
Светланин уголок => Клуб читающих на иностранных языках => Тема начата: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 14:29:14

Название: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 14:29:14
Давайте немножко помечтаем - представим себе, что мы можем приобрести любую заинтересовавшую нас книгу. В таком случае очень полезно следить за выходящими из печати новинками. Тем более, что часть из них наверняка появится в пиринге, а некоторые, глядишь, и до наших издательств доберутся  ;D

Итак, что нас ждет в ближайшее время  (учтите, я собираюсь следить только за известными нам авторами, или за теми, которые получили хорошие отзывы).

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 14:33:35
Апрель 2007

Bedding The Heiress by Cathy Maxwell
(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/419MzReaCIL._AA240_.jpg)When a loathsome rake steals one of her most cherished family heirlooms-and nearly her virtue as well!-Francesca Dunroy devises the perfect plan to put him in his place. At a ball being held in her honor-she didn't "take" in her first season, now her family is determined to get her a match in her second-she'll offer him a clandestine kiss sure to convince him to return what is rightfully hers. But in the dark hallways surrounding the ballroom, Francesca makes a terrifying mistake. She seduces the wrong man!

The recipient of Francesca's caresses is none other than Justin Maddox, London's newly titled duke and most eligible bachelor. A defiant Scotsman who disdains London society, he's sworn to steer clear of the ladies of the ton, but he can't escape the memory of Francesca urgently pressing her lips upon his . . . and neither can she. But when a shocking and dangerous secret from Justin's past resurfaces, the couple will have to risk tattered reputations and treacherous enemies to nurture what has quickly become true love.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 14:43:11
Апрель 2007

Leopard Prince, The by Elizabeth Hoyt
(ист., Англия, Георгианский период)

(http://www.elizabethhoyt.com/books/covers/leopard_300.jpg)THE ONCE THING A LADY MUST NEVER DO
Wealthy Lady Georgina Maitland doesn't want a husband, though she could use a good steward to run her estates. One look at Harry Pye, and Georgina knows she's not just dealing with a servant, but a man.

Harry has known many aristocrats -- including one particular nobleman who is his sworn enemy. But Harry has never met a beautiful lady so independent, uninhibited, and eager to be in his arms.

Still, it's impossible to conduct a discreet liaison when poisoned sheep, murdered villagers, and an enraged magistrate have the county in an uproar. The locals blame Harry for everything. Soon it's all Georgina can do to keep her head above water and Harry's out of the noose . . . without missing another night of love.

Вторая книга автора (после The Raven Prince, получившей удивительно высокую оценку на Амазоне). Эта книга также высоко оценена читателями.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 14:49:10
Апрель 2007

Mistress of Scandal by Sara Bennett (Сара Беннет)
Викторианская Англия; третья книга в серии после Lessons in Seduction (Невинная обольстительница) и Rules of Passion (Правила страсти)

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/41nxtpt+caL._AA240_.jpg)Proper, reserved Francesca detests chaotic London and one of its most infamous inhabitants: her birth mother, the notorious courtesan Madame Aphrodite. Lovingly raised by the devoted Lady Greentree, she's content to remain in Yorkshire, far from the scandalous parent whose life and profession shock . . . yet intrigue her. But a dark, dangerous stranger she rescues on the moors is awakening a most improper desire—causing Francesca to question whether she is more her mother's daughter than she ever wished to be.

When Sebastian Thorne agrees to protect Aphrodite's estranged daughter from a dire threat emerging from her past, the fallen lord is unexpectedly seduced by Francesca's beauty. But a vigilante living on the shadowy edge of society has little hope to own such a prize—and unless he reclaims his abandoned title and lost honor, Sebastian will never get close enough to the bewitching lady to save her life . . . or win her passion.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 14:55:34
Апрель 2007

Sinful Between The Sheets by Barbara Pierce
Ист., Англия; вторая книга серии после Wicked Under the Covers (Грешники)

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51CHiJ78m-L._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_OU01_AA240_SH20_.jpg)Fayne Carlisle is not yet ready to assume the title of Duke of Solitea, but his father’s sudden death means that his lusty bachelor days are numbered. Is the fabled Solitea Curse to blame for this stroke of ill luck? Or is Lady Kilby Fitchwolf the poison? A violet-eyed beauty with a family scandal of her own, she has just arrived among the ton…and soon becomes the object of the Duke’s wildest fantasies. But are the rumors true? Was Fayne’s father really found dead in Lady Kilby’s very bedchambers? And if so, should that preclude the duke from keeping her company? Surely there’s no more pleasurable way to perish. But as the duke comes to know the beautiful siren, it seems she couldn’t be less interested in seducing him—and what begins for the Duke as romantic sport escalates into a do-or-die courtship that brings the two lovers dangerously close to falling in love.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 15:07:28
Апрель 2007

Ice Blue by Anne Stuart
Современный триллер. Третья книга после Black Ice и Cold As Ice

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51+0UIWzCiL._AA240_.jpg)Museum curator Summer Hawthorne considered the exquisite ice-blue ceramic bowl given to her by her beloved Japanese nanny a treasure of sentimental value—until somebody tried to kill her for it.

The priceless relic is about to ignite a global power struggle that must be stopped at all costs. It's a desperate situation, and international operative Takashi O'Brien has received his directive: everybody is expendable. Everybody. Especially the woman who is getting dangerously under his skin as the lethal game crosses the Pacific to the remote and beautiful mountains of Japan, where the truth can be as seductive as it is deadly….

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 15:20:31
Апрель 2007

Obsession by Karen Robards
Современный триллер

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/41PDMPRRT6L._AA240_.jpg)A woman survives a horrific attempt on her life, only to feel like a stranger in her own home, in the electrifying new novel from New York Times-bestselling author Karen Robards.

The house is all wrong. Her clothes are all wrong. When Katharine Lawrence recovers consciousness on the kitchen floor, staggers to her feet and looks at herself in the mirror, the beautiful face staring back at her is familiar-but wrong. Despite all the evidence-her pictures are all over the apartment, the clothes in the closets are the right size, and it's her hair caught in the brush atop the dresser-everything feels wrong.

Maybe the trauma of the attempt on her life has given her some kind of amnesia. She's twenty-nine, the special assistant to the head of the National Security Agency, and she's lucky to be alive. She also knows she can trust no one.

Before she can act on her instincts and run for her life, CIA Agent Nick Huston arrives on the scene. The CIA is conducting a special investigation of Katharine's boss, and the mystified woman in her "unreal" house is the key to the operation. But the real Katharine Lawrence has been whisked away for debriefing, and this expendable lookalike, Jenna Hill, is being used until the CIA gets the information it needs. But no one counted on Jenna Hill's outrage at being used. And no one-least of all Nick-could have anticipated the heat that flares between them as the game plays on.

Отзывы на Амазоне в основном плохие

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 15:27:53
Апрель 2007

The Perfect Stranger by Alison Kent
Современный; спецагенты  ;); Девятая книга в серии SG-5 (или Smithson Group)

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51zAlBF8+rL._AA240_.jpg)Some like it hot. The men and women of Alison Kent's sizzling SG-5 series like it hotter. In this all new novel of steamy suspense, the jungle is the only place wild enough for a hotshot helicopter pilot and a renegade rich girl with one hell of an agenda...

Bachelor parties are fun, as long as you're not the poor sap getting hitched . . . or slipped a Mickey and waking to discover you just became the poor sap. Not to mention that your “wife” is pregnant, and if you don't go along to her village to meet the in-laws, the nice police comandante will be muy unhappy. Just another day in the life of helicopter pilot J. Jackson Briggs? Not so much. His Smithson Group gig wasn't supposed to be dangerous, but the woman who drugs him, then knocks him out, then drugs him again certainly is. She also may or may not be a nun. She's definitely a lying, scheming, lethally gorgeous . . . American. Jack's light years from believing the story Jillian Endicott gives him about her noble cause in the sweltering wilds of San Torisco, but he knows one thing: he'll get the truth — and plenty more — from her, one way or another...

Being an Endicott of the Boston Endicotts taught Jillian plenty about the haves vs. the have - nots — and made it easy to choose sides. But there's nothing easy about her mission in San Torisco, and things only get harder when Jack Briggs is thrown into the mix. Six-foot-three of big Texas mouth and big...other things...Jack's pegged her as a bored little rich girl. Hey, he can think what he wants, as long as he does what she wants. Do unto others what needs to be done — that's Jillian's motto. Problem is, Jack knows how to push her buttons from minute one — and the closer he gets to pushing her over the edge, the more she wants him to...

Now under dark velvet cover of jungle nights, two rebels with a cause are going deep — and falling hard — for the perfect stranger...

Хотела бы я собрать всю серию  :)

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 15:41:47
Апрель 2007

Take Me Tonight by Roxanne St. Claire
Современный, третья книга серии Bullet Catchers про элитную команду телохранителей. Первые две книги есть в сети. Мне понравились.

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51jUrvi0pJL._AA240_.jpg)A top-notch bodyguard, Johnny Christiano, goes undercover to protect his boss's niece when she investigates her roommate's death and inadvertently puts her own life in danger. Sage Valentine signs up for a "fantasy abduction" through a website that she believes is involved in her friend's death. Johnny feels a strong sense of loyalty to his boss, but when his attraction to Sage gets too strong, he must balance loyalty and lust -- and eventually love.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Ксю от Май 17, 2007, 15:47:12
Света! The Leopard Prince же уже вышел, я его купила в двадцатых числах апреля. У тебя к нему неправильная обложка пришпилена. Должна быть вот такая:

Так я решила начать с апрельских новинок, и уже потом перейти к майским.
Все-таки в апреле было несколько действительно интересных книг. А обложку я, конечно, перепутала по невнимательности  :)

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 16:03:29
Май 2007

Dark Seduction by Brenda Joyce (Бренда Джойс)
Первая книга новой серии Masters of Time - перемещения во времени

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51zIq3JDujL._AA240_.jpg)Malcolm of Dunroch has been chosen by the secret Brotherhood, a nameless society of pagan knights sworn to defend mankind. He is a novice to his extraordinary — and dangerous — powers. But he has already broken his vows — for an innocent woman’s death is on his hands. Malcolm is determined to fight his dark sexuality, denying himself all pleasure . . . until fate sends him another Innocent, the beautiful bookseller, Claire Camden.

Desire is the first weapon . . .
Since her mother's murder, Claire has done everything possible to make a safe, secure life for herself in a city where danger lurks on every street corner, especially in the dark of the night. But nothing can prepare her for the powerful and sexual medieval warrior who sweeps her back into his time — a treacherous, frightening world where the hunters and the hunted are one and the same. Claire needs Malcolm to survive, yet she must somehow keep the dangerously powerful Master at arm’s length. For she has no wish to die in his bed like the others — in the throes of dark, forbidden pleasure.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 16:09:49
Май 2007

Beware a Scot's Revenge by Sabrina Jeffries
Историч. Третья книга в серии School for Heiresses

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51kJ9Yj-KhL._AA240_.jpg)Lady Venetia Campbell's visit to her childhood home of Scotland takes a dramatic turn when she's kidnapped at pistol-point by her father's sworn enemy. Sir Lachlan Ross is widely feared in his guise as The Scottish Scourge, but Venetia remembers her former neighbor as a handsome youth whose attentions she craved. Now a wickedly sexy man, Lachlan's appeal is even more intoxicating…and much more dangerous. Though Lachlan tries to treat her as his foe, his scorching kisses tell another story. And despite his plan is to use her as a weapon against her father, Venetia is determined that Lachlan's lust for revenge will be trumped by an even more powerful desire…

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 16:12:48
Май 2007

The Brat by Lynsay Sands

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51HVDVDTVRL._AA240_.jpg)All the knights have heard tales of Lady Murie, King Edward III’s goddaughter. It is said she is stunningly beautiful. It is also said that the king dotes on the girl and spoils her rotten.

But there is more to Murie than meets the eye, and Sir Balan soon learns that he’ll be lucky indeed to deserve such a bride. Yet he is not the only one to discern the truth, and the other hopeful hubby is not quite as honorable. Soon will come a reckoning, a time to show who is chivalrous, who is a cad…and who has won the love of a heart unspoiled.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Diana от Май 17, 2007, 16:14:31
The River Knows
A novel by
Amanda Quick

The first kiss occurred in a dimly-lit hallway on the upper floor of Elwin Hastings's grand house. Louisa never saw it coming... Of course, Anthony Stalbridge couldn't possibly have had romantic intentions. The kiss was an act of desperation, meant to distract the armed guard about to catch the pair in a place they did not belong. After all, Louisa Bryce was no man's idea of an alluring female in her dull maroon gown and gold-rimmed spectacles. The only thing the two interlopers have in common is a passionate interest in the private affairs of Mr. Hastings - a prominent member of Society whom they both suspect of hiding terrible secrets. Now, thrown together by their ruse, Anthony and Louisa are united in their efforts to find the truth. Each has a reason for the quest. Anthony's fiancee was said to have thrown herself into the Thames - but Anthony has his own suspicions. Louisa - whose own identity is shrouded in layers of mystery - is convinced Hastings has a connection to a notorious brothel. But bringing Hastings to justice will be more perilous than they anticipate - and their partnership will be more heated than either expects. For it is not only Anthony's curiosity that Louisa arouses, and the two share something else: a thrilling attraction to danger...

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Diana от Май 17, 2007, 16:16:18
Back On Blossom Street
A novel by
Debbie Macomber


There's a new shop on Seattle's Blossom Street--a flower store called Susannah's Garden, right next door to A Good Yarn. Susannah Nelson, the owner, has just hired a young widow named Colette Blake. A couple of months earlier, Colette had abruptly quit her previous job--after a brief affair with her boss. To her dismay, he's suddenly begun placing weekly orders for flower arrangements!

Susannah and Colette both join Lydia Goetz's new knitting class. Lydia's previous classes have forged lasting friendships, and this one is no exception. But Lydia and her sister, Margaret, have worries of their own. Margaret's daughter, Julia, has been the victim of a random carjacking, and the entire family is thrown into emotional chaos.

Then there's Alix Townsend. Her wedding to Jordan Turner is only months away--but she's not sure she can go through with it. Her love for Jordan isn't in question; what she can't handle is the whole wedding extravaganza engineered by her mentor, Jacqueline, with the enthusiastic cooperation of her future mother-in-law. A reception at the country club and hundreds of guests she's never even met--it's just not Alix.

Like everyone else in Lydia's knitting class, Alix knows there's a solution to every problem…and that another woman can usually help you find it!

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 16:18:20
Май 2007

Highland Savage by Hannah Howell

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51E4Rx6DbkL._AA240_.jpg) Beaten and left for dead, Sir Lucas Murray is a man wounded in body and soul. He has brought himself back to becoming the warrior he once was--except for his ruined leg and the grief he feels over the death of the woman he once loved...the same woman who led him into his enemies' hands.

Dressed as a masked reiver, it is Katerina Haldane who saves Lucas as he battles for his life--and for revenge. Shocked that she still lives, Lucas becomes desperate to ignore the desire raging through his body. And Katerina becomes desperate to regain his trust, trying to convince him of her half-sister's role in his beating. Lucas is reluctant to let down his guard, but his resistance melts once Katerina is back in his arms...and his bed. Now he must learn to trust his instincts--in battle and in love...

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Diana от Май 17, 2007, 16:18:45
Deadly Gamble
A novel by
Linda Lael Miller

She's got an uncanny knack for winning at slots, but her home-sweet-home is Bad-Ass Bert's Biker Saloon. She'd love to go deep undercover with an irresistibly hot cop, but he's got baggage as big as his biceps. She's survived a mysterious tragedy, but Mojo Sheepshanks hasn't quite figured out who she really is or how to get on with her life. And now the wisecracking Mojo is seeing ghosts--the real, ectoplasmic kind--and turning up baffling clues to her real identity. Suddenly a wealthy man is claiming to be her long-lost uncle…and she's being shadowed by an ex-con brother with a talent for killer mind games. As Mojo races to finally uncover the facts, she'll need all her savvy and strange new talent to keep someone from burying her--and the truth--for keeps.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 16:19:01
Пожалуйста, дайте мне закончить  ;D

Я ведь параллельно каталог заполняю. И так путаюсь...

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 16:21:55
Май 2007

If You Deceive by Kresley Cole
Ист. Третья книга в серии MacCarrick Brothers

(http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n35/n177193.jpg)Ethan MacCarrick wants nothing from life but revenge on Quentin Weyland, the cutthroat who killed Ethan’s mentor and father figure. As Ethan sits outside Weyland’s home plotting, Weyland's lovely, vivacious sister, Holly, tumbles into Ethan’s carriage, mistaking him for her arranged fiancй that she’s never met. The scarred former spy does what any dark hero would do—he takes Holly away, planning her seduction for revenge. But he never imagined what her beguiling charm would do to his hardened heart.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 16:27:53
Май 2007

Lord of the Nile by Constance O'Banyon
Ист. Древний Рим и Египет

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51YK86V1JBL._AA240_.jpg)From the destruction of Roman battlefields to the delights of Egypt’s bedrooms, he’s seen it all.

But as two ships crossed in the dangerous currents of Alexandria, Ramtat catches sight of the most intriguing woman he’s ever beheld. A tamer of wild beasts, the mysterious beauty is as fiery as the burning sands of her homeland, lush as a desert oasis.. With kiss following sultry kiss, their desire knows no limits.

Slave girl or princess, her identity can be unlocked by the emerald-eyed cobra charm that dangles between her breasts, but only her love matters to the…Lord of the Nile.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 16:30:53
Май 2007

Notorious by Virginia Henley

(http://g-ec2.images-amazon.com/images/I/51IPJaTasoL._AA240_.jpg)The daughter of Jory de Warenne and lady-in-waiting to Queen Isabelle, the spirited Brianna de Beauchamp is betrothed to the distinguished Lincoln Robert de Warenne, but yearns for a deeper passion. When she meets the dark and dangerous Wolf Mortimer-a man who possesses the Celtic gift of second sight-she finds it impossible not to surrender to his fierce desire. And when Wolf's father-the queen's lover, Roger Mortimer-is imprisoned in the Tower of London, she finds herself swept on an adventure that not only puts her heart in peril, but jeopardizes the life of the man who could be her destiny...

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 16:37:54
Май 2007

The Perils of Pursuing a Prince by Julia London
Ист., вторая книга в серии Отчаянные дебютантки

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51kZlSN0s6L._AA240_.jpg)From New York Times bestselling author Julia London comes the second novel in her irresistibly romantic Desperate Debutantes trilogy, in which three suddenly destitute aristocratic young ladies must resort to desperate means to keep up appearances...and find the husbands of their dreams.

Lady Greer Fairchild's only hope of avoiding marriage to the first bidder lies in journeying into the untamed Welsh countryside in search of an inheritance she's not sure even exists -- one reportedly controlled by Rhodrick Glendower, Earl of Radnor, also known as the Prince of Powys. Rumor has it that the prince is rough, ruthless -- even a murderer. But Greer never imagined that the brute would refuse to let her leave his remote castle until she has proven her identity. Or that she would find herself powerfully attracted to this passionately virile man whose gruff demeanor belies a proud and sensual nature. The further Greer falls under his spell, the more determined she becomes to unravel the secrets of her Welsh heritage and the mystery surrounding the dark prince who dares her to become his wife and princess.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 16:41:48
Май 2007

The Secret to Seduction by Julie Anne Long
Ист., третья книга в серии про сестер

A vicar's daughter unafraid to control her fate, Sabrina Fairleigh arrives at an exclusive country soiree with marriage in mind. How shocking — and intriguing — to discover her host is an infamous ladies' man known for his indecent (and, ah, inspiring) poetry!

They call him The Libertine, and his poetry is just as scandalous — and irresistible — as he is. But after one duel too many forces Rhys Gillray, Earl of Rawden, from lively London to his country estate, he's in desperate need of a cure for boredom. And the proper but beautiful vicar's daughter seems like the perfect test of his sensual skills.

With wit and wiliness, Rhys strips away Sabrina's defenses. But as he teaches her pleasure, the emotional stakes of their sensual duel go beyond anything Rhys has ever known. For deep in his past lies the missing clue to the crime that destroyed Sabrina's family. And all The Libertine's seductive secrets may not be enough to save their future and their hearts.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 16:46:23
Май 2007

Tempting the Prince by Patricia Grasso
Ист. Четвертая книга из серии Kazanov

(http://g-ec2.images-amazon.com/images/I/51N2grcSU4L._AA240_.jpg) Bestselling author Patricia Grasso’s spellbinding new novel blends breathtaking passion and peril into an unforgettable romantic adventure as a prince engages in a game of deception to win the woman he loves…

Beautiful Belle Flambeau relishes her independence even as she dreams of a family of her own. When a vicious attack leaves her with an ugly scar, Belle retreats from society, her hopes of love and courtship dashed. Yet the darkly handsome, wounded stranger who seeks shelter on her property seems intent on proving otherwise, beginning a seduction that is slow, delicious, and utterly scandalous…

Prince Mikhail Kazanov wants—nay, needs—a loving, nurturing wife, not one of the shallow, empty-headed fortune hunters vying for his attentions. Drawn to Belle, Mikhail uses subterfuge to woo her. But though their heated attraction explodes into sensual bliss, the truth drives Belle away—and into danger’s path. Now, as an enemy makes his violent intentions known, Mikhail must find a way to win Belle’s trust again. For with their love—and her life—at stake, he cannot afford to fail…

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 16:51:28
Май 2007

Immortals: The Calling by Jennifer Ashley
Паранормальные; Первая книга серии Immortals (написана разными авторами)

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51V7PRN0FYL._AA240_.jpg)While investigating the murder of her sister, Amber is rescued from a demon attack by Adrian, a leather-coated, sword-toting warrior.

He reveals that he is one of the Immortals, created at the dawn of civilization to protect humanity from Death Magic.

Together they discover that the demon is an Old One, determined to drain life from the world, and he's convinced Tain, the youngest Immortal, to turn on his brothers and help him.

The only way to stop them is to gather the remaining Immortals in one place--but the spell to do it has been lost, and the Immortals no longer want to play nice...

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 16:59:25
Май 2007

Night Lost by Lynn Viehl
Четвертая книга серии Darkyn, вампиры (или им подобные)

Abandoned by his fellow Darkyn, Gabriel Seran is in continual torment as a prisoner of the religious zealots known as the Brethren. His only hope for rescue lies in Nicola Jefferson, a thief seeking a holy relic - and connected to Gabriel in more ways than she can possibly imagine...

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 17:17:16
Март - Апрель - Май 2007

Linda Winstead Jones - Children of the Sun trilogy (трилогия Дети Солнца).
Эта трилогия - про детей героинь ее трилогии "Ведьмы"
1. Prince of Magic (март 2007) есть в сети
2. Prince of Fire (апрель 2007)
3. Prince of Swords (май 2007)

(http://g-ec2.images-amazon.com/images/I/51QD3SWTD4L._AA240_.jpg)  (http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/41eOUNt3izL._AA240_.jpg)  (http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51eIIXFlvSL._AA240_.jpg)

The firstborn children of the Fyne witches have finally come into their own, each with a special gift...

1. Prince of Magic
Independent Ariana Kane Varden, daughter of the Sun Witch, has never let family duty keep her from reaching her dreams. She learned the practice of her gift, the power to heal others, at her mother's knee. And now she is the Palace healer, tending to her emperor...

The last prophecy of magician Sian Chamblyn's late grandfather points to Ariana as the one to save Columbyana from a growing evil. Sian has hightailed it from lands afar to deliver the message. When he must prepare her for the fight of her life, Sian intends to remain undistracted by his sensuously beautiful protege. But in the heat of battle - and passion-diligence might be his downfall...

2. Prince of Fire
Following the acclaimed Sisters of the Sun trilogy comes the Children of the Sun, a trilogy about the sisters' first-born children. Here in its second installment, Keelia, Queen of the Anwyn, falls for her shape-shifting kidnapper, but still cannot deny the ever-looming Prophecy of the Firstborn: She will betray love in the name of victory.

3. Prince of Swords
In the last installment of the Children of the Sun trilogy, a shackled virgin must choose between the monster she knows and a sexy stranger who could spell doom-or help her fulfill the Prophecy of the Firstborn.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 17:21:19
Май 2007

The Arangement by Suzanne Forster

(http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/n44/n220007.jpg)Alison Fairmont Villard wakes in a hospital bed with a face she doesn't recognize and a husband she doesn't know. Andrew Villard, a self-made millionaire, has a bright future but a shadowy past. When he tells Alison the details of their life together, she has no choice but to believe him—and to accept the shocking proposal he offers.

It isn't just the partial amnesia that Alison suffers. She has her own terrifying secrets that can't be entrusted to anyone, even Andrew. Even the police suspect he was behind Alison's near fatal accident aboard his yacht and were ready to charge him with murder before her body was found, battered on the razor-sharp coral reefs.

When the veil of amnesia lifts, it's too late. Alison is caught in a web of her own making. And now an FBI agent with a personal vendetta is about to blow the lid off her deadly marriage of convenience.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 17:31:37
Еще раз обращаю ваше внимание - здесь сообщать только о книгах, вышедших в прошлом или выходящих в текущем месяце. Т.е. действительно о новинках.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 18:07:13
Я сейчас посмотрела планы на июнь - просто фантастика. Нашим издателям такого богатства на год бы хватило - Линдсей, Джо Беверли, Лиз Карлайл, Ховард, Лоуэлл, Энок, Палмер, Christine Feehan. И это только те, кого я бы взяла не глядя.
Все подробности - вечером.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 19:56:48
Июнь 2007

A Dangerous Beauty by Sophia Nash

(http://g-ec2.images-amazon.com/images/I/513Om9urITL._AA240_.jpg) A Courageous Outcast . . .

Rosamunde Baird has lost everything and has no choice but to accept an invitation to spend a season with a dowager duchess and her clandestine ladies club. Determined to stay in the shadows and live quietly, she has sworn never again to come face to face with adventure and temptation, two things that brought her ruin years ago. But then the Duke of Helston dangles before her the very things she craves most . . .

Lord Fire & Ice . . .

Mysterious Luc St. Aubyn has a much-deserved reputation for exuding blistering passion at night and frost the morning after. What demons drive this audacious war hero to hide secrets about the dowager's club and his devilish dictionary? When he's blindsided by his reactions to a virtuous siren, he has no choice but to reveal all during a scandal that will doom them . . . or save them, if only they dare to believe in love.

About the Author
Sophia Nash’s first three novels won a total of eight national awards, including the prestigious RITA Award and a spot on the American Library Association's “Top Ten Romances of the Year.” Sophia was born in Switzerland, and raised in France and the United States, but says her heart resides in Regency England. Her ancestor, an infamous French admiral who traded epic cannon fire with the British Royal Navy, is surely turning in his grave.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 20:00:55
Июнь 2007

The Devil Who Tamed Her by Johanna Lindsey

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51WNTQzGa9L._AA240_.jpg)Ophelia Reid is an incomparable beauty with the reputation for starting rumors. Having purposely wrecked her engagement to Duncan MacTavish, a future marquis, which her social-climbing father arranged, Ophelia wants to return to London's marriage mart and make her own choice of a wealthy husband. But on her journey home, something unexpected happens....

The heir to a dukedom, Raphael Locke, Viscount Lynnfield, is the most sought-after young lord in England. He instantly disliked Ophelia when she caused a scandal to avoid marrying his friend MacTavish, but he begins to wonder if she's not all bad. So when MacTavish claims that Ophelia will never be anything but spiteful, Rafe bets his friend otherwise. Whisking her -- chaperoned, of course -- to his country estate, Rafe shows his furious, sharp-tongued "guest" the error of her ways and discovers the surprising reasons for her bad behavior. When Rafe champions the new and improved Ophelia's re-entry to London society, marriage proposals pour in. Only then does Rafe wonder whether he hasn't gone and fallen in love with Ophelia himself....

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 20:03:01
Июнь 2007

The Highlander's Bride by Donna Fletcher

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51Bqwf0ryjL._AA240_.jpg) Forced to marry . . .

Cullen Longton was stunned by the news: he has a son! Cullen is now determined to find his child, who was stolen by a vengeful enemy, and has followed the trail to a nunnery in the Scottish Highlands. A beautiful, desperate woman promises to assist him in his quest . . . for a price.

But powerless to resist her

Sara McHern is a prisoner behind convent walls, where she must remain until her father finds her a husband. Cullen’s arrival is the answer to her prayers—and she will reunite him with his son only if he agrees to wed her. Then passion ignites, and a marriage of convenience is suddenly transformed into something fiery hot. Cullen never imagined he would surrender his heart to this feisty lass, but as they struggle to escape the web of deceit that surrounds them, love may be the only thing that will save them.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 20:06:54
Июнь 2007

How to Engage an Earl by Kathryn Caskie
Вторая книга в серии The Royle Sisters (после How to Seduce a Duke)

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51YUOIC1BfL._AA240_.jpg) The last thing the Earl of MacLaren wants is a wife, so when he awakens to discover a fair-haired enchantress at the foot of his bed, he behaves as any man might by taking full advantage of the delicious situation. Then his family bursts in, and the chit brazenly announces that she is his betrothed. So he finds himself well on his way to being legshackled for life!

Beautiful, reserved Anne Royle had never done anything so mad in her life. She entered the earl's bedchamber with no intention of seduction. Rather, she hoped to discover a document that could contain the truth about her heritage. But now her world is turned upside down, and while she trembles at the thought of her wedding night, she finds she longs for it in ways she never thought possible.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 20:12:19
Июнь 2007

Lady Beware by Jo Beverley
Беверли продолжает знакомить нас с окружением Компании плутов. Героиня книги - сеста одного из них.

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/517NK9e-9CL._AA240_.jpg)For generations, the Cave family has been marked by scandal, madness, and violence. But after earning a reputation for bravery in the army, Horatio Cave, the new Viscount Darien, has come home to charm London society and restore the family name. He means to start with the lovely Lady Thea Debenham. The magnetism between them is immediate, but can Thea trust the dark, sexy "Vile Viscount"? And will Thea's brother Dare - the most dashing member of the Company of Rogues-believe that Horatio does not deserve the cursed Cave reputation?

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 20:14:24
Июнь 2007

Lord Of Scandal by Nicola Cornick

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51p9JY2E2ML._AA240_.jpg)Scandalous and seductive, Lord Hawksmoor is a notorious fortune hunter. A man women want to bed—and men want to do away with. Now he has tasted the woman of his dreams, Catherine Fenton, and he will do anything to make her his.

Though heiress to eighty thousand pounds, Catherine is trapped in a gilded cage, and duty bound to a man she detests. The ton has woven a fantasy around Ben, Lord Hawksmoor, that any woman would find hard to resist, but she senses there is more to the man behind the glittering facade.

She believes he can rescue her—but has she found her hero, or made a pact with the devil himself…?

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 20:15:50
Июнь 2007

McCavett's Bride by Carol Finch

(http://g-ec2.images-amazon.com/images/I/51610DANp6L._AA240_.jpg)Unable to tolerate the controlling expectations of her upper-class family, Pru Perkins shipped herself to Paradise, Oklahoma, as a mail-order bride. She was destined to make Jack's dreams of a peaceful life a distant memory!

Ex-lawman Jack McCavett was done with excitement, glad to have his days of adventure behind him. Now he wanted to enjoy his quiet ranch with a restful, respectable woman at his side. But his special delivery was Pru, heiress, suffragette and all-round firebrand. Soon his desire for calm would be left far behind—and his need for Pru would be irresistible!

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 20:20:49
Июнь 2007

Never Lie to a Lady by Liz Carlyle
Вторая книга в новой серии - Neville Family
School for Heiresses, The (Anthology) - Book 1
Never Lie to a Lady - Book 2
Never Deceive a Duke - Book 3

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51zvx6s-eML._AA240_.jpg)Meet Stefan . . .
The notorious Marquis of Nash is a creature of the night; his wealth and his title provide but a tenuous entrée into polite society. With his Eastern European manners and dark elegance, Nash tempts women even as he tempts the scandalmongers. Rumors abound of the men he has bankrupted and the hearts he has broken. But when Nash leaves his lair for a rare foray into the ton, and enjoys a moment of heated passion with a mysterious lady in the dark, he develops an obsession which will lead him into the hellish world of smugglers, spies, and political intrigue as the Continent edges nearer to war.

and Xanthia . . .
Xanthia Neville has arrived in London to expand her family’s most lucrative business holding — Neville Shipping. With her brother Rothewell all too happy to waste his life in debauchery, Xanthia opens up shop in London’s grimy Docklands, and sets about expanding the family fortune, all the while flaunting the ton’s silly strictures about how a lady ought to behave. But London, she soon learns, is not Barbados. And when the British Government approaches Rothewell to ask the family’s help in exposing a dangerous arms dealer, Xanthia must enter society after all, only to find her loyalties torn. Someone in London is fueling the conflict on the Balkan Peninsula by smuggling illicit weapons into the Aegean — and there is only one likely suspect. The Marquis of Nash has the resources, the contacts and, quite possibly, the deeply divided loyalties. But can Xanthia’s subterfuge prove him a traitor to the Crown before her heart is broken?

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 20:25:13
Июнь 2007

Passion for the Game by Sylvia Day

(http://g-ec2.images-amazon.com/images/I/51+-4CvIiKL._AA240_.jpg) For the notorious Lady Winter, seduction and duplicity are required to survive. Cunning and precision are the tools of pirate Christopher St. John. Pitted against one another, they are a surprise waiting to happen…

Set A Criminal To Catch A Criminal

Christopher St. John and Maria, Lady Winter, are infamous in Society for their misdeeds and their charming allures. Wherever they go, scandalized whispers and covetous glances follow. A ruthless pirate and a widow whose two husbands have met untimely deaths, the wickedly renowned figures are even more intriguing to the authorities. Now they’ve been set on the most provocative of tasks—St. John is released from prison to learn the “Wintry Widow’s” intimate secrets, while Lady Winter is charged with performing a similar deception in reverse. One will succeed. One will hang.

From Ballroom To Bedroom, They’re Perfectly Matched

With the fate of loved ones in the balance, the unlikely couple embarks upon a battle of wills and wits that takes them from glittering ballrooms to the depths of the underworld to the candlelit pleasures of the bedroom. As they fall helpless to a desire and startling affinity neither expected, the deadly web of their subterfuge closes in, forcing them to make a choice. Individual freedom? Or an audacious scheme to keep an impossible yet irresistible love...

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 20:27:27
Июнь 2007

Preacher's Daughter, The by Cheryl St. John

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/516c+P38boL._AA240_.jpg)Lorabeth Holdridge longed for life and experience! Cloistered by her strict father, her world was confined to chores and prayer. Her chance of escape came when she took a job as housekeeper to a boisterous family. Lorabeth reveled in her newfound freedom. And when Benjamin Chaney visited, she felt the stirrings of her first crush.

Jaded and cynical, Ben found it hard to trust, though Lorabeth's sweetness soothed his battered soul and taught him joy. But he would have to face the demons of his past to find a glorious future in Lorabeth's arms!

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 20:29:56
Июнь 2007

Sins of a Duke by Suzanne Enoch

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51EHclaZzXL._AA240_.jpg)     Lust is a Sin . . .

Sebastian Griffin, the Duke of Melbourne, has raised his younger siblings, seen to it that they made correct matches, and basically kept everyone in line. Seen as the most powerful man in England, Sebastian has a reputation for propriety and has maintained a scandal-free life.

Until now.

Josefina Katarina Embry is a beauty, to be sure, but she claims to be the princess of a faraway country. While she dazzles the ton with her wit and charm, Sebastian suspects she's up to something. And he's determined to expose her . . . if only he wasn't so distracted by her brazen sensuality and the irresistible allure of her kiss. Sebastian knows an affair will lead them into scandal, but will the most powerful man in England risk all for a princess of dubious lineage . . . or will he allow a most sinful desire to rule his heart?

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 20:32:29
Июнь 2007

Tempted Tigress by Jade Lee
Очередная, шестая книга из серии Тигрица


Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 20:35:09
Июнь 2007

A Time to Remember by Margaret Pemberton

(http://g-ec2.images-amazon.com/images/I/41CxXy9ivfL._AA240_.jpg)As the threat of war hangs over Europe, Adam Harland takes his young wife, Elizabeth Kingsley, away from a burgeoning career as a concert pianist to Hong Kong, where Elizabeth determines to avoid Raefe Elliot, a notorious womanizer. But Raefe is the only man who has ever truly understood Elizabeth, and on the eve of the Japanese invasion of Hong Kong, she must make a momentous decision ..

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 20:37:53
Июнь 2007

To Love a Scoundrel by Kristina Cook

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51ncEea4rfL._AA240_.jpg)He's Notorious for His Wicked Ways . . .
Frederick Stoneham thoroughly enjoys the life he leads as one of London's most disreputable rogues. When his father arranges for him to wed Lady Eleanor Ashton, he believes his decadent lifestyle can carry on uninterrupted. After all, he remembers Eleanor to be plain and timid – not the kind of wife who will demand attention or insist he leave his mistress. But Frederick has change of heart when he sees the striking beauty Eleanor has become!

Can She Reform Him?
Eleanor is stunned to discover she is to wed Frederick Stoneham – the man she has secretly pined after for years, despite his reputation. When Frederick's former mistress tells her a horrible lie, Eleanor feels betrayed. But Frederick's persistence – and a passion that refuses to be ignored – are slowly melting Eleanor's resolve. Now Frederick must prove to Eleanor that his days as a rake are in the past and that she is the only woman he will ever love!

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 20:43:59
Июнь 2007

In Darkness Reborn by Alexis Morgan
Паранормальный/фэнтези. Третья книга в серии Paladins of Darkness (первые две есть в сети)

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51t0WrhRcTL._AA240_.jpg)Once a warrior for the Others, Barak q'Young is caught between two worlds -- exiled from his homeland, and a pariah among his enemies, the Paladins. While hunting a betrayer who's selling the precious blue gems that light the Others' world, Barak must aid geologist Lacey Sebastian in her research for the Paladins. Barak is instantly drawn to the fiery, beautiful woman, but Lacey initially despises the enemy intruder. Soon she sees beyond his violent past, though, finding the dark warrior intriguing -- and extremely sexy.

Though neither can resist the passion that blazes between them, Barak is torn between loyalties, hiding a secret gift that could prove useful to Lacey's research, at the sacrifice of his own people. But when Lacey is kidnapped and held hostage, Barak realizes he will do anything to save her . . . even risk his own life.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 20:47:05
Июнь 2007

Master of Dragons by Angela Knight
Паранормальный/фэнтези. Восьмая книга в серии Mageverse

(http://g-ec2.images-amazon.com/images/I/51nLu8s-8kL._AA240_.jpg)The last time fairy princess Nineva Morrow engaged in magic, evil forces rendered her an orphan - isolated and incapable of trusting in anyone's survival. But after years of hiding on Earth, she'll use her powers once more - and attract more knights than she can handle

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 20:49:31
Июнь 2007

Raintree: Haunted by Linda Winstead Jones
Паронормальный/фэнтези. Книга из серии Raintree


Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 20:59:02
Июнь 2007

Safe Harbor by Christine Feehan
Паранормальный. Пятая книга в серии Drake Sisters

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51rwvAv7RRL._AA240_.jpg)New York Times bestselling author “Christine Feehan has brought paranormal romance to a new high.”* Now she soars as she introduces Hannah, one of the extraordinary Drake sisters—all gifted, enigmatic, and seductively enchanted…

One of seven daughters in a line of extraordinary women, Hannah Drake has been the elusive object of affection for Jonas Harrington for as long at the young man can remember. If only the stunning super-model was driven by a passion other than her career. But Jonas isn’t the only one with desires for Hannah.

From the shadows has emerged a vengeful figure who stalks the beauty with one terrifying purpose: to strip her of all she is and destroy her. Only one man was destined as her protection. Now, out of a storm of danger, Jonas must guide the woman he loves from a sinister darkness that threatens not only Hannah, but the entire Drake family.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 21:02:18
Июнь 2007

Double Take by Catherine Coulter
Современный триллер

(http://g-ec2.images-amazon.com/images/I/51xGP6oc2IL._AA240_.jpg)It's been more than six months since her husband's brutal death, and Julia Ransom is just beginning to breathe again. She loved her husband, renowned psychic August Ransom, but the media frenzy that followed his murder sapped what little strength she had left. Now, after dinner with friends, strolling along San Francisco's Pier 39, she realizes that she's happy. Standing at the railing, she savors the sounds around her-tourists, seals on a barge-and for a moment enjoys the sheer normalcy of it all. And then it comes to an end. Out of nowhere she's approached by a respectable-looking man who distracts her with conversation before violently attacking her and throwing her the railing. If it hadn't been for Special Agent Cheney Stone, out to stretch his legs between courses at a local restaurant, Julia would have vanished into the bay's murky depths. Not only does he save her from a watery grave, but he senses a connection between her assault and her husband's death, and sets out to serve as her protector while reopening August Ransom's murder investigation.

Meanwhile, in Maestro, Virginia, Sheriff Dixon Noble-last seen in Point Blank-still mourns his wife, Christie, who vanished hree years earlier. His life, too, is just getting back to normal when he learns of a San Francisco woman named Charlotte Pallack, whose shocking resemblance to Christie sends Dix across the country. Though he knows in his heart that she can't possibly be his wife, Dix is compelled to see her with his own eyes. Once in San Francisco, Dix and Cheney's paths inevitably cross. With the help of agents Dillon Savich and Lacey Sherlock, whose San Francisco connections prove essential in unlocking the mystery behind Charlotte Pallack's identity as well as the forces behind Julia Ransom's attempted murder, Sheriff Noble and Agent Stone push deep into a complex world of psychics and poseurs. As the stakes and the body count rise, Savich, Sherlock, Dix, and Cheney fight for answers-and their lives.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 21:07:30
Июнь 2007

Innocent as Sin by Elizabeth Lowell

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51zqz6BnJLL._AA240_.jpg) Kayla Shaw is a private banker in Arizona—smart and capable but underpaid and underappreciated. Rand McCree is a haunted man who paints landscapes in the Pacific Northwest, burning with a need for answers about the terrible event that shattered his world. They are two strangers with nothing in common . . . until their lives entwine—and explode.

On what at first appears to be an ordinary day, everything changes for Kayla, as she barely escapes a kidnapping attempt and finds herself accused of a shocking crime: the illegal laundering of hundreds of millions of dollars. Damned by lies and false "evidence," she is trapped with no place to run.

After five agonizing years, Rand has finally been offered what he desires the most: the name of his twin brother's murderer. Hungry for vengeance, he accepts a job with St. Kilda Consulting that will place him in the killer's orbit . . . and tantalizingly close to Kayla Shaw. The cold-blooded international criminal responsible for Rand's brother's death has targeted Kayla as his next victim. Since she can't turn to the police, who believe she's guilty as sin, she must place her life in the hands of the shadowy, secretive man who has come out of nowhere to protect her.

Suspicious of each other, needing each other, they are two against the world—with unknown enemies on all sides and even the government itself suspect—as the violence of the past erupts in the present. And now innocence alone will not be enough to keep Kayla Shaw alive. . . .

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 21:09:45
Июнь 2007

Lawman by Diana Palmer

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51pcEkfL7jL._AA240_.jpg)When San Antonio FBI Agent, Garon Grier buys a ranch in Jacobsville, Texas, the strong, silent loner is hoping to mend some broken family fences. He's not looking for love when he finds an unexpected, unwanted attraction to the girl next door, a shy lovley woman who believes some secrets are best kept hidden. But the truth will prove just as dangerous when Garon tackles the most difficult case of his career, hunting an escaped convict, a child predator whose former witnesses are all dead. All but one.

Grace Carver grew up in this quiet Texas town. She works as a cook at the loval cafe and nurtures a spectacular garden in the home she shares with her elderly grandmother. She remains unmarried and untouched because of a past darkened by tragedy. Now, at only twenty-five, she's accepted loneliness as a way of life. That is, until Garon.

But only when fear and uncertaintly collide in reckless heartbreak does Garon fully realize what he's found with Grace--and what he may have lost. Because his hunt for a killer has led him to the last person on earth he would ever have expected to be the one who had escaped death at the hands of a madman. And now a desperate lawman and a proud woman must decide if secrets will come between them forever...or free them to love.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 17, 2007, 21:18:49
Май 2007

Eloisa James - Desperate Duchesses

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51bvu8BqKpL._AA240_.jpg) Welcome to a world of reckless sensuality and glittering sophistication . . . of dangerously handsome gentlemen and young ladies longing to gain a title . . . of games played for high stakes, including—on occasion—a lady's virtue.

A marquess's sheltered only daughter, Lady Roberta St. Giles falls in love with a man she glimpses across a crowded ballroom: a duke, a game player of consummate skill, a notorious rakehell who shows no interest in marriage—until he lays eyes on Roberta.

Yet the Earl of Gryffyn knows too well that the price required to gain a coronet is often too high. Damon Reeve, the earl, is determined to protect the exquisite Roberta from chasing after the wrong destiny.

Can Damon entice her into a high-stakes game of his own, even if his heart is likely to be lost in the venture?

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Май 18, 2007, 08:14:45
Июнь 2007

Shirlee Busbee - Scandal Becomes Her

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51n+XifjvgL._AA240_.jpg)Nell Anslowe and Julian, Earl of Wyndham, are an unlikely couple in every respect. Injured in a riding accident ten years ago, Nell was left with a fiancé who abandoned their engagement, a slight limp, terrifying nightmares, and the firm belief that she will never marry. The abrupt end of Julian’s unhappy marriage formed his resolve to remain a bachelor until the end of his days. But as Julian chases down his reckless stepsister, he seeks shelter from a summer storm in a cottage—and finds it occupied by Nell, who has escaped from a fortune-seeking libertine bent on carrying her off to Gretna Green. Discovered together by Nell’s family, the couple’s hasty wedding is the only way to save Nell from scandal—but the polite union each of them expects blossoms into something much more powerful…

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Diana от Май 18, 2007, 10:01:49
Июнь 2007
Everything I Needed to Know About Being a Girl I Learned from Judy Blume

Meg Cabot, Beth Kendrick, Julie Kenner, Cara Lockwood and Jennifer O'Connell

(http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/images/x2/x14792.jpg)"I wonder if Judy Blume really knows how many girls' lives she affected. I wonder if she knows that at least one of her books made a grown woman finally feel like she'd been a normal girl all along. . . ."


Everything I Needed to Know About Being a Girl I Learned from

Judy Blume

Whether laughing to tears reading Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great or clamoring for more unmistakable "me too!" moments in Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret, girls all over the world have been touched by Judy Blume's poignant coming-of-age stories. Now, in this anthology of essays, twenty-four notable female authors write straight from the heart about the unforgettable novels that left an indelible mark on their childhoods and still influence them today. After growing up from Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing into Smart Women, these writers pay tribute, through their reflections and most cherished memories, to one of the most beloved authors of all time.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Diana от Май 18, 2007, 10:09:43
Июнь 2007

High Noon by Nora Roberts (Нора Робертс)
Первая обложка - с английского Амазона; вторая - с американского


Police Lieutenant Phoebe MacNamara found her calling at an early age when an unstable man broke into her family's home, trapping and terrorizing them for hours. Now she's Savannah's top hostage negotiator, defusing powderkeg situations with a talent for knowing when to give in-and when to jump in and take action. It's satisfying work-and sometimes those skills come in handy at home dealing with her agoraphobic mother, still traumatized by the break-in after all these years, and her precocious seven-year-old, Carly.

It's exactly that heady combination of steely courage and sensitivity that first attracts Duncan Swift to Phoebe. After observing her coax one of his employees down from a roof ledge, he is committed to keeping this intriguing, take-charge woman in his life. She's used to working solo, but Phoebe's discovering that no amount of negotiation can keep Duncan at arm's length.

And when she's grabbed by a man who throws a hood over her head and brutally assaults her-in her own precinct house-Phoebe can't help but be deeply shaken. Then threatening messages show up on her doorstep, and she's not just alarmed but frustrated. How do you go face-to-face with an opponent who refuses to look you in the eye?

Now, with Duncan backing her up every step of the way, she must establish contact with the faceless tormentor who is determined to make her a hostage to fear . . . before she becomes the final showdown.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Diana от Май 18, 2007, 10:10:59
Июнь 2007

Sudden Pleasures by Bertrice Small (Бертрис Смол)
(Третья книга в серии Channel)

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51WpGc5z4ML._AA240_.jpg)Ashley Kimbrough has everything a woman could want. Not only is she wealthy and successful, she has a more than satisfying sex life in The Channel, a secret network that allows women to live out their wildest fantasies. But if she doesn't find herself a husband she could be in danger of losing it all.

Then multi-millionaire Ryan Mulcahy enters Ashley's life. With that Celtic warrior's body and drop-dead gorgeous face, he makes her fantasies run wild. Although their marriage is one of convenience, Ashley is starting to wonder whether she can use everything she learned from The Channel on her unsuspecting husband.

(У Эшли Кимбург есть все чего бы ни желала себе женщина. Она не только состоятельна и успешна, у нее есть более чем удовлетворительный секс в The Channel, секретной сети где женщины могут воплотить в жизнь свои самые дикие фантазии. Но если она не найдет себе мужа, она может потерять все.
Тогда в жизнь Эшли входит мультимиллионер Райан Малкахи. Его тело кельтского война и сражающее на повал лицо, делает фантазии Эшли все более дикими. И хотя их брак это не более чем выгода, Эшли начинает мечтать о том, чтобы использовать все то, чему она научилась в The Channel на своем ничего не подозревающем муже.)

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Diana от Май 18, 2007, 10:12:11
Июнь 2007

Constance by Rosie Thomas

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51O49RcJoYL._AA240_.jpg)Constance has made a new life for herself in a foreign land. She is a musician, a composer, a highly paid arranger of other people's music, living in a lively expatriate community in Bali. There the world is idyllic - beautiful beaches framed with lush, green trees, charming small houses, and a relaxed, convivial lifestyle. So when the news comes of her sister's serious illness the last thing she wants to do is return to London. For her sister is much older than Constance - and not a real relative. Constance was adopted. While she never felt completely at home with her 'family', nor did she ever want to find her birth mother. But none of these are the real reason she is so reluctant to go home. It is far more complicated than that: before leaving London, she fell in love with her sister's husband. But when Constance does go back to London, she discovers a great deal more about her sister and family. She gets to know her 18-year old nephew and his Lithuanian girlfriend, learns about her family history and the hidden connections with her past. Most importantly of all, she must face the dilemma of her forbidden love; and in doing so, discover a new identity for herself. Rosie Thomas has a remarkable ability to write about human dilemmas and Constance is one of her most endearing characters.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Diana от Май 18, 2007, 10:15:33
Июнь 2007

The Unfortunate Miss Fortunes
Jennifer Crusie, Eileen Dreyer and Anne Stuart

Антология, паранормальн., магия

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51XNjaJLGHL._AA240_.jpg)You're invited to spend the weekend with three extraordinary sisters…

When she was sixteen, Dee Fortune kidnapped her two younger sisters and ran from danger. Now twenty-nine, she's still trying to control her shape-shifting power—no easy task when Danny James shows up one Friday morning with his deadly smile and dangerous questions about the past.
Lizzie is determined to save her family from financial ruin by turning straw into gold; now if she could only stop turning forks into bunnies. Then Elric, a sorcerer, appears one Friday—annoyed with the chaos Lizzie is creating in the universe and in his heart. . . .
The youngest Miss Fortune, Mare, towers above her sisters but her telekinetic power is dwarfed by their gifts. She spends her days at Value Video!! and her nights contemplating the futility of her existence. But then a gorgeous Value Video!! VP and Mare's long lost love turn up. . .and they all turn up the heat on a weekend that no Fortune will soon forget!

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Diana от Май 18, 2007, 10:19:01
Май 2007

The Viscount in Her Bedroom by Gayle Callen
Первая книга (?) в серии Sisters of Willow Pond Trilogy

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51w1afUjCxL._AA240_.jpg)She never knew the true meaning of desire until she was tempted by . . . The Viscount in Her Bedroom.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Diana от Май 18, 2007, 10:23:06
Июнь 2007

The Spy Wore Silk by Andrea Pickens

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/514pxAuDpWL._AA240_.jpg)They were once orphans from London's roughest slums. Now they are students of Mrs. Merlin's Academy for Select Young Ladies, learning the art of spying and seduction. Bold, beautiful, and oh-so-dangerous, they are England's ultimate secret weapons. The most skilled of Merlin's Maidens, Siena must unmask a traitor lurking among an exclusive club of book collectors. Armed with only her wits, her blades, and her sultry body, she joins the gentlemen at a country house party. But her prime suspect, disgraced ex-army officer Lord Kirtland proves as enigmatic as he is suspicious-and sinfully sensuous. Kirtland's instincts tell him the enticing "Black Dove" is hiding more than a luscious body beneath her fancy silks. Yet as he starts to plumb her secrets, a cunning adversary lays plans to destroy them both. To live, Siena must end her tantalizing dance of deception and desire-and decide whether to trust her head or her heart.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Diana от Май 18, 2007, 10:36:44
А июль и август просто сыпят новинками как из рога изобилия, обложки просто заглядение, правда аннотаций почти нет;)

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Diana от Май 18, 2007, 10:37:51
Июль 2007

Sleepless at Midnight by Jacquie D'Alessandro
Первая книга (?) в серии Mayhem in Mayfair

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51aJHPjfDgL._AA240_.jpg) The ladies in London are abuzz over Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, especially Miss Sarah Moorehouse. Her imagination is fired up, so when she spies Matthew Devenport, Marquess Langston, mysteriously sneaking home in the wee hours clutching a shovel, she simply must investigate. Impelled by curiosity, the adventurous lass steals into his bedchamber—only to be caught red-handed by the impossibly handsome and totally naked nobleman.

The Marquess Langston has more important things to worry about than a group of literature-loving ladies. But Matthew's grand plan to rescue the family from ruin could be lost when he discovers Sarah hiding behind his bedroom curtain. What is this meddlesome woman up to? And why are his desires inflamed by a chit who is too inquisitive for her own good? Well, two can play at this game . . . and when Matthew captures the beguiling Sarah in all her naked glory, the night of mischief has only just begun.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Ксю от Май 18, 2007, 11:00:18
Я чего-то не поняла, ведь "Tongue in Chic" Кристины Додд вышла в феврале этого года. Я писала, что купила ее в "Олимпийском". Как же это может быть май?

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Diana от Май 18, 2007, 11:03:06
Я чего-то не поняла, ведь "Tongue in Chic" Кристины Додд вышла в феврале этого года. Я писала, что купила ее в "Олимпийском". Как же это может быть май?
Значит переиздают, наверное шибко популярный;) Исправила.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Henrietta от Май 18, 2007, 14:47:13
Торнтон я тоже давненько видела, правда у нее на сайте  ;)

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Diana от Май 18, 2007, 17:10:27
Торнтон я тоже давненько видела, правда у нее на сайте  ;)
Да но выходит как и Карлайл (которая тоже давно у нее на сайте висит) только в июле;)

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: margarita от Май 19, 2007, 02:07:13
Май 2007

The Viscount in Her Bedroom by Gayle Callen
Первая книга (?) в серии Sisters of Willow Pond Trilogy

(http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/51w1afUjCxL._AA240_.jpg)She never knew the true meaning of desire until she was tempted by . . . The Viscount in Her Bedroom.

девочки, не забывайте, плиз, указывать, истор роман или современный! и спасибо за отличную рубрику!

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Ксю от Июнь 03, 2007, 02:26:28
Июнь 2007

The Secret Diaries of Miss Miranda Cheever by Julia Quinn

From Publishers Weekly
Quinn's first title since 1999 not to feature the Bridgerton clan (On the Way to the Wedding), this Regency concerns Miranda Cheever, who fell in love with the aristocratic Nigel Bevelstoke, Viscount Turner, when she was 10 and he 19. Now 20, and still in love, Miranda's designs are thwarted by the indiscretions of Nigel's late wife—heartbroken, Nigel isn't willing to risk another shot at love, even if it means hurting his close friend Miranda. Quinn's pitch-perfect humor remains intact, but her latest relies too much on romance conventions, including Miranda's scholarly but benignly neglectful father; an even more overused device involves Turner's hot-and-cold feelings toward Miranda, which reduce the heroine to tears more than once. However, the two make a lovable couple, and Miranda in particular shines, as do Turner's two siblings in strong secondary roles. Though a bit stale, this well-written, often funny and occasionally tender romance has much to enjoy. (July)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Book Description

2 March 1810 . . .
Today, I fell in love.

At the age of ten, Miranda Cheever showed no signs of Great Beauty. And even at ten, Miranda learned to accept the expectations society held for her—until the afternoon when Nigel Bevelstoke, the handsome and dashing Viscount Turner, solemnly kissed her hand and promised her that one day she would grow into herself, that one day she would be as beautiful as she already was smart. And even at ten, Miranda knew she would love him forever.

But the years that followed were as cruel to Turner as they were kind to Miranda. She is as intriguing as the viscount boldly predicted on that memorable day—while he is a lonely, bitter man, crushed by a devastating loss. But Miranda has never forgotten the truth she set down on paper all those years earlier—and she will not allow the love that is her destiny to slip lightly through her fingers . . .

Как-то мы про неё, родимую, позабыли... Или я проглядела в предыдущих сообщниях?

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Ксю от Июнь 03, 2007, 02:35:43
Почему-то пропустили...

Май 2007

The River Knows by Amanda Quick

(http://www.krentz-quick.com/images/0399154175_med.jpg)   The first kiss occurred in a dimly lit hallway on the upper floor of Elwin Hastings's grand house. Louisa never saw it coming....

Of course, Anthony Stalbridge couldn't possibly have had romantic intentions. The kiss was an act of desperation meant to distract the armed guard from catching the pair in a place they did not belong. After all, Louisa Bryce, in her dull maroon gown and gold-rimmed spectacles, was no man's idea of an alluring female. The only thing the two interlopers have in common is a passionate interest in the private affairs of Mr. Hastings—a prominent member of Society whom they both suspect of hiding terrible secrets. Now, brought together by their ruse, Anthony and Louisa are united in their efforts to find the truth.

Each has a reason for the quest. Anthony's fiancée was said to have thrown herself into the Thames—but Anthony has his own suspicions. Louisa—whose own identity is shrouded in layers of mystery—is convinced that Hastings has a connection to a notorious brothel. When Anthony successfully cracks Hastings's hidden safe—and discovers incriminating evidence—it appears that both their instincts were correct.

Yet Hastings is hiding far more than jewels and ledger books. Bringing him to justice will be more perilous than they anticipate—and their partnership will be more heated than either one expects. For it is not only Anthony's curiosity that Louisa arouses, and the two share something else: a thrilling attraction to danger. . . .

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Inna от Июнь 03, 2007, 05:19:21
Девочки, простите, пожалуйста, но нельзя ли попросить у вас прислать Квин The Secret Diaries of Miss Miranda Cheever
 и последнюю Квик "The river knows"? Ну не пускают меня в пиринг, хоть ты тресни! Мой адрес per@dat.ict.nsc.ru

Я все читаю и облизываюсь, а сейчас просто сердце не выдержало. Ваша Инна

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Июнь 03, 2007, 09:57:28
Девочки, простите, пожалуйста, но нельзя ли попросить у вас прислать Квин The Secret Diaries of Miss Miranda Cheever
 и последнюю Квик "The river knows"? Ну не пускают меня в пиринг, хоть ты тресни! Мой адрес per@dat.ict.nsc.ru

Я все читаю и облизываюсь, а сейчас просто сердце не выдержало. Ваша Инна

Инна - здесь речь идет о "бумажных" новинках. О тех, что впервые выходят из печати. Так что мы все здесь читаем и облизываемся  :'(

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: margarita от Июнь 05, 2007, 13:09:02
жду не дождусь куин!!!! скорее бы :)

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Ксю от Июль 30, 2007, 16:43:50
Сентябрь 2007

The Serpent Prince by Elizabeth Hoyt
(З-я книга в серии Princes Trilogy)

(http://www.elizabethhoyt.com/books/covers/serpent_300.jpg)   WHEN THE DEVIL MEETS AN ANGEL
Country bred Lucy Craddock-Hayes is content with her quiet life. Until the day she trips over an unconscious man—a naked unconscious an—and loses her innocence forever.

Viscount Simon Iddesleigh was nearly beaten to death by his enemies. Now he’s hell-bent on vengeance. But as Lucy nurses him back to health, her honesty startles his jaded sensibilities—even as it ignites a desire that threatens to consume them both.

Charmed by Simon’s sly wit, urbane manners, and even his red-heeled shoes, Lucy falls hard and fast for him. Yet as his honor keeps him from ravishing her, his revenge sends his attackers to her door. As Simon wages war on his foes, Lucy wages her own war for his soul using the only weapon she has—her love…

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Ксю от Июль 30, 2007, 16:51:34
Сентябрь 2007

Dark Rival by Brenda Joyce
(2-я книга в серии Masters of Time)

(http://www.brendajoyce.com/images/covers/masters/dark_rival_sp.jpg)   A golden man, he is called Black Royce—a battle hardened soldier of the gods. His vows are his life—until he is sent to New York City to protect a Healer from those who would use her powers for themselves.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Ксю от Июль 30, 2007, 16:57:23
Август 2007

Lady Be Bad by Candice Hern
(3-я книга в серии Merry Widows)

(http://www.candicehern.com/images/bookcovers/bad/bad_276.jpg)   John Grayston, seventh Viscount Rochdale, has never refused a wager, especially one that involves enticing a beautiful woman into his bed. He’s willing to stake his most prized possession that there’s not a single woman in all of England immune to his charms. But when the object of the wager is the prim and proper Grace Marlowe, he has to turn on the full force of his seductive charm to woo her.

Grace, the widow of a famous bishop, finds her stalwart virtue put to the test when the infamous rake shows an unexpected interest in her. Outraged, flattered, and reluctantly attracted, she soon finds herself falling under the spell of the man behind the scandalous reputation. Rochdale, in turn, is delighted to discover a fiery passion beneath the widow’s prudish façade. But when hearts and lives become tangled in the gamble, the truth of his seduction could ruin everything ...

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Ксю от Июль 30, 2007, 17:11:12
Сентябрь 2007

If His Kiss Is Wicked by Jo Goodman

(http://www.jogoodman.com/images/ihkiw.jpg)   Shy by nature, Emma Hathaway usually leaves the drama to her rebellious cousin, Marisol. But when Emma agrees to meet with her cousin's secret lover to end the affair, she is pulled into a dangerous game. Now Emma is convinced her involvementin the scandal has put her life in jeopardy. The trouble is none of Emma's confidantes believe anyone is trying to harm her. As whispers of madness begin, Emma turns to the only person who might be able to help...

The very handsome, barely respectable Restell Gardner has gained a reputation for helping people out of compromising positions. Never one to turn away a lady in need, Restell agrees to help solve the intrigue. Sensing there is more to the green-eyed beauty than meets the eye, Restell feels himself falling for Emma. But he resists succumbing to his passion... at least until he learns the truth about the danger that is haunting her. For if he gives in to temptation to soon, he could lose Emma forever...

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Ксю от Июль 30, 2007, 17:18:44
Август 2007

To Scotland, With Love by Karen Hawkins
(2-я книга в серии MacLean Curse)

(http://www.karenhawkins.com/images/to_scotland_with_love_L.jpg)   When Lord Gregor MacLean learns a fortune hunter has abducted his childhood friend, Venetia Oglivie, he rides off to Scotland in hot pursuit. If he doesn’t rescue the provocative wench swiftly, she’ll be ruined by scandal! But when an irate Gregor catches up with the supposed-damsel-in-distress, arrogantly expecting a hero’s welcome, the sparks between him and strong-willed Venetia fly. While they’re trapped by an unexpected snowstorm, those sparks grow so hot they threaten to burn down the inn! Now if Gregor can only convince Venetia that his motive for marriage isn’t duty . . . but desire!

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Ксю от Июль 30, 2007, 17:27:42
Сентябрь 2007

Highland Thirst by Hannah Howell & Linsey Sands
Очередной сборничек от Ханны Хауэлл и Линси Сэндс.

(http://www.lynsaysands.net/books/covers/highland_thirst_200.jpg)   EMBRACE THE DARK SIDE…

Cousins Heming MacNachton and Tearlach MacAdie are bound by the same blood, the same ancient curse, and now the same quest: to search out the enemies of their clan—hunters who consider them soulless demons and intend to exterminate them. But no sooner have Heming and Tearlach begun than they are drugged, separated, and taken captive. One is brought deep into the borderlands of Scotland, the other, in the dreary depths of Northern England. Caged and weakened, only two brave women give them hope…

Brona Kerr and Lady Lucy Blytheswood are irresistibly drawn to the mysterious prisoners. Together, the women resolve to save them. In doing so, they will safeguard the clan’s future and their own. For they are promised to cruel men who will do anything to possess them and the status that comes with them. Now Brona and Lucy must cross perilous terrain to fight for their lives—and for the men with whom they discover an eternal passion they never imagined…

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: jeni от Июль 30, 2007, 19:46:38
Август 2007

Sandra Brown "Play Dirty"

After five long years in federal prison, Griff Burkett is a free man. But the disgraced Cowboys quarterback can never return to life as he knew it before he was caught cheating. In a place where football is practically a religion, Griff committed a cardinal sin, and no one is forgiving.

Foster Speakman, owner and CEO of SunSouth Airlines, and his wife, Laura, are a golden couple. Successful and wealthy, they lived a charmed life before fate cruelly intervened and denied them the one thing they wanted most -- a child. It's said that money can't buy everything. But it can buy a disgraced football player fresh out of prison and out of prospects.

The job Griff agrees to do for the Speakmans demands secrecy. But he soon finds himself once again in the spotlight of suspicion. An unsolved murder comes back to haunt him in the form of his nemesis, Stanley Rodarte, who has made Griff's destruction his life's mission. While safeguarding his new enterprise, Griff must also protect those around him, especially Laura Speakman, from Rodarte's ruthlessness. Griff stands to gain the highest payoff he could ever imagine, but cashing in on it will require him to forfeit his only chance for redemption...and love.

Griff is now playing a high-stakes game, and at the final whistle, one player will be dead.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: jeni от Июль 30, 2007, 19:48:41
Август 2007

Elizabeth Boyle "Love Letters From A Duke"

Though she can’t afford the coal to heat her drafty Mayfair mansion, Felicity Langley still clings to her dream of marrying a duke--one she’s had since her very first curtsy. After all, she’s been all but promised to the very proper and very lofty Duke of Hollindrake for the last four years. Now all she has to do is meet him.  But what Felicity doesn’t realize is that she has met her duke—he’s the rather unfashionable yet altogether too-handsome man who has just turned up at her doorstep.  And Felicity has just mistaken him…for her new footman!

By rights, Thatcher should immediately set this presumptuous chit straight and tell her he has no intention of following through with a betrothal his grandfather—the previous duke—arranged. But he’s quickly smitten by Felicity’s delightful determination, her irrepressible charm…and her breathtaking beauty. Yes, she’d wed him in an instant were his true identity revealed—but Thatcher’s vowed to marry only for love.  So begins his deception and his conquest of this uncommon woman who doesn’t believe in romance, but is about to find her heart and passions set aflame by the unlikely servant she’s sworn to resist.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: jeni от Июль 30, 2007, 19:53:49
Август 2007

Stephanie Laurens "Beyond Seduction"

In a moment of recklessness, Gervase Tregarth, 6th Earl of Crowhurst, swears he'll marry the next eligible lady to cross his path. Cloistered at his ancestral castle in Cornwall, with nary a suitable woman for miles, he never expects he'll have to fulfill his pledge, at least not until the London Season begins. But then he meets his neighbor, the very appealing Madeline Gascoigne.

Years of secret service to the Crown have taught Gervase the value of always having a loophole—there will be no wedding if he and Madeline are incompatible in any way. So he sets out to prove that they would make a most dreadful match . . . by luring her into his arms and, ultimately, his bed.

From their very first kiss, Gervase discovers that the headstrong and independent Madeline is no meek country miss . . . and that the fire between them will burn long beyond that first seduction.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: margarita от Сентябрь 02, 2007, 02:27:16
правильно ли я понимаю, что бастион клуб из квартета плавно становится "никогда-не закончу-писать-эту серию-потому-что-она- хорошо-продается" серией типа кинстеров?

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Сентябрь 10, 2007, 13:27:44
На сайте www.simonsays.com есть книги, стоящие в планах аж до следующего лета. Вот. Так что будем ждать от любимых авторов (обратите внимание - большинство книг будут доступны в эл. виде  ;D) Так что - готовьтесь  ;)

Never Romance a Rake by Liz Carlyle
This Edition: Mass Market Paperback
Publication Date: June 01, 2008
List Price: $7.99

Untitled Historical Romance #2 By Johanna Lindsey (интересно, что бы это могло быть?)
This Edition: Hardcover
Publication Date: June 01, 2008
List Price: $25.00

Dark Needs at Night's Edge by Kresley Cole
This Edition: eBook
Publication Date: April 29, 2008
List Price: $5.99

First You Run by Roxanne St. Claire
This Edition: eBook
Publication Date: April 01, 2008
List Price: $5.99

To Wed a Wicked Prince by Jane Feather
This Edition: eBook
Publication Date: March 25, 2008
List Price: $6.99

Phantom in the Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon
This Edition: eBook
Publication Date: March 18, 2008
List Price: $9.99

Let Sleeping Rogues Lie by Sabrina Jeffries
This Edition: eBook
Publication Date: February 19, 2008
List Price: $5.99

Not That Innocent by Sherrilyn Kenyon and Kresley Cole and Gena Showalter
This Edition: eBook
Publication Date: February 05, 2008
List Price: $9.99

Dangers of Deceiving a Viscount by Julia London
This Edition: eBook
Publication Date: October 23, 2007
List Price: $5.99

Moon Fever by Maggie Shayne and Susan Sizemore and Lori Handeland and Caridad Pineiro
This Edition: eBook
Publication Date: September 25, 2007
List Price: $5.99

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Сентябрь 10, 2007, 13:52:43
А это - новинки ближайшего будущего от издательства Avon. Там все книги издаются так же в эл. виде

Secrets of a Proper Lady By Victoria Alexander
Price:    $7.99
On Sale:    9/25/2007

Sin and Scandal in England By Melody Thomas
Price:    $5.99
On Sale:    9/25/2007

A Touch of Minx By Suzanne Enoch
Samantha Jellicoe Series
Price:    $6.99
On Sale:    9/25/2007

The Scottish Companion By Karen Ranney
Price:    $6.99
On Sale:    9/25/2007

Illusions By Janet Dailey
Price:    $4.99
On Sale:    10/23/2007

In My Wildest Fantasies By Julianne MacLean
Price:    $6.99
On Sale:    10/30/2007

Blackthorne's Bride By Shana Galen
Price:    $5.99
On Sale:    10/30/2007

An Affair Before Christmas By Eloisa James
Price:    $7.99
On Sale:    11/13/2007

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Maire от Сентябрь 11, 2007, 01:12:28
А это - новинки ближайшего будущего от издательства Avon. Там все книги издаются так же в эл. виде

A Touch of Minx By Suzanne Enoch
Samantha Jellicoe Series
Price:    $6.99
On Sale:    9/25/2007
Получается, что две новинки Enoch выходят практически вплотную..... Здорово....!

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: margarita от Сентябрь 11, 2007, 09:18:25
какие все-таки классные названия у джеймс!

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: svetico от Январь 12, 2008, 17:21:11
Вот, решила вести что-то вроде дневника книжных новинок.
Здесь (http://svetico.w6.ru/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Library.New) - новинки за прошедший месяц, текущий, и на все последующие.
Здесь (http://svetico.w6.ru/pmwiki/pmwiki.php?n=Library.NewArchiv) - нечто вроде архива новинок (из которого, по мере возможностей, вычищаю книги появляющиеся в эл. виде)

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Полина от Март 12, 2008, 20:49:18
Завтра должна выйти Thigh High by Christina Dodd. Вроде как начало новой серии.       
 :sorry:Как мне нравятся туфельки!


Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Ксю от Март 13, 2008, 09:21:13
А я думала, что это продолжение серии... После "Беды на высоких каблуках" и "Tongue in Chic".

P.S. А туфельки - и правда супер! :)

UPD: Проверила на сайте Додд. Эта книга указана как #3 в серии "Fortune Hunter".

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Полина от Март 13, 2008, 10:25:10
Точно , не доглядела, моя вина! :hmfinger:

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Trisha от Апрель 16, 2008, 14:33:28
А еще она [Шеррилин Кеньон/Кинли Макгрегор] обещает в октябре книгу про Лохлана Макаллистера, Warrior...

Девочки не подскажете, вышла ли она на русском?  :)

И никто не знает, Элизабет Торнтон Almost a princess, 2003 будут переводить на русский?  :)

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Serenis от Апрель 16, 2008, 14:56:03
Триша, нет. Про Лохлана у нас еще не перевели, но осенью обещают "Укрощение горца" про одного из братьев Лохлана, Юана.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Trisha от Апрель 16, 2008, 15:05:57
Триша, нет. Про Лохлана у нас еще не перевели, но осенью обещают "Укрощение горца" про одного из братьев Лохлана, Юана.

Да? Жаль, что Лахлана пока не перевели, но покрайней мере будет Юан!!!))) Тоже хорошо!!! Серенис, а Юан это Эван, да?

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Serenis от Апрель 16, 2008, 15:35:24
ага, он самый.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: leny от Апрель 20, 2008, 15:33:09
В июле, я так понимаю,  новая Linda Howard - Death Angel. Ура!
After she double-crosses her lover, a ruthless crime lord, Drea must flee from a relentless assassin who ultimately succeeds in killing her. But after a very brief death, Drea returns to life a changed woman: no longer selfish and cruel, determined to bring down the ones who marked her for death. Joining forces with the FBI, little does she suspect that the man she will come to love is the same assassin who took her life.

А на октябрь Linda Howard - At His Mercy

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Ludoedka от Апрель 20, 2008, 15:39:15
Ничего себе, аннотация... :o

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: leny от Апрель 20, 2008, 15:42:42
А, что - позитивненько  ;D

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: jeni от Апрель 20, 2008, 15:51:53
На мой взгляд, ооочень интригующая аннотация!Жду с нетерпением! :tongue+:
Напоминает книгу "Если повезет".

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: margarita от Апрель 28, 2008, 22:03:41
с амазона пришли уведомления о новых книжках. ужасно хочется :(

The Wicked Ways of a Duke (Avon Historical Romance) (Avon Historical Romance) (Mass Market Paperback)
by Laura Lee Guhrke (Author)


Surviving on her sparse wages as a seamstress, Prudence Bosworth finally gets the chance to pursue her dreams of love, romance, and adventure when she inherits a fortune from her long-lost father--with the stipulation that she must marry in one year.
Prudence is a seamstress whose illegitimacy has meant she lives rather on the margins of society. When she meets the Duke of St Cyres she thinks he is wonderful but of course a seamstress is nothing to an aristocrat. However when Prudence discovers she is due to inherit an amazing sum of money, is now an heiress, she begins to wonder if she could have him. Rhys de Winter, the duke, has discovered that Prudence is an heiress and yet he thinks the only way to get her to marry him is to woo her the traditional way; if she thinks him a fortune hunter she won't marry him so he pretends that he doesn't know. Of course building lies upon lies is always likely to cause a problem in the end...
отзыв:In 1894 London impoverished seamstress Prudence Bosworth dreams of Prince Charming sweeping her off her aching feet. She has no hope of her fantasy turning into reality until she inherits a fortune from a father she never knew existed. However, the will contains a stipulation to obtain the money Prudence must be married or get nothing.------------- Having no prospects and though she would prefer to marry for love, Prudence believes that Duke Rhys De Winter is a kind person, who would treat her nice. However, she has only seen the Duke perform his one kindness of the century instead he is a rogue who needs money so he willingly agrees to wed the naive heiress. They marry and everything is great until she learns the truth about her scoundrel spouse, who must persuade his wife that he loves her.--------------- This is an engaging Victorian romance that sub-genre fans will enjoy due to the changing relationship between the lead couple. She loves and respects him while he likes and disrespects her that changes when he falls in love while she detests him. Fans will appreciate this late nineteenth century Guys and Dolls romance---I'd also recommend reading Tino Georgiou's bestselling novel--The Fates--if you missed it

Never Trust a Scoundrel (Mass Market Paperback)
by Gayle Callen (Author)


Grace is horrified! Her mother not only lost their family home in a game of cards, but she also lost Grace! Now she's supposed to marry the scoundrel who accepted the wager. Daniel Throckmorten is no stranger to scandal. Afterall, his mother was accused of killing his father, and he himself is used to living on the fringes of polite society. He's hardened his heart against the sort of emotions that would make him sympathetic to Grace, and so he proposes a challenge - if she can resist his seduction for two weeks, he will not hold her to the wager. Grace has no intention of falling for this notorious scoundrel, but the more time she spends with Daniel, the more she realizes the deep emotional scars he carries...and the more she tumbles into love.

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Полина от Апрель 28, 2008, 22:28:04
Ритуля,  :-*

!afaiktoit Laura Lee Guhrke - The Wicked Ways of a Duke (html).rar

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: Serenis от Апрель 28, 2008, 22:48:49
кстати, ее книги неплохо представлены на Озоне (http://www.ozon.ru/?context=search&text=Laura+Lee+Guhrke+&go=%CD%E0%E9%F2%E8), каждая в районе каких-то 450 руб.... ;D

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: margarita от Апрель 28, 2008, 22:56:07
сурьезно?:) пошукаю! юлечка, спасибо огромное!!!

Название: Re: Новинки печати
Отправлено: margarita от Апрель 28, 2008, 23:31:54
упд: спасибо за инфу об озоне, заказала там and then he kissed her. но сроки доставки у них конечно... я фигею,клава. курьерской службой - почти месяц!!! (обещали 20 мая,с заказом сегодня).
в болеро, для сравнения - срок был меньше недели,а цена меньше (здесь за доставку 200 р, там было сто). про амазон я вообще молчу - по англии доставляли вообше за день :( я конечно, понимаю, что расстояния не те, но вот топ-книга со склада в сибири и то быстрее доставляет...