
Светланин уголок => Клуб читающих на иностранных языках => Тема начата: jeni от Сентябрь 18, 2008, 21:01:31

Название: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: jeni от Сентябрь 18, 2008, 21:01:31
Аннотация к новой книге Джулии Гарвуд "Fire and Ice":

"Amid danger and intrigue, a determined reporter and the man she most fears to trust form an alliance to save their lives. Investigating a human interest story with a bizarre twist, they must fight their attraction as they come closer and closer to uncovering a deadly conspiracy. But powerful forces will stop at nothing to prevent its exposure."

Это потверждает слухи о том,что книга будет про Софи.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: margarita от Сентябрь 21, 2008, 19:48:47
новости от мэри бэлоу:
Dear Reader,

There will be a new book of mine out next week--well, partly mine,
anyway. A NIGHT TO REMEMBER is an anthology of four novellas by
Stephanie Laurens, Candice Hern, Jacquie D'Alessandro, and me. I had
thought for years that it would be an interesting experiment if
several writers all took the same basic plot premise and wrote a
story. My theory was that the resulting stories would be different
enough that they could be put together in one book. Finally I found
three other writers (plus our agents and Avon publishers) who were as
excited by the idea as I was! We have each written a story in which
the hero and heroine meet at an inn ten years after their last
meeting--and they have only 24 hours in which to resolve all their
problems. All are Regency-set.

For more information and an excerpt from my story, see my web site.
There is also a video clip at www.romantictimes.com on which I talk
about the anthology. Find the picture of the video currently displayed
on home page there and click on the MORE link beside it. It is part of
a video made at the Romantic Times convention in Pittsburgh earlier
this spring.

Mary Balogh

IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT (anthology)--October
SIMPLY PERFECT (paperback)--January, 2009

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Tessa от Сентябрь 21, 2008, 21:56:55
 :hooray: :hooray: :hooray:

заходила в эту тему и почему то подумала что про Бэлоу напишут))) и не обшиблась))).

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительни&#
Отправлено: Росинка от Сентябрь 22, 2008, 16:05:43
Правильно ли я понимаю, что выходит новый сборник, где авторы - Сефани Лоуренс, Кэндис Герн, Джекки Д'Алессандро и  Мэри Бэлоу,и каждая их них пишет по рассказу, в котором герои встречаются через 10 лет после последней встречи, и у них будет только 24 часа, чтобы разрешить все свои проблемы? И вроде бы выходит этот сборник очень и очень скоро - на следующей неделе? Это все, что я сумела понять в тексте без словаря - хочу убедиться,что поняла правильно.  ;D

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Тигра от Сентябрь 22, 2008, 19:04:25
Света, ты все правильно поняла. :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Zorrana от Сентябрь 22, 2008, 20:50:12
На сайте Элоизы Джеймс появилась дата выхода "When the Duke Returns"!!!)  Ждем 25 ноября девочки)))
А еще Куин выпускает "Mr. Cavendish, I Presume" 30сентября!))) Уже совсем, совсем скоро))

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: margarita от Сентябрь 22, 2008, 22:53:01
удачный сезон для нас, ничего не скажешь  : )) хоть бы не сглазить:)
интересно, когда этот сборник появиться в сети...

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Ксю от Сентябрь 22, 2008, 23:21:31
Может, повезет, как с Монинг последней... Мы с Ларисой вечером только поговорили, что было бы классно, если бы с утреца какая-нибудь добрая душа выложила книгу в пиринге... Так и случилось. :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Serenis от Сентябрь 22, 2008, 23:29:35
Может, повезет, как с Монинг последней... Мы с Ларисой вечером только поговорили, что было бы классно, если бы с утреца какая-нибудь добрая душа выложила книгу в пиринге... Так и случилось. :)

извиняюсь за офф....

Ксю, а поговорите с Ларисой, чтоб она (Монинг) четвертую книгу быстрей дописала, чтоб ее побыстрому выпустили и какая-нить добрая душа ее в пиринге выложила, ааа? :P

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: margarita от Октябрь 01, 2008, 14:54:52
вот чего мне амазон нарекомендовал. но описание подозрительное какое-то...  :)) эротика или нормальный роман, не знаете?

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Ксю от Октябрь 01, 2008, 17:22:36
У нас выпускали какую-то книжку Пэм Розенталь, но я ее не осилила... Страшной эротики в ней не помню, но я ведь могла и не дочитать до этого момента... :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Полина от Октябрь 01, 2008, 17:53:22
Опять о Робертс. В следующем году выходят 2 ее книги:

Promises in Death (№29)


Every cop gets angry when a police officer is killed. And Lieutenant Eve Dallas is no exception. But Amarylis Coltraine was also in a relationship with one of Eve's closest colleagues, so after Eve has delivered the terrible news to him, she throws every resource she has into finding the killer. When she finds a link to the son of a criminal she and her husband Roarke had put behind bars, the case heats up even further. Alex Ricker was romantically involved with Amarylis ? did she leak information to him and then have a change of heart? Eve puts herself in danger to get to the truth ? but she can't prevent another death before she learns who betrayed both the criminal's son and the police officer he loved...

Vision in White

Childhood friends Mackensie, Parker, Laurel and Emmeline have formed a very successful wedding planning business together but, despite helping thousands of happy couples to organise the biggest day of their lives, all four women are unlucky in love. Photographer Mackensie Elliott has suffered a tough childhood and has a bad relationship with her mother, which makes her wary of commitment. But when she meets Carter Macguire, she can't stop herself falling for him, although his ex girlfriend is prepared to play dirty to keep him. Mackensie soon realises she has to put her past demons to rest in order to find lasting love...

И эта книга, может быть началом серии. ???

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: margarita от Октябрь 01, 2008, 20:36:18
я вроде сама вспомнила - "служанка  и виконт",это же вроде розенталь? теперб помню,что мне не понравилось - ну их с их американскими рекомендациями : )
от клейпас пришла рассылка  -книжка про меррипена и уин уже в продаже. а скоро еще и современный роман выйдет.
жду не дождусь, когда добрые люди выкинуть seduce me at sunrise в пиринг...

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: margarita от Октябрь 13, 2008, 21:05:08
амазон уже предлагает предзаказать новую джеймс :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Полина от Октябрь 14, 2008, 18:16:52
Сегодня должна выйти книга Лизы Клейпас A Wallflower Christmas. Давайте все попросим undernet.  ::)

В марте 2009 ждем! Продолжение Сладкого папочки и Голубоглазого дъявола.


Jack Travis is a macho Houston businessman - rich, tough and always in control. So when a beautiful young woman approaches his office carrying a baby that she claims is his, he's shaken more than he would ever let on. Stunned, Jack listens to Ella Varner as she explains that her sister recently gave birth and then abandoned her baby boy - and that enquiries have brought Ella to Jack's door. He virtually has a seizure when she asks him to do a paternity test. But ultimately, will a paternity test set things right? If Jack is the father, will he be the one to care for the baby? Would Ella be prepared to let him go? And if not? Ella can't bear to think of an answer...

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: margarita от Октябрь 14, 2008, 19:40:27
ооооооо аааааа. давайте подключим коллективный разум :)))

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Kulina от Октябрь 17, 2008, 00:32:41
давайте подключим коллективный разум

Коллективный разум был услышан  ;)

Набрела на опрос на Романтических временах - в связи с кризисом, станете  ли покупать меньше книг? Интересная получается картина.


Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Ксю от Октябрь 23, 2008, 16:48:54
Книжка К. Фихан про очередную и последнюю сестричку-магичку выходит 30 июня 2009 года. Называется "HIDDEN CURRENTS".

Elle Drake has gone missing.  She’s a strong telepath and even her six magical sisters cannot find her, although they all agree she is alive.  Something terrible has happened or she would have contacted them and let them know where she is.  Jackson Deveau, a deputy sheriff in the small village of Sea Haven, off the northern California coast, has known that Elle is destined for him.  When she disappears, he gathers with his friends, Jonas Harrington and Ilya Prakenskii, and Elle’s sisters to find her and bring her safely home.  But Sea Haven is no longer safe for any of them and it takes every bit of strength the combination of all the Drakes and their men to survive the coming storm.

Летом 2009 года выходит продолжение "Дневников Миранды Чивер" Джулии Куин, про Оливию Бевелстоук.

(http://members.shaw.ca/jobev/tswfront.jpg)  Новая книга Джо Беверли "THE SECRET WEDDING" выходит в апреле 2009 года. Это вторая книга в подсерии про повес, входящей в "Мир Маллоренов".

When is a rake not a rake? When he's seducing his wife?

Home from a decade of war, Christian, Major Lord Grandiston wants to enjoy bachelor pleasures, but his father is wooing a rich woman on his behalf. Embarrassing, when he might already have a wife. Is Dorcas Froggatt alive, and if so, will she be his salvation, or an even worse burden? He heads north to the industrial town of Sheffield tofind out, but soon he's on the run from the law with a woman who's nothing but trouble, and a rake-hating cat.
(http://www.mcnaughtized.com/images/eyescover1.jpg)   Джудит Макнот "CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF OF YOU" - май 2009 года.

Starring a brand new Westmoreland hero!
And Holly Braxton, the veterinarian from Every Breath You Take.
Featuring characters we've met in the past....
Maid of Honor at her sisters wedding, Chicago veterinarian Holly Braxton must face best man Clay Westmoreland, NFL star quarterback, 10 years after the disastrous youthful encounter with him that forever changed Holly's life.
(http://www.karenhawkins.com/images/talk_of_the_town_L.jpg)   Первая современна романтическая комедия Карен Хокинс "TALK OF THE TOWN" - 18 ноября 2008 года.


Newly divorced Roxie Treymayne is dying to find out. After years of being the perfect Southern lady, all she ended up with was a cheating husband. So she goes bombshell blond, gets a provocatively placed tattoo, and prepares to live it up as a Bad Girl. But then her mother falls ill, Roxie is forced to return to Glory, North Carolina where, no matter how she dresses now, she’s known by one and all as ‘that nice Treymayne girl.’ Only Roxie is feeling anything BUT nice!


Once the town bad boy, Nick Sheppard is now Glory’s highly respected sheriff. When the hot blonde he stops for speeding turns out to be formerly prim Homecoming Queen Roxanne Treymayne, Nick doesn’t quite know where to look – though he’d like a much closer one at the tattoo peeking from her shorts.


Roxie and Nick had a steamy fling in high school, but a love affair between a Southern princess and a boy from the wrong side of the tracks was doomed from the start. Now they have a second chance. Can they get it right? Or will they just end up . . . the talk of the town?

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: ZaVal от Октябрь 23, 2008, 17:24:15
Книжка К. Фихан про очередную и последнюю сестричку-магичку выходит 30 июня 2009 года. Называется "HIDDEN CURRENTS".

Плачу я, плачу  :cry: Как долго еще ждать! За это время можно ... даже ребенка родить  ::)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Ксю от Октябрь 23, 2008, 17:26:36
Плачу я, плачу  :cry: Как долго еще ждать последнюю книгу про сестричек! За это время можно ... даже ребенка родить  ::)

Однако Джоли всех своих семерых архаровцев все равно родить не успеет. :) Так что не расстраивайся, Валюш. :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Ксю от Октябрь 23, 2008, 17:34:20
Еще вести:

(http://www.lynsaysands.net/books/covers/devil_of_the_highlands_200.jpg)   Линси Сэндс "Devil of the Highlands" - 27 января 2009 года.

They call him the Devil . . .

He is the most notorious laird of Scotland: fierce, cold, deadly . . . and maybe even worse. Yet Evelinde has just agreed to wed him. Anything, she thinks, is better than her cruel stepmother. Though Evelinde should be wary of the rumors, she can’t help but be drawn to this warrior . . . for the Devil of the Highlands inspires a heat within her that is unlike anything she has ever known.

They may call him whatever they wish, but Cullen, Laird of Donnachaidh, cares only for the future of his clan. He must find a wife, a woman to bear him sons and heed his commands. He has no need for beauty or grace, but one taste of his lovely bride’s sweet lips and the sultry feel of her skin arouse an untamed passion. Perhaps there’s more to marriage than he thought . . .
(http://www.patriciagrasso.com/images/tnETP.jpg)   Патриция Грассо "ENTICING THE PRINCE", 6-я в серии про князей Казановых - ноябрь 2008 года.

The heroine is Katerina Pavlova Garibaldi, the Contessa de Salerno, a lovely imposter and jewelry design genius, who is bent on revenge. The hero is Prince Drako "the dragon prince" Kazanov, the object of her revenge. Prince Drako and his brothers are cousins of my original Kazanov princes. Raven Flambeau and Alexander Blake feature in the story, still battling about the best way to solve crimes - her psychic ability or his logic.
(http://www.sabrinajeffries.com/img/cover_med_snowynightstranger.jpg)   Сборничек "Snowy Night with a Stranger", входящий в серию "Школа для наследниц" Сабрины Джеффрис, - 28 октября 2008 года. Прям сейчас практически! :)

Thanks to a carriage accident, shy Elinor Bancroft, the richest heiress in North England, ends up stranded at Lord Thorncliff’s manor on her way home for Christmas, along with her wounded aunt, three young and boisterous cousins, and their friend, Charlie Dickens. Tired of being courted only for her fortune, she is ready to forego the marriage mart entirely. And their grumpy host Martin Thorncliff, otherwise known as the Black Baron, only strengthens that decision.

Lord Thorncliff is none too happy to play host to four children, their mother, and a famous heiress. Bad enough that it’s Christmas, his least favorite time of year. He would rather hide in his barn doing experiments than be tortured by the allure of a sweet young woman who makes him want to forget he’s a pariah in good society. Fortunately, neither Elinor nor Martin can hold firm against the sizzling attraction that engulfs them whenever they come near each other, and they soon discover that Christmas takes on a whole new meaning when you share it with one you love.

(http://www.eloisajames.com/images/covers/returns/returns_200.jpg)   Элоиза Джеймс "WHEN THE DUKE RETURNS" - 25 ноября 2008 года.

Married by proxy as a child, Lady Isidore has spent years fending off lecherous suitors while longing for her husband, Simeon Jermyn, the Duke of Cosway, to return. But when the prodigal duke finally returns, ready to take on his obligations, he finds the woman they call his wife too ravishing, too headstrong, too sensual to be a proper duchess. But Isidore will not give up her claim to the handsome duke without a fight.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Ксю от Октябрь 23, 2008, 18:16:51
И еще:

(http://www.elizabethboyle.com/images/covers/black/black_215.jpg)   Элизабет Бойл "Confessions of a Little Black Gown" - 1 апреля 2009 года. Надеюсь, это не шутка... ;D

When your luggage goes missing and the wrong trunk arrives, a trunk that contains the perfect gown, would you put it on? You'll never know what will happen . . .

Miss Thalia 'Tally' Langley has longed for two things all her life: adventure and true love. So when her luggage goes missing on the way to her sister's house party, and a similar but wayward trunk ends up in its place, she discovers inside a black gown that is nothing but pure seduction.

And when she dons it and catches the eye of the handsome Lord Larken, she discovers everything she's ever wanted, an adventure into the passionate world of love and a dangerous man capable of uncovering all her secrets.
Элизабет Бойл "Memoir of a Scandalous Red Dress" - 1 мая 2009 года.

When a lady loves a pirate the memories can be quite scandalous

Lady Philippa Knolles has loved Captain Thomas 'Dash' Dashwell since he first stole a kiss from her in This Rake of Mine. Now after what seems like a lifetime of waiting, Pippin is offered a chance to renew her scandalous affair with Dash. But the man from that first heady kiss and the man she rediscovers all these years later are hardly the same. But a red dress, the one she wore long ago to win his heart, may have enough memories left inside it to rekindle a passion she's never forgotten.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Тэя от Октябрь 23, 2008, 21:51:01
а я по поводу Джудит Макнот "CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF OF YOU" поплачу. Ещё больше чем полгода... :'( Ох уж эта дама книги свои "цедит" просто.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Iulia от Октябрь 23, 2008, 22:06:45
А я больше всего хочу Фихан (хотя, если честно, немного грустно, что такая серия заканчивается. Но надеюсь она напишет еще что-то более завлекательное), Бойл ( ну уж очень мне аннотация с перепутанным чемоданчиком понравилась), ну и Макнот (куда же без нее?)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: jeni от Октябрь 23, 2008, 22:11:46
а я по поводу Джудит Макнот "CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF OF YOU" поплачу. Ещё больше чем полгода... :'( Ох уж эта дама книги свои "цедит" просто.
Написания книги и ее выход откладываются из-за смерти ее матери.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: jeni от Октябрь 23, 2008, 22:25:57
В июне 2009 выйдет новая книга Джоанны Линдсей "A Rogue of My Own".

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Serenis от Октябрь 23, 2008, 22:31:56
а в октябре 2009 новая книга Лизы Клейпс "Tempt Me at Twilight", наверное, она будет о ком-то из Хатауэев...

В июне 2009 выйдет новая книга Джоанны Линдсей "A Rogue of My Own".

Жени, это будет книга о Мэлори или пока неизвестно?
Кстати, а у Линдсей есть свой сайт?

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: jeni от Октябрь 23, 2008, 22:36:18
а в октябре 2009 новая книга Лизы Клейпс "Tempt Me at Twilight", наверное, она будет о ком-то из Хатауэев...
Эта книга про Поппи.
Насчет Линдсей пока не известно о ком будет книга и у нее нет собственного сайта.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Zorrana от Октябрь 23, 2008, 23:02:11
Скорее бы Элоиза Джеймс "WHEN THE DUKE RETURNS"))) Ну ОЧЕНЬ хочется))

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Serenis от Октябрь 24, 2008, 00:52:35
В июле 2009 выйдет роман Джулии Куин "What Happens in London" и ее же "Olivia Bevelstoke's Story", кажется эта книга продолжении "Дневников Миранды Чивер"

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Ксю от Октябрь 24, 2008, 10:42:38
В июле 2009 выйдет роман Джулии Куин "What Happens in London" и ее же "Olivia Bevelstoke's Story", кажется эта книга продолжении "Дневников Миранды Чивер"

Гм, не уверена, что "Olivia Bevelstoke's Story" - это название. Я чуть выше уже написала, что эта книга выходит, но названия на сайте самой Куин не нашла. Лена, ты так и видела, это было написано в кавычках? А где? :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Тэя от Октябрь 24, 2008, 13:30:26
а я по поводу Джудит Макнот "CAN'T TAKE MY EYES OFF OF YOU" поплачу. Ещё больше чем полгода... :'( Ох уж эта дама книги свои "цедит" просто.
Написания книги и ее выход откладываются из-за смерти ее матери.
Ужас, остаётся посочувствовать.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Serenis от Октябрь 24, 2008, 16:05:13
В июле 2009 выйдет роман Джулии Куин "What Happens in London" и ее же "Olivia Bevelstoke's Story", кажется эта книга продолжении "Дневников Миранды Чивер"

Гм, не уверена, что "Olivia Bevelstoke's Story" - это название. Я чуть выше уже написала, что эта книга выходит, но названия на сайте самой Куин не нашла. Лена, ты так и видела, это было написано в кавычках? А где? :)

Ксю, допускаю, что могла ошибиться! Просто на сайте Куин увидела эту формулироку и с чего-то решила, что это и есть название! :-\

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: jeni от Октябрь 24, 2008, 23:35:24
В 2009 и в 2010 году выйдет тетралогия Норы Робертс про четверых подругах занимающихся свадебным бизнесом.Первая называется "Vision in White".Вот аннотация:
"Childhood friends Mackensie, Parker, Laurel and Emmeline have formed a very successful wedding planning business together but, despite helping thousands of happy couples to organise the biggest day of their lives, all four women are unlucky in love. Photographer Mackensie Elliott has suffered a tough childhood and has a bad relationship with her mother, which makes her wary of commitment. But when she meets Carter Macguire, she can't stop herself falling for him, although his ex girlfriend is prepared to play dirty to keep him. Mackensie soon realises she has to put her past demons to rest in order to find lasting love..."
Вторая называется "Bed Of Roses",третья пока без названия,а четвертая "Happy Ever After".

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительни&#
Отправлено: margarita от Октябрь 25, 2008, 00:26:57
гыгы. а хотите, я прямо сразу содержание расскажу,всех этих книжек?
одна героиня будет сногсшибательная красотка, роковая женщина, наверное, вот эта первая, маккензи, с ее fear of commitment.
вторая будет не очень женственная, с какой ндь мужской профессией (например, в их агенстве она может быть грузчиком, или вышибалой).
третья будет нежный цветок, фиалка, которую наверняка кто-ндь бил, или сексуальная жизнь была неудачная.
ну, а четвертая, соответственно,будет наверняка мать с ребенком. или с маленьким братом/сестрой. зуб даю.
но прочитаю, тем не менее, с удовольствием : )) робертс -рулит : ))

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: margarita от Октябрь 26, 2008, 23:22:26
еще новости от робертс. новая ева! гип гип ура : ))))

Dear Readers,


So far the fall of 2008 has been a whirlwind!  I just returned from our annual family trip to New York City where the weather was perfect. We were able to pack some shows, shopping and fun family time into seven lovely days.  I even got a huge chunk of my holiday shopping finished.  Time well spent indeed.


Now it's time to prepare for the fall releases.   Salvation in Death and Suite 606, featuring "Ritual in Death," will both be in stores on November 4.  (Maybe you can make them a reward for voting that day!)  Some eagle-eyed readers have noted the simultaneous releases and have asked if there is a specific order to reading the books.  I really think it's a matter of personal choice as to whether you prefer to read the full-length book first or the novella because the stories don't really play off each other.


As Salvation in Death opens, the priest at a Catholic funeral mass brings the chalice to his lips--and falls over dead.  Eve is determined to solve the murder of Father Miguel Flores, despite her discomfort with her surroundings. It's not the bodegas and pawnshops of East Harlem that bother her, it's all that holiness flying around at St. Christobal's that makes her uneasy.

The autopsy reveals that the priest may not have been the man his parishioners had thought. As Eve pieces together clues that hint at gang connections and a deeply personal act of revenge, she believes she's making progress on the case. Until a second murder--in front of an even larger crowd of worshippers--knocks the whole investigation sideways. And Eve is left to figure out who committed these unholy acts--and why.


"Ritual in Death" for Suite 606 was a great deal of fun to write because I worked again with my good pals Ruth Ryan Langan, Mary Blayney and Mary Kay McComas.  In this case, as with the ones in "Haunted in Death" and "Eternity in Death," pragmatic, practical Eve brushes up against the supernatural.  This time she must pull together what appear to be some very disparate threads in the aftermath of a ritualistic murder.


On November 1, we'll all be at Turn the Page for their fall event from 1-3 pm to sign copies of Suite 606.  Joining us will be Mary Burton, Donna Kauffman, Michelle Monkou and columnist Tim Rowland.  Hope you can stop by!


In other news, the books chosen for the next set of Lifetime movies are Tribute, High Noon, Northern Lights and Midnight Bayou.  Casting has started and updates on the movies will be posted on my website as they come in. 


And for everyone who wants to know how the Sign of Seven trilogy ends, The Pagan Stone will be in stores on November 25.  Details will follow in my next newsletter.


Happy reading!


Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Zhabka от Октябрь 29, 2008, 18:14:05
Можно слюной захлебнуться... а если учесть, что большую часть этого мы на русском не увидим... так этой слюной плеваться хочеться в сторону издателей.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Полина от Октябрь 31, 2008, 09:23:49
Дамы, вопрос. В ноябре выходит книга Highland Captive by   Hannah Howell . Что-то я не нашла на оф сайте ничего по этому поводу. Это переиздание?

   New York Times bestselling author Hannah Howell breathes life into the enchanting beauty of the Scottish Highlands in this epic romance between a strong-willed captor and the striking young woman he both confines and protects...
The windswept Scottish Highlands hold great beauty, but also great danger. So when Aimil Mengue is abducted by a feuding clan, she is right to fear for her life—and her virtue. For Aimil’s keeper is the infamous warrior Parlan MacGuin. Aimil sets out to hate him, but Parlan is more honorable—and infinitely more alluring—than expected. Though betrothed to another, Aimil cannot deny her startling desire for the man who holds her captive...

Parlan MacGuin knows well his reputation as a fierce warrior; he uses it to claim land and lovers. But beautiful Aimil is a different type of conquest. Now Parlan feels an unfamiliar longing for the woman he keeps at ransom as their forbidden passion threatens to spark an unstoppable blood feud—or forever fill their hearts…

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Полина от Ноябрь 08, 2008, 22:15:58
Gertruda, спасибо!

В феврале 2009 выходит книга С.Э.Филлипс



It's not easy being famous when your life is falling apart... Georgie York has been dumped by her movie star husband, her own film career is tanking, and her public image as a spunky romantic heroine is taking a serious beating.

What should a down-on-her-luck actress do? NOT go to Vegas...NOT run into her detestable former co-star—dreamboat-from-hell Bramwell Shepard...and NOT get caught up in a ridiculous incident that leads to a calamitous elopement. Before she knows it, Georgie has a fake marriage, fake husband, and maybe (or not) a fake sex life.

It's a paparazzi free-for-all, and Georgie's non-supporting cast doesn't help. There's Bram's punk-nightmare housekeeper; Georgie's pushy parent; a suck-up agent; an icy studio head; and her ex-husband's new wife, an international do-gooder who just might win the stupid Nobel Peace Prize!

As for Georgie's leading man... Bram, with his angel blue eyes and twisted black heart, has never cared about anyone but himself. Still, he's giving the performance of his life as man in love—thanks to the half a million dollars she's paying him. It was official. She'd married the devil. Or had she?

Two enemies find themselves working without a script in a town where the spotlight shines bright...and where the strongest emotions can wear startling disguises.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: margarita от Ноябрь 09, 2008, 13:56:16
оооо хочеццццца!!!!!! :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: margarita от Ноябрь 11, 2008, 03:02:11
о ла ла :) новости от элоизы джемс и целый кусочек из нового романа, экслюзивно по почте :)
извините, что длинно - не умею убирать "под кат".

 When The Duke Returns
Available November 25th!
Avon - ISBN 0061245577

 Hello everybody!

The new Extra Chapter for Duchess by Night is up on my website! Did you wonder when exactly Jem knew that Harry Cope was really a Harriet? Readers on the Bulletin Board voted for that scene, told from Jem's point-of-view. Here's a fun little tidbit:

Jem waited, restlessly cataloguing all the reasons why he should have known from the beginning that Harry Cope was a dark lecher. No matter how young, his brows shouldn't arch like that. And his eyelashes were absurdly thick for a boy. And his fingers were so delicate that sometimes...

Those eyes were growing wider and wider. "You couldn't –" Harry spat.

Jem blinked. Harry's voice was – was it always that high?

Just follow the link to my Readers' Pages and read the whole chapter! I do hope you enjoy it – I had a great time revisiting Jem and Harriet, two of my very favorite characters.

Another of my favorite characters, Isidore, will have a book of her own in just a few days: When the Duke Returns will be published on November 25! Surely you remember Isidore's husband – the one who took off for exotic parts years ago and married his wife by proxy? But once home, her duke takes one look at his wife and proposes an annulment. A furious Isidore decides to seduce Simeon, forcing him to keep her as wife. But she faces a little problem when it turns out that the duke is a virgin!

Simeon is such a great hero -- a fierce powerful man who has fought off alligators and desert tribesmen. The embroidered coats and debauched ways of the Georgian gentleman don't suit him. For one thing, he believes that a man should never succumb to a base emotion, like lust. Never.

This may be one battle that he loses...

Harper Collins is offering a truly wonderful glimpse into When the Duke Returns – the whole first seven chapters! Do jump over there and fall in love with my tempestuous, passionate couple.

And since Harper Collins generously gave you the first seven chapters, I wanted to give readers of my newsletter to have a special treat. So, just for you, I'm posting here (below) a peek at the end of the book!

Over the years, I've fallen in the habit of ending these emails with a snippet about my children. Well, I'm a great believer in genetic control of everything from hair color to hysteria. For example, last week my nine-year-old daughter came into my study after school and threw herself into a chair, mouth down and eyes miserable.

"What's the matter, honey?" I asked.

She picked up a red plastic circle that must have fallen off a toy. "Do you see this?" she demanded.

I admitted that I did see it. "This is my heart!" she announced. And then she snapped it in two. "Broken in half!" There was a pause while I tried desperately not to giggle. "He smiled at Noelle today," she added with tragic emphasis, "and then I knew he was lost to me."

Life is so tough. Especially if you happen to have the kind of dramatic imagination that can a) believe than a nine-year-old boy cares about any girl, and b) express itself in the sort of language that might well result in a career as a novelist!

I'll be writing you back soon, as I'll send out another newsletter after When the Duke Returns pubs. Until then, I hope you and everyone else in your family is healthy, happy, and heart-whole.


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The Peregrine
Yacht to His Royal Highness, George III
March 26th, 1784

Isidore knew it was a silent, defiant gesture. Her solicitor assured her that the king himself intended to speak to her that very evening about the dissolution of her marriage; she chose to wear the dress in which she first met her husband. She had a strong feeling that the majority of men on the royal yacht would not react to her presence by querying whether her taste ran to the unorthodox.

"Lord," Jemma said, coming up behind her. "You look astonishing, Isidore."

"It's something of a debutante ball for me," Isidore said, smiling at her in the mirror. "I intend to impress all available men with my attributes."

"No debutante could wear that gown," Jemma said, "given your meager bodice and less-than-meager curves. The design is so beautiful: I love the way the blue watered silk underneath the silver. Gorgeous! Especially with the diamonds sewn all over it... You look like a fairy."

"I think of fairies as small green creatures with transparent wings," Isidore said dubiously.

"A fairy queen," Jemma amended. "One look at you and mortals lose their wits, forever wandering in the depths of the forest."

"You are rather odd, Jemma, do you know that?"

"I accept that about myself. And I'm not the one with diamonds pasted everywhere from her bottom to her shoes."

"I just want to make it clear to everyone that I'm – it is ridiculous, isn't it?"

"Everyone knows how much you're worth, darling," Jemma said soothingly. "I like the glittering look. It's a public service. You'll reflect the candlelight so no one falls overboard. You know, last time the king had a gathering on his yacht, Lord Piddle tripped over his own feet and somersaulted into the water."

"Did he come back up again?"

"Naturally," Jemma said. "He floated like a cork."

"If I fell overboard," Isidore said, "I would sink like a stone. These stones are quite small but put together, they're quite heavy."

"I suggest you sit in a throne to receive the admiring hoards."

Isidore bit her lip.

"Villiers went to fetch him," Jemma said, guessing exactly what she was thinking.

"What if Villiers can't convince him?" Isidore said, fear welling up in her heart. "What if Simeon is happy without me, and has decided I'm just too much trouble?"

"Then we'll auction your dress in the marketplace and you can buy yourself a new husband."

By ten in the evening, Isidore was beginning to accept that even the Duke of Villiers couldn't work miracles. King George III had come and gone, giving him her assurances that the bill for divorce her solicitor had submitted would be approved speedily. It should have warmed Isidore's heart to realize that even a happily married monarch found her bosom appealing, but it didn't.

Why didn't he come? She stood up listlessly and put her hand into the hand of some gentleman. She couldn't even remember his name. There had been so many suitors that she'd taken to describing them to Jemma by their clothes. This one wore a turquoise coat with green buttons. Not a good combination. She managed to find a smile for him.

The fête had almost drawn to a close when there was a sudden thump and the entire yacht bounded in the water, as if a giant's hand had thrown it in the air an inch or two.

"Peculiar," her partner remarked. "I wonder what that was about. I suppose we could go look at the water." The musicians produced one screeching discord, and then settled back into the measure.

Isidore shrugged and accepted the Turquoise Coat's arm. Some people continued to dance but most drifted toward the doors that opened onto the deck. She could hear a few shouts from outside. Jemma appeared at her shoulder, her eyes sparkling. "I think another boat has hit us," she cried, over the noise. "I'm looking for Beaumont!" And she was gone.

Isidore just kept walking with the Turquoise Coat, because really, what else was there to do? He had started a running complaint. Drunken river boat captains presented a hazard to everyone on the river... Isidore had a head ache, and it wasn't getting any better listening to prognostications about the righteous punishment that would be meted out to the drunk captain who struck the king's own yacht.

"If you'll forgive me, my lord," she said, "I must retire to the lady's salon for a moment."

"I doubt if that is entirely safe," the Turquoise Coat said. "What if the boat has suffered some damage? We should make our way outside."

"If the boat were damaged, we would be listing," she pointed out.

"I do hear some shouting and such."

Isidore slipped her hand out of his arm. "It has been a pleasure, my lord."

He said something, and she turned about. "Excuse me?"

"I'm not a lord," he said, looking distinctly put upon.

She turned away without answering, which made her feel guilty all the way back across the now empty ballroom floor. The boat was still rocking slightly. Her guess would be that it had burst free of its moorings and was drifting in the Thames. Which meant that it would strike one or the other bank in a matter of five minutes. Hardly anything to worry about.

The only problem with her diamond-encrusted shoes was the heels. She teetered across the polished floor and finally made her way into the ladies' salon.

The maids had all deserted their posts, naturally. She sat down on a fainting couch and stared at the opposite wall.

She loved him, and she'd lost him. She'd lost him by being a preemptory dragon. "Arrogant," she muttered to herself. "Fool." She'd dropped her handkerchief somewhere so she ended up pulling up her jewel-encrusted skirts and wiping her eyes on her chemise.

"Lost your way?"

She hadn't heard the door open. She hadn't heard any footsteps, or sensed eyes watching her. She hadn't planned anything to say, which was almost the worst of it.

He looked like any other duke of the realm, dressed in a gorgeous coat of satin, embroidered with pomegranates.

"That's not your coat," she said.

"It belongs to Villiers." He didn't take his eyes of her.

"You look like a duke," she said, sniffing a little.

Being Simeon, he didn't bother with flummery about clothing. "You are free to choose a husband, or so they tell me," he stated.

She swallowed. Her heart was beating so fast that she could hear it in her ears. "Yes."

"I could offer myself as part of the hoard that Villiers assures me are sniffing about you."

A tiny tendril of hope sprang up in her heart.

"You could," she said, nodding. "You're wearing breeches. I'm sure that was one of my requirements."

"And powder," he said, "for meeting royalty. But –"

"But?" she whispered.

"I'm not offering myself."

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Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: margarita от Ноябрь 26, 2008, 15:21:02
и снова новости от элоизы джеймс:
Hi everyone!

I’m so happy to report that When the Duke Returns is waiting for you in stores!  As you can tell from the title, Isidore’s husband Simeon finally returns from his travels to meet the wife he married by proxy.  Since the proxy marriage took place years ago, Isidore is tired of being half-married, tired of being a virgin, and tired of being alone.  The novel combines two of my favorite plots: a marriage in which the spouses are strangers, and a male virgin.  Because that’s Simeon’s situation (at least when the novel opens!)

The story of how Simeon and Isidore come to know each other – in all senses of that word – turned into one of my funniest, sexiest, and most poignant novels.  The world is going through a difficult time at the moment:  my sincere advice is that you ignore the bad news and curl up with Isidore, her diamond-covered dress, and the alpha explorer husband whom she’s never met.

Simeon defines the stubborn male – so I wrote a Barnes & Noble column on that very subject.  Please come by this coming Monday, read the column, and then hop to the Romantic Reads book club to chat about your favorite stubborn hero (real life spouses are eligible!).  My column goes up the first Monday of every month, so anytime you’re looking for some great new reads, please check it out.

After you read When the Duke Returns, please don’t forget to visit the Bulletin Board to vote for the chapter you wish I’d included.  We’ll keep the vote up for a month, and I’ll let you know when I post the winning chapter in the Readers' Pages.  Talking of my website, please stop by and enjoy the gorgeous new design in those pages!   The “extra” chapter from Duchess by Night is waiting for you, if you haven’t seen it, as well as a link to a new article on male costume (linkable from the main Readers' page -- you may have to refresh a few times to see the gorgeous fabric image on the right side), and a load of other goodies.

If you have a moment in the next few days, please join me as I race around the web during a blog tour, not to mention appearing on Romance Radio and RomanceNovel TV.  Stop by, say hi, tell me what you think or ask a question.  Both RN TV and Avon will be running little videos of me.  And there are free books given away at every stop, so give yourself a present and leave a comment so you win a signed book!

We all need a dash of romance and a laugh during these tough economic times.  The other day I was driving the children back from school, and my daughter was excitedly telling me about a new project in her class:  the school has paired each third grader with a kindergarten buddy. “My buddy is love with a boy called Martin,” my daughter told me excitedly.  “They’re going to get married and they already know where they’re going on their honeymoon.  Far, far away.  Paris…or Long Island!”

I hope that this holiday season brings you much love, terrific presents, and (for those of you who aren’t right next door to Long Island the way we are), an exotic trip to Paris with a dark-eyed charmer.


как там у нас в пиринге, не пахнет еще изадориной историей? :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: alenakara от Ноябрь 26, 2008, 16:04:37
На выходных еще не было.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: jeni от Ноябрь 28, 2008, 12:33:50
Летом 2009 г. выйдет новая книга Линды Ховард "Burn". :banana:

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Serenis от Ноябрь 28, 2008, 12:46:39
у Джоанны Линдсей летом 2009 тоже выйдет новая книга A Rogue of My Own, о чем/ком книга не знаю...

Об этом уже написано выше.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: alenakara от Ноябрь 29, 2008, 13:17:41
Новости от Элоизы Джеймс:
This Duchess of Mine
May 26, 2009

A Duke of Her Own
July, 2009

"I am very happy to announce that Jemma’s book, This Duchess of Mine, will be published in June – to be followed directly by Villiers’s novel, A Duke of Her Own in July! I’ll put up new sneak peeks every month, so be sure to check back frequently. The cover will be coming soon – and it’s utterly gorgeous, as befits Jemma’s story!

The First Paragraphs of
This Duchess of Mine:

No one dressed to please a husband. At least, not in the Duchess of Beaumont’s circle of acquaintances. One dressed – to be frank – to dazzle and amaze one’s female friends. Or, if one were so inclined, to invite a seduction…to engage in an affaire.

Husbands were just there, like coals in Newcastle and pigs in the sty."

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: margarita от Ноябрь 29, 2008, 14:00:46
OMG!!!  Наконец-то!!! УРРРРРРРРРА : )))))))

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: jeni от Декабрь 03, 2008, 15:40:44
В июне 2009 выйдет шестая книга Квик/Кренц в серии "Arcane Society" про Калеба Джонса "The Perfect Poison":

Victorian London holds many secrets. But none are so closely guarded as those of the shadowy Arcane Society. In her suspenseful new novel, New York Times bestselling author Amanda Quick delves into this underworld of passion, greed, and powers that lie beyond this realm...

Plagued by rumors that she poisoned her fiance, Lucinda Bromley manages to live on the fringes of polite society, tending her beloved plants-and occasionally consulting on a murder investigation. For the notorious botanist possesses a unique talent: she can detect almost any type of poison, especially ones that have their origins in the botanical kingdom.

But the death of a lord has shaken Lucinda to her core. At the murder scene, she picks up traces of a poison containing a very rare species of fern. So rare, in fact, that only one specimen exists in all of England-and it was stolen from her conservatory just last month.

To keep her name out of the investigation and to find the murderer, Lucinda hires a fellow Arcane Society member. Caleb Jones runs a psychical investigation agency. A descendant of the founder of the Society, he is very good at protecting its secrets-and frighteningly good getting at the truth. Immediately, Lucinda senses both a raw power and undeniable intensity in the imposing man.

But as a nearly overwhelming desire blooms between Caleb and Lucinda, they are drawn into the dark heart of a deadly conspiracy that can be traced to the early days of the Arcane Society-and to a legacy of madness that could plunge Caleb into the depths of his own tortured soul...


Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Полина от Декабрь 03, 2008, 20:35:38
Февраль 2009


Декабрь 2008


Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Полина от Декабрь 09, 2008, 16:10:44
Февраль-март 2009

(http://s45.radikal.ru/i108/0812/0e/49b99e88da1bt.jpg) (http://radikal.ru/F/s45.radikal.ru/i108/0812/0e/49b99e88da1b.jpg.html)
(http://s59.radikal.ru/i166/0812/67/94f8b130608ct.jpg) (http://radikal.ru/F/s59.radikal.ru/i166/0812/67/94f8b130608c.jpg.html)
(The first book in the Huxtable Quintet series)

(http://s53.radikal.ru/i140/0812/d4/adb23dcf9156t.jpg) (http://radikal.ru/F/s53.radikal.ru/i140/0812/d4/adb23dcf9156.jpg.html)(http://s52.radikal.ru/i137/0812/59/e3c587b29674t.jpg) (http://radikal.ru/F/s52.radikal.ru/i137/0812/59/e3c587b29674.jpg.html)(http://s42.radikal.ru/i098/0812/8f/839370c9e36at.jpg) (http://radikal.ru/F/s42.radikal.ru/i098/0812/8f/839370c9e36a.jpg.html)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: margarita от Декабрь 09, 2008, 16:13:54
оооооо бэлоу!!!! жду не дождусь!!!

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: jeni от Декабрь 10, 2008, 00:28:50
Февраль-март 2009

(http://s45.radikal.ru/i108/0812/0e/49b99e88da1bt.jpg) (http://radikal.ru/F/s45.radikal.ru/i108/0812/0e/49b99e88da1b.jpg.html)
Эту книжку уже жду с нетерпением!Люк /грек американского происхождения/ был таким очаровашкой в предыдущей книге... Будет интересно какой из него гл.герой получится.

А в августе выйдет книга "I Can See You" про Эви Вильсон,обезображенную девушку из первой книги "DON'T TELL":


Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительни&#
Отправлено: margarita от Декабрь 11, 2008, 19:20:40
десятка лучших лр года от амазон

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: svetico от Декабрь 12, 2008, 14:57:10
десятка лучших лр года от амазон

Ну не знаю... Обратите внимание, что там две книги со средней оценкой читателей ниже четверки. "Mr. Cavendish, I Presume" вообще ниже тройки.
Интересно, по какому принципу они отбирали?
Для примера проверила несколько известных мне книг:
The Mage's Daughter by Lynn Kurland (5*) (fantasy romance)
First You Run  by Roxanne St. Claire (5*) (romantic suspense)
Now You Die by Roxanne St. Claire (5*) (romantic suspense)

Так что здесь точно мнение читателей не учитывалось.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Полина от Декабрь 12, 2008, 16:06:51
Так как это интернет-магазин, то наверное имеется ввиду объём продаж.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: svetico от Декабрь 12, 2008, 16:25:10
Так как это интернет-магазин, то наверное имеется ввиду объём продаж.

Тогда обычно пишут Bestsellers  ;D

Кстати, я сразу не заметила что сначала попала на "Editors' Picks" - тут точно объем продаж не должен влиять.
А вот с "Customer Favorites" - там, действительно, явно влияют продажи. Только ведь ясно что продажи - часто результат хорошей рекламы. Или раскрученного имени автора. А потом люди покупают и плюются. Иначе как объяснить наличие здесь очередной Аниты Блейк, которой 128 человек поставили единицу (почти половина всех отзывов)! Да кто же после такого поверит этому списку.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительни&#
Отправлено: margarita от Декабрь 13, 2008, 00:26:15
согласна, какой-то странный список. меня поразила вездесущая ward!

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Полина от Декабрь 14, 2008, 21:41:43
Итак, продолжаем..

Январь 2009
(http://s55.radikal.ru/i148/0812/21/6dc8b0a152det.jpg) (http://radikal.ru/F/s55.radikal.ru/i148/0812/21/6dc8b0a152de.jpg.html)

Апрель 2009
(http://s59.radikal.ru/i165/0812/d4/93441e7bfb37t.jpg) (http://radikal.ru/F/s59.radikal.ru/i165/0812/d4/93441e7bfb37.jpg.html)

Февраль 2009
(http://s52.radikal.ru/i138/0812/e5/7a6ec3ff2371t.jpg) (http://radikal.ru/F/s52.radikal.ru/i138/0812/e5/7a6ec3ff2371.jpg.html)

Март 2009  the Huxtable Quintet series
(http://s47.radikal.ru/i116/0812/15/d57dad0dce13t.jpg) (http://radikal.ru/F/s47.radikal.ru/i116/0812/15/d57dad0dce13.jpg.html)

Май 2009
(http://s52.radikal.ru/i137/0812/6b/6ef646728e4dt.jpg) (http://radikal.ru/F/s52.radikal.ru/i137/0812/6b/6ef646728e4d.jpg.html)

Апрель 2009
(http://s58.radikal.ru/i159/0812/4c/8854fd9b17e8t.jpg) (http://radikal.ru/F/s58.radikal.ru/i159/0812/4c/8854fd9b17e8.jpg.html)

Июнь 2009

Julia Quinn   What Happens in London

Март 2009
 (http://i013.radikal.ru/0812/59/89358acadb0bt.jpg) (http://radikal.ru/F/i013.radikal.ru/0812/59/89358acadb0b.jpg.html) Как вы понимаете Кинстеры плодятся и размножаются. ;D
Все, :rabbit: можно падать в обморок!

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: jeni от Декабрь 15, 2008, 00:02:13
Аннотация к новой книге Норы Робертс "Black Hills",2009:

Lil Chance fell in love with Cooper Sullivan pretty much the first time she saw him, an awkward teenager staying with his grandparents on their cattle ranch in Montana while his parents went through a messy divorce. They spent every summer together, treking in the Black Hills, tracking cougar and falling in love. Then Cooper broke her heart and moved back to New York City. Ten years later and Cooper has given up his job in the police force to run the ranch after his grandfather is injured in a fall. Lil has stayed true to her love of cougars and of the Black Hills and opened an animal sanctuary. She has been targeted by animal rights campaigners in the past but this time someone seems intent on murder. As hikers are killed, animals mutiliated and a family member goes missing, Lil knows that she has no choice but to turn to Cooper for help in her fight for survival ...

На сердце полегчало - героиня не коп... А сюжет немножко напоминает книгу "Дочь великого грешника".С надеждой буду ждать...

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительни&#
Отправлено: margarita от Декабрь 15, 2008, 01:42:08
ооо, какой год  : ) )
я вот только про бэлоу не поняла: названия then и at last предполагают, что была книжка с названием, начинающимся словом first?
если да, то как я ее пропустила ? ? ?
упд: точно, должна быть в марте еще first comes marriage.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: ZaVal от Декабрь 15, 2008, 08:40:15
Все, :rabbit: можно падать в обморок!

Вот это новости  :o!!! Четыре книги Бэлоу за 4 месяца! И это кроме всего остального.
Полина, уговорила  :aaah:

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Tessa от Декабрь 15, 2008, 18:57:23
Девочки, а Бэлоу где-нибудь писала, о чем новая серия? А то я на ее сайте не нашла информации. А вообще я очень рада, что Бэлоу стока написала, правда что-то ее совсем медленно переводят((

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Zhabka от Декабрь 15, 2008, 19:13:15
На самом деле ее много переводят по сравнению с другими авторами :(

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: margarita от Декабрь 15, 2008, 19:19:51
про трех сестер, а вот про ангела о чем книжка -не нашла инфы. на амазоне есть анонсы содержания трилогии о хакстонах.  или тетралогии, но о содержании четвертого пока неизвестно.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: jeni от Декабрь 15, 2008, 19:27:42
Вот анотация к 4 книге Бэлоу "Seducing an Angel" из серии "Huxtable":
Banished, destitute, and labeled a murderess, Cassandra, Lady Paget arrives in Regency London determined to overcome the reputation that has preceded her, and to find a wealthy gentleman who can restore her to the extravagant life to which she"s grown accustomed. She sets her sights on Stephen, Earl of Merton - an angelic-looking man of means who surely cannot resist her. Intrigued by Cassandra"s charms, Stephen agrees to make her his mistress. But despite his cherubic looks and mild disposition, Stephen is no angel, and Cassandra soon realizes that there is a price to be paid for trying to tempt one.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Tessa от Декабрь 15, 2008, 20:38:16
Девочки спасибо. Хм, а мне не нравится аннотация :(

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Полина от Декабрь 15, 2008, 21:30:14
Аннотация к новой книге Норы Робертс "Black Hills",2009:

На сердце полегчало - героиня не коп... А сюжет немножко напоминает книгу "Дочь великого грешника".С надеждой буду ждать...

Зато герой бывший коп :D

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: jeni от Декабрь 15, 2008, 21:48:01
Аннотация к новой книге Норы Робертс "Black Hills",2009:

На сердце полегчало - героиня не коп... А сюжет немножко напоминает книгу "Дочь великого грешника".С надеждой буду ждать...

Зато герой бывший коп :D
Ага,но для меня это предпочтительнее.  ;D

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Росинка от Декабрь 16, 2008, 10:40:14
В июне 2009 выйдет шестая книга Квик/Кренц в серии "Arcane Society" про Калеба Джонса "The Perfect Poison":

Victorian London holds many secrets. But none are so closely guarded as those of the shadowy Arcane Society. In her suspenseful new novel, New York Times bestselling author Amanda Quick delves into this underworld of passion, greed, and powers that lie beyond this realm...

Plagued by rumors that she poisoned her fiance, Lucinda Bromley manages to live on the fringes of polite society, tending her beloved plants-and occasionally consulting on a murder investigation. For the notorious botanist possesses a unique talent: she can detect almost any type of poison, especially ones that have their origins in the botanical kingdom.

But the death of a lord has shaken Lucinda to her core. At the murder scene, she picks up traces of a poison containing a very rare species of fern. So rare, in fact, that only one specimen exists in all of England-and it was stolen from her conservatory just last month.

To keep her name out of the investigation and to find the murderer, Lucinda hires a fellow Arcane Society member. Caleb Jones runs a psychical investigation agency. A descendant of the founder of the Society, he is very good at protecting its secrets-and frighteningly good getting at the truth. Immediately, Lucinda senses both a raw power and undeniable intensity in the imposing man.

But as a nearly overwhelming desire blooms between Caleb and Lucinda, they are drawn into the dark heart of a deadly conspiracy that can be traced to the early days of the Arcane Society-and to a legacy of madness that could plunge Caleb into the depths of his own tortured soul...

Ну вот - там уже шестая книга в серии выходит, а у нас еще даже третью не перевели!  :'( И 4 новенькие Бэлоу - когда-то мы их увидим. В общем, сплошное расстройство.  :-\

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Lea от Декабрь 16, 2008, 16:22:25
Ну вот - там уже шестая книга в серии выходит, а у нас еще даже третью не перевели!   И 4 новенькие Бэлоу - когда-то мы их увидим. В общем, сплошное расстройство. 

А какие первые две уже перевели?

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: jeni от Декабрь 16, 2008, 16:42:35
Ну вот - там уже шестая книга в серии выходит, а у нас еще даже третью не перевели!   И 4 новенькие Бэлоу - когда-то мы их увидим. В общем, сплошное расстройство. 

А какие первые две уже перевели?
Переведена только первая книга "Другой взгляд" Аманды Квик.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Lea от Декабрь 16, 2008, 18:16:07
Спасибо! :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Gertruda от Декабрь 22, 2008, 12:13:18
Я просто обожаааю Налини Сингх, так что счастье мое не знает пределов  :happy: :happy: :happy: :yes:
Целых три книги и еще рассказы! Теперь дождатся бы...

Posted by: "Nalini Singh"
Fri Dec 19, 2008 1:04 pm (PST)
Welcome to the December newsletter! I have some fantastic news to close off
the year.

First of all, I know many of you were disappointed not to be getting two
Psy/Changeling novels in 2009, so I'm delighted to share that my release
dates have now been changed.

BRANDED BY FIRE will still release in July, but you'll then get BLAZE OF
MEMORY only a few months later in November!

And the good news continues - I'm writing a special novella set in the Guild
Hunter universe. ANGELS' PAWN will be an electronic release and will come
out a little before ANGELS' BLOOD. More info next year!

Plus, as a small Christmas present from me to you, I'll be uploading two
short snippets from the Psy/Changeling universe onto the
website<http://www.nalinisi ngh.com>with the December updates. Those
updates should be live within the next
couple of days.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: jeni от Январь 06, 2009, 22:37:24
В конце июня 2009 г. выйдет книга Ширли Басби "Surrender Becomes Her" про Маркуса:
Marcus Sherbrook has a reputation as the perfect gentleman. Or almost perfect, as
there is one significant smirch on his record: the rebellion of one Miss Isabel Dunham
who, at the age of seventeen, defied Marcus’s guardianship, eloped, and fled to India. The
widowed Isabel returned to England ten years ago, and has been making Marcus’ cool
gray eyes flash ever since...not that he’d give her the satisfaction of knowing it.
But when Isabel is threatened by the schemes of a blackmailer, Marcus’ actions to protect
her lead to yet another spontaneous marriage—and kindle the embers of a desire that’s now
impossible to deny.

В июле 2009 г. выйдет 8 книга про Бастиона Стефани Лоуренс "Mastered by Love"  про Дэлзиела.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Henrietta от Январь 06, 2009, 22:40:43
В июле 2009 г. выйдет 8 книга про Бастиона Стефани Лоуренс "Mastered by Love"  про Дэлзиела.
Вот это новость!  :bfinger:

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Полина от Январь 09, 2009, 18:28:02
Апрель 2009

Confessions of a Little Black Gown by Elizabeth Boyle
Lavender Morning by Jude Deveraux
 A Husband's Wicked Ways by Jane Feather
A Duke to Die For by Amelia Grey
Lord Of Legends by Susan Krinard
Mischief 24/7 by Kasey Michaels
The Warrior by Sharon Sala
Pursuit by Karen Robards

Май 2009

The Virgin's Secret by Victoria Alexander
 Always a Scoundrel by Suzanne Enoch
 Burning Wild by Christine Feehan
To Beguile A Beast by Elizabeth Hoyt
Whispered Lies by Sherrilyn Kenyon
Highland Scandal by Julia London
  Death's Door by Meryl Sawyer
 Lover Avenged by J. R. Ward
The Angel and the Highlander by Donna Fletcher
 Tails of Love by Lori Foster

Июнь 2009

The Scot and I by Elizabeth Thornton

Вот такое вот ассорти! :D

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Zhabka от Январь 09, 2009, 19:19:26
Ассорти зашибенное!! Ну почему наши издатели не переводят Кринард и J. R. Ward.
Издателям нужно на сайты любовного романа засылать разведчиков, которые будут говорить им, что хотят читать.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Jolie от Январь 15, 2009, 22:56:34
В конце июня 2009 г. выйдет книга Ширли Басби "Surrender Becomes Her" про Маркуса:
Marcus Sherbrook has a reputation as the perfect gentleman. Or almost perfect, as
there is one significant smirch on his record: the rebellion of one Miss Isabel Dunham
who, at the age of seventeen, defied Marcus’s guardianship, eloped, and fled to India. The
widowed Isabel returned to England ten years ago, and has been making Marcus’ cool
gray eyes flash ever since...not that he’d give her the satisfaction of knowing it.
But when Isabel is threatened by the schemes of a blackmailer, Marcus’ actions to protect
her lead to yet another spontaneous marriage—and kindle the embers of a desire that’s now
impossible to deny.

Ура!Ура! Поскорее бы июль уже настал! ХАЧУ книгу!!!!!))))))))

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: jeni от Январь 26, 2009, 20:39:55
Аннотация к новой книге Джоанны Линдсей "A Rogue of My Own":
Lady Rebecca Marshall fulfills her mother’s fondest wish when she becomes a maid of honor at the court of Queen Victoria. Having been disappointed two years ago when the Duke of Norford’s heir Raphael Locke married another woman, Rebecca’s mother sees this court appointment as a golden opportunity for Rebecca. At court, Rebecca meets the charming marquis Rupert St. John, whom Rebecca knows as the devastatingly handsome n’er-do-well cousin of Raphael Locke, the man she was once infatuated with. What Rebecca doesn’t know is that Rupert is a secret agent of the crown who leads a double life.
Rebecca strikes up a lively flirtation with Rupert, but when Rupert realizes she’s spying on him he seduces her. He hardly suspects that she’s an innocent and he’s horrified when she reveals she is pregnant! Forced to the altar by their families, Rupert believes that Rebecca has set a trap of the worst sort in order to marry into the powerful Locke family. And her vows that theirs will not simply be a marriage in name only; he plans to enjoy many passionate nights with his beautiful, scheming wife.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: jeni от Январь 27, 2009, 23:58:19
Аннотация к новой книге Линды Ховард "Burn":

When Jenner books herself a 10-day cruise to escape her hectic life of investing, little does she expect that her life is suddenly about to get a lot more dramatic. For on the cruise ship is a man that's determined to make trouble and before she knows it, Jenner is caught up in his web. However, also onboard is the handsome and enigmatic Cael. When destiny throws him and Jenner together, sparks fly. Cael will do everything in his power to help this woman who he can't resist being drawn to ...even if it means putting his own life on the line.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: jeni от Январь 28, 2009, 00:25:58
Следующая книга Сьюзен Элизабет Филлипс будет про Теда из серии "Игроки в гольф" и Люси из "Первой леди".

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Serenis от Январь 28, 2009, 00:32:51

Жени, а где ты об этом прочитала?

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: jeni от Январь 28, 2009, 09:35:44
Лена,на своем сайте Филлипс об этом пишет:
For those of you who don't know, Ted appears in both FANCY PANTS and LADY BE GOOD.— You've been BEGGING for his story for years, but I haven't been ready to write it...until now.— I got my first glimmer of his future after I finished FIRST LADY and realized that Lucy, one of my favorite characters, was the only girl on the planet I considered good enough for my Ted.— Recently, however, things have gotten more complicated...— I think I'm finally ready to write this book.— Stay tuned.

Потверждение здесь:

А также об этом прочитала на одном испанском сайте,но ссылку не помню.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Serenis от Январь 28, 2009, 10:08:36
Жени, спасибо!

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: jeni от Февраль 10, 2009, 00:16:43
Аннотация к новой книге Джулии Куин "What Happens in London" продолжение книги "The Secret Diaries of Miss Miranda Cheever":

Olivia Bevelstroke, the only daughter of the Earl of Rudland, is beautiful and has a sizeable dowry. Yet at the age of twenty-one she is still unmarried, causing people to whisper behind her back, 'What is she waiting for? A prince?' But Olivia isn't cold or stuck up, and neither is she a hopeless romantic. She's just waiting for something - or someone. Sir Harry Valentine, a war veteran, is now back in London working in secret for the War Office and keeping an eye on his wayward younger brother. Rumour has it that he killed his fiancee, which intrigues Olivia. She thinks her new next-door neighbour looks the part, and even if he isn't a murderer, he's certainly up to something. Then a real-live Russian prince comes to town, sparking intrigue. He has his eye on Olivia, but so does Harry, who's been ordered to spy on the prince - and thus by extension, Olivia. But will what he finds out about her bring her closer to his heart?

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Полина от Февраль 18, 2009, 19:15:52
В 2009 и в 2010 году выйдет тетралогия Норы Робертс про четверых подругах занимающихся свадебным бизнесом.Первая называется "Vision in White".Вот аннотация:
"Childhood friends Mackensie, Parker, Laurel and Emmeline have formed a very successful wedding planning business together but, despite helping thousands of happy couples to organise the biggest day of their lives, all four women are unlucky in love. Photographer Mackensie Elliott has suffered a tough childhood and has a bad relationship with her mother, which makes her wary of commitment. But when she meets Carter Macguire, she can't stop herself falling for him, although his ex girlfriend is prepared to play dirty to keep him. Mackensie soon realises she has to put her past demons to rest in order to find lasting love..."
Вторая называется "Bed Of Roses",третья пока без названия,а четвертая "Happy Ever After".

А вот и обложечка


Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: ольга от Февраль 21, 2009, 16:33:09

А вот и обложечка



  :clap:  КЛАСС!
 :( Ну почему у нас не выпускают книг с такими обложками?

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: jeni от Февраль 22, 2009, 11:13:01
В сентябре 2009 г. выйдет книга Лиз Карлайл "Wicked All Day".Она связана с книгой "Tempted All Night".

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Полина от Февраль 23, 2009, 20:11:14
У Квик обложку поменяли.


Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: jeni от Февраль 23, 2009, 20:18:54
Полина,это английская обложка.Хотя по мне она более точно отражает суть сюжета.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Полина от Февраль 23, 2009, 20:24:21
Апрель 2009


Emily Hudson is an archeologist who travels the world in search of priceless artifacts from war-torn countries and other hot spots.Her best friend and partner, Joel Levy, is always at her side - until one day, her entire crew is massacred and Joel and Emily are held captive. Victims of one of the most ruthless and evil human beings on earth. For two weeks they try to survive, until Emily is the unwitting instrument in Joel's demise.

John Garrett has worked for the CIA, MI6, and whoever else needed his services. Now, the CIA comes calling with a desperate mission for him: save Emily Hudson. But their may be more to this job than they let him know. And soon, his connection to Emily has him questioning everything he thought to be true. Emily has vengeance on her mind. Will Garrett aid her in getting revenge? Can Emily help him get to the truth behind a bigger conspiracy? Or will they both die trying.

With lightning-fast pacing, plot twists and shocking betrayals, Iris Johansen is at the top of her game in this latest thriller.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: jeni от Март 02, 2009, 23:59:04
В августе выйдет новая книга Сандры Браун "Smash Cut":
Death imitating art: When a prominent Atlanta businessman is shot and killed during an armed robbery, it appears to be a situation of wrong place, wrong time. But his friend Julie Rutledge believes differently and sets out to prove that it was murder, orchestrated by the victim's nephew, Creighton Wheeler. Representing him is famed defense lawyer Derek Mitchell, who soon realizes that his client is as depraved as Julie claims, that Creighton doesn't just enjoy movies, he reenacts them - and that he's made Julie and Derek his unwilling co-stars.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Henrietta от Март 03, 2009, 00:00:22
 :'( :'( :'(

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Ксю от Март 03, 2009, 10:10:31
Генечка, а чего мы плакаем? ;D

Смерть, имитирующая искусство: Когда известный бизнесмен из Атланты был застрелен во время вооруженного ограбления, казалось, что он просто оказался не в том месте и не в то время. Но его подруга Джулия Ратледж убеждена в обратном и решает доказать, что это было убийство, организаванное племянником жертвы Крейтоном Уилером. Его интересы представляет известный адвокат Дерек Митчелл, который вскоре понимает, что его клиент действительно такой испорченный, как утверждает Джулия, что Крейтон не просто любит кинонофильмы, а повторяет их, и что он сделал Джулию и Дерека своими невольными актерами.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Zhabka от Март 03, 2009, 21:49:46
Ксюшенька, а плакаем потому, что на русском почитать хочется... Надежда на то, что Браун из тех авторов, что у нас переводят.
Я не то чтобы против английского что-то имею, но удовольствие от чтения получаю все же читая на русском. Хотя есть в английском иногда то, что не передается...

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Henrietta от Март 03, 2009, 21:51:53
Да, надежда-то надежда, но последние книги Браун так и не перевели...  :-[

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Полина от Март 13, 2009, 11:12:39
Сейчас буду закидывать обложками новых книг.


He had never intended to marry, but at the age of seventeen Christian Hill impulsively defended a maid's honor only to be blamed for defaming it, and was coerced into marrying Dorcas Froggatt. But then he left to pursue his military career, putting the surreal event out of his mind. Until someone begins making inquiries about a man named Christopher Hill - the alias he used when he wed Dorcas years before... (Апрель 2009)


At the end of the last book, "Confessions Of a Little Black Gown", Pippin made a heart-wrenching decision: In order to save Captain Dashwell's life, she agreed to marry Viscount Gossett. Twenty years later, a young American sailor passes her and stops her entire world. The man is the spitting image of Dash, and is in fact, Dash's son, Nate. Pippin, now a widow, decides to right the mistake she made all those years ago - she wants to see Dash and discover if the love she's carried in heart for all these years is nothing more than a fiction or if it is possible to find it a second time around.In disguise, she books passage on Dash's ship, and after three days at sea, reveals herself. When Dash sees Pippin on the deck of his ship wearing a red gown, he swears she's still as breathtakingly beautiful as she was the first time he saw her, but at the same time, he's furious over the years they've lost. But he can't simply return her to England, for she left a note that claims Dash has kidnapped her for a huge ransom. Can he make it across the Atlantic before the British Navy catches up with him, or worse yet, before Pippin claims his heart again? (Май 2009)


Июнь 2009


Always a Scoundrel
(The third book in the Notorious Gentlemen series)
Lord Bramwell Johns is a wastrel, a rake, a scoundrel...and proud of it. The second son of the Duke of Levonzy, Bram is bored enough and reckless enough to break into the homes of his peers just for the excitement. But then he overhears a couple arranging the marriage of their daughter to an even more notorious rake than Bram...Lady Rosamund likes to think of herself as practical. If she has to marry, a titled rake is better than a penniless gentleman. But what about an untitled rake? For suddenly Brams appears everywhere she is, and doing his best to sweep her off her feet. If Rose isn't careful, she may believe that reformed rakes really do make the best husbands... (Май 2009)


Don't Bargain with the Devil
(The fifth book in the School For Heiresses series) Май 2009


Mastered by Love
(The eighth book in the Bastion Club series) Август 2009


When Thalia Langley spies a dark and handsome stranger in the shadows of her brother-in-law's study, she knows in an instant that she's found the dangerous, rakish sort of man she's always dreamt of. But the man she thinks she's seen and the complete stranger who comes into the light are two very different men. Tally suspects there is more to this man than meets the eye, and she has the perfect weapon to help tempt the truth from him: a little black gown she's found in a trunk. Lord Larken, posing as the duke's cousin, is searching for the notorious Captain Dashwell. His deception runs into trouble, however, when the duke's tempting sister-in-law starts to chip away at his reverent disguise and his icy, forgotten heart. Апрель 2009


Lady Maura O'Donnell swore to her father on his deathbed that she'd recover the Circle of Light, an enchanted Celtic relic that had brought the family prosperity - until it was stolen a century earlier by a notorious pirate. Now the pirate's descendant, the Duke of Gleneden, holds this rare treasure, and Maura would give anything to get it back . . .

Alec McBride knows when he's been had. Lady Maura tricked him into marriage with the expertise of a born seductress, and now she'll pay for her treachery. He'll ravish her, tempt her, tame her - until she sorely wishes she'd never heard of the Duke of Gleneden. Caught up in their game of revenge, Alec and Maura never notice what is happening in their hearts - until it's too late.

Their marriage may have been a farce, but there is nothing truer than their desire . . .Март 2009


Even the least sensible woman knew, upon meeting his gaze, that here was a man who was more than he might at first appear, who might steal the heart of even the most resistant woman. But oh, what a lovely theft!

Adventurer Nathanial Harrington would never steal another man's discovery. And he'd never be so dishonorable as to tempt an untouched woman into his bed . . . even one as stunningly beautiful as Gabriella Montini. Yet she intrigues him. What is her secret? Nate would do anything to find out.

Nathanial is an earl's son - but Gabriella knows he's not to be trusted! He's more than just a mere thief of hearts, he's also stolen her brother's good name. Determined to restore his reputation, she'd even masquerade as a destitute orphan and be taken into his family's home. But how can she continue her ruse when she finds herself succumbing to Nathanial's passionate charms?  Май 2009

Кроме того

Don't Tempt Me
A novel by
Loretta Chase  Июль 2009

My Wicked Marquess
A novel by
Gaelen Foley Июль 2009

Loving a Lost Lord
A novel by
Mary Jo Putney Июль 2009

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Jolie от Март 19, 2009, 23:15:56
Лена,на своем сайте Филлипс об этом пишет:
For those of you who don't know, Ted appears in both FANCY PANTS and LADY BE GOOD.— You've been BEGGING for his story for years, but I haven't been ready to write it...until now.— I got my first glimmer of his future after I finished FIRST LADY and realized that Lucy, one of my favorite characters, was the only girl on the planet I considered good enough for my Ted.— Recently, however, things have gotten more complicated...— I think I'm finally ready to write this book.— Stay tuned.

Потверждение здесь:

А также об этом прочитала на одном испанском сайте,но ссылку не помню.

Спасибо за новость! Девочки, если нетрудно, напомните, кто такая Люси? Что-то никак вспомнить не могу. ???

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Lea от Март 20, 2009, 15:20:58
Персонаж из "Первой леди", приемная дочь президетна и ее мужа.
Кажется так. ;)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: svetico от Апрель 02, 2009, 11:19:42
Для всех, кому понравилась The Spymaster's Lady by Joanna Bourne.
Совершенно случайно наткнулась на информацию о существовании такой книги
Her Ladyship's Companion by Joanna W. Bourne (Paperback - Mar 1983) -  "Prequel about Doyle and Maggie. Adrian also appears." Хотелось бы почитать. Только где же ее теперь найдешь :(

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: mirina от Апрель 02, 2009, 18:38:58
На бумаге можно найти, наверное - но это же сканировать надо... :-(

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительни&#
Отправлено: margarita от Апрель 02, 2009, 21:58:22
я такую хочу!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! пошла рыскать на амазоне:
upd: есть, но дорогая, 30 долларов плюс доставка.... хмммм.... думаю....

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: svetico от Апрель 03, 2009, 07:29:26
я такую хочу!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! пошла рыскать на амазоне:
upd: есть, но дорогая, 30 долларов плюс доставка.... хмммм.... думаю....
Лучше уж на e-bay порыскать.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Marietta от Апрель 03, 2009, 11:34:55
первая книга в  Edilean series

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Ксю от Апрель 03, 2009, 11:38:49
Так она ж уже есть.

Deveraux, Jude - Lavender Morning, 2009

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Marietta от Апрель 03, 2009, 11:43:37
Не в том разделе посмотрела!

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: alenakara от Апрель 07, 2009, 12:58:00
Вот что я нашла на сайте у Клейпас:
Tempt Me at Twilight (Coming in October 2009)                             

This is a peek of my work-in-progress, titled “Tempt Me at Twilight.”

Poppy Hathaway, who has always longed for a normal, ordinary life, has been abandoned by her true love, Michael Bayning. Caught up in scandal, she has only one way out-- to marry Harry Rutledge, a handsome and mysterious hotel owner. But Harry is a man of many secrets, and eventually Poppy faces a heartwrenching question: What does a heroine do when she ends up married to the villain?

In this scene, Harry endeavors to persuade Poppy to marry him.
“You are persistent,” Poppy said as they walked through the rose garden behind the hotel. “They told me you would be.”

“I’m everything they told you and worse,” Harry said without hesitation. “But what they didn’t tell you is that you are the most desirable and fascinating woman I’ve ever met, and I would do anything to have you.”

It was insanely flattering to have a man like Harry Rutledge pursuing her, especially after the hurt inflicted by Michael Bayning. Poppy flushed with cheek-stinging pleasure, as if she’d been lying too long in the sun. She found herself thinking, Perhaps I’ll consider it, just for a moment, in a purely hypothetical sense. Harry Rutledge and me . . .

“I have questions,” she said.

“Ask away.”

Poppy decided to be blunt. “Are you dangerous? Everyone says you are.”

“To you? No.”

“To others?”

Harry shrugged casually. “The most valuable commodity in the world is information . . . and I have a lot of it. I suppose that could be considered dangerous.”

“You garner that information at your hotel?”


“And you propose to have a family in such an environment? Do you want children?”

“Yes, and yes.”

Poppy gave him a dubious glance. “Would you have any time for them? For . . . us?”

“As a man who resides and works in the same place,” he pointed out, “I would be at my wife’s beck and call.”

“Or she at yours,” Poppy said.

He smiled slightly. “Touché. Let’s say it would be a convenient arrangement for both sides.”

“Would you ever use physical force against your wife?”

“No.” His answer was gratifyingly immediate, the syllable roughened as if the very notion offended him.

“Would you keep your wedding vows?”

Harry held her gaze, his green eyes steady. “I wouldn’t make them otherwise.”

Poppy decided that her family’s worries about letting her talk to Harry had been entirely justified. Because he was so persuasive and appealing that she found herself beginning to seriously consider the idea of marrying him

It occurred to her that she was not the only one taking a risk. There was no guarantee for Harry that he would end up with the kind of wife he needed.

“It’s not fair for me to ask all the questions,” she told him. “You must have some as well.”

“No, I’ve already decided that I want you.”

Poppy couldn’t prevent a bemused laugh. “Do you make all your decisions so impulsively?”

“Not usually. But I know when to trust my instincts.”

It seemed Harry was about to add something else, when he saw a movement on the ground from the periphery of his vision. Following his gaze, Poppy saw her sister's pet hedgehog Medusa pushing her way through the rose arbor, waddling innocently across the path. The little brown and white creature looked like a walking scrub brush. To Poppy’s surprise, Harry lowered to his haunches to retrieve her.

“Don’t touch her,” Poppy warned. “She’ll roll into a ball and sink her quills into you.”

But Harry settled his hands on the ground, palms up, on either side of the inquisitive hedgehog. “Hello, Medusa,” he murmured, gently working his hands beneath her. “Sorry to interrupt your exercise. But believe me, you don’t want to run into any of my gardeners.”

Poppy watched incredulously as Medusa relaxed and settled willingly into the warm masculine hands. Her spines flattened, and she let him lift and turn her so she was tummy-upward. Harry stroked the soft white fur of her underbelly, while Medusa’s delicate snout lifted, and she regarded him with her perpetual smile.

“I’ve never seen anyone except Beatrix handle her like that,” Poppy said, standing beside him. “You have experience with hedgehogs?”

“No.” Harry slanted a smile at her. “But I have some experience with prickly females.”

“Excuse me,” Beatrix’s voice interrupted them, and she came beneath the rose arbor. She was disheveled, bits of leaves clinging to her dress, her hair straggling over her face. “I seem to have lost track of . . . oh, there you are, Medusa!” She broke into a grin as she saw Harry cradling the hedgehog in his hands. “You can trust a man who can handle a hedgehog, that’s what I always say.”

“Do you?” Poppy asked dryly. “I’ve never heard you say that.”

“I only say it to Medusa.”

Harry carefully transferred the pet to Beatrix’s hands. “‘The fox has many tricks,’” he quoted, “‘the hedgehog only one.’” He smiled at Beatrix as he added, “But it’s a good one.”

“Archilochus,” Beatrix said promptly. “You read Greek poetry, Mr. Rutledge?”

“Not usually. But I make an exception for Archilochus. He knew how to make a point.”

“Father used to call him a ‘raging iambic,’” Poppy said, and Harry laughed.

And in that moment, Poppy made her decision.

Because even though Harry Rutledge had his flaws, a man who could charm a hedgehog and understand jokes about ancient Greek poets was a man worth taking a risk on.

She wouldn’t be able to marry for love, but she could at least marry for hope.

“Bea,” she murmured, “might you allow us a few moments alone?”

“Certainly. Medusa would love to grub about for worms in the next row.”

“Thank you, dear.” Poppy turned back to Harry, who was dusting his hands. “May I ask one more question?”

He looked at her alertly and spread his hands as if to show he had nothing to hide.

“Would you say that you’re a good man, Harry?”

He had to think about that. “No,” he finally said. “In the fairy tale you mentioned last night . . . I would probably be the villain. But it’s possible the villain would treat you far better than the prince would have.”

Poppy wondered what was wrong with her, that she should be amused rather than frightened by his confession. “Harry. You’re not supposed to court a girl by telling her you’re the villain.”

He gave her an innocent glance that didn’t deceive her in the least. “I’m trying to be honest.”

“Perhaps. But you’re also making certain that whatever anyone says about you, you’ve already admitted it. Now you’ve made all criticism of you ineffectual.”

Harry’s expression changed, and he blinked as if she’d surprised him. “You think I’m that manipulative?”

She nodded.

Harry seemed stunned that she could see through him so easily. But instead of being annoyed, he stared at her with stark longing. “Poppy, I have to have you.”

Reaching her in two steps, he took her into his arms.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: margarita от Апрель 07, 2009, 13:10:23
боже боже боже. и как дождаться октября? :)
до меня только в середине отрывка дошло, что это Поппи Хэтауэй : ))))

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: jeni от Апрель 07, 2009, 13:50:48
Клейпас пока не планирует книгу про Джо Трэвиса.Она начинает новую совр.серию из четырех книг,написанные уже в третьем лице.Действие будет развиваться на острове Сан Хуан в городке Friday Harbor.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительни&#
Отправлено: margarita от Апрель 09, 2009, 01:09:44
надо же.. а я думала, что он как раз будет такой малость травмированный герой :) хотя клейпас вроде бы таких героев не очень любит, если я не ошибаюсь. ну, я рада, если честно. мне тревисов хватило.... если только про гейджа больше деталей : ) это бы меня порадовало: ))))
ну, и урррррррра, что в третьем лице!!!

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Jolie от Апрель 12, 2009, 12:30:02
Клейпас пока не планирует книгу про Джо Трэвиса.Она начинает новую совр.серию из четырех книг,написанные уже в третьем лице.Действие будет развиваться на острове Сан Хуан в городке Friday Harbor.

Ух ты. Интересно будет посмотреть, что из этого получится. Надеюсь, что исторические она писать от этого меньше не станет. :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: jeni от Апрель 22, 2009, 22:28:31
В 2011 и 2012 г. Мэри Бэлоу планирует написать книгу про Гвендолайн из "Ночь для любви" и приквел к книгам "Больше, чем любовница"  и "Искусная в любви" - история Ангелины и ее мужа.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Iren от Апрель 23, 2009, 04:55:16
В 2011 и 2012 г. Мэри Бэлоу планирует написать книгу про Гвендолайн из "Ночь для любви" и приквел к книгам "Больше, чем любовница"  и "Искусная в любви" - история Ангелины и ее мужа.

Оооо, да-да-да!
Меня всегда интересовало, что там за темная история с мужем Гвен и почему на самом деле она хромает. Интересно, кто будет ей в пару?
Ангелина и ее муж - тоже хорошо. Интересные персонажи. Даже странно, что они появились на страницах дилогии уже такими сложившимися, как будто у них действительно есть своя интересная история.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Tessa от Апрель 23, 2009, 19:28:40
Заходила в тему с четким ощущением, что на этот раз написано про Бэлоу, и не ошиблась. КАк замечательно, жаль что ниокго вспомнить не могу))))) Надо перечитать.
А вообще тогда хочу про Розалин Огден и Альберта кажется? из Любящего сердца(

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Софи от Апрель 23, 2009, 20:25:15
Тоже очень хочу про Гвен.  Там Лили  с Невилем обязательно должны быть :iloveyou:

Я думаю, книга про Ангелину и её мужа это, как часто бывает у Бэлоу, история возникновения любви между людьми с очень разными характерами. Она взбалмошная, он холодный.  У неё довольно часто такие герои, влюбятся друг в друга, а принять это сразу не могут. Она боится, что из-за него разучется радоваться жизни, а для него эта радость становится большим искушением.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: jeni от Апрель 23, 2009, 20:46:39
В конце 2010 г. выйдет новая средневековая книга Коултер "THE VALCOURT HEIRESS" - время правления Эдуарда I и его канцлера Роберта Бернелла.Грэлэм де Моретон из "Песня огня" и Северн и Гастингс из "Розовой гавани" могут быть одними из персонажей книги.

Название: Nora Roberts - Visions in White
Отправлено: Maire от Апрель 27, 2009, 02:07:55

Получила в рассылке:

"by Nora Roberts

in stores April 28th

Nora's News - Vision in Death

 Dear Readers,
I'm delighted to introduce you to the women of Vows -- Parker Brown, Laurel McBane, Emmaline Grant and Mackensie Elliot -- wedding planners extraordinaire.  With stunning flowers, delectable desserts, once-in-a-lifetime images and every detail the most discerning bride might wish, Vows creates the perfect day.


Vision in White, book one in The Bride Quartet, is Mackensie's story.  Vows acclaimed photographer captures all the nuances of a wedding with a creative and caring eye.  But after watching her parents run through multiple marriages she's pretty certain that "happily ever after" isn't for her.  At first glance, English teacher Carter Maguire is definitely not Mac's type.  In this case first impressions are wrong in the best sort of way, and Mac will have to turn to her three best friends--and business partners--to find her way to her own happy ending.

The Bride Quartet is a return to straight contemporary Romance for me.  As I mentioned last spring, the series grew out of the experience of helping plan my younger son's wedding last June.  (I can't believe that he and his lovely bride have been married nearly a year! )  I tried to capture all the excitement -- and worry and humor -- that goes into planning the perfect wedding.

З.ы.  Кто-нибудь заметил корку?

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Ксю от Апрель 27, 2009, 10:30:00
А почему Vision in Death, если она Vision in White?  ;D Тем более что книга с почти таким названием у Робертс уже была. Это Visions in Death (у нас "По образу и подобию"). Кто-то погряз в "смертельной" пучине, по-моему... :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Gertruda от Апрель 27, 2009, 11:34:27
Ой девушки, я аж три раза как минимум читала это письмо и ничего не заметила пока пост Ксю не прочитала...  :lol: :lol: :lol:
Вот как я оказывается все внимательно читаю  ;D Хотя...

Нууу... в теме письма стоит Vision in White, и на обложечке тоже  :)

Название: я хохоталось ))))
Отправлено: Maire от Апрель 28, 2009, 01:18:52
А почему Vision in Death, если она Vision in White?  ;D Тем более что книга с почти таким названием у Робертс уже была. Это Visions in Death (у нас "По образу и подобию"). Кто-то погряз в "смертельной" пучине, по-моему... :)
Ага, я как представила зомби-невесту в белом платье, испачканном могильной землей ))) Скорее бы вышла эта книга, штоли )))
А в письме-рассылке Vision in Death написано жирненьким большим шрифтом, так что не заметить невозможно было. Эт просто я не знала, как вставить все письмо, чтоб показать всю красоту )))

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Polin от Апрель 28, 2009, 22:55:41
Девочки, наша литература продается лучше всех остальных литератур во время рецессии:
Статья: "Love in the time of recession" (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ynews/ynews_bs304)

Harlequin Enterprises, the world's leading publisher of romance fiction, reported that fourth-quarter earnings were up 32% over the same period the year before. And while sales of adult fiction were basically flat last year, according to Nielsen Bookscan, the romance category was up 7% after holding fairly steady for the previous four years.

The New York Times reports:
"Like the Depression-era readers who fueled blockbuster sales of Margaret Mitchell’s “Gone With the Wind,” today’s readers are looking for an escape from the grim realities of layoffs, foreclosures and shrinking 401(k) balances."

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Zorrana от Май 16, 2009, 02:20:48
В 2011 и 2012 г. Мэри Бэлоу планирует написать книгу про Гвендолайн из "Ночь для любви" и приквел к книгам "Больше, чем любовница"  и "Искусная в любви" - история Ангелины и ее мужа.
Меня просто поражает Бэлоу у которой уже и на 11, и 12 годы планы расписаны...))) А в 10ом она что планирует, кто знает?

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Maire от Май 16, 2009, 08:01:02
OBSIDIAN PREY (Jayne Castle)
Ghost Hunters, Book #6
Mass Market Paperback - 384 pages
On Sale August 25, 2009
Jove; ISBN-10: 0515146897
ISBN-13: 978-0515146899

Two hundred years after the closing of the energy Curtain that allowed interplanetary travel—cutting off all contact to Earth—the planet Harmony is thriving. Thanks to an abundant supply of amber, which powers not only electrical machines for everyday use but also psychic abilities in the colonists, Harmony has created a stable, progressive community. But when that stability is threatened, resolving an ancient family feud and a fresh lover's quarrel might be the planet's only hope.

Three months ago, Lyra Dore suffered a heartbreak and a hostile takeover—both at the hands of the same man. A descendant of her ancestors' fierce rival. Cruz Sweetwater charmed his way into Lyra's heart and gained access to her pet project, an amethyst ruin. Then he took over the project and took off. When Cruz walks back into her life and requests a private meeting, Lyra convinces herself he's there to crawl and beg forgiveness. Wrong again—he just needs her help. With the project he stole from her.

Five innocent men are trapped inside a chamber in the amethyst ruin, and Lyra is the only one who can reopen the door. Reluctantly she agrees to help. Then Cruz wants her to apply her talents to the rest of the ruin—because no one else can work it. Lyra and Cruz are both harboring psychic secrets. Unknown—and dangerous—powers pulse within the amethyst ruin, and the closer Lyra gets to them, the more at risk she becomes. And now she must decide whether to trust her guts or her heart...

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: margarita от Май 20, 2009, 05:43:31
Джеймс обещает роман про Джемму 26 мая. НАКОНЕЦ ТО!!!! :)
а 19  - Бэлоу обещает "выдать на гора" историю Стивена Хакстабла....
удачный выдался месяцок : )))

Hi Everyone!

I’m writing because I just put a new “Extra” chapter for When the Duke Returns in my Readers’ Pages. Readers voted to see the chapter in which Simeon tells Isidore that he’s a virgin, so that meant a brand new Chapter One—which you’ll find in a format that makes reading a chapter on-line just like reading a book! Do stop by and read the story of that fascinating carriage ride…

I’m also very excited to announce that Jemma’s story, This Duchess of Mine, will publish in a mere week, on May 26th! So far, everyone seems to love it: there are great reviews popping up, with lots of mentions of “witty,” so I’m hopeful that it’s as much fun to read as it was to write. I have a special countdown on my Bulletin Board: five tiny sneak peeks from inside the book. Please stop by and get a delicious hint of what Jemma and Elijah are like as they (finally) fall in love.

While you’re on the website, please drop by the contest. It’s huge this month – first prize is a delicate porcelain espresso set, and there are twenty-five signed novels up for grabs as well! They all come from my Desperate Duchesses series, so this is a great chance to win a novel you may have missed.

When This Duchess of Mine pubs things will get a bit frenzied around here: I’ll be racing around the web on a blog tour, talking about everything from infidelity (I hasten to say: not mine), to how to write sex after seventeen books! Stop by, say hi, tell me what you think or ask a question. Free books will be given away at every stop: leave a comment so you win a signed book!

A final, exciting bit of personal news: my university has granted me a sabbatical for 2009-2010. My husband and I were already planning to sell our house and move to New York City. When the house sold in about a minute (thankfully!), we had a wonderful idea: why not just take that year in Paris? It took a bit of organization, and it’s a leap of faith – in case you’re wondering, I can’t say much more than merci – but we’re off! We plan to return in the summer of 2010 and buy an apartment in the city.

Our children are, as they tell us daily, freaked (and we haven’t even told them about the five hours of Latin per week), but we’re sure we’re doing the right thing. At the moment they seem to have no sense of geography whatsoever. The other day we were looking at a for-sale apartment in New York that had a big window looking over the city. “It’s OK,” my daughter said disappointedly, “but I don’t think we should buy it.” “Why not?” I asked. “Because I don’t see the Eiffel Tower anywhere,” she pointed out. “Do you?”

Nope, we didn’t either. Whatever this year has in store for us – lots of croissants and lots of Latin – I’m sure that in 2010, she’ll know that the Eiffel Tower cannot be seen from West 84th Street in New York City.

I hope you enjoy the new Extra Chapter – do check into the Bulletin Board and let me know! And I also hope that you love Jemma’s story…

Au Revoir!

P.S. Are you getting my Newsflashes in your in-box? Be sure to sign up so you don’t miss my B&N column on romance – or the next great contest!

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Eloisa James ~ P.O. Box 835 ~ Summit, New Jersey 07902-0835

Название: Эдит Лэйтон.....
Отправлено: Maire от Июнь 04, 2009, 08:02:22
On Tuesday, Edith Layton, a historical romance author, lost her battle with cancer, dying in her sleep. :'( :'( :'(

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: svetico от Июнь 04, 2009, 08:13:05
Мы все плачем  :'(

В память о ней - от других авторов здесь (http://wordwenches.typepad.com/word_wenches/2009/06/sad-news-about-a-great-lady-in-memory-of-edith-layton-felber.html)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: ZaVal от Июнь 04, 2009, 08:43:09
 :'( :'( :'(

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: veera от Июнь 04, 2009, 10:43:47

Печальная новость.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Irinita от Июнь 04, 2009, 20:25:20
Печально... Хотя я ничего не читала у этого автора, но всё равно очень грустно узнавать такое... :'(

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: margarita от Июнь 05, 2009, 17:31:21
очень жалко ее, такие добрые книжки были.... :(

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Софи от Июнь 05, 2009, 19:45:26
Да, очень жаль :'(  Хорошие у неё книги.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: margarita от Июнь 24, 2009, 22:51:30
перечитывала великолепную spymaster's lady и даже в порыве ломки по хорошим лр my lord and spymaster (хотя на нравится мне гораздо меньше, но в 55 раз перечитывать лизу клейпас я уже тоже не могу :)
вооот... так о чем это я? :)
автор обещает новую книгу в конце 2009! про дойла и мэгги. урррррря :)
очаровательное мини интервью с сайта:
What Comes Next?: An Interview
We're visiting today with Joanna Bourne who wrote The Spymaster's Lady and My Lord and Spymaster. How does it feel to have two books on the shelves?
Good. Great, in fact.

What's next? When is your next book out and what will it be?
I just recently signed a new contract with Berkley -- Berkley published those first two books, so it seems they're not displeased with me yet. The new contract is two books. The first of those would be late 2009 or in 2010.

That's a long time.
I'm afraid I'm a slow writer. I cannot tell you how much I envy folks who can write a book in seven or eight months. I don't think I'll ever be able to do this.
There's this too. I have just a mollifying amount of research to do.

Tell us about the story. Who, what, where, and when?
It's France. 1794. As usual, civilization has fallen with a basso profundo clatter and all right-thinking people are at each other's throats. In Paris, the guillotine's doing a roaring business. Civil war batters and bashes its way across the countryside. On the philosophical front, the world's teetering on the cusp of old loyalties and new.

Maggie is caught in the center. Her old certainties have been swept away. Love and loyalty pull in different directions. To survive, she'll become someone she barely recognizes.

And Doyle ... our Doyle is playing the detached loner. This is maybe not so smart when half of France is after his neck.
Do we see Adrian?
Oh yes. Adrian's a strong secondary character in MAGGIE. He's at his most exasperating. He's a teenager; he has no loyalties; and he's armed.
Do we see Adrian?
Oh yes. Adrian's a strong secondary character in MAGGIE. He's at his most exasperating. He's a teenager; he has no loyalties; and he's armed.



Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: jeni от Июнь 30, 2009, 15:58:41
В ноябре 2009 г. выходит еще одна книга Линды Ховард - "Ice":
Gabriel McQueen arrives home on leave from the military to see his parents, only to be hurriedly sent by his father, the county sheriff, to a remote part of the county to check on Lolly Helton - an ice storm is coming and the sheriff can't get in touch with her. There's bad blood between Gabriel and Lolly so Gabriel is very reluctant to drive out to the Helton house but he agrees as a favour for his father. Despite treacherous weather conditions, Gabriel make it to the house but, on approach, sees two people inside Lolly's house that he's never seen before - and he can see that the man has a weapon. Gabriel locates Lolly locked in a bedroom and sneaks her away from the house but the roads are impassable, and Gabriel and Lolly are soon flung into a dangerous game of cat and mouse...

В декабре 2009 выходит новая книга Джулии Гарвуд "Sizzle".Герои Лайра Прескот и Сам Кинкейд.
Потом она начинает новая серия "Невесты".Первая книга "January bride" выйдет в 2010 г.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Maire от Июль 01, 2009, 06:50:47
В ноябре 2009 г. выходит еще одна книга Линды Ховард - "Ice":
Gabriel McQueen arrives home on leave from the military to see his parents, only to be hurriedly sent by his father, the county sheriff, to a remote part of the county to check on Lolly Helton - an ice storm is coming and the sheriff can't get in touch with her. There's bad blood between Gabriel and Lolly so Gabriel is very reluctant to drive out to the Helton house but he agrees as a favour for his father. Despite treacherous weather conditions, Gabriel make it to the house but, on approach, sees two people inside Lolly's house that he's never seen before - and he can see that the man has a weapon. Gabriel locates Lolly locked in a bedroom and sneaks her away from the house but the roads are impassable, and Gabriel and Lolly are soon flung into a dangerous game of cat and mouse...

В декабре 2009 выходит новая книга Джулии Гарвуд "Sizzle".Герои Лайра Прескот и Сам Кинкейд.
Потом она начинает новая серия "Невесты".Первая книга "January bride" выйдет в 2010 г.
Отличные вести. Вот только бы терпения хватило дождаться.
Напоминаю, что 7 июля выйдет новая книга Nalini Singh - Branded by Fire

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Полина от Июль 04, 2009, 19:40:02
Стефани Лоуренс заканчивает "Клуб Бастион" и начинает новую серию, в которой встретятся Кинстеры(первая шестерка), Чилингуорт и герои Бастиона, как второстепенные герои. Серия называется Black Cobra Quartet. И в ноябре 2009 выходит первая книга The Untamed Bride, а в феврале 2010 - вторая The Elusive Bride

ON 27TH OCTOBER - the first volume of THE BLACK COBRA QUARTET - THE UNTAMED BRIDE. Like the Bastion Club novels, these novels will be paperback originals. In the first volume, the action takes us back to Somersham Place, where the six Cynster cousins and Chillingworth, along with their wives and families, are gathered to celebrate the Christmas of 1822 - and to assist an old colleague to get a critically important piece of evidence to Royce, Duke of Wolverstone, aka Dalziel.

Much more information on THE BLACK COBRA QUARTET will be up on this site in August. In this special project, the first six Cynster couples, and Chillingworth and his Francesca, combine with the couples of the Bastion Club led by Royce and Minerva, to assist four honorable men to avenge a late colleague and rid the world and their country of a villain of the blackest kind.

AND AS A VERY SPECIAL CHRISTMAS GIFT for all my readers, a fully updated version of "The World of Stephanie Laurens Booklet" will be bound in the back of the first book of the quartet, THE UNTAMED BRIDE, so that everyone who buys the book will get the booklet, too.

For those readers who like to know, the other 3 volumes of THE BLACK COBRA QUARTET will all be released in 2010. The final volume will be a very special Christmas release next year, as the story ends with combined Cynster and Bastion Club Christmas celebrations. Lots of fun and excitement to look forward to.

The downloadable version of "The World of Stephanie Laurens" has currently vanished into cyberspace. It will be replaced by the updated version soon.


Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Полина от Июль 04, 2009, 19:46:48
В октябре выходит книга Лизы Клейпас Tempt Me at Twilight (The third book in the Hathaways series)


Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительни&#
Отправлено: margarita от Июль 06, 2009, 15:25:21
дотерпеть бы до октября!!! какая обложка прелестная...

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Polin от Июль 28, 2009, 23:01:02
Объявлены победительницы RITA (Romance Writers of America) 2009 года.

Список финалисток смотрите здесь. (http://www.rwanational.org/cs/2009RITA_Finalists)

Вот они - crème de la crème романтической литературы.

2009 RITA® Winners

Best First Book
Oh. My. Gods. by Tera Lynn Childs

Best Contemporary Series Romance
A Mother's Wish by Karen Templeton

Best Contemporary Series Romance: Suspense/Adventure
Danger Signals by Kathleen Creighton

Best Contemporary Single Title Romance
Not Another Bad Date by Rachel Gibson

Best Historical Romance
The Edge of Impropriety by Pam Rosenthal

Best Inspirational Romance
Finding Stefanie by Susan May Warren

Best Novel with Strong Romantic Elements
Tribute by Nora Roberts

Best Paranormal Romance
Seducing Mr. Darcy by Gwyn Cready

Best Regency Historical Romance
My Lord and Spymaster by Joanna Bourne

Best Romance Novella
"The Fall of Rogue Gerard" by Stephanie Laurens in It Happened One Night

Best Romantic Suspense
Take No Prisoners by Cindy Gerard

Best Young Adult Romance
Hell Week by Rosemary Clement-Moore

Для Норы Робертс это 19 лауреатское звание.
Но я была страшно удивлена, что Стефани Лоуренс получила только в первый раз это звание.
Неужели ни один из романов из серий Кинстеров и Клуб 'Бастион' не заслужили подобной премии?

И для любительниц статистики и самой лучшей литературы:
Из 87 книг вошедших в число финалистов в пиринге имеется 69 книг.
Из 12 книг-победительниц пиринг предлагает 11.
Так что приятного всем чтения

Ну вот копнула еще раз пиринг и, очевидно все любят лучшие книги года (за абсолютным исключением раздела 'Inspirational Romance'. Нет ни одной из 8 (восьми) книг. Победители, практически все.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Valentina от Июль 30, 2009, 22:21:56
Polin, а за какую книгу Лоуренс получила звание лауреата? За серийную? И если да, то из какой серии? Интересно :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Kitzune от Июль 30, 2009, 23:19:41
Цитата: lPolinink=topic=4491.msg186225#msg186225 date=1248978888
Из 87 книг вошедших в число финалистов в пиринге имеется 65 книг.
Из 12 книг-победительниц пиринг предлагает 8.
А есть ли у кого готовый список ссылок книг финалистов с пиринга или искать самостоятельно?  ;)  ::)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Kitzune от Июль 31, 2009, 00:48:28
Хочу отметить еще этого автора.
http://www.jennifergreene.com/ сайт автора откуда я узнаю , что 18 июля ей дали большой приз за вклад в любовные романы,
как Норе Робертс.

*** So much has happened in the last few months!***
The biggest thrill is being honored with the RWA "Nora Roberts LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD"!
The award will be given out at the 2009 RWA National Conference in Washington DC on July 18.

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Polin от Июль 31, 2009, 02:43:41
Цитата: lPolinink=topic=4491.msg186225#msg186225 date=1248978888
Из 87 книг вошедших в число финалистов в пиринге имеется 65 книг.
Из 12 книг-победительниц пиринг предлагает 8.
А есть ли у кого готовый список ссылок книг финалистов с пиринга или искать самостоятельно?  ;)  ::)
Списка ссылок нет, так как более половины этих книг появилось в пиринге еще в прошлом году.
Откройте страницу с финалистами RITA и ведите поиск

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: svetico от Июль 31, 2009, 07:39:20
Хочу отметить еще этого автора.
http://www.jennifergreene.com/ сайт автора откуда я узнаю , что 18 июля ей дали большой приз за вклад в любовные романы,
как Норе Робертс.

*** So much has happened in the last few months!***
The biggest thrill is being honored with the RWA "Nora Roberts LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD"!
The award will be given out at the 2009 RWA National Conference in Washington DC on July 18.

Только, по-моему, не "как Норе Робертс", а что-то вроде "премии имени Норы Робертс".

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Trisha от Август 05, 2009, 19:20:44
В декабре 2009 выходит новая книга Джулии Гарвуд "Sizzle".Герои Лайра Прескот и Сам Кинкейд.
Потом она начинает новая серия "Невесты".Первая книга "January bride" выйдет в 2010 г.

О! Это просто замечательная новость! Дождаться бы ещё потом на русском!

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительни&#
Отправлено: margarita от Август 19, 2009, 23:43:59
охотно верю про нашу с вами любимую джоанну бурн! это правда великолепная книжка, да на нашем форуме она вроде всем полюбилась!
а вот пэм розенталь вызывает сомнения, учитывая ее предыдущие достижения... кто ндь читал эту книгу?

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Ксю от Август 30, 2009, 21:36:43
Новинки от Мэри Бэлоу:

сборник  (http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/c5/c26191.jpg)   (http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n62/n313036.jpg)

P.S. А-а-а!!! Как мне нравится это зеленое платье! Плевать, что не налезет, цвет-то, цвет какой!!! ;D

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Anat от Август 30, 2009, 22:23:39
охотно верю про нашу с вами любимую джоанну бурн! это правда великолепная книжка, да на нашем форуме она вроде всем полюбилась!
а вот пэм розенталь вызывает сомнения... кто ндь читал?

margarita,у "любимой  джоанны бурн" последний роман довольно слабый,особенно на фоне первого. :(
А у Пэм Розенталь я читала одну книгу и мне ,что называется "хватило одниеи таблетки".Помню,что обратила внимание на автора с целью больше не покупать ее книги.Правда надо сказать,что на каком-то форуме ,может быть даже на нашем,кто-то включил эту самую книгу в 10 лучших романов.То есть кому-то это все-таки понравилось.  ;D

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительни&#
Отправлено: margarita от Август 30, 2009, 23:16:35
согласна, вторая книга слабовата. но меня у бурн покоряет язык. я на это обращаю внимание досаточно сильно, и часто стиль меня раздражает даже у тех авторов, кого я люблю за крепкую интригу, страдательность и юмор. например, у моей обожаемой клейпас стилистически не все книжки "ровные", особенно грешат цветитостью ранние. Это глубокое имхо, но мне безусловно доставляет удовольствие "вкусный язык". за это я люблю элоизу джеймс, хотя любовная интрига у нее меня часто разочаровывает, а вот джоанна бурн меня просто покорила своим языком. так что пусть пишет еще, тем более, что очень охота узнать не только про дойла, но и про молодого парня из их службы (вылетело имя из головы :) ). мне кажется, что со второй книгой ошибка еще и в том, что мы как-то не ожидали абсолютно "левых" героев, приученные все-таки к сериям.
а про пэм розенталь согласна - у меня с ней тот же случай, после "служанка и виконт" я ее занесла в персональный черный список. но, как всегда, все это дело вкуса. американская публика  - потемки :)

ура новой бэлоу!

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Tessa от Сентябрь 05, 2009, 10:33:57
Ого новая Бэлоу, и сборник, и опять про рождество. Я в осадке.
И Ксюш да я тоже в восторге от зеленого платья, а ну и да плевать, что не налезет ;) ;D

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Ксю от Сентябрь 13, 2009, 15:02:20
В декабре ждем новую Робертс:


Серия: Bride Quartet, #2

P.S. Меня одну смущает нонешняя практика отрезать девушкам на обложках головы? :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: Ninon от Сентябрь 13, 2009, 18:43:26
Головы на обложках сейчас отрезают не только девушкам, но и мужчинам. :)

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: margarita от Сентябрь 15, 2009, 00:06:58
забавный и мэйл от кристины додд:
In this email:
—My Funniest Writing Mistakes
—New York Times good news

I have been published for eighteen years. On September 1, my fortieth full-length book, STORM OF SHADOWS, hit the shelves. I’m not bragging (well, only a little), just giving you a framework for my story.

Because last year, I wrote a scene in INTO THE FLAME where the hero sees the heroine for the first time in two and a half years, and startles her. The line I wrote was, “She didn’t jump, he’d give her that. But Firebird Wilder had always had balls of steel, and she showed them now as she coolly turned to face him.”

I am a professional. Don’t try this at home.

In INTO THE SHADOW, my heroine stumbles onto the hero sitting in the Japanese garden. He jumps to his feet and says, "Is this your private place? Should I leave?" and she says, "No, it's okay, my private place is big enough for the both of us."

Unless I’m writing erotica (and I’m not), that’s just embarrassing.

There was the time during the passionate kissing scene when I described the hero as “big-boned” and said the heroine “stained against him.” Euw. Just … euw.

I don’t even want to discuss the infamous, "He pinned his eyes to her chest."

I’m not the only writer who does this stuff. At one of my first Romance Writers of America conferences, one of the award winners got up and thanked her critique group. Before she joined them, she wrote sentences like, "Angrily, he thrust his hands into his pockets and tried to get a hold of himself.”

My nightmare is that one of these lines will slip through all the editing and make it onto the printed page.

Oh, wait. That’s happened, too. My husband was reading my first published book, CANDLE IN THE WINDOW, a medieval, and came to me with a question. After the hero and heroine were married, I wrote, “They stood on the battlements and waved until the wedding guests were out of sight.” Scott wondered, since the heroine was blind, how long she had waved.

Storm of ShadowsSTORM OF SHADOWS is on the shelves now. Buy a copy for your chance to find the faux pas that will haunt me for the rest of my life. No, I don’t know for sure there is one. But the chances are pretty good. In the meantime, enjoy an excerpt from STORM OF SHADOWS:

“Do you ever get gut feelings?” Aaron asked.

“When I get the flu.” Rosamund laughed too long at her own joke, then grew uncomfortable under his steady regard. “I used to. Sometimes. But my father said gut feelings were nothing but wistful thinking, and I might as well depend on a fortune teller’s crystal ball.”

“He wanted you to stay in the real world.” And why? When Aaron had come down to the library basement with antiquities that needed to be authenticated or manuscripts that required translation, Dr. Hall had been brilliant, stiff-necked, and grim, yet keenly interested in the paranormal. Most important in Aaron's mind was his sharp instinct for the genuine above the counterfeit.

Never, ever had he mentioned that he had a daughter.

Why had he so emphatically quashed Rosamund's curiosity?

Had Dr. Hall foreseen a dread prophecy for her?

“Are you familiar with the legend of the Chosen?” Aaron asked.

“The Chosen …” He could almost see Rosamund flipping through the encyclopedia of her mind. “Yes. The Chosen and the Others. When the world was young, a beautiful woman gave birth to twins, each marked as something set apart from average people. Repulsed, she took them into the darkest woods — in these fairy tales, it always is the darkest woods — and left the babies for the wild animals to devour.” She looked at him inquiringly. “Is that the legend you mean?”

“That’s it. Do you know the rest?”

Rosamund continued, “Those two children were the first Abandoned Ones, babies left by their parents without love or care and to compensate, given a gift of power. The babies survived. The girl was a seer. The boy was a fire-giver. They gathered others like them and formed two gangs, one for good and one for evil, and they fought for the hearts and souls of the Abandoned Ones.”
“A battle that goes on today,” he finished.
“Yes.” Her brow knit. “It’s not a very comforting fairy tale.”
“How many are?”
“Most have endings of some kind. The witch is tipped into the oven, the evil stepmother falls from a cliff —“ She caught sight of his face. “All right, not happy endings, but still, there’s none of that, The battle goes on today, stuff.”
“Yet it’s so much more realistic to know there can never be an end, or at least not until the Apocalypse.”
“If the legend of the Chosen Ones was true, which it’s not.”
Aaron wished that she was right. Unfortunately for her and her future peace of mind, she was staring right into the eyes of one of the Chosen Ones.

Order STORM OF SHADOWS from Barnes and Noble:

Order STORM OF SHADOWS from Borders: http://www.borders.com/online/store/TitleDetail?sku=0451228138

Order STORM OF SHADOWS from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Storm-Shadows-Chosen-Christina-Dodd/dp/0451228138/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1251319370&sr=1-1

Finally, I want to thank everyone who already bought STORM OF SHADOWS and helped put my fortieth book on the New York Times bestseller list. Even better, STORM OF SHADOWS and STORM OF VISIONS are both on the USA Today bestseller list. It’s a double-header!


Christina Dodd

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: laly-oren от Сентябрь 21, 2009, 15:30:39
Головы на обложках сейчас отрезают не только девушкам, но и мужчинам. :)

Это должно развивать нашу фантазию ;D

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: margarita от Сентябрь 23, 2009, 19:49:45
если в декстеровском маньячном духе - то да. : )

Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: svetico от Сентябрь 23, 2009, 20:19:47
Маргарита, спасибо за письмо Додд. Посмеялась.

В продолжении темы ляпов, после которых авторам до конца жизни кошмары снятся - вы видели обложку к первому изданию ее Castles in the Air? Насколько помню, она сама не сразу обратила на нее внимания  ;D


Название: Re: Вести с американских форумов любительниц ЛР ІV
Отправлено: laly-oren от Сентябрь 24, 2009, 08:11:32
Ого, какой гибрид :shock+: