her only key to survival is the one man she’s been sent to kill. And Hauk doesn’t trust her at all.

The only question is, will he help her to live… or send her to her grave.

(http://www.jayneannkrentz.com/images/9780399158957_med.jpg)          Jayne Anne Krentz - Dream Eyes (8 января 2013 г.)
Dark Legacy, #2
The death of her friend and mentor, Evelyn Ballinger, brings psychic counselor Gwen Frazier back to the small town of Wilby, Oregon, and brings back memories she would rather forget. Two years earlier, a killer stalked the members of one of Ballinger’s research studies including Gwen. And though she survived while two others didn’t, Gwen knows that Ballinger’s death is related.

Sent by a friend to help Gwen, psychic investigator Judson Coppersmith arrives in Wilby barely in control of his own talent and his own life, haunted by urgent dreams. His attraction to Gwen is primal, but there are secrets he must keep to protect himself from surrendering to her completely, even as their investigation draws them into dreamscapes, into decades of deception, and into the paranormal fires of a desire too strong to resist...

(http://juliaquinn.com/images/covers/sum/sum_450.jpg)           Julia Quinn - The Sum of All Kisses (29 октября 2013 г.)
Smythe-Smith Quartet, #3
Hugh Prentice has never had patience for dramatic females, and if Lady Sarah Pleinsworth has ever been acquainted with the words shy or retiring, she's long since tossed them out the window. Besides, a reckless duel has left this brilliant mathematician with a ruined leg, and now he could never court a woman like Sarah, much less dream of marrying her.

Sarah has never forgiven Hugh for the duel he fought that nearly destroyed her family. But even if she could find a way to forgive him, it wouldn't matter. She doesn't care that his leg is less than perfect, it's his personality she can't abide. But forced to spend a week in close company they discover that first impressions are not always reliable. And when one kiss leads to two, three, and four, the mathematician may lose count, and the lady may, for the first time, find herself speechless ...

New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn's enchanting third novel in the Smythe-Smith quartet is guaranteed to make you laugh out loud and tug at your heartstrings in equal measures.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n79/n397382.jpg)          Sarah MacLean -  One Good Earl Deserves a Lover (29 января 2013 г.)
Rules of Scoundrels, #2
Lady Philippa Marbury is…odd.

The brilliant, bespectacled daughter of a double marquess cares more for books than balls, for science than the season, and for laboratories than love. She’s looking forward to marrying her simple fiancé and living out her days quietly with her dogs and her scientific experiments. But before that, Pippa has two weeks to experience all the rest–fourteen days to research the exciting parts of life. It’s not much time, and to do it right she needs a guide familiar with London’s darker corners.

She needs…a Scoundrel.

She needs Cross, the clever, controlled partner in London’s most exclusive gaming hell, with a carefully crafted reputation for wickedness. But reputations often hide the darkest secrets, and when the unconventional Pippa boldly propositions him, seeking science without emotion, she threatens all he works to protect. He is tempted to give Pippa precisely what she wants…but the scoundrel is more than he seems, and it will take every ounce of willpower to resist giving the lady more than she ever imagined.

(http://www.lynnkurland.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/dreamspinner-xl.jpg)          Lynn Kurland -  Dreamspinner (31 декабря)
Nine Kingdoms: Ruith and Sarah, #4
New York Times bestselling author Lynn Kurland's enthralling Nine Kingdoms saga brings together a weaver's apprentice and the son of a mage,both fighting to save the Nine Kingdoms from peril.
Aisling of Bruadair has lived a provincial life, heedless of the evil creeping over her land. That ordinary existence changes forever, though, when she is sent to the opposite end of the world to find a master swordsman. If she fails, her life--and her country's safety--will be forfeit. She just never expected that swordsman to be a wounded elven prince masquerading as a simple soldier.
Powerless and scarred from a long-ago conflict, Rùnach of Ceangail has spent years in obscurity, ignoing battles he can no longer fight.  And although he has been drawn back into the world, he fully intends to live an unremarkable life far away from events he knows he cannot change...
Until Rùnach meets Aisling and realizes that she is far more than what she seems, that their alliance has attracted unwelcome notice,  and that some battles must be fought.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Serenis от Февраль 11, 2013, 02:31:43
Судя по всему, быть еще одному роману в серии Фрайдей Харбор Клейпас

Lightning Bay (ожидаемая дата выхода 10 сентября 2013)

After the turmoil of a broken engagement, all Neva Landry wants is to make a success of her Friday Harbor alpaca farm. But when her ex-fiance Zachary Logan is injured in a lightning strike, she offers to take care of him while he recuperates. Soon Neva discovers that Zach has become an enigmatic stranger who now poses a greater threat to her heart than ever before. Is Zach really the same man, or is there somehow a chance that he could be an angel in disguise?

ЗЫ, кстати, кто-нибудь видел экранизацию "Кануна Рождества в Пятничной гавани"?

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Февраль 11, 2013, 09:19:42
Судя по всему, быть еще одному роману в серии Фрайдей Харбор Клейпас

Ну, хорошую серию грех не продолжить. Только героев я таких пока не знаю. 4-ю книгу пока не читала. :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Serenis от Февраль 11, 2013, 12:30:46
Судя по всему, быть еще одному роману в серии Фрайдей Харбор Клейпас

Ну, хорошую серию грех не продолжить. Только героев я таких пока не знаю. 4-ю книгу пока не читала. :)
я из этой серии еще ни одной книги полностью не читала, только Канун "пролистывала", но лучше бы она продолжила Трэвисов! Хочу книгу про Джо!!!!!! *топает ножками*

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Февраль 11, 2013, 12:47:02
А я про Тревисов вообще не читала. Как-то застряла на начале первой изданной книги, потом ее кто-то взял почитать, а когда вернули - настрой читать пропал.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Март 11, 2013, 01:26:41
(http://www.susanandersen.com/images/pages/bookstack/book-images/some/some_350.jpg)          Susan Andersen - Some Like It Hot (30 июля)
Razor Bay/Bradshaw Brothers Series, #2

"Wrong for each other" never felt more right...

Even a lifelong traveler like Harper Summerville has to admire the scenery in Razor Bay, Washington. There's the mountains. The evergreens. The water. And Max Bradshaw, the incredibly sexy deputy sheriff. Still, Harper's here only for the summer, working covertly for her family's foundation. And getting involved with this rugged, intense former marine would be a definite conflict of interest — professionally and personally.

Max's scarred childhood left him determined to put down roots in Razor Bay, yet one look at Harper — a woman who happily lives out of a suitcase — leaves him speechless with desire for things he's never had. He might not be big on talking, but Max's toe-curling kisses are getting the message across loud and clear. Harper belongs here, with him, because things are only beginning to heat up…

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n80/n403371.jpg)          Jo Beverley - Seduction In Silk (6 августа)
Malloren, #13
A curse, a bachelor, and a spinster with a gun.

Perry Perriam has no time for marriage, but when he's named heir to Perriam Manor he must marry a stranger or his family will lose the ancient estate. There's a strange curse in the mix as well.

Claris Mallow has survived her parents' tormented marriage and even though she's living in a cottage on a very small income she has no intention of marrying anyone. She's even willing to make her point with a pistol!

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n85/n425854.jpg)          Elizabeth Boyle - If Wishes Were Earls (31 декабря)
Rhymes with Love, #3
Harrriet Hathaway has loved only one man her entire life: the Earl of Roxley. But when he ignores her at a ball, she takes rather desperate steps to catch his eye and her plans find her ruined and without any hope of gaining Roxley’s heart. So it is much to her amazement when Roxley proposes marriage to save her from ruin. But Roxley’s proposal isn’t quite on the up and up and when she finds out she’s just another piece in one of his plots and japes, she vows revenge.

Roxley is desperate to pull his family from the brink of ruin, and the only way to gain a lost fortune is to prove to his aunts that’s he’s “reformed” his life and is determined to settle down. But the bride-to-be that he thought would be most amiable is doing everything to turn his life and his heart upside down. Harriet Hathaway had always seemed the most sensible girl he knew, but now this siren of a stranger he’s engaged to is leaving him feeling anything but sensible. Harriet is about to steal not only his heart, but quite possibly the keys to the Roxley fortune.

(http://www.eheathergraham.com/images/LetTheDeadSleep_175.jpg)          Heather Graham - Let the Dead Sleep (26 марта)
It was stolen from a New Orleans grave – the centuries-old bust of an evil man, a demonic man. It’s an object desired by collectors – and by those with wickedness in their hearts.

One day, its current owner shows up at Danni Cafferty’s antiques shop on Royal Street, the shop she inherited from her father. But before Danni can buy the statue, it disappears, the owner is found dead…and Danni discovers that she’s inherited much more than she realized. In the store is a book filled with secret writing: instructions for defeating evil entities. She’d dismissed it as a curiosity…until the arrival of this statue, with its long history of evil and even longer trail of death.

Michael Quinn, former cop and now private investigator, is a man with an unusual past. He believes that doing the right thing isn’t a job – it’s a way of life. And the right thing to do is find and destroy this object weighted with malevolent powers. He and Danni are drawn together in their search for the missing statue, following it through sultry New Orleans nights to hidden places in the French Quarter and secret ceremonies on abandoned plantations.

Cafferty and Quinn already know that trust in others can be misplaced, that love can be temporary. And yet their connection is primal. Mesmerizing. They also know that their story won’t end when this case is closed and the dead rest in peace once again.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n82/n412536.jpg)           Jo Goodman - True to the Law (7 мая)

"Find her" is the only instruction that private detective Cobb Bridger receives from Andrew Mackey. The scion of a wealthy Chicago family, Mackey is desperate to know the whereabouts of the woman who disappeared from his employ, taking with her something of great value. Intrigued as much by what Mackey won't say about the missing item as he is by Mackey's description of the missing woman, Cobb accepts the assignment.


Bitter Springs, Wyoming, has a new schoolteacher who may or may not be exactly what she seems. Upon making the acquaintance of Miss Tru Morrow, Cobb begins to question the guilt of this golden-haired lady—and the protective feelings she stirs in him. His investigation hinges on understanding where the
truth lies.

(http://www.eloisajames.com/images/covers/wish/wish_350.jpg)          Eloisa James - As You Wish (26 марта)
Happily Ever After, #7, #9
From New York Times bestselling author Eloisa James come two stunningly sensual stories in which gentlemen who rule the waves learn that true danger lies not on the high seas, but in the mistakes that can break a heart…and ruin a life forever.

With This Kiss
Lady Grace Ryburn is in love with a dashing young lieutenant, Colin Barry, but she turns away, thinking that Colin is in love with her sister.
Should Colin throw propriety to the winds, imitate his pirate father, and simply take what he most desires?

Seduced by a Pirate
After years at sea, Sir Griffin Barry comes home to claim his wife. But is Phoebe his wife, if their marriage was never consummated?
As an infamous pirate, Griffin claimed and kept gold and jewels… but this is one treasure that will not be so easy to capture.

(http://www.sabrinajeffries.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/what-the-duke-desires.png)          Sabrina Jeffries - What the Duke Desires (18 июня)
The Duke’s Men, #1
Maximilian Cale, the Duke of Lyons, accepted long ago that his kidnapped brother was dead. When a cryptic note from investigator Tristan Bonnaud claims otherwise, Max seeks out Tristan’s sister, Lisette—and is infuriated to learn that Tristan has also mysteriously vanished. Have the siblings perpetrated an elaborate hoax? Or is the fiercely protective beauty as innocent as she claims them to be?

Fearful that the powerful duke will destroy Tristan’s career in his zeal for the truth, the clever Lisette convinces Max to accompany her to Paris in a joint search for their loved ones. But their journey takes a seductive twist when they pose as an ordinary husband and wife—not an English duke with a tarnished family name and the illegitimate daughter of a viscount—and discover an exhilarating passion free from the damning secrets of the past. With the line between danger and desire enticingly blurred, they discover that some mysteries, like those of the heart, are answered tenfold in the bliss of a true and trusting love.

(http://www.irisjohansen.com/uploads/images/image/60.jpg)           Iris Johansen - New Eve Duncan Trilogy (2013)
Eve Duncan
2013 will be the year of Eve Duncan with the release of three new interconnected thrillers featuring Eve in an adventure that Iris promises "will take her places we've never seen her go before."  The first of these, TAKING EVE, will be published April 17.  HUNTING EVE will follow on July 16 and SILENCING EVE will complete the trilogy on October 15.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n83/n419979.jpg)          Brenda Joyce - A Rose in the Storm (25 июня)
Join New York Times bestselling author Brenda Joyce for an epic story of undying love and forbidden desire in the Highlands…


With warfare blazing through Scotland, the fate of the Comyn-MacDougall legacy depends on one woman. Recently orphaned, young Margaret Comyn must secure her clan's safety through an arranged marriage. But when an enemy invasion puts her at the mercy of the notorious Wolf of Lochaber, her every loyalty-and secret want-will be challenged.


Legendary warrior Alexander "the Wolf" MacDonald rides with Robert Bruce to seize the throne of Scotland. But when he takes the fiery Lady Margaret prisoner, she quickly becomes far more than a valuable hostage. For the passion between them threatens to betray their families, their country...and their hearts.

Captured by war... claimed by desire.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Март 11, 2013, 02:28:44
(http://www.catherinecoulter.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/book_cover_lg/images/books/bombshell.jpg)          Catherine Coulter - Bombshell (9 июля)
FBI Thriller, #17

FBI Special Agent Dillon Savich recruits Griffin Hammersmith, last seen in Backfire, to join his unit at the Hoover Building. Griffin accepts, planning to visit his sister, a graduate student at Stanislaus School of Music in Maestro, Virginia. He's close by when he's notified his sister is in the hospital, struck down in her apartment, and left naked and bleeding.

While Griffin is trying to find out what's going down in Maestro, Savich and Sherlock have their hands full when the grandson of former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank is found dead, his body frozen, at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial, every bone in his body broken.

BOMBSHELL is full of non-stop action, two mysteries to solve, an indictment of banks, and myriad characters that jump off the page.

(http://www.elizabethlowell.com/images/DR3d.png)          Elizabeth Lowell - Dangerous Refuge (9 апреля)
On the surface beautiful, quiet Shaye has little in common with dark, dangerous Tanner Davis. He's a suspicious big city cop come home to the historic Davis family ranch to settle his uncle's estate. She's working for an environmental conservancy that acquires and protects old ranches—and she wants to preserve the Davis homestead.

When the suspicious death of Tanner's uncle at his ranch throws the two opposites together, tempers flare and sparks fly. While they have trouble seeing eye to eye, Shaye and Tanner agree on one thing: they need to uncover the truth.

Combining their unique skills—Shaye's low-key approach and local connections and Tanner's experience as a homicide detective—the unlikely pair share long nights in the pursuit of justice. Before they know it, the friction they generate turns to heat, igniting a burning love neither ever expected to find.

They believe passion this intense cannot last. But when Shaye becomes a killer's target, Tanner realizes he'd give up anything to protect her—including his life.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n81/n407068.jpg)          Julianne MacLean - The Prince's Bride (30 апреля)
Royal Trilogy, #3
Handsome Prince Nicholas of Petersbourg is an infamous ladies' man, but even he doesn't expect a flirtation at a masquerade ball to turn into abduction. Especially with a jailor as temptingly beautiful as the young woman on the other side of the locked door ...

 Veronique Montagne was desperate when she agreed to kidnap a prince to settle her profligate father's gambling debts, and certainly didn't imagine that her prisoner might sweet-talk her into helping him escape. Saving her home is now the least of her troubles, especially when the attraction simmering between her and the angry prince blazes into true passion. To save them both from scandal, Nicholas proposes a convenient marriage - but when a vengeful plot threatens to tear them apart, he discovers that Veronique's love is what he desires most of all...

(http://karenranney.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/BEST-SINGLE-THE-DEVIL-OF-CLAN-SINCLAIR.jpg)          Karen Ranney - The Devil of Clan Sinclair (15 июля)
For Virginia Traylor, Countess of Barrett, marriage was merely the vehicle to buy her father a title. Widowhood, however, brings a host of problems. For her husband deliberately spent the money intended for Virginia and her in-laws, leaving them penniless—unless she produces an heir. Desperate and confused, Virginia embarks on a fateful journey that brings her to the doorstep of the only man she’s ever loved…

He’s known as The Devil, but Macrath Sinclair doesn’t care. He moved to a tiny Scottish village in hopes of continuing his work as an inventor and starting a family of his own. He bought the house; he chose the woman. Unfortunately, Virginia didn’t choose him. Macrath knows he should turn her away now, but she needs him, and he wants her more than ever. Whatever game Virginia’s playing, Macrath intends to win—one wickedly seductive deed at a time . ..

(http://www.lynsaysands.net/books/covers/AnEnglishBrideInSCotland_200.jpg)          Lynsay Sands - An English Bride In Scotland (25 июня)
She never expected to marry…

Annabel was about to take the veil to become a nun when her mother suddenly arrives at the Abbey to take her home…so that she can marry the Scottish laird who is betrothed to her runaway sister! She knows nothing about being a wife, nothing about how to run a household, and definitely nothing about the marriage bed.

He never expected to fall in love . . .

From the moment Ross MacKay sets eyes on Annabel, he is taken with his shy sweet bride…and the fact that she's blessed with lush curves only makes him utter his own prayers of thanks. But when an enemy endangers her life, he'll move the Highlands themselves to save her. For though Annabel's not the bride he planned for, she's the only woman he desires.

(http://www.christinefeehan.com/dark_lycan/cover.jpg)          Christine Feehan - Dark Lycan (сентябрь)
Dark Series, #24

The first book, Dark Lycan, has Fenris and Tatijana. Fenris is Dimitri's brother.

Held captive for centuries and finally freed, Tatijana vowed to now live only by her rules. She is Carpathian. Dragonseeker. She'll never again acquiesce to authority — inhuman or human. Then Tatijana is drawn to the forest-scent of a stranger — and the freedom and wild nature it represents. And now everything she is fighting for — and running from — will change.

(http://www.christinefeehan.com/dark_wolf/cover.jpg)          Christine Feehan - Dark Wolf (январь 2014 г.)
Dark Series, #25

The second book, Dark Wolf is Skyler and Dimitri's story.

(https://www.sandrahill.net/images/KissOfTemptation200.jpg)          Sandra Hill - Kiss of Temptation (26 марта)
Deadly Angels, #3

Ivak Sigurdsson is dead...well, sort of. Guilty of the sin of lust, he’s been given an unusual penance: spend eternity as a Viking Vampire Angel, or Vangel, fighting Lucipires, Satan’s vampire demons on earth. Now sequestered in Angola Prison as a “spiritual advisor,” Ivak is finding all these centuries of celibacy depressing, to say the least. But then, along comes southern belle Gabrielle Sonnier. Is she a reward for his good deeds, or a temptation sent to rattle his lustsome brain?


Gabrielle, a lawyer, begs Ivak to help get her brother out of prison. Aided by the Cajun LeDeux family and their chief looney bird, Tante Lulu, Ivak reluctantly agrees. And while he alternately tries to seduce and save Gabrielle before the Lucipires run rampant, they both begin to wonder if it’s really only lust, or something more.

(http://www.karenhawkins.com/images/bk_pursue.jpg)           Karen Hawkins - How to Pursue a Princess (2013)
Duchess Diaries, #2
A humorous and romantic twist on Little Red Riding Hood, Lily and Wulf must decide which is more important, power and money . . . or love everlasting?
Lily Balfour swore she’d never marry, but when her father’s unforgiving debts leave her no choice, she finds herself caught between a handsome, wealthy suitor and an irresistible, indigent rogue.

An innocent lost in the woods . . .
The sensible solution to her family’s financial woes is for Lily to bestow her affections upon the Earl of Huntley, an alluring, well-to-do widower handpicked by her matchmaking godmother, the Duchess of Roxburghe. Huntley is pleasant and attractive with plenty of money, the perfect candidate in every way. But Lily knows she’s in big trouble as soon as sexy, unprincipled, and passionate Prince Wulfinski sweeps a hot, possessive glance over her.

Powerful and sexy, Prince Wulfinski declares he will make Lily his, no matter the cost . . .
By his own account, Wulf is a pauper, barely able to afford his own cottage. Yet nothing will stop him from pursuing the strawberry-haired beauty with every cunning trick he can muster. To make the right choice, Lily must trust her heart and not just her head to lead her to the riches—and romance—she desires.

(http://jennifersromances.com/NewSite/images/bookcover/LoneWolf_final200.jpg)          Jennifer Ashley - Lone Wolf (16 апреля)
Shifters Unbound, #4.5
Ellison Rowe, a Lupine Shifter, makes it his goal to protect Maria, once held captive by ferals, from male Shifters looking for mates. He likes Maria's resilience and fire, but she's been broken, and Ellison wants more than anything to heal her. When a new danger threatens Shiftertown's cubs, Maria partners with Ellison to stop a cold-blooded criminal.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Март 23, 2013, 19:23:41
Вот, чего случайно откопала, дата выхода - 24 сентября 2013 г. :)


Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Июнь 16, 2013, 18:42:29
(http://www.marybalogh.com/graphics/suitor.png)          Mary Balogh - The Suitor (22 июля)
The Survivors' Club, #1.5

This e-novella was written at the request of my editor at Dell as a little something to precede the publication of The Arrangement, Book 2 of the Survivors' Club septet. There is a scene at the beginning of The Arrangement in which the hero, the young and blind Vincent, Viscount Darleigh, is confronted with a bride chosen by his family without his consent and invited to his home. He has nothing against Miss Dean, but he really does not want to marry her, and he tries to make her dislike him before fleeing ignominiously with his valet and proceeding onward to the rest of his story. I did try to make all well for the poor abandoned Miss Dean by making reference late in the book to the fact that she was about to make a love match with the nephew and heir of the Duke of Stanbrook, one of the Survivors. Their story was not told, however, because it had no relevance to that particular book. I was delighted to be able to fill in the blanks of their story by writing this novella.

Philippa Dean, daughter of a not-very-wealthy gentleman with other children to provide for, is making her come-out in London and has a number of admirers. However, all she can dream about is the rakish young man with whom she fell in love a couple of years ago just before he was banished by her father, who discovered them together in what appeared to be compromising circumstances. Since then, Julian Crabbe has turned his life around and become both respectable and eligible. And he is on his way to London to court her. All that stands between them and their happily-ever-after is the need to prove to her father that Julian is now a worthy candidate for her hand. However, Mr. Dean has just been presented with a dazzlingly eligible marital prospect for his daughter. The immensely wealthy—but blind—young Viscount Darleigh is in search of a bride, and Philippa and her family have been invited to visit his stately country home with a view toward a possible engagement.

(http://www.juliegarwood.com/images/Hot_Shot_Latest.jpg)          Julie Garwood - Hotshot (6 августа)
Buchanan-Renard, #9

Peyton Lockhart has just lost her job as a food critic.

Out of work and in a bad place personally, she is feeling awfully low. But then she's handed an unexpected opportunity.

She, along with her sisters, is given Bishop's Cove, a small luxurious oceanfront resort. They must run the resort for one year and show a profit--only then will they own it.

There are countless hindrances to them succeeding. On top of it all she is facing threats from her former employer.  When the threats become dangerous, Peyton calls on her childhood friend, Finn MacBain, now with the FBI, and asks for help.  He's come to her rescue before; maybe he can do it again.

Finn excels at everything he tries, but when his relationship with Peyton turns into something he hadn't expected, he realizes he's facing the challenge of his life.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n79/n398247.jpg)          Laura Lee Guhrke - When the Marquess Met His Match (29 октября)

What happens when a carefree, disreputable, stone-broke bachelor is forced to find a wife in a hurry? He hires a matchmaker, of course. What happens when the matchmaker doesn’t want to help him? Well, that’s when the fun begins…

Nicholas Stirling, Marquess of Trubridge, loves his life just as it is: dissolute, scandalous, and deuced good fun. His father, the Duke of Landsdowne is not amused, and when he cuts off Nicholas’ trust fund, the fun-loving marquess is forced to find an alternate source of income—in other words, he has to marry an heiress.

Every new-money American heiress knows Lady Belinda Featherstone is the key to social acceptance. Once a new-money nobody herself, Belinda discovered first-hand how heartbreaking the game of love and matrimony could be after a reprobate British earl married her for her money. Now a respectable widow, Belinda has become England’s most successful matchmaker, guiding young American heiresses through the hazards of the London season and helping them to find husbands worthy of them. To her mind, the Marquess of Trubridge is nothing but a fortune-hunting scoundrel and she has no intention of allowing him to charm his way into any American girl’s heart, including her own.

(http://www.andreakane.com/books/stranger250.jpg)          Andrea Kane - The Stranger You Know (24 сентября)
Forensic Instincts, #3

College-age girls with long red hair. Brutally murdered, they're posed like victims in a film noir. Each crime scene is eerily similar to the twisted fantasy of a serial offender now serving thirty years to life— a criminal brought to justice with the help of Forensic Instincts.

Call. Kill. Repeat. But the similarities are more than one psychopath's desire to outdo another. As more red-headed victims are added to the body count, it becomes clear that each one has been chosen because of a unique connection to Casey— a connection that grows closer and closer to her.

Now the Forensic Instincts team must race to uncover the identity of a serial killer before his ever-tightening circle of death closes in on Casey as the ultimate target.

As the stalker methodically moves in on his prey, his actions make one thing clear: he knows everything about Casey. And Casey realizes that this psychopathic won't stop until he makes sure she's dead.

(http://www.sherrilynkenyon.com/wp-content/themes/sherrilynkenyon/_includes/timthumb.php?src=http://www.sherrilynkenyon.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Illusion_poster_2.jpg&w=181&h=292&zc=1&q=75)          Sherrilyn Kenyon - Illusion (15 марта 2014 г.)
Chronicles of Nick, #5

Be careful what you wish for…
You just might get it.

Nick Gautier is tired of his destiny. He doesn’t want to be the son of a demon who’s fated to end the world. Nor does he want to see another demon or other preternatural creature who wants to kill or enslave him. He just wants to be normal and have normal problems like everyone else.

But normality isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. When he gets sucked into an alternate reality where his mother has married his mentor and his Atlantean god best friend has become a human geek, he begins to understand that no life is free of pain, and that every person has a specific place in the universe… Even the son of a hated demon.

Most of all, he sees that his powers aren’t the curse he thought they were, and that the world needs a champion, especially one its enemies can’t imagine rising up to defend the ones he should destroy.

Old enemies and new friends square off for a major battle that will either restore Nick to his real world, or end him forever.

(http://www.catherinecoulter.com/sites/catherinecoulter/files/styles/large_cover/public/the-final-cut.jpg?itok=nXd_m3MF)          Catherine Coulter, J.T. Ellison - The Final Cut (17сентября)
A Brit in the FBI, #1

(http://macleanspace.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/dukecoverforweb.jpg)          Sarah MacLean - No Good Duke Goes Unpunished (26 ноября)
Rules of Scoundrels, #3

Sarah MacLean - Never Judge A Lady By Her Cover (август 2014 г.)
Rules of Scoundrels, #4


(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n87/n435032.jpg)           Karen Marie Moning - Burned (22 апреля 2014 г.)
Dani O'Malley, #2

(http://www.maryjoputney.com/images/sometesarogue150.jpg)          Mary Jo Putney - Sometimes a Rogue (27 августа)
Lost Lords, #5

Sometimes. . .

Even the most proper young lady yearns for adventure. But when the very well bred Miss Sarah ClarkeTownsend impulsively takes the place of her pregnant twin, it puts her own life at risk. If the kidnappers after her sister discover they've abducted Sarah instead, she will surely pay with her life. . .

A Rogue. . .

Rob Carmichael survived his disastrous family by turning his back on his heritage and becoming a formidable Bow Street Runner with a talent for rescuing damsels in distress. But Sarah is one damsel who is equal to whatever comes. Whether racing across Ireland with her roguish rescuer or throwing herself into his arms, she challenges Rob at every turn.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n86/n432758.jpg)          Christina Skye - Butterfly Cove (24 сентября)

Girl's gone bad...for the town's new golden boy

Maybe opposites don't always attract. If they did, architect Olivia Sullivan would have run away with bad boy Rafe Russo when they were teenagers. Instead, Olivia has spent ten years dreaming up designs for a life that hasn't gone the way she planned. Still reeling from her career's implosion and her father's death, Olivia thanks her lucky stars for the support of her three lifelong friends. But this good girl is through sitting on the sidelines. When Rafe returns to the beautiful Oregon coast where they grew up, her former flame ignites a new desire.

Now Olivia must take a walk on the wild side to show the new deputy that in matters of love...being bad can feel very good. Freshly back from Afghanistan, rugged ex-Marine and new deputy Rafe is done breaking laws and hearts. He's always regretted leaving Olivia behind, but now she's after adventure and he'd better proceed with caution. Because wanting her again might be easy, but fighting for a future together will be his biggest risk yet.

(http://www.christinefeehan.com/dark_blood/cover.jpg)           Christine Feehan - Dark Blood (сентябрь 2014 г.)
Dark Series, #26

(http://lorifoster.com/WP/wp-content/themes/LoriFoster/images/bookcovers/rowdy/rowdy_350.jpg)           Lori Foster - Getting Rowdy (24 сентября)
Love Undercover, #3

An alpha hero's attraction to the one woman he can't have could draw him into a killer's snare in the sizzling new novel from New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster

Charismatic bar owner Rowdy Yates isn't the kind of man women say no to. So when he approaches waitress Avery Mullins, he fully expects to get her number. However, the elusive beauty has her reasons for keeping her distance-including a past that might come back to haunt them both. Avery spends her nights working for tips...and trying to forget the secret Rowdy is determined to unearth. But when history threatens to repeat itself, Avery grows to rely on Rowdy's protective presence. As the sparks between them ignite, she will be forced to choose between the security she's finally found...and the passion she's always wanted.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n85/n427384.jpg)           Madeline Hunter - The Counterfeit Mistress (24 сентября)
Fairbourne Quartet, #3


From the beloved New York Times bestselling Madeline Hunter comes this riveting historical romance, in which a darkly handsome nobleman is determined to unmask a delicate and mysterious young beauty...

A refugee from the war in France, Marielle Lyon has established herself at the fringes of London society. Claiming to be the niece of an executed aristocrat, Marielle welcomes the gossip that she is a spy. The more eyes she has watching her, the better protected she is—and the better chance she has of saving her father's life.
A warrior at heart, Alban Norwood, Viscount Kendale, would still be in uniform if not for his older brother's untimely death. After all he's seen, Kendale doesn't trust the French—or their femmes fatales. He has set up a surveillance network to ferret out undercover agents, and he believes he's found one in the delicate, mysterious Marielle.
Ready to pounce on his tempting prey, Kendale arranges a meeting with Marielle, who is more beautiful and more cunning than he anticipated. But the Viscount is ready to do whatever it takes to unmask her—even if it means playing a game of seduction…

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n85/n425852.jpg)           Liz Carlyle - In Love With a Wicked Man  (29 октября)

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n86/n432226.jpg)           Suzanne Enoch - The Devil Wears Kilts (26 ноября)
Scandalous Highlander, #1

On a mission to rescue his runaway sister from the lure of flowery compliments and a useless lot of satin-clad scalawags disguised by their snooty titles, Ranulf MacLawry, Marquis of Glengask, has roared into British society like a storm across the Highlands. But he's about to find out that satin has its appeal, especially when it covers the curves of Miss Lady Charlotte Hanover-- whose tongue is as sharp as her skin is soft...

Lady Charlotte  Hanover has had her fill of hot-headed men, having lost her fiancé in an utterly unnecessary duel. When did brawn ever triumph over brains?  And yet there is something solid and appealing about the brash Highlander who's as dangerous in the ballroom as in battle. Sometimes bigger really is better...

(http://susankrinard.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/mist.jpg)           Susan Krinard - Mist  (16 июля)
Midgard, #1

New York Times bestselling author SUSAN KRINARD launches her first urban fantasy series with MIST.

Mist lives a normal life. She has a normal job, a normal boyfriend, and a normal apartment in San Francisco. She never thinks about her past if she can help it.

She survived. That’s the end of it.

But then a snowy winter descends upon San Francisco … where it never snows. And in quick succession, Mist is attacked by a frost giant in a public park and runs into an elf disguised as a homeless person on the streets…and then the man Mist believed was her mortal boyfriend reveals himself to be the trickster god, Loki, alive and well after all these years.

Mist’s normal world is falling apart. But thankfully, Mist isn’t quite so normal herself. She’s a Valkyrie, and she’s going to need all her skill to thwart Loki’s schemes and save modern Earth from the ravages of a battle of the gods.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Июнь 16, 2013, 18:46:32
Свежая новость про Джудит Макнот:

June 11, 2013

The latest and greatest on the upcoming book:

Although the new book is as of yet untitled (JM says she has changed the title "at least five times"), it seems that there may be news on the horizon for JM fans who are dying for more info!

According to Judith, she has changed the heroine's name--twice. Presumably, then, Holly Braxton is no longer the heroine of the upcoming book.

Perhaps what is more telling is what Judith didn't say: She made no mention of changing the name of the hero! Could that mean that the hero is still a modern day Clayton Westmoreland??

I don't know about y'all, but the thought is enough to have me reaching for the smelling salts.

More to come!

As always, should anyone have any further insight into this fascinating topic, please send me a line or post your update on the Message Board so I can share it with our fellow JM fans!

Общий смысл: в этой жизни нам книги не дождаться. :( Ее уже пять раз переименовывали, и сейчас она опять без названия. Имя героини тоже уже дважды поменяли...

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: doutant от Июнь 16, 2013, 21:29:42
Как в песне поется? "Наверно, в будущей жизни..." А жаль, хотелось бы еще одну книгу от Макнот почитать. Может пойти перечитать что нибудь?..  :dream:

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Serenis от Июнь 27, 2013, 02:47:26

 :D :D :D

Книге про Джо быть! :hooray:

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Июнь 27, 2013, 08:26:32
Ну хоть кто-то нас радует. :)

Lisa Kleypas - Brown-Eyed Girl (Travis Family #4)
2014 г.

Down-on-her-luck fashion designer Avery Crosslin never expected to meet a handsome stranger in the Texas hospital where she has come to visit her father. Joe Travis is a patient in the ICU, recovering from life-threatening injuries after a boating accident. But Avery has no intention of letting any man distract her—especially not a member of the powerful Houston family she has sworn to hate. On the day of Joe's departure from the hospital, he seeks her out, with unexpected consequences for Avery. . .

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Serenis от Июль 02, 2013, 16:30:51
У Гибсон, кроме полноформатного романа, в 2013 выйдет и рассказик)

(http://savepic.org/3921152.jpg)Blue By You by Rachel Gibson, ждем 3 сентября 2013.
Rachel Gibson, the New York Times bestselling author of Crazy On You and Rescue Me, once again shows that there's nothing quite like a man in uniform!
They say you never forget your first time, but there's nothing Blue Butler and Kasper Pennington would rather forget than their brief but fiery teenage love affair. Yeah, it was hot while it lasted, but then he went off to join the Marines, leaving Blue in New Orleans. She's tried to block him from her mind for good, but nothing can really erase the feeling she had when she was with him.
And now he's got the nerve to return—leaner, meaner, and strong enough to pull her into his arms and kiss her senseless. Blue's a successful businesswoman now, with no time to figure out what went wrong all those years ago. But Kasper knows she's the one woman for him … and now he's got to prove it to her all over again.

Вот интересно, серийный или сам по себе? Вообще, уже три героя морпеха, ой, даже 4, в новой книге тоже ведь...  :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Сентябрь 16, 2013, 19:27:07
(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n86/n433966.jpg)     Mary Balogh - The Escape (27 мая 2014 г.)
(The third book in the Survivor's Club series)

Mary Balogh's latest passionate novel will transport you back in time to the romance of Regency England's lords and ladies. With her strong and inspiring heriones and dashing heros, you can be sure of a rich story to rival both The Proposal and The Arrangement.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/w96/w484253.jpg)     Elizabeth Boyle - Have You Any Rogues? (12 ноября)
(A book in the Rhymes With Love series)

Lady Henrietta Seldon has only ever loved one man, despite the fact that she's been married and widowed three times. Trapped in a wine cellar with her greatest enemy, Viscount Dale, will she finally confess the secret that has been locked in her heart all these years?

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n87/n436963.jpg)     Suzanne Brockmann - Do or Die (4 февраля 2014 г.)
(The first book in the Reluctant Heroes series)

Suzanne Brockmann's seamless blend of heroic military action and intense passion inspired USA Today to call her "a superstar of romantic suspense"--and for years her award-winning Troubleshooters books have been must-reads for fans of sizzling stories of action and adventure. Now the New York Times bestselling author shoots to thrill again with Do or Die, the electrifying new novel that is certain to win Brockmann new readers and delight devotees.

Navy SEAL Ian Dunn went rogue in a big way when he turned his talents to a lawless life of jewel heists and con jobs. Or so the world has been led to believe. In reality, the former Special Ops warrior is still fighting for good, leading a small band of freelance covert operatives who take care of high-stakes business in highly unofficial ways. That makes Ian the hands-down choice when the U.S. government must breach a heavily guarded embassy and rescue a pair of children kidnapped by their own father, a sinister foreign national willing to turn his own kids into casualties. Shockingly, Ian passes on the mission . . . for reasons he will not--or cannot--reveal.

But saying no is not an option. Especially not to Phoebe Kruger, Ian's bespectacled, beautiful, and unexpectedly brash new attorney. Determined to see the abducted children set free, she not only gets Ian on board but insists on riding shotgun on his Mission: Impossible-style operation, whether he likes it or not.

Though Phoebe has a valuable knack for getting out of tight spots, there's no denying the intensely intimate feelings growing between Ian and Phoebe as the team gears up for combat. But these are feelings they both must fight to control as they face an array of cold-blooded adversaries, including a vindictive mob boss who's got Ian at the top of his hit list and a wealthy psychopath who loves murder as much as money. As they dodge death squads and play lethal games of deception, Ian and Phoebe will do whatever it takes to save the innocent and vanquish the guilty.

Or die trying.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n88/n440533.jpg)     Tessa Dare - Romancing the Duke (28 января 2014 г.)
(The first book in the Castles Ever After series)

As the daughter of a famed author, Isolde Ophelia Goodnight grew up on tales of brave knights and fair maidens.  She never doubted romance would be in her future, too.  The storybooks offered endless possibilities.

And as she grew older, Izzy crossed them off.  One by one by one.

    Ugly duckling turned swan?
    Abducted by handsome highwayman?
    Rescued from drudgery by charming prince?

No, no, and… Heh.

Now Izzy’s given up yearning for romance. She’ll settle for a roof over her head.  What fairy tales are left over for an impoverished twenty-six year-old woman who’s never even been kissed?

This one.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n87/n438269.jpg)     Anne Gracie - The Winter Bride (1 апреля 2014 г.)
(The second book in the Chance Sisters series)

Nationally bestselling author Anne Gracie delivers the second in her enticing new series about four young women facing destitution—until a daring act changes their fortune and turns each of them into a beautiful bride…
Damaris Chance's unhappy past has turned her off the idea of marriage forever. But her guardian, Lady Beatrice Davenham, convinces her to make her coming out anyway—and have a season of carefree, uncomplicated fun.

When Damaris finds herself trapped in a compromising situation with the handsome rake Freddy Monkton-Coombes, she has no choice but to agree to wed him—as long as it's in name only. Her new husband seems to accept her terms, but Freddy has a plan of his own: to seduce his reluctant winter bride.

Will Damaris's secrets destroy her chance at true happiness?  Or can Freddy help her cast off the shackles of the past, and yield to delicious temptation?

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/w71/w356357.jpg)     Sabrina Jeffries - When the Rogue Returns (21 января 2014 г.)
(The second book in the Duke's Men series)

It had been a decade since Victor Cale, first cousin to the Duke of Lyons, had seen his wife. After some royal jewellery went missing from the jeweller's shop where they worked, Isabel Mertens disappeared. When Victor gets word of a woman who fits his wife's description, he sets out to confront her. But he discovers that nothing is as it seems-and revenge is never as sweet as true love.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n88/n440413.jpg)     Jayne Ann Krentz - River Road (7 января 2014 г.)

From the New York Times–bestselling author of Dream Eyes and Copper Beach, a brand-new quintessential Jayne Ann Krentz romance.
It's been thirteen years since Lucy Sheridan was in Summer River. The last time she visited her aunt Sara there, as a teenager, she'd been sent home suddenly after being dragged out of a wild party—by the guy she had a crush on, just to make it more embarrassing. Obviously Mason Fletcher—only a few years older but somehow a lot more of a grown-up—was the overprotective type who thought he had to come to her rescue.

Now, returning after her aunt's fatal car accident, Lucy is learning there was more to the story than she realized at the time. Mason had saved her from a very nasty crime that night—and soon afterward, Tristan, the cold-blooded rich kid who'd targeted her, disappeared mysteriously, his body never found.

A lot has changed in thirteen years. Lucy now works for a private investigation firm as a forensic genealogist, while Mason has quit the police force to run a successful security firm with his brother—though he still knows his way around a wrench when he fills in at his uncle's local hardware store. Even Summer River has changed, from a sleepy farm town into a trendy upscale spot in California's wine country. But Mason is still a protector at heart, a serious (and seriously attractive) man. And when he and Lucy make a shocking discovery inside Sara's house, and some of Tristan's old friends start acting suspicious, Mason's quietly fierce instincts kick into gear. He saved Lucy once, and he'll save her again. But this time, she insists on playing a role in her own rescue . . .

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/h6/h32458.jpg)     Julia London - The Bridesmaid (1 октября)

A hot, new contemporary romance novella from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Julia London. In a twist on Planes, Trains and Automobiles, two strangers - Kate's en route to be a bridesmaid, Joe's en route to a life-altering job interview - battle a storm, a transportation strike, and each other in a cross-country race to make it to the wedding on time.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/w96/w483856.jpg)     Julia London - The Trouble with Honor (25 февраля 2014 г.)

Passion and scandal collide in New York Times bestselling author Julia London's brand-new series about four sisters determined to rescue themselves from ruin...

Desperate times call for daring measures as Honor Cabot, the eldest stepdaughter of the wealthy Earl of Beckington, awaits her family's ruin. Upon the earl's death she and her sisters stand to lose the luxury of their grand home - and their place on the pedestal of society - to their stepbrother and his social-climbing fiancée. Forced to act quickly, Honor makes a devil's bargain with the only rogue in London who can seduce her stepbrother's fiancée out of the Cabots' lives for good.

An illegitimate son of a duke, George Easton was born of scandal and grows his fortune through dangerous risks. But now he and Honor are dabbling in a perilous dance of seduction that puts her reputation and his jaded heart on the line. And as unexpected desire threatens to change the rules of their secret game, the stakes may become too high even for a notorious gambler and a determined, free-spirited debutante to handle.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Сентябрь 16, 2013, 20:21:38
(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/w96/w481385.jpg)     Julianne MacLean - The Color of Destiny (9 сентября)
(The second book in the Color of Heaven series)

Eighteen years ago a teenage pregnancy changed Kate Worthington's life forever. Faced with many difficult decisions, she chose to follow her heart and embrace an uncertain future with Glenn Ferguson, her devoted first love...and the father of her baby.

At the same time, in another part of the world, sixteen-year-old Ryan Hamilton makes his own share of mistakes, but learns important lessons along the way. Soon Kate's and Ryan's paths cross in a way they never expected, which makes them question the existence of destiny. Even when all seems hopeless, is it possible that everything happens for a reason, and do we end up exactly where we are meant to be?

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n87/n439822.jpg)     Cathy Maxwell - The Bride Says No (28 января 2014 г.)
(The first book in the Brides of Wishmore series)

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n87/n439823.jpg)     Cathy Maxwell - The Bride Says maybe (25 февраля 2014 г.)
(The second book in the Brides of Wishmore series)

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n84/n420056.jpg)     Nora Roberts - Dark Witch (5 ноября)
(The first book in the Cousins O'Dwyer Trilogy series)

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts comes a trilogy about the land we're drawn to, the family we learn to cherish, and the people we long to love…

With indifferent parents, Iona Sheehan grew up craving devotion and acceptance. From her maternal grandmother, she learned where to find both: a land of lush forests, dazzling lakes, and centuries-old legends.


County Mayo, to be exact. Where her ancestors' blood and magic have flowed through generations—and where her destiny awaits.

Iona arrives in Ireland with nothing but her Nan's directions, an unfailingly optimistic attitude, and an innate talent with horses. Not far from the luxurious castle where she is spending a week, she finds her cousins, Branna and Connor O'Dwyer. And since family is family, they invite her into their home and their lives.

When Iona lands a job at the local stables, she meets the owner, Boyle McGrath. Cowboy, pirate, wild tribal horsemen, he's three of her biggest fantasy weaknesses all in one big, bold package.

Iona realizes that here she can make a home for herself—and live her life as she wants, even if that means falling head over heels for Boyle. But nothing is as it seems. An ancient evil has wound its way around Iona's family tree and must be defeated. Family and friends will fight with each other and for each other to keep the promise of hope—and love—alive…

Don't miss the next two books in the Cousins O'Dwyer Trilogy

Shadow Spell
Blood Magick

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n85/n425851.jpg)     Sandra Hill - The Pirate Bride (26 ноября)

A Viking to bed, not to wed!

Medana Elsadottir, known as the Sea Scourge, never planned to become a pirate, but there's no denying her talent. Her female-only tribe has an island hideaway, food aplenty, goods to trade...everything except the means to breed. That's where the strapping Norsemen tied up in her ship's hold comes in handy. Eight godly specimen - and Thork Tykirrson is the most virile of them all. Once their, eh, work is done, they'll be free to leave. Medana had naught to do with this gods-awful plan, but she wouldn't mind reaping the benefits.

Wed or bed . . . this Viking has plans of his own.

Renowned as the wildest Viking of his time, Thork was returning home to regain his father's favor. Mayhap even (shudder) marry. His brazen - and very beautiful - kidnapper has likely done him a favor in preventing such an irksome fate. That doesn't mean he'll let her off easy. No one takes anything from a Viking that he's not willing to give...not even a violet-eyed vixen who sets off the wildest fantasies.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n83/n419422.jpg)     Alexandra Hawkins - Twilight with the Infamous Earl (26 ноября)
(The seventh book in the Lords of Vice series)

Lord Chillingsworth's reputation precedes him - the infamous "Frost" is as legendary on the field of honor as he is in the bedroom. Which makes it surprising that young Emily Cavell has taken up the cause of closing Frost's favorite gambling hell. Who does this brazen, flame-haired beauty think she is?

Emily's vendetta is personal: She is determined to take a pound of flesh from Frost, who ruined her sister. But the man she meets is not the cold-hearted devil she imagined - and is twice as handsome to boot - and soon Emily finds herself falling for him. Their battle of wills quickly ignites into blazing desire. Could it be that the most jaded Lord of Vice is finally willing to risk everything and gamble on her heart? Or is true love only a fool's game?

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n86/n432120.jpg)     Karen Hawkins - How to Entice an Enchantress (17 сентября)
(The third book in the Duchess Diaries series)

The third sizzling novel in New York Times bestselling author Karen Hawkins's Duchess Diaries series, featuring three unruly sisters and their headstrong godmother with a penchant for matchmaking.

Reclusive Viscount Kirk, horribly scarred by a tragic accident that stole the life of his beloved first wife, is a man defined by fury. For years he's eschewed society, growing abrupt and curmudgeonly. But now, when he'd given up on life, he's fallen madly in love with the refreshingly naive daughter of his neighbor, dainty and charming Dahlia Balfour. Desperate to win her attention, Kirk calls in a favor from the Duchess of Roxburghe and asks that she transform him into a fashionable suitor for Dahlia's hand. But what's easy to change on the outside, isn't as easy to change on the inside...

Dahlia's always dreamed of a fairytale romance. Although Viscount Kirk is only seven years her senior, because of his cantankerous ways and lack of social graces she thinks of him as her "older neighbor," and is blissfully unaware that he sees her as anything other than an acquaintance. She is shocked to see him at the duchess's grand house party, trying to fit with the very societal rules he so frequently mocks. Surprised by his attention, irritated at his bald honesty, and intrigued that he finds her worth the effort, Dahlia regards Kirk as the opposite of Prince Charming. Without the pretty words and grand gestures she yearns for, can true love find its way into her unwilling heart?

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n80/n404507.jpg)     Jennifer Ashley - The Wicked Deeds of Daniel Mackenzie (1 октября)
(The sixth book in the Highland Pleasures series)

Daniel Mackenzie lives up to the reputation of the scandalous Mackenzie family—he has wealth, looks, and talent, and women love him. When he meets Violet Bastien—one of the most famous spiritual mediums in England—he immediately knows two things: that Miss Bastien is a fraud, and that he's wildly attracted to her.

Violet knows she can't really contact the other side, but she's excellent at reading people. She discerns quickly that Daniel is intelligent and dangerous to her reputation, but she also finds him generous, handsome, and outrageously wicked. But spectres from Violet's past threaten to destroy her, and she flees England, adopting yet another identity.

Daniel is determined to find the elusive Violet and pursue the passion he feels for her. And though Violet knows that her scandalous past will keep her from proper marriage, her attraction to Daniel is irresistible. It's not until Daniel is the only one she can turn to that he proves he believes in something more than cold facts. He believes in love.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n86/n433719.jpg)     Jennifer Ashley - Wild Wolf (1 апреля 2014 г.)
(The sixth book in the Shifters Unbound series)

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n86/n432772.jpg)     Susan Mallery - Christmas on 4th Street (24 сентября)
(Book 14 in the Fool's Gold series)

There's nowhere better to spend the holidays than with New York Times bestselling author Susan Mallery in the town of Fool's Gold, where love is always waiting to be unwrapped...

Noelle Perkins just got a second chance at life, and she intends to make the most of every minute. That's why she ditched a frustrating legal career to open her own store in Fool's Gold, California. The Christmas Attic celebrates everything that's magical about her favorite season. Business is booming, and as a bonus, gorgeous army doctor Gabriel Boylan has offered to help out during the holiday rush.

Gabriel's memories of Christmas past contain more sour grapes than sugar plums, thanks to a drill sergeant father who ran his home like a boot camp. Spending the holidays with his family while he recuperates from injury sounds as appetizing as last year's eggnog. Still, there are some enjoyable distractions in town, including sunny, sexy Noelle...and the red-hot mistletoe kisses they can't stop sharing. Gabriel didn't think he was made for happily-ever-afters. But when fate hands you a love as sweet and surprising as this, only a fool could refuse....

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n87/n436960.jpg)     Lindsay McKenna - Down Range (26 ноября)
(The second book in the Shadow Warriors series)

Trained to kill, but built for love... Captain Morgan Boland is at the top of her game, as is her former lover, Navy SEAL Jake Ramsey. Then a military computer selects them to partner in a special op. The mission can't be compromised by their personal history-and they have truckloads of it. But the Afghan assignment might provide the discipline they need to finally get it together-outside the bedroom, that is. A lot has happened over the two years since they last went their separate ways. And there's way more to Morgan than Jake has ever given her credit for....

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n87/n437818.jpg)     Maya Banks - After the Storm (31 декабря)
(A book in the Kelly/KGI series)

The Kelly Group International (KGI): A super-elite, top secret, family-run business.

Qualifications: High intelligence, rock-hard body, military background.

Mission: Hostage/kidnap victim recovery. Intelligence gathering. Handling jobs the U.S. government can't…

Over the years, Donovan Kelly has fought relentlessly for justice, women and children always holding a special place in his heart. Working side by side with his brothers, Donovan has witnessed firsthand the toll it's taken—physically, mentally, and emotionally—on his loved ones, and the innocent lives caught in the crossfire. What he never expects is for his next mission to happen right on his home turf—or for it to take a very personal turn.

Picturesque Kentucky Lake is the perfect place for a soul in search of safe harbor. A beautiful stranger has arrived—desperate, breathless, and on the run from a dark past closing in on her and the younger siblings she has vowed to protect. Donovan must now draw on every resource at his disposal—if he wants to save a woman and the children who may prove to be his destiny.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Сентябрь 16, 2013, 20:30:28
И отдельно про Джудит Макнот. Это не совсем новость, но все-таки:

The latest and greatest on the new Westmoreland Trilogy:

It's official! Judith announced on Facebook that she is working on "the Westmoreland Trilogy, featuring the modern-day American descendants of the Westmoreland Dynasty!"

*THUD* (Was me, fainting.)

The first book in the trilogy is as of yet untitled. JM says she has changed the title "at least five times", and has changed the heroine's name--twice. Presumably, then, Holly Braxton is no longer the heroine of the upcoming book.

Here is what JM had to say about the trilogy and the delay of the new book in a post on Amazon.com:


"Judith McNaught is working very hard on the first of a three-book contemporary series centered on the fabulous Westmoreland men in current day America. The reason for the long delay is that her mother became critically ill and she put her writing aside to care for her mother during the year before her death. Sorrow, combined with the seemingly endless details of handling her mother's estate, made it impossible for her to concentrate on writing for nearly another year. Finally, she went back to work and was more than half finished with the first book in the series--when she realized it should be the second book in the series. Which meant she had to start all over with book one! On the plus side, book two will be released much sooner than usual because it's already half written. By the way, she's changed her mind about using the title, Can't Take My Eyes Off of You, because she doesn't like it very much anymore.

I know all that I've written here is the absolute truth. You can take my word on it. Because I am Judith McNaught. LOL"


Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Angel от Сентябрь 16, 2013, 23:00:30
 :offtop:  А я начинаю тихо ее ненавидеть...

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Сентябрь 17, 2013, 08:34:18
:offtop:  А я начинаю тихо ее ненавидеть...

А я уже просто не жду. Разве мне без Макнот читать нечего будет? :) Отнюдь, вон какие анонсы! Так что и тебе, Надюш, предлагаю ждать чего-нибудь позитивного. Например, новую Дэр. :) До января не так уж долго осталось.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Angel от Сентябрь 17, 2013, 10:10:48
Да я уже давно ничего от нее не жду, тем более учитывая низкое качество ее последних творений, просто такое свинское отношение к поклонникам вижу впервые. Уж не знаю, ее ли в том вина или ее издателя, но это реально свинство и полнейшее неуважение.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Сентябрь 30, 2013, 11:16:25
(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n85/n425442.jpg)          Nalini Singh - Archangel's Legion (29 октября)
(The sixth book in the Guild Hunter series)

Nalini Singh, the New York Times bestselling “alpha author of paranormal romance" (Booklist) returns to an immortal world of violent passion and lethal power…on the brink of a deadly archangelic war.

Angels are falling from the sky in New York, struck down by a vicious, unknown force.

Vampires are dying impossibly of disease.

Guild hunter Elena Deveraux and the Archangel Raphael must discover the source of the wave of death before it engulfs their city and their people, leaving New York a ruin and Raphael's Tower under siege by enemy archangels.

Yet even as they fight desperately to save the city, an even darker force is stirring, its chill eyes trained on New York…and on Raphael. Rivers of crimson and nightmares given flesh, the world will never again be the same…

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Февраль 04, 2014, 23:31:15
Раз уж я активно погрузилась в романы Р. Гибсон, то попалась мне вот такая новость:

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/w101/w505138.jpg)          Rachel Gibson - What I Love About You (26 августа)

New York Times bestselling author Rachel Gibson returns to Truly, Idaho, and to the fate of sexy SEAL Blake Junger.


Ex-high school cheerleader Natalie Cooper could once shake her pom-poms with the best of them. But she's paid for all that popularity—her husband's run off with what's left of their money and a twenty-year-old bimbo named Tiffany. Leaving Natalie to manage a photo store and having to see some pictures she, well, really shouldn't.


Then she comes toe-to-manly chest with Blake Junger. Exiled to a remote cabin in Truly, Idaho, Blake wants nothing to do with anyone. Instead, he's determined to struggle with his demons and win—all on his own. But the last thing he needs is Natalie distracting him with her luscious curves and breaking down the barriers of his heart.


В общем книжка снова нас переносит в городок Трули в Айдахо - это первое. А второе - она про Блейка Джангера, брата-близнеца Бо из Run To You и друга Винса из Rescue Me. Опять у Гибсон "все обломилось в доме Смешанских". :) Этим она мне и мила, так что точно буду ждать. :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Февраль 05, 2014, 21:46:11
Ну и очередное динамо от Кеньон - выход Darkness Within вновь переносится... На январь 2016 года. Вообще в моем возрасте уже не очень прилично кататься по полу, стучать ножками и рыдать: "Хочу-хочу-хочу!!!" Так что просто тихо пожалюсь. :(

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Serenis от Февраль 06, 2014, 15:36:17
Вообще в моем возрасте уже не очень прилично кататься по полу, стучать ножками и рыдать: "Хочу-хочу-хочу!!!" Так что просто тихо пожалюсь. :(

вот прям мои чувства, когда узнала о переносе монинговской "Burned" на январь 2015 :'(

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Стася от Февраль 06, 2014, 20:05:40
Вообще в моем возрасте уже не очень прилично кататься по полу, стучать ножками и рыдать: "Хочу-хочу-хочу!!!" Так что просто тихо пожалюсь. :(
Мне кажется, со стороны Кеньон это тоже неприлично. Скока раз она уже эту книгу переносила(((

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Serenis от Март 01, 2014, 11:40:25
Кажись (но надо проверить), у Филички (которая Сьюзен Элизабет) летом новый роман выйдет, под названием Heroes Are My Weakness

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Март 01, 2014, 14:59:33
Название хорошее. :)


Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Serenis от Май 05, 2014, 20:09:59
Филечка выложила первую главу к новой книге у себя на сайте

Под катом первая часть главы)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Serenis от Май 05, 2014, 20:10:07
Вторая часть

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Май 05, 2014, 21:48:05
Гм... Завлекательно. Думаю, все же дам Филлипс шанс с этой книжкой. ;)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Июнь 15, 2014, 03:42:13
(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/w101/w505152.jpg)     Mary Jo Putney - Not Quite a Wife (26 августа)
(The sixth book in the Lost Lords series)

James, Lord Kirkland, owns a shipping fleet, half a London gaming house, and is a ruthlessly effective spymaster. He is seldom self-indulgent. . .except when it comes to the gentle, indomitable beauty who was once his wife. Laurel Herbert gave James her heart as an innocent young girl--until she saw him perform an act of shocking violence before her very eyes. That night she left her husband, and he let her go without a word of protest. Now, ten years later, a chance encounter turns passionate, with consequences that cannot be ignored. But as they try to rebuild what was broken, they must face common enemies and a very uncommon love. . .

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/w105/w525916.jpg)     Stephanie Laurens - By Winter's Light (28 октября)
(A book in the Cynster series)

#1 New York Times bestselling author Stephanie Laurens returns to romantic Scotland to usher in a new generation of Cynsters in an enchanting tale of mistletoe, magic, and love.

It's December 1837 and the young adults of the Cynster clan have succeeded in having the family Christmas celebration held at snow-bound Casphairn Manor, Richard and Catriona Cynster's home. Led by Sebastian, Marquess of Earith, and by Lucilla, future Lady of the Vale, and her twin brother, Marcus, the upcoming generation has their own plans for the holiday season.

Yet where Cynsters gather, love is never far behind - the festive occasion brings together Daniel Crosbie, tutor to Lucifer Cynster's sons, and Claire Meadows, widow and governess to Gabriel Cynster's daughter. Daniel and Claire have met before and the embers of an unexpected passion smolder between them, but once bitten, twice shy, Claire believes a second marriage is not in her stars. Daniel, however, is determined to press his suit. He's seen the love the Cynsters share, and Claire is the lady with whom he dreams of sharing his life. Assisted by a bevy of Cynsters - innate matchmakers every one - Daniel strives to persuade Claire that trusting him with her hand and her heart is her right path to happiness.

Meanwhile, out riding on Christmas Eve, the young adults of the Cynster clan respond to a plea for help. Summoned to a humble dwelling in ruggedly forested mountains, Lucilla is called on to help with the difficult birth of a child, while the others rise to the challenge of helping her. With a violent storm closing in and severely limited options, the next generation of Cynsters face their first collective test - can they save this mother and child? And themselves, too?

Back at the manor, Claire is increasingly drawn to Daniel and despite her misgivings, against the backdrop of the ongoing festivities their relationship deepens. Yet she remains torn - until catastrophe strikes, and by winter's light, she learns that love - true love - is worth any risk, any price.

A tale brimming with all the magical delights of a Scottish festive season.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/w99/w499259.jpg)     Julie Garwood - Fast Track (29 июля)
(Book 12 in the Buchanan / FBI series)

A corrupt congressman, a mother's secrets, and a sizzling romance ignite passion and suspense in the new novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Julie Garwood.

Cordelia Kane has always been a daddy's girl—her father raised her alone after her mother died in a car crash when Cordelia was just two years old. So when he has a serious heart attack, Cordelia is devastated, and the emotion is only intensified by the confusion she feels when he reveals the shocking truth about her mother.

Cordelia can't suppress her curiosity about the woman who gave birth to her, and when she discovers the answers to her questions lie in Sydney, Australia, she travels there to get them.

Hotel magnate Aiden Madison is Cordelia's best friend's older brother. He's oblivious to the fact that she's had a crush on him for years. When he gets railroaded into taking her along to Sydney on his company jet, he unknowingly puts her life at risk. He's recently angered a powerful congressman by refusing to purchase overvalued land. Congressman Chambers is not a man to let such an offense slide, and he has the resources to get even and to get what he wants.

In Australia sparks are flying between Cordelia and Aiden, but multiple attempts on Aiden's life are made while Cordelia is with him, and he realizes he must put a stop to the madness before he loses the thing he values most.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/w99/w495441.jpg)     Sherrilyn Kenyon - Son of No One (2 сентября)
(Book 42 in the Dark-Hunter series)

It’s not easy being life’s own personal joke, but Josette Landry has made an unstable peace with the beast. Life will continue to throw every bad thing it has at her, and she will continue to not put her head in an oven. But that’s okay. That which doesn’t kill her will just require a few hours of mental insanity. Completely down on her luck, Josette takes a job with a local paranormal group trying to get their own cable show as a photographer and camerawoman. Yeah, they’re even crazier than she is. The only paranormal thing she believes in is the miracle that keeps her rusted out hoopty running. But when her group accidentally releases something truly evil into the world, they are forced to call in reinforcement.

From the moment Josette meets Cadegan, she knows something about him isn’t quite right. And it’s not just because she can’t even begin to pronounce his last name: Maboddimun. Mysterious and armed with lethal sarcasm, he seems a lot older than his apparent age…

Centuries ago, Cadegan sold his soul for vengeance against the betrayer who cursed him. Forced against his will to do good, he hates everything in life. All he wants is a way out. But for the damned there is only eternal suffering. And yet there is something about Josette that intrigues him as much as it irritates and frustrates him. Something he can’t seem to fight, and the last time he felt this way about a woman, it cost him his soul.

He knows he has to stay away from her, but the evil her friends unleashed is hellbent on consuming her soul. Something he cannot allow. If one more innocent is taken, he will be sent back to an unimaginable prison that makes his current hell look like paradise. But how can he keep her safe when his being with her is the greatest threat of all?

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/w102/w513653.jpg)     Catherine Coulter and J T Ellison - The Lost Key (30 сентября)
(The second book in the Brit in the FBI series)

The newest entry in the sizzling international thriller series featuring Nicholas Drummond, from #1 New York Times–bestselling author Catherine Coulter.

Freshly minted FBI agent Nicholas Drummond is barely out of his Quantico training when he and his partner, Mike Caine, are called to investigate a stabbing on Wall Street. 
     Their investigation, however, yields more questions than answers. It quickly becomes clear that the victim, John Pearce, was more than the naval historian and antiquities dealer he appeared to be. What Drummond doesn't know is that buying and selling rare books was Pearce's cover, and that he had devoted his life to discovering the whereabouts of a missing World War I U-boat concealing a stash of gold bullion, and an unexpected surprise that only raises more questions. When Drummond and Caine find both of Pearce's adult children have disappeared, the case assumes a new sense of urgency. The FBI agents know their best lead lies in the victim's cryptic final words—“The key is in the lock." But what key? What lock?
     The search for Adam and Sophia Pearce takes them on an international manhunt, which threatens to run them afoul of an eccentric billionaire industrialist with his own plans not only for the lost gold, but the creation of a weapon unlike anything the world has ever seen.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/w99/w495646.jpg)     Lynsay Sands - To Marry a Scottish Laird (24 июня)
(The second book in the English Bride in Scotland series)

New York Times bestselling author Lynsay Sands returns to the Highlands of Scotland in her hottest new historical romance yet!

Highlander Campbell Sinclair is no stranger to battle, so when he sees a lad attacked by bandits, he jumps into the fray. He didn't count on being stabbed. Grateful to the boy for nursing him back to health, Cam offers to accompany Jo safely to his destination. But when he accidentally comes across the lad bathing in the river, Cam discovers that Jo is actually Joan . . . with the most sinful of curves.

Joan promised her mother that she would deliver a scroll to the clan MacKay. But traveling alone is dangerous, even disguised as a boy. When a Scottish warrior lends his aid, she is more than relieved . . . until he surprises her with lingering kisses and caresses that prove her disguise hasn't fooled him. As their passion ignites, will the secrets of the scroll force a wedding . . . and lead to a love she's never known?

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/w97/w489712.jpg)     Suzanne Enoch - The Rogue with a Brogue (30 сентября)
(The second book in the Scandalous Highlander series)

Arran MacLawry does not play games. Wild, wicked, and extremely self-confident, he has little patience for this year's season in London, and no desire to meet any innocent, young wallflowers. He only has three reasons to stay in town: wait while his brother, Ranulf MacLawry, prepares for his wedding; keep an eye on his sister as she debuts in London; and watch the movements of his family's rivals, the Campbells. That is, until he meets a masked, enchanting woman at a ball. Enthralled by her wit and intrigued by her mysteriousness, Arran will stop at nothing until he has this woman, no matter who she is.
Alice Campbell never knew she had such a rebellious streak. The granddaughter of the Campbell family's clan chief, she knows Arran won't want her once he learns her identity. The Campbells and the MacLawrys have been at odds for years, so what could possibly change now? Alice knows she should leave Arran with nothing more than the image of her in a mask at the ball. But the sexy, brash Highlander is hard to ignore, and being in the arms of the enemy is just too tempting to resist...

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/w102/w512178.jpg)     Elizabeth Boyle - The Viscount Who Lived Down the Lane (28 октября)
(The fourth book in the Rhymes With Love series)

In New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth Boyle's fourth novel in the Rhymes With Love series, a resolute young woman goes toe-to-toe with the Beast of Mayfair.

She has no desire for love . . .

As she arrives in Mayfair, Louisa Tempest is horrified when her incorrigible cat bolts from the carriage and dashes into a neighbor's house, where she comes face-to-face with the reclusive Viscount Wakefield. But even more dismaying than his foul temper is the disarray in which she finds his home. Convinced his demeanor would improve if his household were in order, Louisa resolves to put everything to rights.

. . . until she meets the viscount who lives down the lane.

Much to his chagrin, Wakefield finds it impossible to keep the meddling Louisa out of his home, invading his daily life with her "improvements," and his nights with the tempting desires she sparks inside him. Wounded in the war, he's scorned society ever since his return . . . until Louisa opens the door to his heart and convinces him to give love a second chance.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/w101/w508951.jpg)     Cathy Maxwell - The Groom Says Yes (30 сентября)
(The third book in the Brides of Wishmore series)

New York Times bestselling author Cathy Maxwell continues her dazzling series, The Brides of Wishmore.

He had a noose around his neck and a price on his head . . .

Sabrina Davidson, dutiful daughter, avowed spinster, thought she'd secured a place for herself in Aberfeldy society - until her hard-earned acceptance of her fate is challenged by the arrival of Cormac Enright, earl of Ballin, trained physician, soldier of fortune, and convicted felon.

A prim and proper miss was the last thing he needed . . .

Mac is determined to clear his name, but first he has to find the man whose testimony sentenced him to a hangman's noose. Of course, Robert Davidson is missing and protecting Mac is Davidson's daughter, the most entrancing, frustrating, beguiling, stubborn woman Mac has ever met.

And it doesn't help that he has already tasted her kisses. Or that he has found in her a passion for life and adventure to rival his own.

Mac has turned Sabrina's world inside out - but what will happen when he leaves?

Or will the Groom Say Yes?

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/w100/w503870.jpg)     Julia London - The Fall of Grace (27 января 2015 г.)
(The second book in the Cabot Sisters series)

From powerful love to sizzling passion, Julia London always delivers an incomparable reading experience. Returning to her acclaimed Cabot Sisters series, we meet an earl who can only be tamed by one wicked lady...

A plan born of desperation...

Once the toast of society, Grace Cabot and her sisters now await the shame of losing high status and fine luxuries upon the death of the Earl of Beckington. The dire circumstances are inevitable unless, of course, Grace's wicked plot to seduce a wealthy viscount into marriage goes off without a single hitch. But once a stolen embrace with the wrong man leads her to be discovered in the arms of Geoffrey, the Earl of Merryton, her plan takes a most unexpected - and scorching - twist.

...and altered by passion.

Governed by routine and ruled by duty, Geoffrey had no desire for a wife before he succumbed to Grace's temptation. Though his golden-haired, in-name-only bride is the definition of disorder, he can't resist wanting her in every way. But once her secrets meet his, society might consider their lives to be ruined beyond repair...while Geoffrey might just see it as a new beginning.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Сентябрь 02, 2014, 12:50:10
Все думала, как Джуд Деверо может выпускать книжку с названием, совпадающим с ее же старой повестушкой? Оказалось, что мои детские чаяния были услышаны: Деверо написала полноформатный роман на основе "Сердечных перемен" - продолжение истории повзрослевших Илая и Челси. :)

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/w103/w516953.jpg)     Jude Deveraux - Change of Heart (21 октября)
(Edilean, #10)

Two childhood playmates grow into more than just friends in #1 New York Times bestselling author Jude Deveraux's full-length romantic novel based on her short story of the same name.

In the hugely popular, New York Times bestseller A Holiday of Love, Jude Deveraux wrote a novella about two kids playing matchmakers - Eli and Chelsea, best friends who were determined to find true love for Eli's bighearted mother. But what happens when these ambitious children grow up? What exactly made Eli's mother, Miranda, fall in love with Frank all those years ago? And how does that affect their future together?

Eli and Chelsea lost touch with each other over the years, until Eli bought a house in his father's hometown of Edilean, Virginia, and invited Chelsea for a visit. She had her own life, and was certain that a childhood friendship could be anything more, but she went nonetheless - and found herself quite unprepared for the changes she saw in Eli. And neither of them were prepared to run into a mystery, with a family that needed to be rescued. Now, just like when they were children, they must join together to straighten out a very big problem. The question is what happens after the mystery is solved; they are very different people - so can they stay together?

Combining love and passion with sweet, unexpected twists, and shedding new light on Miranda and Frank's relationship, Change of Heart is an unforgettable addition to Deveraux's classic bestselling novels.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Сентябрь 16, 2014, 10:11:37
(http://www2.eloisajames.com/WP/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/four_450-220x350.jpg)     Eloisa James - Four Nights with the Duke (31 марта 2015 г.)
(Desperate Duchesses, #8)

As a young girl, Emilia Gwendolyn Carrington told the annoying future Duke of Pindar that she would marry any man in the world before him—so years later she is horrified to realize that she has nowhere else to turn.

Evander Septimus Brody has his own reasons for agreeing to Mia’s audacious proposal, but there’s one thing he won’t give his inconvenient wife: himself. Instead, he offers Mia a devil’s bargain… he will spend four nights a year with her.

Four nights, and nothing more. And those only when she begs for them. Which Mia will never do.

Now Vander faces the most crucial challenge of his life: he must seduce his own wife in order to win her heart—and no matter what it takes, this is the one battle he can’t afford to lose.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Октябрь 08, 2014, 22:09:46
Хотя я эту книжку уже анонсировала, теперь появилось больше подробностей, а главное - необычная (для жанра :)) обложка.

(http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1402596750l/17828895.jpg)     Sarah MacLean - Never Judge A Lady By Her Cover (25 ноября)
(Rules of Scoundrels, #4)

She is the most powerful woman in Britain,
A queen of the London Underworld ...
But no one can ever know.

He is the only man smart enough to uncover the truth,
Putting all she has at risk . . .
Including her heart.

The fourth book in New York Times bestselling author Sarah MacLean’s incredible Rule of Scoundrels/Fallen Angels series. These four dark heroes will steal the hearts of their heroines and the readers alike! This is the last in the Rules of Scoundrels series—Chase’s story.

By day, she is Lady Georgiana, sister to a Duke, ruined before her first season in the worst kind of scandal. But the truth is far more shocking—in London’s darkest corners, she is Chase, the mysterious, unknown founder of the city’s most legendary gaming hell. For years, her double identity has gone undiscovered . . . until now.

Brilliant, driven, handsome-as-sin Duncan West is intrigued by the beautiful, ruined woman who is somehow connected to a world of darkness and sin. He knows she is more than she seems and he vows to uncover all of Georgiana’s secrets, laying bare her past, threatening her present, and risking all she holds dear . . . including her heart.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Октябрь 11, 2014, 23:22:09
Ну и новая книжка Джулии Куин, последняя в серии про девушек Смайт-Смит.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/w105/w526076.jpg)     Julia Quinn - The Secrets of Sir Richard Kenworthy (27 января 2015 г.)
(Smythe-Smith Quartet, #4)

Sir Richard Kenworthy has less than a month to find a bride. He knows he can't be too picky, but when he sees Iris Smythe-Smith hiding behind her cello at her family's infamous musicale, he thinks he might have struck gold. She's the type of girl you don't notice until the second - or third - look, but there's something about her, something simmering under the surface, and he knows she's the one.

Iris Smythe - Smith is used to being underestimated. With her pale hair and quiet, sly wit she tends to blend into the background, and she likes it that way. So when Richard Kenworthy demands an introduction, she is suspicious. He flirts, he charms, he gives every impression of a man falling in love, but she can't quite believe it's all true. When his proposal of marriage turns into a compromising position that forces the issue, she can't help thinking that he's hiding something . . . even as her heart tells her to say yes.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Serenis от Октябрь 25, 2014, 23:08:22
Не совсем новая новость, но все же)
От Карен Мари нашей Монинг.
Честно слямзила с ее фейсбука)

Finally have the titles for the next two books (Books 8 and 9) in the Fever Series! (Not Flayed, that title just never worked for me.) FEVERBORN and FEVERSONG. As I said in a prior Q&A, although I’d originally decided to condense 5 intended books into 3, it just doesn’t want to work out that way and I always obey the muse. So for those of you who didn’t like 3 books instead of 5, I’ve settled in the middle at 4.  For now, LOL. If the Nine have their way and they usually do, it may be more. (I'm writing FEVERBORN right now, goal is still to have it out next year, in addition to BURNED:)

For those of you emailing, these are a continuation of the Fever Series, in chronological order, to be read from Book 1 to Book 9:


Наверное, многие сейчас схватятся за голову и скажут, что автор пытается нажиться на фанатах, но я рада, что будет еще две Лихорадки)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Октябрь 26, 2014, 14:28:22
У мну тоже новость для фанатов. :) Согласно туманным планам Ш. Кеньон она собирается плотно состыковать серии про охотников и повелителей Авалона. И это при том, что Darkness Within она так и не выпустила... Якобы это уже произошло в книге Son of No One, но я ее еще не читала, а после нее уже запланированы:
- Dragonbane — 2015 (Dark-Hunter/Were-Hunter/Lords of Avalon)
- Dragonborn (временное название) — 2016 (Dark-Hunter/Were-Hunter/Lords of Avalon)

Что-то мне уже страшно... ;D

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Serenis от Ноябрь 01, 2014, 16:50:32
Продолжение новостей от Монинг:

FEVERBORN release date!

BURNED: January 20, 2015

FEVERBORN: October 20, 2015

Yes, you read that right! Two books next year!:) Been writing madly and happily. It's possible the release date for FEVERBORN may shift by a week or two forward or backward, as my publisher tinkers with their fall schedule, but it will definitely be released in October, 2015. I'm so psyched--this is the first time in my career I'll have two books released in the same year!

До сих пор не верю, 2 книги от Монинг за один год... :o

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: алиночка от Ноябрь 03, 2014, 17:59:23
Джудит макнот написала в фейсбуке, что ее новая книга будет готова к Рождеству. Не знаю верить этому или нет.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Jolie от Ноябрь 06, 2014, 23:13:27
Цитата: Serenis
Продолжение новостей от Монинг:

FEVERBORN release date!

BURNED: January 20, 2015

FEVERBORN: October 20, 2015

Yes, you read that right! Two books next year!:) Been writing madly and happily. It's possible the release date for FEVERBORN may shift by a week or two forward or backward, as my publisher tinkers with their fall schedule, but it will definitely be released in October, 2015. I'm so psyched--this is the first time in my career I'll have two books released in the same year!

До сих пор не верю, 2 книги от Монинг за один год... :o

Тфу-тфу-тфу... Где бы еще дерево найти? ;D

Цитата: алиночка
Джудит макнот написала в фейсбуке, что ее новая книга будет готова к Рождеству. Не знаю верить этому или нет.

А там не уточнялась к какому именно? :) НЕ поверю, пока не увижу собственными глазами!

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Декабрь 05, 2014, 09:58:44
(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/513kNnWKT3L.jpg)          Christine Feehan - Viper Game (27 января 2015 г.)
(Book 11 in the GhostWalker series)

Hailed as "the queen of paranormal romance" by J.R. Ward, #1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan continues to amaze readers with her phenomenal novels. Now, from the author of the Dark Carpathian series, comes the newest in Christine Feehan's explosive GhostWalker series . . .

GhostWalker Wyatt Fontenot knows the price he paid for the secret military experiments that gave him his special catlike abilities. After all, he left his bayou home a healer and came back a killer. While Wyatt and his GhostWalker brother Gator may have known exactly the sort of game they were getting into, Wyatt never anticipated where it would lead - or to whom.

The swamps hold many mysteries, but few are as sinuously seductive as Le Poivre de Cayenne. The woman the locals call Pepper is every bit as enigmatic as the three little girls she's desperately trying to protect. From what, Wyatt is soon to discover. Right now Pepper needs a man like Wyatt. Passionately. But her secrets are about to take them both deeper into the bayou than either imagined -- where desire is the deadliest poison of all.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/w106/w530300.jpg)          Jayne Ann Krentz - Trust No One (6 января 2015 г.)

Following up on the incredible success of River Road, New York Times–bestselling author Jayne Ann Krentz delivers another masterpiece of romantic suspense.
It's no coincidence when Grace Elland finds a vodka bottle next to the lifeless body of her boss, motivational speaker Sprague Witherspoon. The bottle is a terrifying—and deliberate—reminder of the horrors of her past.
Grace retreats to her hometown to regroup and tries to put everything she's learned about positive thinking into practice—a process that is seriously challenged on the world's worst blind date.
Awkward doesn't begin to describe her evening with venture-capitalist Julius Arkwright. She has nothing in common with a man who lives to make money, but the intense former Marine does have some skills that Grace can use—and he's the perfect man to help her when it becomes clear she is being stalked.
As Witherspoon's financial empire continues to crumble around them, taking a deadly toll, Julius will help Grace step into her past to uncover a devious plan to destroy not only Grace, but everyone around her…

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/w108/w542906.jpg)          Stephanie Laurens - The Tempting of Thomas Carrick (24 февраля 2015 г.)
(Book 22 in the Cynster series)

#1 New York Times bestselling author Stephanie Laurens returns to Scotland with a tale of two lovers irrevocably linked by destiny.

Thomas Carrick is driven to control all aspects of his life. The wealthy owner of Carrick Enterprises, located in bustling Glasgow, he is one of that city's most eligible bachelors and intends to select a wife from the many young ladies paraded before him. He wants to take that next step along his self-determined path, yet no one captures his eye, nor his attention...not the way Lucilla Cynster did.

Thomas has avoided his clan's estate because it borders Lucilla's home, but disturbing reports from his clansmen force him to return. His uncle, the laird, is ailing, a family is desperately ill, and the healer is unconscious and dying. Duty leaves Thomas no choice but to seek help from the last woman he wants to face.

Strong-willed and passionate, Lucilla has been waiting for Thomas to return and claim his place by her side. She knows he is her fated lover, husband, protector, and mate just as she is his one true love. Though his return wasn't on her account, Lucilla is willing to seize whatever chance Fate hands her.

Thomas can never forget Lucilla, or the connection that seethes between them, but to marry her would mean embracing a life he does not want.

Lucilla sees that Thomas has yet to accept the inevitability of their union. But how can he ignore a bond such as theirs - one so much stronger than reason? Lucilla is as determined as only a Cynster can be to fight for the future she knows can be theirs. And while she cannot command him, she has powerful enticements she's willing to wield in the tempting of Thomas Carrick.

A neo-Gothic tale of passionate romance laced with mystery, set in the uplands of southwestern Scotland

A Cynster Second Generation Novel - a classic historical romance of 122,000 words.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/w108/w542588.jpg)          Mary Jo Putney - Not Always a Saint (28 апреля 2015 г.)
(The seventh book in the Lost Lords series)

After the death of his sweetheart when he was at university, Daniel Herbert buried his grief in medical studies and his passion for healing. Viewed as a saint by those who know him, in his own mind he never quite manages to live up to his own high standards.

Most men would be thrilled to learn they've inherited a title and estate from a distant relative, but Daniel is appalled because the burden of wealth will interfere with his medical calling.  Warily he accepts that he must enter society and seek a wife - a sensible woman who can oversee his properties, leaving him free to continue his work. He does not expect to become intoxicated by a woman called the Black Widow, who is as mysterious as she is shockingly beautiful...

Jessie Kelham's looks have always been a curse. Now alone with a young daughter and a perilous secret, she is in need of protection. But dangerously attractive Daniel Herbert is not the kind of husband she has in mind. If he recognizes her, the demons of her past will surely erupt. Yet they cannot keep apart - and soon they are drawn into a union that may bring joy - or shattering danger...

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/w110/w554002.jpg)          Suzanne Brockmann - All or Nothing (14 июля 2015 г.)
(Book 17 in the Troubleshooters series)

The Troubleshooters return in the latest thriller from New York Times bestselling author Suzanne Brockmann! As the Reluctant Heroes series continues, All or Nothing showcases Brockmann's signature white-knuckle suspense, romantic twists, and sexy special operatives.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/513kNnWKT3L.jpg)          Julie Garwood - Wired (28 июля 2015 г.)
(Book 13 in the Buchanan / FBI series)

A beautiful computer genius and a bad-boy FBI agent must collaborate—in more ways than one—in the sexy, suspenseful new novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Julie Garwood.

Allison Trent has always had a special talent for computers. When she's not cleaning up after her troublemaker younger brother, Jason, she spends her days writing code and navigating the intricacies of the Internet. In fact, she's working on a new program that will revolutionize the tech industry, and when she attends a prominent seminar, word begins to spread.

FBI agent Liam Scott discovers how brilliant Allison is and wants her to help hunt down a cyber criminal he's been after for two years. He invites her to tour the bureau's state-of-the-art cybercenter in Boston. Once she arrives, he thinks he can convince her to join the team.

But Allison doesn't want to work for the government—until Liam makes an offer she can't refuse: work for the FBI for one year, and they will expunge Jason's illustrious criminal record.

Allison tries to deny her growing attraction to Liam, but just before her year in the FBI is over, she discovers someone has stolen the computer program she developed. Now she needs Liam's help in tracking down the thief. And as they begin to close in on the culprit, they also begin to give in to each other...

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/w109/w547292.jpg)          Darynda Jones - Eighth Grave After Dark (19 мая 2015 г.)
(The eighth book in the Charley Davidson series)

With twelve hellhounds after her, pregnant Charley Davidson takes refuge at the only place she thinks they can't get to her: the grounds of an abandoned convent. But after months of being cooped up there,  Charley is ready to pop. Both metaphorically and literally since she is now roughly the size of a beached whale. Fortunately, a new case has captured her attention, one that involves a murder on the very grounds the team has taken shelter upon. A decades-old murder of the newly-vowed nun she keeps seeing in the shadows is almost enough to pull her out of her doldrums.

Charley's been forbidden to step foot off the sacred grounds. While the angry hellhounds can't traverse the consecrated soil, they can lurk just beyond its borders. They have the entire team on edge, especially Reyes. And if Charley didn't know better, she would swear Reyes is getting sick. He grows hotter with every moment that passes, his heat scorching across her skin every time he's near, but naturally he swears he's fine.

While the team searches for clues on the Twelve, Charley just wants answers and is powerless to get them. But the mass of friends they've accrued helps. They convince her even more that everyone in her recent life has somehow been drawn to her, as though they were a part of a bigger picture all along. But the good feelings don't last for long because Charley is about to get the surprise of her crazy, mixed-up, supernatural life....

(http://www.nalinisingh.com/images/shards%20of%20hope%20with%20shadow.jpg)          Nalini Singh - Shards of Hope (2 июня 2015 г.)
(Book 14 in the Psy-Changelings series)

Awakening wounded in a darkened cell, their psychic abilities blocked, Aden and Zaira know they must escape. But when the lethal soldiers break free from their mysterious prison, they find themselves in a harsh, inhospitable landscape far from civilization. Their only hope for survival is to make it to the hidden home of a predatory changeling pack that doesn't welcome outsiders.

And they must survive. A shadowy enemy has put a target on the back of the Arrow squad, an enemy that cannot be permitted to succeed in its deadly campaign. Aden will cross any line to keep his people safe for this new future, where even an assassin might have hope of a life beyond blood and death and pain. Zaira has no such hope. She knows she's too damaged to return from the abyss. Her driving goal is to protect Aden, protect the only person who has ever come back for her no matter what.

This time, even Aden's passionate determination may not be enough - because the emotionless chill of Silence existed for a reason. For the violent, and the insane, and the irreparably broken . . . like Zaira.

Rich, dark, sumptuous and evocative . . . bestselling author Nalini Singh is back with a stunning, dark and passionate new tale.

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/w110/w550450.jpg)          Sherrilyn Kenyon - Dragonbane (4 августа 2015 г.)
(Book 24 in the Dark-Hunter series)

Out of all the mysterious boarders who call Sanctuary home, no one is more antisocial or withdrawn than Maxis Drago. But then, it's hard to blend in with the modern world when you have a fifty foot wingspan.

Centuries ago, he was cursed by an enemy who swore to see him fall. An enemy who took everything from him and left him forever secluded.

But Fate is a bitch, with a wicked sense of humor. And when she throws old enemies together and threatens the wife he thought had died centuries ago, he comes back with a vengeance. Modern day New Orleans has become a battleground for the oldest of evils. And two dragons will hold the line, or go down in flames.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Январь 10, 2015, 18:52:24
Вот такая выйдет повестушка в самое ближайшее время:

(http://img1.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/w111/w557198.jpg)     Rachel Gibson - I Do! (20 января 2015 г.)

In New York Times bestselling author Rachel Gibson's newest novella, Vince Haven and Sadie Hollowell are headed to the altar, and all their friends are headed to Lovett, Texas, to join them for the party of the year.

But Becca Ramsey doesn't have time for all that. Fresh out of beauty school, Becca's all business . . . and the last thing she needs is bad boy Nate Parrish anywhere in her life.

In the past, Nate was trouble. He's been trying to repair his reputation - heck, he's even got just one girlfriend. The problem is, she isn't Becca. Now Nate's in a whole lot of hot water. He needs to get Becca from "I won't" to "I do" . . . but how can he do that when she won't even say "I might"?

+ Еще одна книга Гибсон ожидает нас в августе: Just Kiss Me.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Serenis от Март 09, 2015, 21:45:54
С фейсбука Монинг

I’m sorry to have to tell you this but the release date for FEVERBORN has been changed by a few months. I really wanted to get the book in your hands this October and lobbied hard for it but BURNED did so wonderfully in January (thank you guys for that!!!) that my publisher has decided to release FEVERBORN in January (19th) as well. When they first told me October, I was concerned it would be a challenge, as slots in the fall for significant budgets/advertising are limited. If I could get FEVERBORN in your hands sooner I would, but Random House markets the books, I write them. Random House assures me the date won’t be moved again. (They offered no such assurance with BURNED and they’re true to their word when they give it.) Bright side is, I think a mere year between books is some kind of record for me. :)

в общем, чуда не будет(((( Никуда не деться, год ждать :'(

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Март 10, 2015, 12:17:26
А я как-то так и думала. Только вчера дочитала Burned.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Serenis от Март 10, 2015, 15:32:37
Ииииииии? Как оно? Отзыв будет? Большой и вкусный? ;)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Март 11, 2015, 02:13:34
Будет, будет. Просто у меня тут программа насыщенная. Но что еще читать в Дублине, если не Моню? ;)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Май 18, 2015, 12:19:31
(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51UFkQaiQEL.SX316.jpg)     Mary Balogh - Only a Promise (9 июня 2015 г.)
(Survivor's Club, #5)

The new Survivor's Club novel from the New York Times bestselling author.

The Survivors' Club: Six men and one woman, all wounded in the Napoleonic Wars, their friendship forged during their recovery at Penderris Hall in Cornwall. Now, for one of them, striking a most unusual bargain will change his life forever....

Ralph Stockwood prides himself on being a leader, but when he convinced his friends to fight in the Napoleonic Wars, he never envisioned being the sole survivor. Racked with guilt over their deaths, Ralph must move on...and find a wife so as to secure an heir to his family's title and fortune.

Since her Seasons in London ended in disaster, Chloe Muirhead is resigned to spinsterhood. Driven by the need to escape her family, she takes refuge at the home of her mother's godmother, where she meets Ralph. He needs a wife. She wants a husband. So Chloe makes an outrageous suggestion: Strike a bargain and get married. One condition: Ralph has to promise that he will never take her back to London. But circumstances change. And to Ralph, it was only a promise.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/519WFmKUc3L.SX316.jpg)     Mary Balogh - Only a Kiss (2 сентября 2015 г.)
(Survivor's Club, #6)

Enter the world of The Survivor's Club, where Regency England, in its drama and romance, comes vibrantly to life.

Six men and one woman, injured in the Napoleonic Wars, their friendships forged in steel and loyalty. But for one, her trials are not over . . .

Since witnessing the death of her husband during the wars, Imogen, Lady Barclay, has secluded herself in the confines of Hardford Hall, their home in Cornwall. The new owner has failed to take up his inheritance, and Imogen desperately hopes he will never come to disturb her fragile peace.

Percival Hayes, Earl of Hardford, has no interest in the wilds of Cornwall, but when he impulsively decides to pay a visit to his estate there, he is shocked to discover that it is not the ruined heap he had expected. He is equally shocked to find the beautiful widow of his predecessor's son living there.

Soon Imogen awakens in Percy a passion he has never thought himself capable of feeling. But can he save her from her misery and reawaken her soul? And what will it mean for him if he succeeds?

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51%2BJyh8ns%2BL.SX316.jpg)     Madeline Hunter - Tall, Dark and Wicked (6 октября 2015 г.)
(Wicked Trilogy, #2)

A well-known barrister and son of a duke, Ives confines his passionate impulses to discreet affairs. But a twist of fate has him looking for a new lover right when a fascinating woman shows up in his chambers asking him to help save her father from the gallows. Unfortunately, he has already been asked to serve as the prosecutor in the case, which only ensures close encounters with Miss Padua Belvoir. And every encounter increases his desire to tutor her in pleasure's wicked ways. Having always been too tall, too willful, and too smart to appeal to men, Padua is shocked when Ives shows interest in her. She had hoped he might be her father's salvation. Instead, he is her worst adversary-- and biggest temptation.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51xVw5STI1L.SX316.jpg)     Jennifer McQuiston - The Spinster's Guide to Scandalous Behavior (24 ноября 2015 г.)
(Seduction Diaries, #2)

In New York Times bestselling author Jennifer McQuiston's enticing new Seduction Diaries entry, a mysterious journal may provide a potential spinster with instruction - or lead her to her heart's desire.

Free-spirited Lucy Westmore isn't yet a spinster, although she fully intends to be. Fortunately, an eccentric aunt has left her both a diary detailing the secrets to spinsterhood and a cottage in Cornwall. Unfortunately, an insufferable marquess is angling for her prize! Turning Lord Thomas Branston down flat should be easy. So why does this man who won't take no for an answer make Lucy's body and soul sigh yes?

Thomas knows the real value of Heathmore Cottage, and he has no intention of letting some silly Society miss get her hands on it. He'll simply have to charm Lucy into selling. But the clever young woman he encounters, first in London, then en route to Cornwall, stands stubbornly on her own two (quite lovely) feet. And now, Thomas can think only of sweeping her off them.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51xKrpAcfdL.SX316.jpg)     Lisa Kleypas - Cold-Hearted Rake (24 ноября 2015 г.)

Lisa Kleypa is back with a stunning new historical romance!

Readers have long waited for the return of New York Times bestselling author Lisa Kleypas to historical romance - and now she's back with her most breathtaking yet.

A twist of fate . . .

Devon Ravenel, London's most wickedly charming rake, has just inherited an earldom. But his powerful new rank in society comes with unwanted responsibilities . . . and more than a few surprises. His estate is saddled with debt, and the late earl's three innocent sisters are still occupying the house . . . along with Kathleen, Lady Trenear, a beautiful young widow whose sharp wit and determination are a match for Devon's own.

A clash of wills . . .

Kathleen knows better than to trust a ruthless scoundrel like Devon. But the fiery attraction between them is impossible to deny - and from the first moment Devon holds her in his arms, he vows to do whatever it takes to possess her. As Kathleen finds herself yielding to his skillfully erotic seduction, only one question remains:

Can she keep from surrendering her heart to the most dangerous man she's ever known?

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51WC1FbLPXL.SX316.jpg)     Lisa Kleypas - Brown-Eyed Girl (11 августа 2015 г.)
(Travis, #4)

Wedding planner Avery Crosslin may be a rising star in Houston society, but she doesn't believe in love-at least not for herself. When she meets wealthy bachelor Joe Travis and mistakes him for a wedding photographer, she has no intention of letting him sweep her off her feet. But Joe is a man who goes after what he wants, and Avery can't resist the temptation of a sexy southern charmer and a hot summer evening.

After a one night stand, however, Avery is determined to keep it from happening again. A man like Joe can only mean trouble for a woman like her, and she can't afford distractions. She's been hired to plan the wedding of the year-a make-or-break event.

But complications start piling up fast, putting the wedding in jeopardy, especially when shocking secrets of the bride come to light. And as Joe makes it clear that he's not going to give up easily, Avery is forced to confront the insecurities and beliefs that stem from a past she would do anything to forget.

The situation reaches a breaking point, and Avery faces the toughest choice of her life. Only by putting her career on the line and risking everything-including her well-guarded heart-will she find out what matters most.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51L4aCwDtcL.SX316.jpg)     Sarah MacLean - The Rogue Not Taken (29 декабря 2015 г.)
(Scandal & Scoundrel, #1)

The youngest of the infamous Talbot sisters scandalized society at the Liverpool Summer Soiree, striking her sister's notoriously philandering husband and landing him backside-first in a goldfish pond. And we thought Sophie was the quiet one... When she finds herself the target of very public aristocratic scorn, Sophie Talbot does what she must to escape the city and its judgment-she flees on the back of a carriage, vowing never to return to London...or to society. But the carriage isn't saving her from ruin. It's filled with it.

The Marquess of Eversley was espied descending a rose trellis-escaping an irate Earl and his once-future countess. No lady is safe from Eversley's Engagement Ending Escapades! Kingscote, the Marquess of Eversley, has never met a woman he couldn't charm, a quality that results in a reputation far worse than the truth, a furious summons home, and a long, boring trip to the Scottish border. When King discovers stowaway Sophie, however, the trip becomes anything but boring. He thinks she's trying to trick him into marriage. She wouldn't have him if he were the last man on earth. But carriages bring close quarters, dark secrets and unbearable temptation and suddenly opposites are altogether too attractive...

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/515APPROjhL.SX316.jpg)     Tessa Dare - When a Scot Ties the Knot (25 августа 2015 г.)
(Castles Ever After, #3)

On the cusp of her first London season, Miss Madeline Gracechurch was hopelessly awkward with gentlemen. So she did what generations of shy young ladies have done: she invented a sweetheart -- a Scottish sweetheart -- one who was handsome, honorable, and devoted to her, but conveniently never around. And by pretending to be devastated when he was (not really) killed in battle, she manages to avoid the pressures of London society entirely. Until years later, when the real Captain Logan MacKenzie arrives on her doorstep. He's wounded, jaded, in possession of her letters and ready to make good on every promise Maddie never expected to keep.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51Uw%2Bq6KxXL.SX316.jpg)     Julie Anne Long - The Legend of Lyon Redmond (29 сентября 2015 г.)
(Pennyroyal Green, #11)

Bound by centuries of bad blood, England's two most powerful families maintain a veneer of civility . . . until the heir to the staggering Redmond fortune disappears, reviving rumors of an ancient curse: a Redmond and an Eversea are destined to fall disastrously in love once per generation.

An Enduring Legend

Rumor has it she broke Lyon Redmond's heart. But while many a man has since wooed the dazzling Olivia Eversea, none has ever won her - which is why jaws drop when she suddenly accepts a viscount's proposal. Now London waits with bated breath for the wedding of a decade . . . and wagers on the return of an heir.

An Eternal Love

It was instant and irresistible, forbidden . . . and unforgettable. And Lyon - now a driven, dangerous, infinitely devastating man - decides it's time for a reckoning. As the day of her wedding races toward them, Lyon and Olivia will decide whether their love is a curse destined to tear their families apart . . . or the stuff of which legends are made.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51rJk5upgQL.SX316.jpg)     Tracy Anne Warren - Mad About the Man (6 октября 2015 г.)
(Graysons, #3)

After a devastating love affair broke her heart - and derailed her career - it's taken Brie Grayson a while to recover. Now she's back at a top New York City law firm, determined to rise above it all. And she'll have to - especially when a major new client turns out to be the boy who made the seventh grade a living hell.

Luxury hotel magnate Maddox Monroe has clawed his way out of the ruins of his former life to build an empire. He knows what he wants and how to get it. But he couldn't have anticipated reconnecting with the girl of his boyhood fantasies - all grown up and more alluring than ever.

But once Maddox breaks through Brie's barriers to find the fiery woman hidden underneath, will lust lead to something lasting? Or will past heartache and fresh betrayals tear their future apart before it even has a chance to begin?

(http://)     Elizabeth Boyle - Knave of Hearts (24 декабря 2015 г.)
(Rhymes With Love, #5)

Elizabeth Boyle’s fun-filled Regency series, Rhymes with Love continues with this next installment featuring Miss Lavinia Tempest. With her sister married, Lavinia must navigate the rocky shoals of London society with none other than that notorious knave, Mr. Alaster Rowland, at her side. Will he help her find true love or be her passionate ruin?

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/5123WgwirkL.SX316.jpg)     Elizabeth Boyle - Mad About the Major (2 июня 2015 г.)

The pampered daughter of a duke ...

Lady Arabella Tremont has spent her entire life protected and overshadowed by her restrictive father. But she is a Tremont, after all, and the morning after she is nearly ruined at a ball by a handsome stranger, Arabella's father demands she make an arranged match with the heir to a dukedom. In desperation, Arabella takes matters into her own hands.

Takes a London holiday with the most unsuitable of chaperones ...

Major Kingsley is in London to avoid his parents' dreadful house party. To his surprise he runs into the enticing - and unforgettable - minx he met at a ball the previous night. Arabella, or Birdie, as he knows her, insists he owes her three favors - for he's put her in a terrible pinch. Kingsley agrees, if only to delay his trip home and because the notion of spending the day with this enchanting bit of muslin is too tempting to resist. But all too quickly he discovers Arabella's requests are hardly what he expected ...

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51oNzjoq%2BmL.SX316.jpg)     Sophie Jordan - All The Ways To Ruin a Rogue (26 января 2016 г.)
(Debutante Files, #2)

First friends, then enemies...

Lady Aurelia hasn't always hated Max, Viscount Camden, her brother's best friend. In fact as a besotted girl, she thrived under his kind attention, sure that he was the most noble and handsome man in the land. Until her young heart discovered what manner of rogue he really was. Now, though she enjoys nothing more than getting on his last nerve, she can't deny Max drives her to distraction - even if she tries to pretend otherwise.

Now something more...

Max cannot recall a time when Aurelia did not vex him. If she was not his friend's sister, he would stay far away from the infuriating vixen. Unfortunately they are always thrown together. At parties and family gatherings - she is always there. Mocking him, tossing punch in his face, driving him mad - until one night she goes too far, and he retaliates in the only way he can: with a kiss that changes everything.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51U2hL2UKhL.SX316.jpg)     Julie James - Suddenly One Summer (2 июня 2015 г.)

From the New York Times bestselling author of It Happened One Wedding comes a novel about a man and a woman whose summer is about to get very, very hot...

Divorce lawyer Victoria Slade has seen enough unhappy endings to swear off marriage forever. That doesn't mean she's opposed to casual dating - just not with her cocky new neighbor, who is as gorgeous and tempting as he is off-limits. But once she agrees to take on his sister's case, she's as determined to win as ever - even if that means teaming up with Ford....

Investigative journalist Ford Dixon is bent on finding the man who got his sister pregnant and left her high and dry. He's willing to partner with Victoria, despite the fact that the beautiful brunette gets under his skin like no other woman. He might not be looking to settle down, but there's no denying the scorching attraction between them. Still, the more time he spends with Victoria, the more he realizes that the one woman as skeptical about love as he is might be the only woman he could really fall for...

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51oe-WtlaHL.SX316.jpg)     Lynsay Sands - About a Vampire (29 сентября 2015 г.)
(Argeneau Family, #22)

In New York Times bestselling author Lynsay Sands' new Argeneau novel, a vampire accustomed to seducing every woman he meets finds the one determined to resist him . . .

With immortal good looks and scorching charisma, Justin Bricker has yet to meet a woman he can't win over. His potential life mate should be no different. But instead of falling into his bed, Holly Bosley runs away and ends up mortally wounded. To save her, he has to turn her. And then Bricker learns the shocking truth: Holly's already married.

Holly wakes up with a bump on her head, a craving for blood, and a sexy stranger who insists they belong together. She needs Bricker's help to control her new abilities, even as she tries to resist his relentless seduction. Choosing between the world she knows and the eternity he offers is impossible. But Justin is fighting for his life mate - maybe even his life - and he'll break every rule to do it . . .

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51zbMOZAw-L.SX316.jpg)     J R Ward - Blood Kiss (1 декабря 2015 г.)
(Black Dagger Legacy, #1)

The legacy of the Black Dagger Brotherhood continues in a spin-off series from the #1 New York Times bestselling author...

Paradise, blooded daughter of the king's First Advisor, is ready to break free from the restrictive life of an aristocratic female. Her strategy? Join the Black Dagger Brotherhood's training center program and learn to fight for herself, think for herself...be herself. It's a good plan, until everything goes wrong. The schooling is unfathomably difficult, the other recruits feel more like enemies than allies, and it's very clear that the Brother in charge, Butch O'Neal, a.k.a. the Dhestroyer, is having serious problems in his own life.
And that's before she falls in love with a fellow classmate. Craeg, a common civilian, is nothing her father would ever want for her, but everything she could ask for in a male. As an act of violence threatens to tear apart the entire program, and the erotic pull between them grows irresistible, Paradise is tested in ways she never anticipated--and left wondering whether she's strong enough to claim her own power...on the field, and off.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51i-0qP7noL.SX316.jpg)     Alexandra Hawkins - A Duke But No Gentleman (30 июня 2015 г.)
(Masters of Seduction, #1)

In the last opulent days of the eighteenth century, a friendly wager turns into a heated feud that spans decades...and a love affair like none other.

What does it take to tempt a lady...

London, 1792. The Duke of Blackbern and the Marquess of Norgrave are boyhood friends who will still compete at anything. Racing, drinking, gambling, even seduction--until Lady Imogen Sunter crosses their path. Achingly beautiful, and innocent, she has no understanding of the jaded gentlemen who are courting her for favors--of how far they are willing to go to get what they want...

In this game of seduce and destroy?

Fighting for Imogen's affection should have been no more than their usual spirited rivalry. But when Blackbern discovers his feelings for Imogen have deepened, all bets are off. Norgrave, driven by his own demons, won't forsake his pride--and with one shocking act of betrayal that threatens Imogen and Blackbern's newfound desire, Norgrave will set the course for a generation of Regency bad boys who will go down in history as the Masters of Seduction...in A Duke But No Gentleman by Alexandra Hawkins.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Июль 02, 2015, 20:00:24
(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61QXRyTVj%2BL.SX316.jpg)          Rachel Caine - Ink and Bone (7 июля 2015 г.)
(Great Library, #1)

Rachel Caine rewrites history, creating a dangerous world where the Great Library of Alexandria has survived the test of time. In 48 AD, a fire set by the troops of Julius Caesar destroyed much of the Great Library of Alexandria. It was the first of several disasters that resulted in the destruction of the accumulated knowledge of the ancient world. But what if the fire had been stopped? What would the Library have become? Fast forward: the Great Library is now a separate country, protected by its own standing army. It has grown into a vast power, with unquestioned and unrivalled supremacy. Jess Brightwell, seventeen and very smart, with a gift for mechanical engineering, has been sent into the Great Library as a spy for his criminal family. Magical spells and riots abound in this epic new YA series.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51-UZintJiL.SX316.jpg)          Catherine Coulter - Nemesis (7 июля 2015 г.)
(FBI Thriller, #19)

The next high-octane thriller in the FBI series featuring Dillon Savich and Lacey Sherlock from # 1 New York Times bestselling author Catherine Coulter.

When Special Agent Lacey Sherlock foils a terrorist attack at JFK airport, she thinks her job is done and turns the reins over to the New York FBI. But stopping the grenade-carrying crazy was only the beginning. Another plot unfolds nearly simultaneously with a bomb at St. Patrick's Cathedral. The terrorist at JFK refuses to speak to anyone but Sherlock. She heads back with counterterrorist Special Agent Cal McLain to try to get him to talk.

Meanwhile Savich - with the help of Agent Griffin Hammersmith - has his hands full trying to track an elusive murderer who looks like a Hollywood Dracula. When Dracula's attempts to kill Savich collide with Sherlock's terrorist case, very strange things happen.

Who is really behind the bombing attack at St. Patrick's? How does Savich's mysterious killer fit into Sherlock's terrorism investigation? Savich and Sherlock race against the clock, as more lives are in danger with every passing minute.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51rYWxZY5rL.SX316.jpg)          Elizabeth Lowell - Perfect Touch (28 июля 2015 г.)

The New York Times bestselling queen of romantic suspense returns with a heart-racing tale in which a former soldier turned rancher and a beautiful designer race to stop a vicious killer - a battle for survival that threatens to explode in an intense and irresistible passion.

An art dealer and owner of her own design studio, Perfect Touch, Sara Medina travels the world to find the ideal artwork for her clients. Her sophisticated, comfortable life in San Francisco is light years away from the poverty of her family's dairy farm, and Sara will do whatever it takes to keep her business strong. A dedicated urban career woman focused on her work, she doesn't have time or energy for a family or distracting romantic entanglements.

Jay Vermillion recently inherited Vermillion Sky, a working ranch near Wyoming's breathtaking Grand Teton Mountains - and the estates of the rich and restless. While he was fighting in two wars, his father tried to keep the homestead running, until illness stole his fight and then his life. Jay's determined to restore Vermillion Sky, but first he's got to settle a vicious battle with his former stepmother over some of his late father's paintings. The last thing on his mind is a finding a wife and creating a seventh generation of Vermillions.

When Jay hires Sara to handle his father's artwork, it's love at first sight - a mutually inconvenient attraction that is soon complicated by a double murder at the edge of the ranch and a potential betrayal even closer to home. Working together to unmask a murderer, Sara and Jay try to fight the intense heat between them. Then the killer targets Sara. And suddenly, Jay, the war-weary soldier, finds something he's once again willing to die for . . .

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51vTlRt6oSL.SX316.jpg)          J D Robb - Devoted in Death (15 сентября 2015 г.)
(In Death, #41)

It's a new year in New York city, and two star-crossed lovers have just discovered an insatiable appetite...for murder. Lieutenant Eve Dallas has witnessed some grisly crimes in her career and she knows just how dark things can get on the streets. But when a much-loved musician is found dead, Eve soon realises that his murder is part of a horrifying killing spree, stretching right across the country. Now the killers have reached New York, and they've found themselves another victim. Eve knows she only has a couple of days to save a young girl's life, and to stop the killers before their sadistic games escalate. Eve's husband Roarke is ready to put his brains and his considerable resources behind the search. But even as the couple works closely together, time is running out...

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51%2BcYkD0TqL.SX316.jpg)          Jayne Castle - Siren's Call (6 августа 2015 г.)
(Futuristic World of Harmony: Rainshadow, #4)

In the mysterious world of Harmony, there are places filled with unexplored marvels. But Rainshadow Island isn't about to give up its secrets...

In the alien catacombs of Rainshadow, there are creatures whose compelling songs lure the unwary to their death. That's why Rafe Coppersmith, hired to clear out the catacombs for exploration, needs a music talent. He's knows the perfect one, but she probably doesn't want anything do with him...

Ella Morgan had once fallen hard and fast for Rafe, but then he disappeared for months...and he's not about to tell her why. Ella, too, has secrets that only her dust bunny knows. She's not just a music talent, she's a Siren: a paranormal singer capable of singing men to sleep - or to their deaths.

But once on Rainshadow, Rafe and Ella will learn that surrendering to passion doesn't come without risks - and fighting fire with fire only adds to the flame...

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61t4X%2BAsy%2BL.SX316.jpg)          Ilona Andrews - Magic Shifts (4 августа 2015 г.)
(Kate Daniels, #8)

In the latest Kate Daniels novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Ilona Andrews, magic is coming and going in waves in post-Shift Atlanta-and each crest leaves danger in its wake....

After breaking from life with the Pack, mercenary Kate Daniels and her mate-former Beast Lord Curran Lennart-are adjusting to a very different pace. While they're thrilled to escape all the infighting, Curran misses the constant challenges of leading the shapeshifters.

So when the Pack offers him its stake in the Mercenary Guild, Curran seizes the opportunity-too bad the Guild wants nothing to do with him and Kate. Luckily, as a veteran merc, Kate can take over any of the Guild's unfinished jobs in order to bring in money and build their reputation. But what Kate and Curran don't realize is that the odd jobs they've been working are all connected.

An ancient enemy has arisen, and Kate and Curran are the only ones who can stop it-before it takes their city apart piece by piece....

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51e8GuCwxAL.SX316.jpg)          Nalini Singh - Archangel's Enigma (1 сентября 2015 г.)
(Guild Hunter, #8)

Naasir is the most feral of the powerful group of vampires and angels known as the Seven, his loyalty pledged to the Archangel Raphael. When rumors surface of a plot to murder the former Archangel of Persia, now lost in the Sleep of the Ancients, Naasir is dispatched to find him. For only he possesses the tracking skills required - those more common to predatory animals than to man.

Enlisted to accompany Naasir, Andromeda, a young angelic scholar with dangerous secrets, is fascinated by his nature - at once playful and brilliant, sensual and brutal. As they race to find the sleeping archangel before it's too late, Naasir will force her to question all she knows . . . and tempt her to walk into the magnificent, feral darkness of his world. But first they must survive an enemy vicious enough to shatter the greatest taboo of the angelic race and plunge the world into a screaming nightmare.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51tghlvCQTL.SX316.jpg)          Ilona Andrews - White Hot (7 июля 2015 г.)
(Hidden Legacy, #2)

The Hidden Legacy series by number-one New York Times best-selling author Ilona Andrews continues as Nevada and Rogan navigate a world where magic is the norm... and their relationship burns hot.

Nevada Baylor has a unique and secret skill - she knows when people are lying - and she's used that magic (along with plain, hard work) to keep her colorful and close-knit family's detective agency afloat. But her new case pits her against the shadowy forces that almost destroyed the city of Houston once before, bringing Nevada back into contact with Connor "Mad" Rogan.

Rogan is a billionaire Prime - the highest rank of magic user - and as unreadable as ever, despite Nevada's "talent". But there's no hiding the sparks between them. Now that the stakes are even higher, both professionally and personally, and their foes are unimaginably powerful, Rogan and Nevada will find that nothing burns like ice....

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51VzjHu4zML.SX316.jpg)          Nora Roberts - Stars of Fortune (3 ноября 2015 г.) (2015)
(Guardians Trilogy, #1)

Sasha Riggs is a reclusive artist, haunted by vivid dreams and nightmares that she turns into extraordinary paintings. Desperate to understand her visions, she finds herself drawn to the Greek island of Corfu. She has only just arrived when she encounters Bran Killian, an Irish magician with a warm charisma and secrets dancing in his eyes. Sasha has never met Bran before, but she knows him only too well - because this is the man from her dreams. The man she has painted over and over again. The man she seems fated to be with...if she can find the courage to accept who she really is. Sasha soon discovers that four other strangers have been lured to the island. Like Bran, they are all desperately searching for a mysterious jewel known as the fire star - before it falls into the wrong hands. Together, they might just succeed. But first they must learn to trust one another, and reveal their deepest secrets. On the sun-drenched island of Corfu, love and magic are sparked into life. And for Sasha, nothing will ever be the same again.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51Kdczw3ZpL.SX316.jpg)          Karen Marie Moning - Feverborn (7 июля 2015 г.) (19 января 2016 г.)
(MacKayla Lane / Fever, #8)

Featuring fan favorites MacKayla Lane and Jericho Barrons, the sensational Fever series picks up where Burned leaves off in this highly anticipated new novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Karen Marie Moning.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Июль 02, 2015, 21:00:18
(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51oQSJSqruL.SX316.jpg)          Sherrilyn Kenyon - Born of Betrayal (3 ноября 2015 г.)
(League, #8)

The next League novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Sherrilyn Kenyon ...

Years ago, family loyalty caused Fain Hauk to give up everything he loved: His military career. His planet. His fiancee. Even his name. Now decades later, everything has changed. He's built a new life out of the ashes of his old, and he's vowed to never let anything threaten his loved ones again. But when old enemies align themselves with new ones, he's caught in the middle of a brutal war. And when fate throws his former fiancee back into his world and she has her own agenda that includes taking his head for what he did to her years ago, more than just his life is at stake. The fate of the Ichidian universe and that of his brothers-in-arms hangs in the balance. Winner take all. It's killed or be killed, and never has the battle been more fierce ...

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51mT4uqyIHL.SX316.jpg)          Kresley Cole - Sweet Ruin (1 декабря 2015 г.)
(Immortals After Dark, #15)

An immortal assassin is caught between desire and duty in this sizzling new novel from Kresley Cole's No.1 New York Times bestselling Immortals After Dark series.

A foundling raised in a world of humans
Growing up, orphaned Josephine didn't know who or what she was - just that she was 'bad', an outcast with strange powers. Protecting her baby brother Thaddeus became her entire life. The day he was taken away began Jo's transition from angry girl... to would-be superhero... to ruthless villain.

A lethally sensual enforcer on a mission
Whether by bow or in bed, archer Rune the Baneblood never fails to eliminate his target. In his sights: the oldest living Valkyrie. Yet before he can strike, he encounters a vampiric creature whose beauty mesmerizes him. With one bite, she pierces him with aching pleasure, stealing his forbidden blood - and jeopardizing the secrets of his brethren.

A boundless passion that will lead to sweet ruin...
Could this exquisite female be a spy sent by the very Valkyrie he hunts? Rune knows he must not trust Josephine, yet he's unable to turn her away. When Jo betrays the identity of the one man she will die to protect, she and Rune become locked in a treacherous battle of wills that pits ultimate loyalty against unbridled lust.

(http://)          Patricia Briggs - Fire Touched (8 марта 2016 г.)
(Mercedes Thompson, #9)

Mercy Thompson has been hailed as "a heroine who continues to grow and yet always remains true to herself." Now she's back, and she'll soon discover that when the fae stalk the human world, it's the children who suffer...
Tensions between the fae and humans are coming to a head. And when coyote shapeshifter Mercy and her Alpha werewolf mate, Adam, are called upon to stop a rampaging troll, they find themselves with something that could be used to make the fae back down and forestall out-and-out war: a human child stolen long ago by the fae.
Defying the most powerful werewolf in the country, the humans, and the fae, Mercy, Adam, and their pack choose to protect the boy no matter what the cost. But who will protect them from a boy who is fire touched?

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51HEg%2BrqI8L.SX316.jpg)          Lynn Kurland - Stars in Your Eyes (24 ноября 2015 г.)
(De Piaget, #17)

New York Times bestselling author Lynn Kurland presents a sweeping romance in which true love can go beyond time...
Imogen Maxwell is on a hunt for rare, antique items to use on a period movie set. The last thing she expects to discover in the peaceful Scottish countryside is a pristine medieval sword...or to suddenly find herself facing its very vintage owner in a far too authentic castle.
Phillip de Piaget has run out of patience with his recalcitrant Scottish betrothed and is determined that she will join him, once and for all, in front of the altar. Only the lass he captures fleeing his would-be keep seems more interested in running away from him than talking to him. In fact, she seems to have no idea who he is.
But taming his reluctant bride is the least of his worries; it seems someone else wants him at the chapel...in a stone box. As for Imogen, how can he let her go, when she holds the key to not only the castle, but his heart?

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51eA1kXt71L.SX316.jpg)          Sabrina Jeffries - The Art of Sinning (21 июля 2015 г.)
(Sinful Suitors, #1)

American artist Jeremy Keane refuses to return home and take over his father's business. He'd much rather sample bevvies of beauties abroad, in search of a model for the provocative masterpiece he's driven to paint. When he meets Lady Yvette Barlow at a London wedding, he realizes she's perfect for his work - and determines to capture the young heiress's defiant spirit and breathtaking sensuality on canvas.

No stranger to scandal, Yvette agrees to be Keane's subject - in exchange for his help gaining entry to the city's brothels he knows intimately, so she can track a missing woman and solve a family mystery. But when their practical partnership leads to lessons in the art of sinning, can they find a bold and lasting love?

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51-3epahFbL.SX316.jpg)          Hannah Howell - If He's Noble (28 июля 2015 г.)
(Wherlocke, #7)

New York Times bestselling author Hannah Howell delivers adventure and instant attraction in this all-new Wherlocke Family novel...

For Lady Primrose Wootten nothing has been ordinary since her father the Baron died and his wayward family filled the estate with greed and treachery. Primrose knows if she can just track down her brother, he can send the odious relations on their way. But instead she finds this enormous, powerful stranger, and forgets entirely what she was doing in the first place...

Sir Bened Vaughn isn't much afraid of a pistol. But he is a bit afraid of the woman holding it, who stirs up something so primal he's not sure he can shake it off. Vaughn is an honorable man, and he knows he has no right to desire Primrose. Yet he does have an obligation to help her, and as they learn more about her brother's disappearance, he realizes that means staying by her side...wanting her all the while... and wondering how much longer they can resist temptation...

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Июль 23, 2015, 12:40:00
(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/519luwUryML.SX316.jpg)          Sandra Brown - Friction (18 августа 2015 г.)

From number-one New York Times best-selling author Sandra Brown comes a gripping story of family ties and forbidden attraction.

Crawford Hunt wants his daughter back. Following the death of his wife four years ago, Crawford, a Texas Ranger, fell into a downward spiral that left him relegated to deskwork and with his five-year-old daughter, Georgia, in the custody of her grandparents. But Crawford has cleaned up his act and met all the court-imposed requirements, and now the fate of his family lies with Judge Holly Spencer.

Holly, ambitious and confident, temporarily occupies the bench of her recently deceased mentor. With an election upcoming, she must prove herself worthy of making her judgeship permanent. Every decision is high stakes. Despite Crawford's obvious love for his child and his commitment to being an ideal parent, Holly is wary of his checkered past. Her opinion of him is radically changed when a masked gunman barges into the courtroom during the custody hearing. Crawford reacts instinctually, saving Holly from a bullet.

But his heroism soon takes on the taint of recklessness. The cloud over him grows even darker after he uncovers a horrifying truth about the courtroom gunman and realizes that the unknown person behind the shooting remains at large...and a threat.

Catching the real culprit becomes a personal fight for Crawford. But pursuing the killer in his customary die-hard fashion will jeopardize his chances of gaining custody of his daughter and further compromise Judge Holly Spencer, who needs protection not only from an assassin but from Crawford himself and the forbidden attraction between them.

Friction will keep you on the edge of your seat with breathtaking plot twists and the unforgettable characters that make Sandra Brown one of the world's best-loved authors. It is an extraordinary novel about the powerful ties that bind us to the ones we love and the secrets we keep to protect them.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51s6YArOTYL.SX316.jpg)          Jayne Ann Krentz - Secret Sisters (8 декабря 2015 г.)

No one does romantic suspense better than Jayne Ann Krentz. Now, the New York Times bestselling author of Trust No One and River Road delivers a novel that twists and turns into a read that will leave you breathless.

Madeline and Daphne were once as close as sisters - until a secret tore them apart. Now it might take them to their graves.

They knew his name, the man who tried to brutally attack twelve-year-old Madeline in her grandmother's hotel. They thought they knew his fate. He wouldn't be bothering them anymore...ever. Still their lives would never be the same.

Madeline has returned to Washington after her grandmother's mysterious death. And at the old, abandoned hotel - a place she never wanted to see again - a dying man's last words convey a warning: the secrets she and Daphne believed buried forever have been discovered.

Now, after almost two decades, Madeline and Daphne will be reunited in friendship and in fear. Unable to trust the local police, Madeline summons Jack Rayner, the hotel chain's new security expert. Despite the secrets and mysteries that surround him, Jack is the only one she trusts...and wants.

Jack is no good at relationships but he does possess a specific skill set that includes a profoundly intimate understanding of warped and dangerous minds. With the assistance of Jack's brother, Abe, a high-tech magician, the four of them will form an uneasy alliance against a killer who will stop at nothing to hide the truth....

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51KNksmd2CL.SX316.jpg)          Seanan McGuire - A Red-Rose Chain (1 сентября 2015 г.)

Things are looking up.

For the first time in what feels like years, October "Toby" Daye has been able to pause long enough to take a breath and look at her life - and she likes what she sees. She has friends. She has allies. She has a squire to train and a King of Cats to love, and maybe, just maybe, she can let her guard down for a change.

Or not. When Queen Windermere's seneschal is elf-shot and thrown into an enchanted sleep by agents from the neighboring Kingdom of Silences, Toby finds herself in a role she never expected to play: that of a diplomat. She must travel to Portland, Oregon, to convince King Rhys of Silences not to go to war against the Mists. But nothing is that simple, and what October finds in Silences is worse than she would ever have imagined.

How far will Toby go when lives are on the line, and when allies both old and new are threatened by a force she had never expected to face again? How much is October willing to give up, and how much is she willing to change? In Faerie, what's past is never really gone.

It's just waiting for an opportunity to pounce.

A Red-Rose Chain is the ninth installment in Seanan McGuire's urban fantasy October "Toby" Daye series.

(http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1437025828l/25293695.jpg)          J.R. Ward - The Beast (5 апреля 2016 г.)
(Black Dagger Brotherhood, #14)

Rhage and Mary return in the new novel of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, a series "so popular, I don't think there's a reader today who hasn't at least heard of [it]" (USA Today).

His name is Rhage - the deadliest fighter and most voracious lover of all the Brotherhood, whose inner beast could never be tamed. But Rhage found his eternal love in Mary Luce, a woman who once bore a life-threatening curse, while dreaming of eternity with her vampire warrior and protector.

They've made it to hell and back. Now their story continues in a new novel sure to draw fans back into the "frighteningly addictive" (Publishers Weekly) world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Сентябрь 29, 2015, 15:23:17
(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51wt6lhUJrL.SX316.jpg)          J D Robb - Brotherhood in Death (2 февраля 2016 г.)
(In Death, #42)
The new novel featuring homicide detective Eve Dallas from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Devoted in Death.

Sometimes brotherhood can be another word for conspiracy....Dennis Mira just had two unpleasant surprises. First he learned that his cousin Edward was secretly meeting with a real estate agent about their late grandfather's magnificent West Village brownstone, despite the promise they both made to keep it in the family. Then, when he went to the house to confront Edward about it, he got a blunt object to the back of the head.

Luckily Dennis is married to Charlotte Mira, the NYPSD's top profiler and a good friend of Lieutenant Eve Dallas. When the two arrive on the scene, he explains that the last thing he saw was Edward in a chair, bruised and bloody. When he came to, his cousin was gone. With the mess cleaned up and the security disks removed, there's nothing left behind but a few traces for forensics to analyze.

As a former lawyer, judge, and senator, Edward Mira mingled with the elite and crossed paths with criminals, making enemies on a regular basis. Like so many politicians, he also made some very close friends behind closed - and locked - doors. But a badge and a billionaire husband can get you into places others can't go, and Eve intends to shine some light on the dirty deals and dark motives behind the disappearance of a powerful man, the family discord over a multimillion-dollar piece of real estate...and a new case that no one saw coming.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51oyY0%2BUWTL.SX316.jpg)          Lynsay Sands - Runaway Vampire (23 февраля 2016 г.)
(Argeneau Family, #23)
Dante Notte has heard it said that love hurts. He just wasn't expecting it to run him over in an RV. Still, a punctured lung and broken ribs are nothing compared to the full-body shock he feels whenever he's near the vehicle's driver, Mary Winslow. He needs to keep her safe from their pursuers while he rescues his brother. Most challenging of all, he needs to claim this smart, stubborn woman as his life mate.

The naked, injured, insanely gorgeous younger man who clambered into her RV insists they belong together. If Mary wasn't feeling their incredible connection in every inch of her being, she wouldn't believe it. But now that the men who took Dante's twin are after her too, trusting her gut means risking her life for an immortal who's the very definition of a perfect stranger.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51kIFgLrQoL.SX316.jpg)          Christine Feehan - Fire Bound (26 апреля 2016 г.)
(Sisters Of The Heart, #5)
The #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Sea Haven novels returns to the circle of the six sisters of the heart, bound by the elements - and to one who possesses the power to inflame the most dangerous passions of all.

Flame-haired Lissa Piner is a skilled glass blower whose delicate gift conceals a burning inner strength that can destroy as exquisitely as it can create. Commissioned to design chandeliers for a string of luxury hotels, her remarkable skills have taken her to Italy. But Lissa's real mission there is a secret. For her entire life has been a lie, leading to a chance to avenge a terrible wrong.

Enlisted as her bodyguard is Casmir Prakenskii, a trained assassin living off the grid. In Lissa, he sees a kindred spirit - something unexpected and wicked, mysterious and sensual. But more than desire is about to bring them together: because both of their pasts cry out for revenge. And for two people with this many secrets, this much passion, and this many enemies, someone is bound to get burned.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/512xhx6VvCL.SX316.jpg)          Darynda Jones - The Dirt on Ninth Grave (5 января 2016 г.)
(Charley Davidson, #9)
In a small village in New York Charley Davidson is living as Jane Doe, a girl with no memory of who she is or where she came from. So when she is working at a diner and slowly begins to realize she can see dead people, she's more than a little taken aback. Stranger still are the people entering her life. They seem to know things about her. Things they hide with lies and half-truths. Soon, she senses something far darker. A force that wants to cause her harm, she is sure of it. Her saving grace comes in the form of a new friend she feels she can confide in and the fry cook, a devastatingly handsome man whose smile is breathtaking and touch is scalding. He stays close, and she almost feels safe with him around.

But no one can outrun their past, and the more lies that swirl around her-even from her new and trusted friends-the more disoriented she becomes, until she is confronted by a man who claims to have been sent to kill her. Sent by the darkest force in the universe. A force that absolutely will not stop until she is dead. Thankfully, she has a Rottweiler. But that doesn't help in her quest to find her identity and recover what she's lost. That will take all her courage and a touch of the power she feels flowing like electricity through her veins. She almost feels sorry for him. The devil in blue jeans. The disarming fry cook who lies with every breath he takes. She will get to the bottom of what he knows if it kills her. Or him. Either way.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51rqrITXFiL.SX316.jpg)          Patricia Briggs - Fire Touched (8 марта 2016 г.)
(Mercy Thompson, #9)

Mercy Thompson has been hailed as "a heroine who continues to grow and yet always remains true to herself" (Library Journal). Now she's back, and she'll soon discover that when the fae stalk the human world, it's the children who suffer....

Tensions between the fae and humans are coming to a head. And when coyote shapeshifter Mercy and her Alpha werewolf mate, Adam, are called upon to stop a rampaging troll, they find themselves with something that could be used to make the fae back down and forestall out-and-out war: a human child stolen long ago by the fae.Defying the most powerful werewolf in the country, the humans, and the fae, Mercy, Adam, and their pack choose to protect the boy no matter what the cost. But who will protect them from a boy who is fire touched?

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51cDefmfG5L.SX316.jpg)          Stephanie Laurens - The Lady's Command (29 декабря 2015 г.)
(Adventurers Quartet, #1)
The instant Captain Declan Frobisher lays eyes on Lady Edwina Delbraith, he knows she's the woman he wants as his wife. Even before they tie the knot, Edwina shatters the illusion that her character is as delicate as her appearance suggests. Far from adhering to orthodox mores, she and her ducal family are even more unconventional than the Frobishers. So when Declan is required to sail to West Africa, Edwina knows she must accompany him. A secret mission with unknown villains flings unexpected dangers into their path as the newlyweds discover that making an unconventional marriage work requires something they both possess: bold and adventurous hearts.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51pMbcqMAuL.SX316.jpg)          Eloisa James - My American Duchess (26 января 2016 г.)
The arrogant Duke of Trent intends to marry a well-bred Englishwoman. The last woman he would ever consider marrying is the adventuresome Merry Pelford - an American heiress who has infamously jilted two fiances.

But after one provocative encounter with the captivating Merry, Trent desires her more than any woman he has ever met. He is determined to have her as his wife, no matter what it takes. And Trent is a man who always gets what he wants.

The problem is, Merry is already betrothed, and the former runaway bride has vowed to make it all the way to the altar. As honor clashes with irresistible passion, Trent realizes the stakes are higher than anyone could have imagined. In his battle to save Merry and win her heart, one thing becomes clear:

All is fair in love and war.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51PHiSLcYkL.SX316.jpg)          Loretta Chase - Dukes Prefer Blondes (29 декабря 2015 г.)

Biweekly marriage proposals from men who can't see beyond her (admittedly breathtaking) looks are starting to get on Lady Clara Fairfax's nerves. Desperate to be something more than ornamental, she escapes to her favorite charity. When a child is in trouble, she turns to tall, dark, and annoying barrister Oliver Radford.

Though he's unexpectedly found himself in line to inherit a dukedom, Radford's never been part of fashionable society, and the blonde beauty, though not entirely bereft of brains, isn't part of his plans. But Clara overwhelms even his infallible logic, and when wedlock looms, all he can do is try not to lose his head over her.

It's an inconvenient marriage by ordinary standards, but these two are far from ordinary. Can the town's most adored heiress and London's most difficult bachelor fall victim to their own unruly desires?

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51R89rxvHUL.SX316.jpg)          Elizabeth Boyle - The Knave of Hearts (26 января 2016 г.)
(Rhymes With Love, #5)
In the fifth novel of the captivating Rhymes With Love series from New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth Boyle, a young woman's hopes of a match encounter a wickedly handsome complication . . .

Lavinia Tempest has been eagerly anticipating a spectacular season. But one disastrous pile-up on the Almack's dance floor derails all her plans. Add to that, the very stunning revelations about her mother's scandalous past have become the ton's latest on dits. Lavinia's future has gone from shining bright to blackest night in one misstep.

Alaster "Tuck" Rowland admits he's partly to blame for Lavinia's disastrous debut. But it's not guilt that compels him to restore her reputation. Rather, he's placed a wager that he can make Lavinia into one of the most sought-after ladies in London. Who better than an unrepentant rake to set society astir?

Tuck's motives are hardly noble. But in teaching the lovely Lavinia how to win any man she wants, he suddenly finds himself tangled in the last place he ever imagined: in love.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51hWMyq4ImL.SX316.jpg)          Jo Beverley - The Viscount Needs a Wife (5 апреля 2016 г.)
(Company of Rogues, #17)
The New York Times bestselling author of Too Dangerous for a Lady returns with another roguishly delicious Regency romance...

Since being widowed two years ago, Kitty Cateril has been trapped in her late husband's home, where she is expected to mourn forever. Desperate to escape, Kitty will consider any option - even a hasty marriage to a stranger with no intention of abandoning his bachelor ways.

London life suits Beau Braydon, especially his work keeping Britain safe. So when he inherits the title of Viscount Dauntry, he has no intention of resettling on a rural estate. He can't resist the opportunity to marry a sensible widow who can manage Beauchamp Abbey for him - until he realizes Kitty is more than he bargained for...

Before Kitty and Dauntry can adjust to each other, a threat to the royal family takes them to London. Soon someone is determined to prevent Dauntry from exposing the villain, and secrets in Kitty's past threaten their growing love...

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/513IgCnuwsL.SX316.jpg)          Mary Balogh - Only Belovedd (3 мая 2016 г.)
(Survivor's Club, #7)

From the legendary New York Times bestselling author of Only a Kiss and Only a Promise comes the final book in the rapturous Survivor's Club series - as the future of one man lies within the heart of a lost but never-forgotten love...

For the first time since the death of his wife, the Duke of Stanbrook is considering remarrying and finally embracing happiness for himself. With that thought comes the treasured image of a woman he met briefly a year ago and never saw again.

Dora Debbins relinquished all hope to marry when a family scandal left her in charge of her younger sister. Earning a modest living as a music teacher, she's left with only an unfulfilled dream. Then one afternoon, an unexpected visitor makes it come true.

For both George and Dora that brief first encounter was as fleeting as it was unforgettable. Now is the time for a second chance. And while even true love comes with a risk, who are two dreamers to argue with destiny?

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51Y5PLJD9ML.SX316.jpg)          Elle Kennedy - Midnight Revenge (2 февраля 2016 г.)
(Killer Instincts, #7)
Out of all the stone-cold mercenaries in Jim Morgan's black ops organization, Derek "D" Pratt is the most intimidating. He is tight-lipped and covered in tattoos, and even the other guys on his team are afraid to ask him about his past. D's been off the grid for years, but after his teammate Sullivan is mistakenly captured in his place, D is forced to come out of hiding and face his demons. When D lands in Mexico, he's ready to risk everything to save his friend. To complicate matters, Sofia Amaro, a feisty doctor who D had a one-night stand with months ago, has tracked him down. And in an instant she's unintentionally caught up in his life-threatening rescue mission. Now D must extract not one but two people from the most violent world he's ever encountered. And one of them is carrying his child . . .

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51bOSOEyVxL.SX316.jpg)          Karen Rose - Alone in the Dark (2 февраля 2016 г.)
(Faith Corcoran, #2)
The Sunday Times bestselling author of CLOSER THAN YOU THINK returns with a breath-taking new novel in the Cincinnati series - would you cross the line between danger and desire, justice and revenge? A desperate hunt to find a young girl's killer is about to turn deadly...

Former Army Ranger Marcus O'Bannion and homicide cop Scarlett Bishop have met only briefly but when Scarlett receives a phone call in the middle of the night, she immediately recognises the hauntingly smooth voice asking her to meet him in one of Cincinnati's roughest areas.

On arriving, Scarlett finds the body of a seventeen-year-old Asian girl and Marcus injured. A fierce champion of victims' rights, Marcus claims the young woman was working for an affluent local family and the last time he saw her she was terrified, abused, and clearly in need of help. Having agreed to meet her, both Marcus and the young woman were targeted for death.

As they investigate, Scarlett and Marcus are pulled into the dangerous world of human trafficking where they soon realise they are going to have to become as ruthless as those they are hunting.

Because if they don't, how many other girls may end up alone in the dark?

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Октябрь 14, 2015, 18:07:41
(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51s9ohjU%2BQL.SX316.jpg)     Tracy Anne Warren - Happily Bedded Bliss (1 марта 2016г.)
Rakes of Cavendish Square, #2
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Bedding Proposal comes a seductive new novel about the most devilishly dangerous men in London...

When Lady Esme Byron happens upon a gorgeous naked man sleeping beside a secluded country lake, she can't resist the impulse to sketch him. But when her highly improper drawing is mistakenly revealed at a party, she finds her once-pristine reputation in tatters.

Gabriel, Lord Northcote, may be a notorious rakehell, but he is still stunned to find himself accused of despoiling a duke's sister - especially since he's never set eyes on her. When Esme's six irate brothers demand a hurried trip down the aisle, he has no choice but to comply. He thinks he can forget about his inconvenient bride but Esme Byron is no ordinary woman and Gabriel is about to learn just how unforgettable she can be.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Январь 20, 2016, 16:30:38
(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51cqRCqOYzL.SX316.jpg)     Lisa Kleypas - Marrying Winterborne (31 мая 2016 г.)
Ravenels, #2
A ruthless tycoon

Savage ambition has brought common-born Rhys Winterborne vast wealth and success. In business and beyond, Rhys gets exactly what he wants. And from the moment he meets the shy, aristocratic Lady Helen Ravenel, he is determined to possess her. If he must take her virtue to ensure she marries him, so much the better . . .

A sheltered beauty

Helen has had little contact with the glittering, cynical world of London society. Yet Rhys's determined seduction awakens an intense mutual passion. Helen's gentle upbringing belies a stubborn conviction that only she can tame her unruly husband. As Rhys's enemies conspire against them, Helen must trust him with her darkest secret. The risks are unthinkable . . . the reward, a lifetime of incomparable bliss. And it all begins with...

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51vlaiYsiQL.SX316.jpg)     Lorraine Heath - The Earl Takes All (26 апреля 2016 г.)
Hellions of Havisham, #2
One summer night, Edward Alcott gives in to temptation and kisses Lady Julia Kenney in a dark garden. However, the passion she stirs within him is best left in the shadows as she weds his twin, the Earl of Greyling. But when tragedy strikes, to honor the vow he makes to his dying brother, Edward must pretend to be Greyling until the countess delivers her babe.

After her husband returns from a two-month sojourn, Julia finds him changed. Bolder, more daring, and more wicked - even if he does limit their encounters to kisses. With each passing day, she falls more deeply in love.

For Edward the embers of desire sparked on that long-ago night are quickly rekindled. He yearns to be her husband in truth. But if she discovers his ruse, she will despise him - and English law prevents him from marrying his brother's widow. Yet he must dare to risk everything and reveal his secrets if he is to truly take all.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51wMSYnVZSL.SX316.jpg)     Sherrilyn Kenyon - Invision (5 апреля 2016 г.)
Chronicles of Nick, #7
One boy . . . Many demons.

Think your life is complicated and confusing? Nick Gautier was born to bring about the end of the world . . . it's not easy being the heir of a demon overlord.

But Nick is determined to thwart his destiny and get into a good college. To be more than his genetics and prophecy foretell. No one is ever going to tell this stubborn Cajun who and what he really is. Or how to live his life.

Not even the Fates of the Universe. But now that he and his team of ancient gods and demons have claimed the Eye of Ananke and he sees the missteps of the future, he has to battle the demons within that are far deadlier and more treacherous than any he's battled before. All the while his arch nemesis is back and determined to reclaim his place as the harbinger for Armageddon. Even if it means killing Nick and barbecuing everyone he loves to do so.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51OjLonGLkL.SX316.jpg)     Cassandra Clare - Lady Midnight (8 марта 2016 г.)
Dark Artifices, #1
The Shadowhunters of Los Angeles star in the first novel in Cassandra Clare's newest series, The Dark Artifices, a sequel to the internationally bestselling Mortal Instruments series. Lady Midnight is a Shadowhunters novel.
It's been five years since the events of City of Heavenly Fire that brought the Shadowhunters to the brink of oblivion. Emma Carstairs is no longer a child in mourning, but a young woman bent on discovering what killed her parents and avenging her losses.
Together with her parabatai Julian Blackthorn, Emma must learn to trust her head and her heart as she investigates a demonic plot that stretches across Los Angeles, from the Sunset Strip to the enchanted sea that pounds the beaches of Santa Monica. If only her heart didn't lead her in treacherous directions...
Making things even more complicated, Julian's brother Mark-who was captured by the faeries five years ago-has been returned as a bargaining chip. The faeries are desperate to find out who is murdering their kind-and they need the Shadowhunters' help to do it. But time works differently in faerie, so Mark has barely aged and doesn't recognize his family. Can he ever truly return to them? Will the faeries really allow it?
Glitz, glamours, and Shadowhunters abound in this heartrending opening to Cassandra Clare's Dark Artifices series.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51-pTWTaVoL.SX316.jpg)     Christine Feehan - Dark Promises (15 марта 2016 г.)
Dark, #29
Gabrielle has had enough of battles, of wars, of seeing the man she's engaged to nearly lose his life when it isn't even his fight. Once Gary was a gentle and very human researcher. Now he's a fearless and lethal Carpathian warrior with the blood of an ancient lineage coursing through his veins - a man Gabrielle still needs and dreams of with every breath she takes. All she wants is a life far away from the Carpathian Mountains, far from vampires and the shadows cast by the crumbling monastery that hides so many terrible secrets. But Gabrielle soon learns that promises made in the dark can pierce the heart like a dagger.

And she isn't the only one in search of answers in the corners of the unknown....

Trixie Joanes has come to the Carpathian Mountains in search of her wayward granddaughter, fearing that she has been lured there by something unspeakable. Instead Trixie has stumbled onto the path of a desperate woman on the run. And they're all fated for the lair of a mysterious ancient with revenge in his soul and the undying power to make bad dreams come true.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51JR7uHDnuL.SX316.jpg)     Sherrilyn Kenyon - Dragonmark (2 августа 2016 г.)
Dark-Hunter, #47
Centuries ago, Illarion was betrayed - a dragon made human against his will, then forced to serve humanity as a dragonmount in their army, and to fight for them in barbaric wars, even while he hated everything about them. Enslaved and separated from everyone he knew and from his own dragon brothers, he was forced into exile in a fey realm where he lost the only thing he ever really loved.
Now he has a chance to regain what's been lost - to have the one thing he covets most. But only if he gives up his brothers and forsakes the oaths he holds most dear. Yet what terrifies him most isn't the cost his happiness might incur, it's the fact that there is just enough human in his dragon's heart that he might actually be willing to pay it and betray everything and everyone - to see the entire world burn...

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51Gy%2Bx9DOpL.SX316.jpg)     Christine Feehan - Dark Carousel (2 августа 2016 г.)
Dark, #30
In the new Carpathian novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan, a woman falls prey to the seductive allure of the past - and a vampire warrior's intoxicating embrace...

The moment Charlotte Vintage walks into his club, Tariq Asenguard's blood is set on fire. The ancient Carpathian had given up hope of finding his lifemate, but now he will do anything to make Charlotte his own. What Tariq doesn't know is that Charlotte is using herself and her best friend as bait - to try to draw out the bloodthirsty killers who have already murdered Charlotte's brother and mentor.

Charlotte is familiar with Tariq. Not only is he one of the richest and most eligible bachelors in the city, but he's also a renowned collector of old carousel horses, which Charlotte restores. Their shared passion opens Charlotte up to trusting him with her life and with the desire she can no longer control. But it also makes her vulnerable to a centuries-old curse that will unite her and Tariq in a war against the enemies of humans and Carpathians alike...

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51bIyyICRQL.SX316.jpg)     Christine Feehan - Shadow Rider (28 июня 2016 г.)
Shadow, #1
The #1 New York Times bestselling "queen of paranormal romance" is back with a sexy new series starring a Chicago crime family that hides a dark, mystical secret...

Whether it's fast cars or fast women, Stefano Ferraro gets what he wants. When he's not fodder for the paparazzi, he commands Ferraro family businesses - both legitimate and illegitimate.

While their criminal activity is simply a rumor yet to be proven, no one knows the real truth. The Ferraros are a family of shadow riders capable of manipulating light and dark, an ability Stefano thought ran in his family alone - until now...

With little left to her name, Francesca Cappello has come to Chicago in hopes of a new life. She wasn't expecting to attract the attention of a man with primal hunger in his eyes, driven to claim her as his to protect and to please. And if he discovers her secret, it could ruin her...

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51yMSgOs%2BuL.SX316.jpg)     Jayne Castle - Illusion Town
(26 июля 2016 г.)
Harmony, #9
A new adventure begins on Harmony...

With its opulent casinos and hotels, the desert city of Illusion Town is totally unique - and will take you on a thrill ride you'll never forget.

Hannah West isn't the first woman to wake up in Illusion Town married to a man she barely knows, but she has no memory of the ceremony at all. For that matter, neither does Elias Coppersmith, her new husband. All either can remember is that they were on the run...

With Hannah's dubious background and shaky para-psych profile, she could have done much worse. The cooly competent mining heir arouses her curiosity - as well as other parts of her mind and body. And even her dust bunny likes him.

But a honeymoon spent retracing their footsteps leads Hannah and Elias into the twisting underground catacombs, where secrets from both their pasts will come to light - and where the energy of their clashing auras will grow hot enough to burn...

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51f-d3l82hL.SX316.jpg)     Darynda Jones - The Curse of Tenth Grave (28 июня 2016 г.)
Charley Davidson, #10
Part-time PI and full-time grim reaper, Charley Davidson has asked a lot of questions throughout her life: Why can I see dead people? Who is the hot supernatural entity following me? How do I get gum out of my sister's hair before she wakes up? But, "How do I trap not one god, but three?" was never among them. Until now. And since those gods are on earth to kill her daughter, she has little choice but to track them down, trap them, and cast them from this dimension.

But one of them stole her heart a very long time ago. Can a god of absolute death and destruction change his omniscient spots, or will his allegiance lie with his brothers?

Those are just some of the questions Charley must answer, and quick. Add to that a homeless girl on the run for her life, a man who's been framed for murdering a woman who is still very much alive, and a pendant made from god glass that has the entire supernatural world in an uproar, Charley has her hands full. If she can manage to take care of the whole world-destroying-gods thing, we're saved. If not, well...

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Январь 20, 2016, 17:01:31
(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51gHL-sSHML.SX316.jpg)     Gena Showalter - The Darkest Torment (31 мая 2016 г.)
Lords of the Underworld, #12
New York Times bestselling author Gena Showalter returns with her most explosive Lords of the Underworld tale to date, about a fierce warrior on the brink of sanity who will stop at nothing to claim the exquisite human with the power to soothe the beast inside him...

Driven to his death by the demon of Distrust, Baden spent centuries in purgatory. Now he's back, but at what cost? Bound to the king of the underworld, an even darker force, he's unable to withstand the touch of another... and he's quickly devolving into a heartless assassin with an uncontrollable temper. Things only get worse when a mission goes awry and he finds himself saddled with a bride - just not his own.

Famed dog trainer Katarina Joelle is forced to marry a monster to protect her loved ones. When she's taken hostage by the ruthless, beautiful Baden immediately after the ceremony, she's plunged into a war between two evils - with a protector more dangerous than the monsters he hunts. They are meant to be enemies, but neither can resist the passion burning between them... and all too soon the biggest threat is to her heart.

But as Baden slips deeper into the abyss, she'll have to teach him to love... or lose him forever.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51t4ZmmhvdL.SX316.jpg)     Sandra Hill - The Angel Wore Fangs (31 мая 2016 г.)
Deadly Angels, #7
New York Times bestselling author Sandra Hill continues her sexy Deadly Angels series, as a Viking vangel's otherworldly mission pairs him with a beautiful chef who whets his thousand-year-old appetite . . .

Once guilty of the deadly sin of gluttony, thousand-year-old Viking vampire angel Cnut Sigurdsson is now a lean, mean, vampire-devil fighting machine. His new side-job? No biggie: just ridding the world of a threat called ISIS while keeping the evil Lucipires (demon vampires) at bay. So when chef Andrea Stewart hires him to rescue her sister from a cult recruiting terrorists at a Montana dude ranch, vangel turns cowboy. Yeehaw!

The too-tempting mortal insists on accompanying him, surprising Cnut with her bravery at every turn. But with terrorists stalking the ranch in demonoid form, Cnut teletransports Andrea and himself out of danger - accidentally into the tenth-century Norselands. Suddenly, they have to find their way back to the future to save her family and the world . . . and to satisfy their insatiable attraction.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51BC5jW3uyL.SX316.jpg)     Lori Foster - Fighting Dirty (23 февраля 2016 г.)
Ultimate, #4
He's the hottest MMA fighter in the game, but one woman is ready to try out a few steamy moves of her own in an unforgettable new novel from New York Times bestselling author Lori Foster

With the life he's led and the muscles he's gained, Armie Jacobson isn't afraid of anything. Except maybe Merissa Colter's effect on him. It's not just that she's his best friend's little sister. Fact is, she deserves better. Women pursue him for one night of pleasure, and that's all he wants to offer. Until rescuing Merissa from a robbery leads to the most erotic encounter of his life.

Good girl meets bad boy. It's a story that rarely ends well. But Merissa is taking matters into her own hands. No matter how he views himself, the Armie she knows is brave, honorable and completely loyal. And as past demons and present-day danger collide, they're both about to learn what's truly worth fighting for...

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51s3juZoR-L.SX316.jpg)     Cindy Gerard - Taking Fire (23 февраля 2016 г.)
One-Eyed Jacks, #4
The most explosively sexy One-Eyed Jacks adventure yet from the RITA Award-winning, New York Times bestselling romance author whose name is "synonymous with high stakes and high action" (RT Book Reviews)!

Betrayal. Retribution. Redemption?

Six years ago, tough-as-nails military contractor Bobby Taggart met the woman of his dreams in war-torn Kabul - a sexy, whip-smart war correspondent who approached him at a local bar, took him to bed, made him fall in love... and then mysteriously disappeared. In her wake, the terrorist leader he'd been mining for valuable intel was assassinated - then Bobby discovered his phone had been bugged. And he's pretty damn sure he's been played for a fool.

Now, a covert security mission for the U.S. Embassy in Oman unexpectedly reunites him with Talia Levine, the woman who betrayed him and broke his heart. And there's one more secret she hasn't told him - one that will change his world. But as the heat of anger mixes with a still-simmering passion, dangerous forces close in, their sights set on Talia. Trust is the only way they will survive - but with their lives in the balance, can Bobby risk trusting her again?

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51jC0JzgAlL.SX316.jpg)     Stephanie Laurens - A Buccaneer at Heart (26 апреля 2016 г.)
Adventurers Quartet, #2
#1 New York Times bestselling author STEPHANIE LAURENS brings you the next edition of THE ADVENTURERS QUARTET, where Regency-era intrigue, danger, romance and passion abound.

A secret mission...

After a decade leading diplomatic voyages and covert missions for the Crown, Captain Robert Frobisher decides that establishing a home - with hearth and wife - should be his next challenge. But when an urgent summons arrives, Robert puts his wishes aside and agrees to set sail immediately. His goal is clear: get to Freetown, determine the location of a slavers' camp and return to London with the information.

A distracting complication...

In Freetown, Miss Aileen Hopkins is determined to find her brother Will, a naval lieutenant who has mysteriously disappeared, and she will not allow anyone to turn her from her path. But all too quickly, that path grows dark and dangerous. And then Robert Frobisher appears and attempts to divert her in more ways than one.

An unexpected alliance...

Joining forces with Aileen, Robert vows to complete his mission and secure the woman he wants as his wife. Compelled to protect the innocent and bring retribution to a heartless enemy, they plunge into the jungle with only each other to rely on, and with the courage of their hearts as their guide.

Follow THE ADVENTURERS as they continue their voyages across the high seas to the riveting and triumphant conclusion.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51BuY1IePrL.SX316.jpg)     Jude Deveraux
 - The Girl from Summer Hill
(2 августа 2016 г.)
Blue Spring Lake, #1
The first novel of New York Times bestselling author Jude Deveraux's breathtaking new series set in Summer Hill, a small town where love takes center stage against the backdrop of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.

Enter Elizabeth Bennet. Chef Casey Reddick has had it up to here with men. When she arrives in the charming town of Summer Hill, Virginia, she leaves behind a demanding boss at a famous D.C. restaurant and a breakup with a boyfriend jealous of her success. Some peace and quiet on the picturesque Tattwell plantation is just what she needs to start fresh. But the tranquility is broken one misty morning when she sees a gorgeous naked man on the porch of her cottage.

Enter Mr. Darcy. What Tate Landers, Hollywood heartthrob and owner of Tattwell, doesn't need on a bittersweet trip to his ancestral home is a woman spying on him from his guest cottage. Mistaking Casey for a reporter, Tate tries to run her out of her own house. His anger, which looks so good on the screen, makes a very bad first impression on Casey. Hollywood he may be, but he's no sweetheart to Casey - and she lets him know it!

The plot thickens. Sparks fly - literally - when Casey is recruited to play Elizabeth Bennet opposite Tate's Mr. Darcy in a stage adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. Just brushing past Tate makes Casey's whole body hum. As they spar on and off stage, Casey begins to think she's been too quick to judge. Tate is more down-to-earth than Casey expected, and she finds herself melting under his smoldering gaze. But then Tate's handsome ex-brother-in-law, Devlin Haines, who is playing Wickham, tells Casey some horrifying stories about Tate. She is upset and confused as she tries to figure out who and what to believe. As she finds herself falling for Tate, Casey needs to know: Is the intense, undeniable chemistry between them real, or is this just a performance that ends when the curtain falls?

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51nZHHtSgeL.SX316.jpg)     Catherine Coulter - Insidious (5 июля 2016 г.)
FBI Thriller, #20
FBI agents Dillon Savich and Lacey Sherlock return in a pulse-pounding new thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Catherine Coulter.

In Washington, D.C., Venus Rasmussen, a very wealthy, elderly grand dame of Beltway high society, is in fear for her life, sure that someone is trying to kill her. Is it a desperate family member? Or the killer from her dark past? Either way, the suspects are many and the repercussions dire - and Savich and Sherlock must race to find out if she's really in danger - or just delusional. Her two offspring, their children, and assorted family black sheep have always been after her money, but Venus has always been generous - so why, at age eighty-six, are they trying to kill her, by both poison and gun?
And in Los Angeles, a serial killer is on the loose, already having killed six young actresses and stolen their computers. Savich assigns Special Agent Cam Wittier to run the case, in part because she's the daughter of two veteran character actresses living in the Colony in Malibu, the scene of one of the murders. Cam knows show business, and she knows how things work in the Colony, so she's perfect for the job. Before long, Cam the hunter becomes the hunted when the killer targets her. Can Cam stop him, before it's too late?

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51wYOT51WQL.SX316.jpg)     Elizabeth Hoyt - Duke of Sin (31 мая 2016 г.)
Maiden Lane, #10
A notorious rake and blackmailer, Valentine Napier, the Duke of Montgomery, has returned from exile, intent on seeking revenge on those who have wronged him. But what he finds in his own bedroom may lay waste to all his plans. Housekeeper Bridget Crumb is clever, bold, and fiercely loyal. When her aristocratic mother becomes the target of extortion, Bridget joins the Duke of Montgomery's household to search for the incriminating evidence -- and uncovers something far more dangerous. But try as she might, Bridget can't resist the slyly charming duke. They soon realize that they both have secrets -- and neither may be as nefarious or as innocent as they appear.

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/5103V-LsmaL.SX316.jpg)     Olivia Drake - His Wicked Wish
(31 мая 2016 г.)
Cinderella Sisterhood, #5

The daughter of a disgraced woman and a common actor, Madelyn Swann has been shunned by the nobility. No proper lady would traipse about on a Covent Garden stage, let alone sell herself at auction to the highest bidder. So why in heaven's name would Nathan Atwood, Viscount Rowley, make a generous offer for her hand?

Turns out Maddy is exactly the type of woman Nathan wants as his wife. Finally, he can embarrass his snobbish and cruel father, the Earl of Gilmore - and scandalize London society - with his beautiful, unsuitable bride. Then he'll depart England forever and leave his wife behind. Having secret plans of her own, Maddy is happy to play the role ... only to find that enjoying her husband's seduction requires no acting whatsoever. But as she falls madly in love with Nathan, can she persuade him to stay with her for always?

(http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51a56%2BX98XL.SX316.jpg)     Anne Gracie - The Summer Bride (5 июля 2016 г.)
Chance Sisters, #4
From the award-winning author of The Spring Bride comes the conclusion to the quartet about four sisters, four weddings, and a bride for every season...

Fiercely independent Daisy Chance has a dream - and it doesn't involve marriage or babies (or being under any man's thumb). Raised in poverty, she has a passion - and a talent - for making beautiful clothes. Daisy aims to become the finest dressmaker in London.

Dashing Irishman Patrick Flynn is wealthy and ambitious, and has entered society to find an aristocratic bride. Instead, he finds himself growing increasingly attracted to the headstrong, clever and outspoken Daisy. She's wrong in every way - except the way she sets his heart racing.

However, when Flynn proposes marriage, Daisy refuses. She won't give up her hard-won independence. Besides, she doesn't want to join the fine ladies of society - she wants to dress them. She might, however, consider becoming Flynn's secret mistress. . .

But Flynn wants a wife, not a mistress, and when Flynn sets his heart on something, nothing can stand in his way. . .

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Апрель 08, 2016, 12:10:56
(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51Q5%2Bad3vPL.SX316.jpg)          Linda Howard - Troublemaker (10 мая 2016 г.)

A thrilling, fast-paced novel of romantic suspense from sensational New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Linda Howard.

For Morgan Yancy, an operative and team leader in a paramilitary group, nothing comes before his job. But when he's ambushed and almost killed, his supervisor is determined to find out who's after the members of his elite squad - and why. Due to worries that this unknown enemy will strike again, Morgan is sent to a remote location and told to lay low and stay vigilant. But between a tempting housemate he's determined to protect and a deadly threat waiting in the shadows, keeping under the radar is proving to be his most dangerous mission yet.

The part-time police chief of a small West Virginian mountain town, Isabeau "Bo" Maran finally has her life figured out. She's got friends, a dog, and a little money in the bank. Then Morgan Yancy shows up on her doorstep. Bo doesn't need a mysterious man in her life - especially a troublemaker as enticing and secretive as Morgan.

The harder they fight the intense heat between them, the closer Morgan and Bo become, even though she knows he's hiding from something. But discovering the truth could cost Bo more than she's willing to give. And when Morgan's cover is blown, it might just cost her life.

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51Vu0BDiOCL.SX316.jpg)          Susan Elizabeth Phillips - First Star I See Tonight (23 августа 2016 г.)
(Chicago Stars / Bonner Brothers, #8)

A no-nonsense sports hero and a feisty female detective go head-to-head in this funny, fresh, seductive novel from the award winning NYT bestselling author known for her unforgettable characters, heartfelt emotion, and laugh out loud humor.

He's the former quarterback of the Chicago Stars football team.
She's trying to make a success of her very own detective agency.
Her first job? Follow him.
Let's just say it's not going well.
Not well at all... .

Piper Dove is a woman with a dream - to become the best detective in the city of Chicago. First job? Trail former Chicago Stars quarterback, Cooper Graham. The problem? Graham's spotted her, and he's not happy.

Which is why a great detective needs a first rate imagination. "The fact is . . . I'm your stalker. Not full-out barmy. Just . . . mildly unhinged."

Piper soon finds herself working for Graham himself, although not as the bodyguard he refuses to admit he so desperately needs. Instead, he's hired her to keep an eye on the employees at his exclusive new nightclub. But Coop's life might be in danger, and Piper's determined to protect him, whether he wants it or not. (Hint: Not!) If only she weren't also dealing with a bevy of Middle Eastern princesses, a Pakistani servant girl yearning for freedom, a teenager who just wants to fit in, and an elderly neighbor demanding that Piper find her very dead husband.

And then there's Cooper Graham,, a legendary sports hero who always gets what he wants - even if what he wants just might be an intrepid detective hell bent on proving she's as tough as he is.

From the bustling streets of Chicago to a windswept lighthouse on Lake Superior to the glistening waters of Biscayne Bay, two people who can't stand to lose will test themselves and each other to discover what matters most.

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51AGdo-g36L.SX316.jpg)          J D Robb - Apprentice in Death (6 сентября 2016 г.)
(In Death, #43)

Lieutenant Eve Dallas returns in a fast-paced new novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author J. D. Robb.

Nature versus nurture... The shots came quickly, silently, and with deadly accuracy. Within seconds, three people were dead at Central Park's ice skating rink. The victims: a talented young skater, a doctor, and a teacher. As random as random can be.

Eve Dallas has seen a lot of killers during her time with the NYPSD, but never one like this. After reviewing security videos, it becomes clear that the victims were killed by a sniper firing a tactical laser rifle, who could have been miles away when the trigger was pulled. And though the locations where the shooter could have set up seem endless, the list of people with that particular skill set is finite: police, military, professional killer.

Eve's husband, Roarke, has unlimited resources - and genius - at his disposal. And when his computer program leads Eve to the location of the sniper, she learns a shocking fact: There were two - one older, one younger. Someone is being trained by an expert in the science of killing, and they have an agenda. Central Park was just a warm-up. And as another sniper attack shakes the city to its core, Eve realizes that though we're all shaped by the people around us, there are those who are just born evil....

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51BgqQEg3dL.SX316.jpg)          Nora Roberts - Bay of Sighs (14 июня 2016 г.)
(Guardians Trilogy, #2)

A dark and powerful goddess hunts for three jewels: fallen stars that will give her endless power. To save the world, six friends have joined forces to stop her. Now, on the beautiful island of Capri, their battle continues...

Mermaid Annika is proud to have been chosen for such an important quest. But now that her identity has been revealed, her time is running out. She knows that soon she must return to her people. But she also knows that she is in love with Sawyer King - the brave and loyal adventurer with secrets of his own.

As Annika, Sawyer and their four friends hunt for the mysterious 'star of water', the goddess Nerezza sends a terrifying foe to destroy them. It seems there is no place for love and desire at such a dark time. And so Sawyer tries to protect Annika by pushing her away.

But true love cannot be denied. And in a battle between the dark and the light - it might be the only thing that can save them from a terrible fate.

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51mC4ApLJcL.SX316.jpg)          Nora Roberts - Island of Glass (6 декабря 2016 г.)
(Guardians Trilogy, #3)

A powerful goddess hunts for three jewels: fallen stars that will give her endless power. To save the world, six friends have joined forces to stop her. Now, on the wild and beautiful coast of County Clare, their battle reaches its dramatic climax.

Doyle Mac Cleirich - soldier and reluctant Immortal - vowed never to return home. But now the quest for the Stars of Fortune has, inexorably, brought him back to County Clare. Used to a solitary life, Doyle is beginning to accept his place among a group of six - bound by love, friendship and purpose.

As they search for the mysterious Star of Ice, it becomes clear that Doyle's home and his family are uniquely bound up in its story. But how will it shape his future - and does that future involve the fiery and brilliant Riley Gwin?

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51JM7dXKYPL.SX316.jpg)          Ilona Andrews - Magic Binds (20 сентября 2016 г.)
(Kate Daniels, #9)

Mercenary Kate Daniels knows all too well that magic in post-Shift Atlanta is a dangerous business. But nothing she's faced could have prepared her for this....

Kate and the former Beast Lord Curran Lennart are finally making their relationship official. But there are some steep obstacles standing in the way of their walk to the altar....

Kate's father, Roland, has kidnapped the demigod Saiman and is slowly bleeding him dry in his never-ending bid for power. A Witch Oracle has predicted that if Kate marries the man she loves, Atlanta will burn and she will lose him forever. And the only person Kate can ask for help is long dead.

The odds are impossible. The future is grim. But Kate Daniels has never been one to play by the rules....

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51YT%2BaZXJBL.SX316.jpg)          Jeaniene Frost - Into the Fire (25 октября 2016 г.)
(Night Prince, #4)

In the explosive finale to New York Times bestselling author Jeaniene Frost's Night Prince series, Vlad is in danger of losing his bride to an enemy whose powers might prove greater than the Prince of Vampires' . . .In the wrong hands, love can be a deadly weapon

For nearly six hundred years, Vlad Tepesh cared for nothing, so he had nothing to lose. His brutal reputation ensured that all but the most foolhardy stayed away. Now, falling in love with Leila has put him at the mercy of his passions. And one adversary has found a devastating way to use Vlad's new bride against him.

A powerful spell links Leila to the necromancer Mircea. If he suffers or dies, so does she. Magic is forbidden to vampires, so Vlad and Leila enlist an unlikely guide as they search for a way to break the spell. But an ancient enemy lies in wait, capable of turning Vlad and Leila's closest friends against them . . . and finally tearing the lovers apart forever.

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/611%2BxudWB-L.SX316.jpg)          Nalini Singh - Allegiance of Honor (14 июня 2016 г.)
(Psy-Changelings, #15)

The "unparalleled romantic adventure"* of Nalini Singh's New York Times bestselling series continues as a new dawn begins for the Psy-Changeling world...

A staggering transformation has put the Psy, humans, and changelings at a crossroads. The Trinity Accord promises a new era of cooperation between disparate races and groups. It is a beacon of hope held together by many hands: old enemies, new allies, wary loners.

But a century of distrust and suspicion can't be so easily forgotten, and it threatens to shatter Trinity from within at any moment. As rival members vie for dominance, chaos and evil gather in the shadows and a kidnapped woman's cry for help washes up in San Francisco, while the Consortium turns its murderous gaze toward a child who is the embodiment of change, of love, of piercing hope: a child who is both Psy... and changeling.

To find the lost and protect the vulnerable - and to save Trinity - no one can stand alone. This is a time of loyalty across divisions, of bonds woven into the heart and the soul, of heroes known and unknown standing back to back and holding the line. But is an allegiance of honor even possible with traitors lurking in their midst?

(http://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/photo.goodreads.com/hostedimages/1457425933i/18356369.jpg)          Tessa Dare - Do You Want to Start a Scandal (27 сентября 2016 г.)
(Spindle Cove, #5)

On the night of the Parkhurst ball, someone had a scandalous tryst in the library. Was it Lord Canby, with the maid, on the divan? Or Miss Fairchild, with a rake, against the wall? Perhaps the butler did it.

All Charlotte Highwood knows is this: it wasn't her. But rumors to the contrary are buzzing. Unless she can discover the lovers' true identity, she'll be forced to marry Piers Brandon, Lord Granville - the coldest, most arrogantly handsome gentleman she's ever had the misfortune to embrace. When it comes to emotion, the man hasn't got a clue.

But as they set about finding the mystery lovers, Piers reveals a few secrets of his own. The oh-so-proper marquess can pick locks, land punches, tease with sly wit . . . and melt a woman's knees with a single kiss. The only thing he guards more fiercely than Charlotte's safety is the truth about his dark past.

Their passion is intense. The danger is real. Soon Charlotte's feeling torn. Will she risk all to prove her innocence? Or surrender it to a man who's sworn to never love?

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51sl9i4HoVL.SX316.jpg)          Madeline Hunter - The Wicked Duke (31 мая 2016 г.)
(Wicked Trilogy, #3)

Suspected of his brother's murder, Lancelot Hemingford, Duke of Aylesbury, was forced into the anonymity of quiet country living. So, when an opportunity arises to clear his name in exchange for proposing to the niece of a neighbor, he sees no choice but to accept. As Marianne Radley is dependent on her uncle, she must accept the Duke's marriage proposal at her familys request, despite her belief he is irredeemably wicked. But along with marrying him, she intends to sniff out the duke's unsavory secrets and expose them to the world: a plan that would be flawless were it not for one minor detail -- even she, with all her determination, is not immune to the charms of a rakish duke.

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51r7B0bbuDL.SX316.jpg)          The Fairest of Them All - The Fairest of Them All (31 мая 2016 г.)
(Marrying the Duke, #2)

In New York Times best-selling author Cathy Maxwell's glittering new series, wedding bells are ringing...but which Whitridge twin is the right groom?

The penniless orphan of a disreputable earl, Lady Charlene Blanchard thrives on the adventure of picking the pockets of unsavory gentlemen to survive. But due to her extraordinary beauty and prized bloodlines, she is hand chosen as a potential bride for the duke of Baynton, who is on the hunt for a suitable wife to provide heirs. All Char has to do is act the part she was born to play and charm a duke she's never laid eyes on into proposing. Except the duke turns out to be the tall, dark, and sexy stranger who just caught her red-handed as a thief!

Or is he? Jack Whitridge is the duke's twin who had "gone missing" over 10 years ago. Now back in England, he knows that the supposed lady who has his brother's love is hardly duchess material - except he needs her to save his adopted country from war. He is willing to bargain with her heart - until he finds himself falling for Char....

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Май 05, 2016, 14:04:05
(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51ABq9uGvEL.SX316.jpg)     Mary Balogh - Someone to Love (1 ноября 2016 г.)
Westcott, #1
The New York Times bestselling author of Only a Kiss launches a new series with the death of an earl and the revelation of a scandalous secret...

Humphrey Wescott, Earl of Riverdale, has died, leaving behind a fortune that will forever alter the lives of everyone in his family - including the daughter no one knew he had...

Anna Snow grew up in an orphanage in Bath knowing nothing of the family she came from. Now she discovers that the late Earl of Riverdale was her father and that she has inherited his fortune. She is also overjoyed to learn she has siblings. However, they want nothing to do with her or her attempts to share her new wealth. But the new earl's guardian is interested in Anna...

Avery Archer, Duke of Netherby, keeps others at a distance. Yet something prompts him to aid Anna in her transition from orphan to lady. As London society and her newfound relatives threaten to overwhelm Anna, Avery steps in to rescue her and finds himself vulnerable to feelings and desires he has hidden so well and for so long.

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51HQqU-kweL.SX316.jpg)     Jennifer McQuiston - The Perks of Loving a Scoundrel (27 сентября 2016 г.)
Seduction Diaries, #3
New York Times bestselling author Jennifer McQuiston continues her enchanting Seduction Diaries series as a bookish spinster and an unrepentant rogue unite to unmask a traitor.

Every girl dreams of a hero . . .

No one loves books more than Miss Mary Channing. Perhaps that's why she's reached the ripe old age of six-and-twenty without ever being kissed. Her future may be as bland as milk toast, but Mary is content to simply dream about the heroes and adventures she reads about in her books. That way she won't end up with a villain instead.

But sometimes only a scoundrel will do.

When she unexpectedly finds herself in the arms of Geoffrey Westmore, London's most notorious scoundrel, it feels a bit like a plot from one of her favorite novels. Suddenly, Mary understands why even the smartest heroines can fall prey to a handsome face. And Westmore is more handsome than most. But far worse than the damage to her reputation, the moment's indiscretion uncovers an assassination plot that reaches to the highest levels of society and threatens the course of the entire country.

When a tight-laced miss and a scoundrel of epic proportions put their minds together, nothing can stand in their way. But unless they put their hearts together as well, a happy ending is anything but assured.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Май 16, 2016, 23:48:14
Появилась обложечка к новой Моне - срок выхода 17 января 2017 г.


Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Май 17, 2016, 00:36:44
(https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1453878644l/28174900.jpg)          Sarah MacLean - A Scot in the Dark (30 августа 2016 г.)
Scandal & Scoundrel, #2

Lonesome Lily Turned Scandalous Siren

Miss Lillian Harwood has lived much of her life alone in a gilded cage, longing for love and companionship. When an artist offers her pretty promises and begs her to pose for a scandalous portrait, Lily doesn't hesitate...until the lying libertine leaves her in disgrace. With the painting now public, Lily has no choice but to turn to the one man who might save her from ruin.

Highland Devil turned Halfhearted Duke

The Duke of Warnick loathes all things English, none more so than the aristocracy. It does not matter that the imposing Scotsman has inherited one of the most venerable dukedoms in Britain—he wants nothing to do with it, especially when he discovers that the unwanted title comes with a troublesome ward, one who is far too old and far too beautiful to be his problem.

Tartan Comes to Town

Warnick arrives in London with a single goal: get the chit married and see her become someone else's problem, then return to a normal, quiet life in Scotland. It's the perfect plan, until Lily declares she'll only marry for love...and the Scot finds that there is one thing in England he likes far too much...

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51WjeEJcJ9L.SX316.jpg)          Elizabeth Hoyt - Duke of Pleasure (29 ноября 2016 г.)
Maiden Lane, #11


Bold. Brave. Brutally handsome. Hugh Fitzroy, the Duke of Kyle, is the king's secret weapon. Sent to defeat the notorious Lords of Chaos, he is ambushed in a London alley-and rescued by an unlikely ally: a masked stranger with the unmistakable curves of a woman.


Cocky. Clever. Courageously independent. Alf has survived on the perilous streets of St. Giles by disguising her sex. By day she is a boy, dealing in information and secrets. By night she's the notorious Ghost of St. Giles, a masked vigilante. But as she saves Hugh from assassins, she finds herself succumbing to temptation . . .


When Hugh hires Alf to investigate the Lords of Chaos, her worlds collide. Once Hugh realizes that the boy and the Ghost are the same, will Alf find the courage to become the woman she needs to be-before the Lords of Chaos destroy them both?

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Нюрочек от Май 20, 2016, 17:36:07
Лиза Клейпас опубликовала на сайте отрывок из третьей книги новой серии Ravendel. Главные герои - одна из сестер Рейвендел и сын Эви и Себастьяна из "Дьявол зимой". Новая книга будет называться "Дьявол весной":))))

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Vlada от Май 21, 2016, 16:51:19
А первые две еще не переведены?

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Нюрочек от Май 22, 2016, 19:16:41
Первая вроде нет, вторая выходит 31 мая только.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Май 22, 2016, 23:00:24
Лиза Клейпас опубликовала на сайте отрывок из третьей книги новой серии Ravendel. Главные герои - одна из сестер Рейвендел и сын Эви и Себастьяна из "Дьявол зимой". Новая книга будет называться "Дьявол весной":))))

Серия "Ravenel". :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Нюрочек от Май 23, 2016, 21:07:57
Точно:))) что-то не складывается у меня с их фамилией:)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Сентябрь 06, 2016, 18:20:24
(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51dMNIAzkYL.SX316.jpg)          J D Robb - Echoes in Death (7 февраля 2017 г.)
In Death, #44

This chilling new suspense novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author J.D. Robb is the perfect entry point into the compelling In Death police procedural series featuring Lieutenant Eve Dallas.

As NY Lt. Eve Dallas and her billionaire husband Roarke are driving home, a young woman - dazed, naked, and bloody - suddenly stumbles out in front of their car. Roarke slams on the brakes and Eve springs into action.

Daphne Strazza is rushed to the ER, but it's too late for her husband Dr. Anthony Strazza. A brilliant orthopedic surgeon, he now lies dead amid the wreckage of his obsessively organized town house, his three safes opened and emptied. Daphne would be a valuable witness, but in her terror and shock the only description of the perp she can offer is repeatedly calling him "the devil"...

While it emerges that Dr. Strazza was cold, controlling, and widely disliked, this is one case where the evidence doesn't point to the spouse. So Eve and her team must get started on the legwork, interviewing everyone from dinner-party guests to professional colleagues to caterers, in a desperate race to answer some crucial questions:

What does the devil look like? And where will he show up next?

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51CRoY0UHzL.SX316.jpg)          Patricia Briggs - Silence Fallen (7 марта 2017 г.)
Mercy Thompson, #10

Coyote shapeshifter Mercy Thompson is attacked and abducted in her home territory. Fighting off a crazed werewolf, she manages to escape, only to find herself alone in the heart of Europe, without money, without clothing and on the run from the clutches of the most powerful vampire in the world.

Unable to contact her pack, Mercy has allies to find and enemies to fight, but first she needs to figure out which is which. Ancient powers stir, and Mercy needs to be at her agile best to avoid causing a war between vampires and werewolves - and between werewolves and werewolves. And in the heart of the ancient city of Prague, old ghosts rise . . .

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51UtxFwdhGL.SX316.jpg)          Sherrilyn Kenyon - Intensity (25 апреля 2017 г.)
Chronicles of Nick, #8

It's a demon-eat-demon world for Nick Gautier. Just when he thinks he's finally gotten a handle on how not to take over the world and destroy it, Death returns with an all-star cast that is determined to end the Malachai reign and lineage forever. Worse? Death and War have found the one, true enemy Nick can't find, and even if he did, it's one he could never bring himself to banish or kill.

Now framed for murders he hasn't committed, and surrounded by new friends who might be turncoats, Nick is learning fast how his father went down in flames.

The heat in New Orleans is rising fast, and Nick's threat-level has gone into a whole new level of intensity. He's learning fast that when War and Death decide to battle, they don't take prisoners. The don't negotiate. And they're both immune to his biting sarcasm and Cajun charm. To win this, he will have to embrace a new set of powers, but one wrong step, and he will belong to the side of Darkness, forever.

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51LCO4TDzIL.SX316.jpg)          Darynda Jones - Eleventh Grave in Moonlight (24 января 2017 г.)
Charley Davidson, #11

A typical day in the life of Charley Davidson involves cheating husbands, missing people, errant wives, philandering business owners, and oh yeah...demons, hell hounds, evil gods, and dead people. Lots and lots of dead people. As a part time Private Investigator and full-time Grim Reaper, Charley has to balance the good, the bad, the undead, and those who want her dead. In this eleventh installment, Charley is learning to make peace with the fact that she is a goddess with all kinds of power and that her own daughter has been born to save the world from total destruction. But the forces of hell are determined to see Charley banished forever to the darkest corners of another dimension. With the son of Satan himself as her husband and world-rocking lover, maybe Charley can find a way to have her happily ever after after all.

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51NFsIjW%2BbL.SX316.jpg)          Kresley Cole - Wicked Abyss (25 апреля 2017 г.)
Immortals After Dark, #15

#1 New York Times bestselling author Kresley Cole continues her Immortals After Dark series with this highly-anticipated fifteenth novel!

He never wanted to be a beast...

As a boy, Abyssian "Sian" Infernas had his heart shattered by a treacherous fey beauty who died before he could exact vengeance. Millennia later, a curse has amplified his hell-demon blood, transforming him into an unrecognizable monster - just as she's been reincarnated. Sian fantasizes about seducing and spurning her, but he can retain his former appearance for only one hour a day.

She never wanted to be a beauty...

When a beastly demon king abducts her, fey princess Liliana "Lili" Barbot goes from one prison to another. The beast vows revenge for betrayals she can't remember and punishes her with grueling labor within his mystical castle. Her only solace is spending time with a fellow prisoner Bael, a devastatingly gorgeous male who is allowed to see her for only one hour a day.

Can they break the spell before it's too late...?

In the guise of "Bael," Sian toys with Lili's heart and body. Yet as she falls deeper under his spell, Lili can't help but respond to the beast's vulnerability and pain, and her sympathy develops into something more. When truths from a far distant past are revealed and identities discovered, can their tenuous bond withstand ages of deceit - and a looming supernatural war?

(http://d2arxad8u2l0g7.cloudfront.net/books/1473047508l/30256686.jpg)          Bec McMaster - Hexbound (18 октября 2016 г.)
Dark Arts, #2

It should have been an easy task…

Verity Hastings has a little trick: she can find anything, no matter where it’s hidden. It’s a skill that’s kept her safe and fed all the way from the orphanages and workhouses of her youth. But when she steals a mysterious item for a masked man, she knows the con is on her this time.

In order to protect herself from his associates,  she can turn to only one person: Adrian Bishop, the sorcerer she stole the relic from.

Scarred recluse Adrian Bishop is rarely surprised anymore. But when a rather enticing little handful turns up on his doorstep, claiming to be his mysterious thief, he doesn’t know what to think. He needs the relic back, no matter the cost, and he’s not above using Verity to find it. But as Verity begins to sneak under his guard, for the first time in years there’s a ray of light in his dark world. He will do anything to protect her – anything – but can Verity ever love him once she learns the truth of his dark talents? And will he be able to protect her from the trap he sent her into himself?

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР V
Отправлено: Ксю от Сентябрь 06, 2016, 19:21:55
(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51qGKubGjzL.SX316.jpg)          J R Ward - The Chosen (4 апреля 2017 г.)
Black Dagger Brotherhood, #15

A scorching forbidden love threatens to tear a rift through the Black Dagger Brotherhood in J. R. Ward's newest novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling series.

Xcor, leader of the Band of Bastards, convicted of treason against the Blind King, is facing a brutal interrogation and torturous death at the hands of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. Yet after a life marked by cruelty and evil deeds, he accepts his soldier's fate, his sole regret the loss of a sacred female who was never his: the Chosen Layla.

Layla alone knows the truth that will save Xcor's life. But revealing his sacrifice and his hidden heritage will expose them both and destroy everything Layla holds dear - even her role of mother to her precious young. Torn between love and loyalty, she must summon the courage to stand up against the only family she has for the only man she will ever love. Yet even if Xcor is somehow granted a reprieve, he and Layla would have to confront a graver challenge: bridging the chasm that divides their worlds without paving the way for a future of even greater war, desolation, and death.

As a dangerous old enemy returns to Caldwell, and the identity of a new deity is revealed, nothing is certain or safe in the world of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, not even true love . . . or destinies that have long seemed set in stone.

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51Jnb3rI4eL.SX316.jpg)          Lynsay Sands - Immortal Unchained (7 марта 2017 г.)
Argeneau Family, #25

In a spellbinding new Argeneau novel from New York Times bestselling author Lynsay Sands, a dangerous rescue is just the beginning of red-hot adventure...

Ever since Domitian Argenis recognized Sarita as his life mate, he's been waiting for the perfect moment to claim her. Those fantasies did not include him being chained to a table in a secret lab or both of them being held hostage by a mad scientist. Somehow, they have to escape...

Sarita has seen some crazy things as a cop, but nothing to rival Domitian. A vampire? Seriously? But his healing ability, incredible powers, and their mind-blowing physical connection - none of it should be possible, yet her body knows differently. Now, not only do they have to save each other, but other innocent lives are at stake. Failure is not an option, for Sarita intends that Domitian show her exactly what an eternity of pleasure feels like...

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51QRYDI4vEL.SX316.jpg)          Sherrilyn Kenyon - Born of Vengeance (7 февраля 2017 г.)
League, #12

A fate worse than death . . .

Bastien Cabarro survived the brutal slaughter of his entire family only to have his wife pin their murders on him. Made Ravin by The League, he is now a target for their assassins-in-training to hunt and kill. The average life expectancy for such beings is six weeks. But defying the odds is what this Gyron Force officer does best, and Bastien won't rest until he lays his betrayers in their graves.

Ten years later, he has one chance to balance the scales of justice, provided he relies on his former wingman - the very sister of the woman who testified against him.
Major Ember Wyldestarrin joined the outlaw Tavali the day Kirovar fell into the hands of a tyrant, and she and her team were left on an outpost to die under the barrage of enemy fire. The last thing she wants is to be involved in politics again. But if she doesn't bring Bastien in, her sister will pay the ultimate price. Now she has to find some way to betray her former wingman before he catches on and kills her. Even so, treachery doesn't come easy to a woman who took a loyalty oath to protect her homeworld and comrades-in-arms, especially when Bastien means more to her than just another partner.

Yet as she tries to do right for her family, she learns that Bastien doesn't just hold the key to the fate of Kirovar, he is vital to The Sentella-League war, and to The Tavali. If she hands him over, three nations fall. If she doesn't, her entire family dies. Their fates are all in her hands, and time for all of them is quickly running out.

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51Q1mE1FMSL.SX316.jpg)          Lisa Kleypas - Devil in Spring (21 февраля 2017 г.)
Ravenels, #3

New York Times bestselling author Lisa Kleypas combines the worlds of the Wallflowers with Marrying Winterborne in this irresistible story of how Sebastian's son Gabriel, Lord St. Vincent, meets his match in the eccentric and headstrong Lady Pandora.

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51pIrYQR0aL.SX316.jpg)          Eloisa James - Seven Minutes in Heaven (31 января 2017 г.)
Desperate Duchesses by the Numbers, #3

Witty and elusive Eugenia Snowe has all society begging for one of her premiere governesses-except the powerful Edward Reeve, who bursts into her office with his arrogant demands.

No question that Eugenia enjoys crossing wits with the brilliant inventor, but Ward wants far more than a governess. He wants Eugenia, and he'll stop at nothing to have her-including kidnapping.

Will Eugenia lose her heart in the most reckless gamble of her life, or will she discover the sweetest pleasure she's ever known?

All it will take is seven minutes...

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51t-yNSRVhL.SX316.jpg)          Jayne Ann Krentz - When All The Girls Have Gone (29 ноября 2016 г.)

Jayne Ann Krentz, the New York Times bestselling author of Secret Sisters, delivers a thrilling novel of the deceptions we hide behind, the passions we surrender to and the lengths we'll go to for the truth...

When Charlotte Sawyer is unable to contact her stepsister, Jocelyn, to tell her that one of her closest friends was found dead, she discovers that Jocelyn has vanished.

Beautiful, brilliant - and reckless - Jocelyn has gone off the grid before, but never like this. In a desperate effort to find her, Charlotte joins forces with Max Cutler, a struggling PI who recently moved to Seattle after his previous career as a criminal profiler went down in flames - literally. Burned out, divorced and almost broke, Max needs the job.

After surviving a near-fatal attack, Charlotte and Max turn to Jocelyn's closest friends, women in a Seattle-based online investment club, for answers. But what they find is chilling...

When her uneasy alliance with Max turns into a full-blown affair, Charlotte has no choice but to trust him with her life. For the shadows of Jocelyn's past are threatening to consume her - and anyone else who gets in their way...

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51YzrkJtnTL.SX316.jpg)          Elizabeth Boyle - Six Impossible Things (30 мая 2017 г.)
Rhymes With Love, #6

In the sixth novel of the enchanting Rhymes With Love series from New York Times bestselling author Elizabeth Boyle, a nobleman falls in love with a beautiful spy he must protect...

Lord Rimswell is a man of honor and absolutes. If he says something is impossible, it is. Yet his life of right and wrong is turned upside down when he finds himself in a compromising situation with the most unyielding, yet maddeningly beautiful, woman in London. If only he had not given in to the irresistible temptation to kiss her. Now he must marry her.

Miss Roselie Stratton is the very definition of impossible - headstrong, outspoken, and carrying a reticule of secrets that could ruin more than her reputation. Kissing Brody is hardly the most ruinous thing Roselie has ever done as a secret agent for the Home Office... nor will she let a marriage of convenience stop her from continuing her work. Little does Roselie realize that she has underestimated Brody's resolve to keep her safe - for he has hopelessly fallen in love with her and is determined to do the impossible by stealing her heart in return.

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51t5XaVEuDL.SX316.jpg)          Stephanie Laurens - Lord of the Privateers (27 декабря 2016 г.)
Adventurers Quartet, #4

Can true love die? Or, neglected, does it lie dormant until the object of true desire is again within reach? Denied, does passion smolder, like embers waiting for the right conditions to flare into an all-consuming conflagration?

#1 New York Times bestselling author Stephanie Laurens delivers the thrilling conclusion to her acclaimed series, THE ADVENTURERS QUARTET, a passionate Regency-era drama played out on the high seas and in the sweltering heat of tropical jungles, ultimately reaching a scintillating climax in the glittering ballrooms of Mayfair.

The eldest of the Frobisher brothers and widely known as the lord of the privateers, Royd Frobisher expects to execute the final leg of the rescue mission his brothers have been pursuing. What he does not expect is to be pressured into taking his emotional nemesis, childhood sweetheart, ex-handfasted bride, and current business partner, Isobel Carmichael, with him. But is it Isobel doing the pressuring, or his own restless unfulfilled psyche?

Resolute, determined, and an all but unstoppable force of nature, Isobel has a mission of her own—find her cousin Katherine and bring her safely home. And if, along the way, she can rid herself of the lingering dreams of a life with Royd that still haunt her, well and good.

Neither expects the shock that awaits them as they set sail aboard Royd’s ship, much less the new horizons that open before them as they call into London, then, armed with the necessary orders and all arrangements in place, embark on a full-scale rescue-assault on the mining compound buried in the jungle.

Yet even with the support of his brothers and their ladies and, once rescued, all the ex-captives, Royd and Isobel discover that freeing the captives is only half the battle. In order to identify and convict the backers behind the illicit enterprise—and protect the government from catastrophic destabilization—they must return to the ballrooms of the haut ton, and with the help of a small army of supporters, hunt the villains on their home ground.

But having found each other again, having glimpsed the heaven that could be theirs again, how much are they willing to risk in the name of duty?

Learn the answer and revel in the action, drama, intrigue, and passion as the Frobishers — with help from Wolverstone, the Cynsters, and many familiar others—steer the adventure to a glorious end.

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51djjYpNbVL.SX316.jpg)          Julia London - Wild Wicked Scot (27 декабря 2016 г.)
Highland Grooms, #1

Wicked intrigue unfolds as an unlikely marriage leads to a path of risky desire in the lush, green Scottish Highlands.

Born into riches and groomed in English luxury, Margot Armstrong didn't belong in a Scottish chieftain's devil-may-care world. Three years ago she fled their marriage of convenience and hasn't looked back - except to relive the moments spent in wild, rugged Arran McKenzie's passionate embrace. But as their respective countries' fragile unity threatens to unravel, Margot must return to her husband to uncover his role in the treachery before her family can be accused of it.

Red-haired, green-eyed Margot was Arran's beautiful bride. Her loss has haunted him, but her return threatens everything he has gained. As the Highland mists carry whispers of an English plot to seize McKenzie territory, he must outmaneuver her in games of espionage... and seduction. But even as their secrets tangle together, there's nothing to prevent love from capturing them both and leading them straight into danger.

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51liGtsvneL.SX316.jpg)          Julia London - Sinful Scottish Laird (28 февраля 2017 г.)
Highland Grooms, #2

A young widow puts her sexy suitors to the test in New York Times bestselling author Julia London's scintillating return to the idyllic Scottish Highlands.

Widowed and forced to remarry in three years' time or forfeit her son's inheritance, Daisy Bristol, Lady Chatwick, has plenty of suitors vying for her hand... and her fortune. But a letter from a long-lost love sends Daisy and her young son to her Scottish Highland estate to buy time for his return. Along the way she encounters the powerful Cailean Mackenzie, laird of Arrandale and a notorious smuggler, and she is utterly - though unwillingly - bewitched.

Cailean has no use for any Sassenach in his glen. But Daisy's brazen, flirtatious nature and alluring beauty intrigue him. When her first love appears unexpectedly at her estate, Cailean knows that a passionate woman like Daisy cannot marry this man. And to prevent the union, Cailean must put his own life at risk to win her heart.

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51dz68rwHdL.SX316.jpg)          Julia London - Hard-Hearted Highlander (25 апреля 2017 г.)
Highland Grooms, #3

An indomitable governess... a brooding Highlander... a forbidden affair...

An ill-fated elopement cost English-born governess Bernadette Kent her reputation, her fickle lover and any chance of a future match. She has nothing left to fear - not even the bitter, dangerously handsome Scot due to marry her young charge. Naive wallflower Avaline is terrified to wed Rabbie Mackenzie, but if he sends her home, she will be ruined. Bernadette's solution: convince Rabbie to get Avaline to cry off... while ignoring her own traitorous attraction to him.

Forced engagement to an Englishwoman is a hard pill for any Scot to swallow. Even worse when the fiancee in question is a delicate, foolish young miss - unlike her spirited, quick-witted governess. Sparring with Bernadette brings passion and light back to Rabbie's life after the failed Jacobite uprising. His clan's future depends upon his match to another, but how can any Highlander forsake a love that stirs his heart and soul?

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(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51ENy1xaFhL.SX316.jpg)          Christine Feehan - Shadow Reaper (30 мая 2017 г.)
Shadow, #2

Billionaire playboy Ricco Ferraro knows no other life. Being a shadow rider is in his blood - but so is a haunting desperation stemming from the secrets of his dark past. His recklessness puts not only his life at risk, but also the future of his entire family. To save them all, he must find a woman who can meet his every desire with a heat all her own...

Just when Ricco has given up hope, he meets her - a mysterious woman whose shadow connects with his. She's someone looking for a safe haven from the danger that has stalked her over the last several months. In Ricco's embrace, she finds one. But the darkness in which they so often find sanctuary can also consume them...

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51uSNz4HvHL.SX316.jpg)          Sarah MacLean - The Day of the Duchess (27 июня 2017 г.)
Scandal & Scoundrel, #3

The one woman he will never forget . . .
Marcus Bevingstoke, Duke of Haven, has lived the last three years in self-imposed solitude, paying the price for a mistake he can never reverse and a love he lost forever. The dukedom does not wait, however, and Haven requires an heir, which means he must find himself a wife by summer's end. There is only one problem - he already has one.

The one man she will never forgive . . .
After years in exile, Seraphina, Duchess of Haven, returns to London with a single goal - to reclaim the life she left and find happiness, unencumbered by the man who broke her heart. Haven offers her a deal; Sera can have her freedom, just as soon as she finds her replacement... which requires her to spend the summer in close quarters with the husband she does not want, but somehow cannot resist.

A love that neither can deny
The duke has a single summer to woo his wife and convince her that, despite their broken past, he can give her forever, making every day . . . the day of the Duchess!

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/511%2BWLB0xwL.SX316.jpg)          Julia Quinn - The Girl with the Make-Believe Husband (30 мая 2017 г.)
Rokesbys, #2
While you were sleeping . . .
With her brother Thomas injured on the battlefront in the Colonies, orphaned Cecilia Harcourt has two unbearable choices: move in with a maiden aunt or marry a scheming cousin. Instead, she chooses option three and travels across the Atlantic, determined to nurse her brother back to health. But after a week of searching, she finds not her brother but his best friend, the handsome officer Edward Rokesby. He's unconscious and in desperate need of her care, and Cecilia vows that she will save this soldier's life, even if staying by his side means telling one little lie . . .

I told everyone I was your wife
When Edward comes to, he's more than a little confused. The blow to his head knocked out six months of his memory, but surely he would recall getting married. He knows who Cecilia Harcourt is - even if he does not recall her face - and with everyone calling her his wife, he decides it must be true, even though he'd always assumed he'd marry his neighbor back in England.

If only it were true . . .
Cecilia risks her entire future by giving herself - completely - to the man she loves. But when the truth comes out, Edward may have a few surprises of his own for the new Mrs. Rokesby.

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51N71RxHyhL.SX316.jpg)          Suzanne Enoch - The One True Highlander (4 апреля 2017 г.)
No Ordinary Hero, #2

Scotland, 1812 - Rugged Highlander Graeme's loyalty to his clan means that their enemies are his own - even when that includes his neighbor, the Duke of Lattimer. It's a fight he doesn't relish, but when Graeme's reckless younger brothers foolishly kidnap Lattimer's younger sister, all bets are off...

Lady Marjorie Forrester may be aligned with the enemy, but capturing her puts Graeme squarely in the middle of a war. If he turns Marjorie over to his clan chief, she could be killed. If he lets her go, his brothers could face prison. In addition, the woman can't stop trying to civilize the lot of them! What's a Highlander to do, then, but keep the stubborn lass close... and explore the unexpected passion that develops between them? But how can Graeme protect Marjorie and his brothers when both Lattimer and his own clan are on the warpath - and will do whatever it takes to tear these two star-crossed lovers apart, in My One True Highlander, the next No Ordinary Hero Scottish romance from New York Times bestselling author Suzanne Enoch.

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51QdOVBzS3L.SX316.jpg)          Catherine Coulter and J T Ellison - The Devil's Triangle (14 марта 2017 г.)
Brit in the FBI, #4

From New York Times best-selling authors Catherine Coulter and J.T. Ellison comes the highly anticipated thriller in their Brit in the FBI series, featuring special agents Nicholas Drummond and Michaela Caine in their new roles as heads of the Covert Eyes team - but will their first case be their last when the enigmatic and dangerous thief known as the Fox reappears?

FBI Special Agents Nicholas Drummond and Michaela Caine are the government's Covert Eyes - leading a top-notch handpicked team of agents to tackle crimes and criminals both international and deadly. But their first case threatens their fledgling team when the Fox calls from Venice asking for help.

Kitsune has stolen an incredible artifact from the Topkapi Museum in Istanbul, and now the client wants her dead. She has a warning for Nick and Mike: she's overheard talk that a devastating Gobi desert sandstorm that's killed thousands in Beijing isn't a natural phenomenon, rather is produced by man. The Covert Eyes team heads to Venice, Italy, to find out the truth.

From New York to Venice and from Rome to the Bermuda Triangle, Nicholas and Mike and their team are in a race against time, and nature herself, to stop an obsessed family from devastating Washington, DC.

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51r9ALPA6oL.SX316.jpg)          Nora Roberts - Come Sundown (30 мая 2017 г.)
Love. Lies. Murder. A lot can happen... COME SUNDOWN

Bodine Longbow loves to rise with the dawn. As the manager of her family's resort in Western Montana, there just aren't enough hours in the day - for life, for work, for loved ones. She certainly doesn't have time for love, not even in the gorgeous shape of her childhood crush Callen Skinner, all grown up and returned to the ranch. Then again, maybe Callen can change her mind, given time...

But when a young woman's body is discovered on resort land, everything changes. Callen falls under the suspicion of a deputy sheriff with a grudge. And for Bodine's family, the murder is a shocking reminder of an old loss. Twenty-five years ago, Bodine's Aunt Alice vanished, never to be heard of again. Could this new tragedy be connected to Alice's mysterious disappearance?

As events take a dramatic and deadly turn, Bodine and Callen must race to uncover the truth - before the sun sets on their future together.

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51NA3gk9e%2BL.SX316.jpg)          Christine Feehan - Bound Together (21 марта 2017 г.)
Sea Haven/Sisters Of The Heart, #6

The Sea Haven series comes to a climactic end as the mysterious man from Blythe Daniels' past re-enters her life. Don't miss the final Sea Haven novel from the #1 New York Times bestselling "queen of paranormal romance" (J. R. Ward).

For five years, Viktor Prakenskii has put his life on hold in order to take down the world's most feared motorcycle club from the inside. But carrying out the insane violence and seeing the club's exploitation of the innocent has brought his traumatic past roaring back. And there's only one cure: to see the wife he left behind...

Blythe Daniels thought she'd never see Viktor again after he murdered her stepfather and left without a word. She rebuilt her life without him, becoming a personal trainer and physical therapist...becoming strong enough for others to lean on. But when Viktor comes back to Sea Haven, he'll make Blythe question everything she thought she knew about good and evil-and the dark desires of the heart . . .

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/515qNxJN%2BKL.SX316.jpg)          Amanda Quick - The Girl Who Knew Too Much (9 мая 2017 г.)

Amanda Quick, the bestselling author of 'Til Death Do Us Part, transports readers to 1930s California, where glamour and seduction spawn a multitude of sins . . .

When Hollywood moguls and stars want privacy, they head to an idyllic small town on the coast, where the exclusive Burning Cove Hotel caters to their every need. It's where reporter Irene Glasson finds herself staring down at a beautiful actress at the bottom of a pool . . .

The dead woman had a red-hot secret about up-and-coming leading man Nick Tremayne, a scoop that Irene couldn't resist - especially since she's just a rookie at a third-rate gossip rag. But now Irene's investigation into the drowning threatens to tear down the wall of illusion that is so deftly built around the famous actor, and there are powerful men willing to do anything to protect their investment.

Seeking the truth, Irene finds herself drawn to a master of deception. Oliver Ward was once a world-famous magician - until he was mysteriously injured during his last performance. Now the owner of the Burning Cove Hotel, he can't let scandal threaten his livelihood, even if it means trusting Irene, a woman who seems to have appeared in Los Angeles out of nowhere four months ago . . .

With Oliver's help, Irene soon learns that the glamorous paradise of Burning Cove hides dark and dangerous secrets. And that the past - always just out of sight - could drag them both under . . .

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51fU%2BbW1a5L.SX316.jpg)          Karen Robards - The Ultimatum (13 июня 2017г.)
Guardian, #1
Thief. Manipulator. Con artist. Call it what you will - Bianca St. Ives is the best in the business.

Growing up, Bianca St. Ives knew she was different from all her friends. Instead of playing hopscotch or combing her dolls' hair, she studied martial arts with sensei masters and dismantled explosives with special-ops retirees. Her father prepped her well to carry on the family business. Now a striking beauty with fierce skills, the prodigy has surpassed the master.

She's known as the Guardian. Running a multinational firm with her father, she makes a living swindling con men out of money they stole - and she's damn good at it. She does things on her own terms. But her latest gig had a little hiccup - if you count two hundred million dollars and top secret government documents going missing as little. Her father also died on the mission. The thing is, the US government doesn't believe he's really dead. They'll stop at nothing to capture Richard St. Ives, a high-value target and someone who has been on most-wanted lists all over the world for over two decades, and they mean to use Bianca as bait. With only a fellow criminal for backup and her life on the line, it's up to Bianca to uncover the terrifying truth behind what really happened... and set it right, before it's too late.

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/5170bJAKQJL.SX316.jpg)          Sherrilyn Kenyon - Deadmen Walking (28 февраля 2017 г.)
Dark-Hunter: Deadman's Cross Trilogy, #1

Deadmen tell their tales . . .

To catch evil, it takes evil. Enter Devyl Bane - an ancient dark warlord returned to the human realm as one of the most notorious pirates in the New World. A man of many secrets, Bane makes a pact with Thorn - an immortal charged with securing the worst creations the ancient gods ever released into our world. Those powers have been imprisoned for eons behind enchanted gates . . . gates that are beginning to buckle. At Thorn's behest, Bane takes command of a crew of Deadmen: humanity's last hope to restore the gates.

But things are never so simple. And one of Bane's biggest problems is the ship they sail upon. For the Sea Witch isn't just a vessel, she's also a woman born of an ancient people he wronged - a woman who is also sister to their primary target. Now Marcelina, the Sea Witch, must choose. Either she remains loyal to her evil sister and watches humanity fall, or she puts her faith in an enemy who has already betrayed her. Her people over the totality of humanity? Let's hope Bane can sway her favour. . .

(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51eNUBQrArL.SX316.jpg)          C S Harris - Where the Dead Lie (4 апреля 2017 г.)
Sebastian St. Cyr Mystery, #12
In the latest mystery from the national bestselling author of When Falcons Fall, the gruesome murder of a young boy takes Sebastian St. Cyr from the gritty streets of London to the glittering pleasure haunts of the aristocracy...

London, 1813. Sebastian St. Cyr, Viscount Devlin, is no stranger to the dark side of the city, but he's never seen anything like this: the brutalized body of a fifteen-year-old boy dumped into a makeshift grave on the grounds of an abandoned factory.

One of London's many homeless children, Benji Thatcher was abducted and tortured before his murder - and his younger sister is still missing. Few in authority care about a street urchin's fate, but Sebastian refuses to let this killer go unpunished.

Uncovering a disturbing pattern of missing children, Sebastian is drawn into a shadowy, sadistic world. As he follows a grim trail that leads from the writings of the debauched Marquis de Sade to the city's most notorious brothels, he comes to a horrifying realization: someone from society's upper echelon is preying upon the city's most vulnerable. And though dark, powerful forces are moving against him, Sebastian will risk his reputation and his life to keep more innocents from harm...